After hearing that President Barack Obama had just been reelected to a second four-year-term as our nation’s president I turned to my laptop and watched as Facebook suddenly became a blur of emotions, with months of political discourse coming to a head and clashing in a sea of  insults and joyous celebration.

For perspective, I posted this on my timeline:

“In 1981, my parents fled Poland two weeks before Martial law. I was 4, my sister was 8 months old. They left the only home they ever knew and came to America, because they knew it was filled with promise and opportunity rather than riddled with the side effects of Communism, like crappy health care and 5 hour long lines for stale bread. Some are elated tonight, and some are downright depressed, but know this: we get to pick again in 4 years. Before you bad mouth our country, try living somewhere else, where there is No choice and truly No hope. Count your blessings America, because there are many.”

I awoke this morning knowing our country continued to be greatly divided and that emotions were running high and I checked in on my favorite social media sites to see how everyone was faring.

But my fascination quickly turned to disgust when I kept seeing the same status popping up over and over again:

“A sad and tragic day for our nation.”

Disappointing? Sure, if your guy didn’t win, I’m sure you’re feeling disappointed.

Frustrated? Nervous? Deflated? If you were counting on a different outcome, then of course you’re likely to feel these things.

But to exclaim that this is a tragic day for our nation?


To those who truly believe the Presidential election results are tragic, let me refresh your memory of what tragic really looks like, because it seems so many have clearly forgotten:


This is what TRAGIC looks like. Photo courtesy 9/11 Photos via Flickr
Again. This is what tragic looks like. Photo courtesy 9/11 Photos via Flickr

If I sound like I’m scolding some of you, it’s because I am. Get it together people and gain some perspective. Because this country will go to hell in a hand basket not because of a single man, but because we allow ourselves to forget just how amazing and resilient and FREE our nation truly is.

Maybe you woke up this morning feeling frightened about your future because you were counting on the other guy to make things better. But you also woke up in the same country where you are Free to express your religious beliefs, Free to speak your mind, Free to choose where you want to live, and Free to think idiotic things such as “this is a tragic day for our nation.”

I urge you to find a way today to remind yourself just how good we have it, even if you’re facing economic strife or some sort of adversity. I can tell you this much: as a mom of a special needs child, there’s nowhere else in the world I’d rather be because I know that even though we have a long way to go in the way of awareness, accessibility, and acceptance, we are light years ahead of so many other countries in the world.

Today I un-friended the first person since the Presidential campaigns began. She threw a tantrum on Facebook and compared our President and those who voted for him to terrorists.

I draw the line there. Those photos above? That’s the handiwork of terrorists.

So if you’re feeling a bit down in the dumps today because Mitt Romney won’t be moving into the White House come January, remember that we live in a nation where you get to do this all over again in four years.

In the meantime, empower others by getting involved in your community somehow. Do something kind for someone. Be someone’s hero. Spread kindness and tolerance. Teach your children that diversity is the cornerstone of this country and show them that not only is it possible to lose with dignity and respect, it’s imperative if we’re to move forward as nation.

Then meet up with your coworkers at the water cooler or your friends at the bar, and talk about what an idiot you think Obama is.

Because you can.


UPDATE: I’m so happy to know that this post has resonated with so many of you. I wrote it from my heart and I feel the exact same way today. Of course, I wrote it hoping we could all join hands and sing Kumbaya while rainbow colored unicorn poop fell from the sky, but alas, (and according to some of the comments) we just aren’t there yet. So in the meantime, if you have a comment, please remember to remain respectful or it will be deleted. Because unlike our fair nation, this website here is a straight up dictatorship.


Recent posts from Jo:

In Honor of Veterans Day: The Veteran I Almost Knew

And a Little Child Shall Lead Them

Sometimes We See What We Need to See and I Really Needed to See THIS


© 2008-2012 Jo Ashline

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1,510 Replies to “Presidential Election: “Sad and Tragic Day for Our Nation””

  1. Very well said, Jo. I’m not sure how it’s tragic that people exercised their constitutional rights and the democratic process favored one candidate over another. That’s generally what happens in an election.

