Is it Possible?

I think I am in love. And I don’t mean with my husband. Or my kids. Or even my cat. I think I am in love with this: My seratonin levels are skyrocketing and everything moves in slow motion when I am near it.I think about it at work, I overuse it at home. I…

Sweating the Small Stuff

It is so nice to sweat the small stuff around here for a change. In a household such as ours, where there is a special needs child, we have become accustomed to stressing over all of the big stuff: neurologist visits, hospital stays, failed diets, side effects from medications, elopement, and numerous other things that…

You Are What You Eat

I KNOW! Isn’t it great???? Sushi. The food of the GODS. And overworked school teachers. And after staring at my best friend’s backside all day (she’s the one on the left) I left school and immediatley went to our local sushi place and ordered some rolls. And for the record, my amazing, sexy, patient, brilliant…

Jesus Is In My Air Freshener

I kid you not. I discovered this strange phenomenon a week or so ago. I was just doing my thing in the bathroom when I looked up and……, Jesus was staring right at me from the glass cinammon apple air freshener i keep on the counter. It was startling and creepy to say the least.…

Tractors, Thunderstorms, Farms, Oh My!

We departed our bustling world of Orange County on Tuesday night, taking the red eye to Cleveland, Ohio (Hello OHmommy!). We boarded an express jet and flew into Albany and picked up our comfy and clean rental car. We drove two hours south and found ourselves in Keesville, NY. We were in the middle of…

All Things "Kaboom"

Every year, around July 1st, my husband begins to get a glazed look in his eyes. This is about the time they set up the local firework booths near our house. This is also the time of year I fear for our bank account. It never fails that by the time July 4th rolls around,…