Pickle Soup

Today is my mom’s birthday. I am going to be respectful, and not tell you her age. She prefers it that way. Today our family is celebrating someone pivotal in all of our lives. Someone who has shaped this family into the dysfunctional mess that we are today. But I digress. I am roughly the…

Tiny Giant

“Daddy, could you get the elephant soap down for me please?” “Sure buddy, why?” “Cause I want to wash Monchichi so that you don’t have to do it tonight.” *sigh* Sometimes it feels like God is in the room with you. Like right now.

The Snowman that Won’t Melt

Monchichi makes sure that we exercise our family motto of “just roll with it” on a daily basis. If it’s not the growing collection of mystery cans strewn about the house, it’s the pile of half-consumed water bottles he keeps adding to each day. It’s kind of sad really; like a little cemetery for plastic…

Recipe for the Perfect Family

One highlighted blonde, in a red, curve hugging sweater, drinking the evening away with her boss, who happens to be dating the owner of the sports bar they are in. One hot twenty-something guy, facial hair in all the right places, sitting two tables over with some rowdy friends. One jukebox, playing Prince, much to…

125mg + 125 mg = Too Much Medication

“I can get you in on the 12th of February at 4:15 p.m.” “Wonderful. Thank you Dr. Marci. In the meantime, can we start decreasing some of the meds? It just seems like so much.” “I want to decrease the Klonopin first, but in order to do that, we have to go up on the…

Dusty Capes

It’s a well-known fact that childhood comes with many milestones; especially in the beginning. It seems like with each passing day, some new goal is reached, and, in our biased hearts, each one is deemed worthy of a front page headline. What you don’t really hear about though, is how with each day, certain milestones…

Writing What I Know

And I know this. Life in our household is a constant ebb and flow of love and hugs and special needs interventions and piano lessons and a family trying to make it all work. And somehow it is working. But I don’t share enough of it with people. Especially on what is supposed to be…