  2. Pretty good analysis unless you feel like some of us that we are headed for a fisical cliff that will plunge us into chaos. If you think people here were threatening to riot if Romney was elected, I doubt they will turn into good citizens if there is hyper inflation or a food shortage. Sometimes you don’t get a chance to do it again in 4 years. This is my fear.

  3. Well said! And thank you for putting into perspective just how much we all have to be thankful for in this country.

  4. Your Facebook friend certainly had the right to say what they said. You, too, had the right to un friend them. What a wonderful country we live in.

  5. I must first say the first part was very well writen. I started to zone out after the first pic of a truly tragic day in our greatnations history. I want to also point out that this election was about much more then who will be in office the next 4 years! Supreme Court is something we as Americans DO NOT get to vote on. Once someone is in they stay till death most times. Do you know who picks them and help get them in office? The current president who was just elected, that’s who! I know for a fact that I DO NOT believe alot of what he beliefs. Who ever gets into that office will effect our country for 30+ years. This is why today was a sad day for me. Because people who do not hold the same values and/or beliefs that I do will be in office when my kids will have to live with whatevery they say. NEXT TIME try to see the whole picture not just the next four years.

  6. all I have to say to this is….. Thank you for articulating what’s been bumtumbling around in my head for the last couple of days. Very well said and I could NOT agree more

  7. I had a similar thought as I went to bed last night. I felt that last night should have been patriotic- even thought I’m conservative, and voted as such. I wanted our country to come together like we did the year that FOLLOWED 9/11/01- that was almost the last time it seems we were UNITED. After that we became SO divided. Great post.

  8. David W Knight, Sr. is doing it again, Jo. The president doesn’t hold the same beliefs as he does, so he is sad. David, this is a concequence of living in a nation where we are all entitled to our own beliefs. Deal with it. I would feel the exact same way if Romney had been elected, and did feel the same way when GW was in office, but went on living my life just as I would have under Gore- bought homes, got an education, had children, took vacations, etc. 50% of the nation feels that way at any given time. But if you are going to ask Jo to see the big picture, please do so yourself, sir, and consider the stroke of luck that has you living a life of freedom and liberty, and the million other forces that come into play to affect our quality of life here on Earth. The president and a set of Supreme Court justices aren’t going to have that much influence compared to the control we each have over our own destinies.

  9. a mutual friend, Mark Dodson, shared your post on fb and I was so happy he did. this was a great reminder. I shared it on fb & twitter and have had many friends share it as well. hopefully we can remind others we have the power to make change happen.

  10. Thank you for writing this article!! I thank you for giving me another (BETTER) perspective to look at this year’s election. I am a native New York and use to work at the World Trade Center on the 101st Floor and seeing those picture made me cry all over again!

    Yes, we have a tendency of looking at what we don’t have and what’s wrong instead of being grateful and thankful for what we DO have. We forget that there are others who do not have the “freedoms” that we have in the United States; we definitely take it for granted, which is a huge mistake on all our parts, myself included. Again, thank you!

    God bless you and your family!

  11. I wish I could put that on a coffee mug. But since it’s too big, I will stick with God Bless the USA – Thank You for being Free.

    Awesome post. Truly.

  12. Thank you for your wonderful article. All day I felt as if I had been punched in the stomach, or as if something wonderful was lost and gone forever. I think your voice is particularly important because of your family history and I want to thank you for sharing that. We Americans have so much to learn from those who have lived under communism. Usually however, I feel it is they who give us the us the most realistic and dire warning for policies such as those the Obama Administration will now pursue with a vengeance (yes, he is after all the President who said to vote for him for the sake of “revenge”). But you have given pause for thought in the best of ways.

  13. Oh my goodness. I saw this via a friend (Jen up there!) on facebook and it brought tears to my eyes. This election season has been so disheartening for me with all of the hate being spewed. It was so refreshing to see a post that truly puts it into perspective in a way I hope so many Americans can see.

