Jo Ashline is an award-winning writer living in Orange County with her husband Michael, and their two sons, Andrew (19) and Ian (18). At the age of 2, Andrew was diagnosed with Autism and Epilepsy, as well as global development delay. In 2018, after a new round of genetic testing by his neurologist, Andrew was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder, SynGap1. After 14 years of searching for answers, this unexpected discovery finally explained the many physical and medical challenges Andrew faces, and has opened the door to new possibilities and hope for the future.
For over a decade, Jo has been chronicling her family’s journey with her unique combination of candor and humor, including her personal struggles with alcoholism and the gift of recovery; the realities of raising a child with disabilities; the joys, difficulties, and truths of parenthood and marriage; her unique perspective as a Polish immigrant with a US citizenship; and the blessings and awkwardness that come with living with her parents.
A passionate advocate for children and adults with disabilities, as well as their parents, caregivers, and siblings, Jo is dedicated to bringing awareness about challenges facing families like hers, while celebrating triumphs and milestones within the disability community. Using her voice to connect with a diverse audience, Jo is determined to make the world more inclusive for her son and his peers, and has been known to assist individuals, businesses, and organizations in creating a more welcoming and accommodating environment for everyone.
Jo received her B.S. in Child and Adolescent Development from California State University, Fullerton, and her M.S. in Child Development from the University of La Verne. She has been featured in local and national print media, and continues to offer expertise as a speaker for universities, various organizations, employers, and advocacy groups.
Catch up on Jo’s features, columns, and more by clicking here.