    In response to the earlier commentor talking about the Supreme Court- that’s funny because their mention of that as an issue was the first reference to it I’ve seen in all the anger floating around today. That’s not what people are outwardly upset about. In elections there are winners and there are losers. In this country, we have the amazing gift of knowing in another 4 years, there is a set date, where we will go to the polls and get to do it all over again. Until then, Change begins with us.

  14. Brilliant article. So many need a glass of cold water thrown in their faces – how did we get to such a hateful place? Keep throwing that water, sistah.

  15. You couldn’t have said it any better. People at work talk about how bad the President is. They just don’t understand he wasn’t the one that made it bad. And thing won’t get fixed in one day.

  16. haven’t you heard? we had plunged off the fiscal cliff some time before electing Obama the first time. AND – while our growth is called “anemic” by the Reps, Anemic growth is far better than, a very different from – spiraling out of control – which was where we were before the last election. Gratefully, according to the exit polling, many who voted for Obama – remembered that the horrible economic issues preceded him. And – perhaps – if those in congress who swore on the day of the election 4 years ago to ensure that Obama fail, and who have blocked all bills to help unemployed & vets – just to ensure that Obama fail – were to begin to work in a non-partisan manner, with the best interest of all Americans at heart – we might just change the growth from Anemic to healthy. Let us hope together for better days.

  17. Very poetic but absurdly hipo-critcal. Where were your words during the election when the upper class of our nation was being ripped apart, being labeled racist and greedy. Why couldn’t you have come out then to let everyone in on the secret that we all, as Americans, have it better than anywhere else on the planet? The tragedy of re-electing this man as president of the United States is a real thing, which will become apparent to you soon enough. The only positive thing is he cannot run again.

  18. This article is very true. However the sad thing about this event is that when 9-11 happened it pulled Americans together. It reminded us that we are all each other has. It showed the bravery of many of our citizens and all this made us proud to be American. The events of the current times have pulled us apart and it is because of that that today is a tragic day, long standing friendships lost, hurt feelings and broken families. Our country standing on 2 opposing sides… This is infact a tragic day when we forget what we have learned and loved about our country.

  19. I felt we were at a “fiscal cliff” in 2008 when neighbors all around me were losing their homes due to the mortgage debacle. Then, there were jobs that were not there because they went overseas. Also, I was seeing lines of homeless people waiting for food, children sleeping in cars with their parents. My son lost his job because it was being done, cheaper, overseas.
    Then we watched the Republicans fight any activity by the government that would alleviate the distress that had been caused by corporate greed. The elections shows that the people are learning to fight back, together. We’ll fight another 4 years.

  20. I am proud to be Canadain but totally love what you have to say and can’t believe how many people speak about how they vote it it taboo to me too many people become enemies over night when you talk about politics it is a private matter the same as sex it stays in the house haha really good eye opening article

  21. L.R. Kopp, your fear-mongering is exactly what the author was trying to point out…Chaos, really? Food Shortage? really, for the most obese nation on the planet? Not going to have election s again in 4 years? Really?

  22. Seriously! You have to be kidding. Seriously? Get up and help your neighbor, some neighbor each day and that might just cure your synicsim about yourself and others. The world is still twirling and this is what a federal republic looks like in action.

  23. Very well said Joashline. However, I think I should just through it out there. This country, no. . . this world will soon perish to its end. Starting with Obama being president. Everything you see before you is a lie. Barrack Obama isn’t even that guys real name. And our “votes” aren’t really counted. They knew who would be in our office a long time ago. Stop watching tv and reading facebook all day. Pick up your bibles and focus. READ IT. The value of the american dollar is dropping. Soon we will all need a chip implanted into our hands just to buy good, gas, water. And people who refuse will be divided from their families and put into concentration camps. If you think Im some kind of loon 🙂 google it. so called “Obama” has 10 concentration set up already. This is only a scratch upon the surface for there is out there and what is to come. This election, is simply a distraction.

  24. This Canadian applauds you. And wraps you cheerily in flannel. And splashes you with maple syrup. And throws celebratory beavers your way. And other stereotypically Canadian things.

    I’m not a big fan of our Prime Minister here in the Great White North. I don’t like a lot of the decisions his cabinet is making, and I’m looking forward to the day they’re no longer in power. But it could be worse – much, much worse – and this is what I tell myself every time I read something he’s doing and get a serious case of bitch face. There are people dying at the hands of dictators. We are not them, and we should be immensely grateful. Use your freedom of speech – a right we are so fortunate to have – and help create change. But quit going all drama queen, people. It doesn’t solve a damn thing.

    BTW, hope the beavers aren’t getting too sticky…

  25. So what? If the election had gone the other way then people who do not hold the same values and beliefs that *I* do would be on the Supreme Court. What makes you so much more special than me? Nothing. NEXT TIME, why don’t YOU try to see the whole picture. You are not the only one in it. Believe it!

  26. I’m now so very thankful for my friends on Facebook and elsewhere! I have yet to hear or read an ugly political rant similar to the ones you describe!!

  27. Thank you for this. I so agree. I don’t understand the absolute hatred people harbor for President Obama. As much as I may not have liked or agreed with some former elected officials, I’ve never felt hatred. That is what scares and baffles me. Our ability to stay together and prosper as one nation is what makes us so special, but it seems that some don’t understand this. This nation was born out of discordant discource and the weaving together of those chords to create something truly magnificent.

  28. here thanks to my daughter sharing a link on her FB. This is amazing, so true and the kick in the pants many of us need. Thank you for focusing us all on the big picture.

  29. Jordan is crazy. I was simply saying President Obama, Barack Hussein, took us a couple steps backward by waging class and gender warfare in order to meet his own ends. And we have a Republican house which only means he will not show up for work for the next two years, because he lacks the leadership to get things done “across the aisle.” The man hasn’t been in the office for the last year. Man oh man, we are in trouble and this is a tragedy. But I love the idea of everyone getting involved on a local level and contributing to the community. Maybe all we can do at this point.

  30. tolerance? teach tolerance? really? tolerance of who….all religions? including those that abhor and shoot women in the head who want to go to school?

    If the day you show in pictures is your idea of a tragedy…..think carefully about Obama, his relationship to those leaders around the world who closely associate with and are entrenched in the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Don’t hold your little campfire ring of peace and happiness quite yet, Jo.
    The Brotherhood will come knocking and Obama will not only unlock the door, but he’ll step aside to let them in. Perhaps then you’ll re-think this ‘tragedy’ definition of yours.

  31. The problem with this article is this…….I remember another tragedy…..WWII which began with a dictatorship. ONE MAN who invaded another country and millions of people suffered horrible atrocities because of one man. What is mind boggling to me is that people are oblivious to the fact that it can happen HERE too. We have a powerful military….If a leader ordered marshall law and if we became economically so unstable that rioting started in the streets we could very well end up living in a nation under government control. Who’s gonna intervene? Who COULD intervene? No one that’s who. You really think that when we finally go over the fiscal cliff it’s not gonna get ugly?? People like you don’t understand burying grandparents who fought and lost their lives to give us this freedom you speak so lightly about. It didn’t come free……so excuse those of us who are frightened by the socialist direction this country is taking…..and yes we value EVERY election we get and we PRAY it will not be our last!

  32. Really? $16Trillion in debt, 23 million out of work, 27 million on food stamps – another Obamatron.

  33. Thanks for a great article and for saying exactly what I have felt the past few days. No one person is going to make everyone happy at the same time. The country voted for who they feel is the best person to lead the country for the next few years. Point. Blank. Period.

    All the other comments about the President being a terrorist and such is not only sad but a little alarming. You have absolutely no basis of proof of this, yet Gov Romney said he is not worried about the 47% (which I assume are a lot of people commenting) and no one says anything about that disrespectful comment that clearly shows IMO that he would not have been a President for the people. I just don’t get it….am I missing something?

  34. Thank you. Beautifully written. Beautifully said. Sometimes we lose perspective on what we really have and how truly tragic things can be. I pray for peace in America. I would rather work together for a purpose than fight about things that can be changed. America is always changing. Don’t like it? Change it . Make a difference.

  35. Laura – I was born in Poland and left with my family two weeks before Martial Law. The country was already a hot mess by then, thanks to a history of war and an unfortunate group of neighbors that were hell bent on tearing my birth country apart. In 1939, Poland was invaded by Hitler. My grandmother was 16. She lost her brother-in-law and her father to the Nazis. She watched people get shot in the middle of the street. She hid in the forest for months at a time and managed to survive by the skin of her teeth. She spent the better part of the war stepping over corpses in the street, trying not to get shot.

    At the age of 17 I visited Auschwitz for the very first time. I walked inside one of the rooms, and there, behind a thick glass, was a mountain of grey hair. Some of the braids – little girl braids – were still intact. I gagged and wanted to run away, but I stayed because those little girls and their mothers and fathers and brothers deserved my respect and I walked through and I felt the walls and I smelled the halls and I imagined all of the souls that were tortured and killed there. Those are my roots, Laura. That is MY history. My parents came to this country with hope and love and fear because they knew that what they were leaving behind unstable and scary and they wanted more.

    So here I am. In my mid-thirties, a family of my own, raising two boys, one of whom has special needs, feeling pretty damn blessed that I’m a citizen of this nation. I do not take my freedom, or your freedom, lightly Laura. And because I’ve seen what can happen, because I have roots, in a very deep and painful history, there’s nothing that pisses me off more than hearing a group of radicals proclaim that our country is headed towards a dictatorship or socialism. You have no idea what you speak of because if you did, you would know just how ridiculous, pompous and spoiled rotten that truly sounds.

  36. I agree there are a lot of people over-reacting, but I am just as shocked at the opposite reactions. Especially from someone who has experienced a country and scenario like you described. One of the main reasons people, myself included, are upset is because America just chose socialism over capitalism. We are choosing as a nation to give up freedoms, to have worse health care. That is the future we are headed towards, not just another 4 years of this president. It’s the fact that the “takers” now outnumber the givers in our country and too many people don’t grasp that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. I was hoping for a president who wouldn’t over-ride congress with HUNDREDS of executive orders and a president who understands how to fix the economy faster than a snail’s pace.

  37. Yeah guess what? We are on our way to becoming the country your parents took you away from and now there will be no place left to run too. It is a tragic day.

  38. actually, yes, since you mentioned it, i think that your ideas are loony, or better yet, truly paranoid fiction in your head. None of this is going to happen. The book called “the bible” that you’re reading was cobbled together from oral history over 100 years after events actually happened, and plagarized the Torah. People have been predicting “the end of days” for two thousand years now, and, gosh, even the Mayans didn’t get it right. Please go to a “concentration camp” and bring back pictures. Then, maybe, the world will believe you. Otherwise, please come into the real world and join the rest of us to work on solving our problems.

  39. Precisely. When you understand tyranny, you understand that people have voted themselves into slavery under an ever-present Nanny State. The German people voted for Hitler, he didn’t take over there. Read Mark Levin’s “Liberty and Tyranny” as well as “Ameritopia” and you may be able to grasp what we once had – how truly special and unique our country was, and where we are headed. It is tragic. As for the acts committed against our country and way if life on September 11, 2001, those are better classified as atrocities. They were deliberate, not accidental.

    And just what is so radical about limited government, personal responsibility and taxation with representation?

  40. My feelings exactly, sometimes I wonder is it because they were not raised in America and depended on the government to get them started here that they feel obligated in some way to praise entitlements but most people here have had to work very hard on they’re own to get ahead. I was born into a large family with an alcoholic father, my mother always worked and her 7 children grew up to be hard working contributing Americans . I believe in social services for people who truly need them but not those who live off it all they’re lives. If only we could all work together to make Anerica what she used to be. It is a tragic down fall. For America.

  41. Out of curiosity — do you think there were signs leading up to what your grandmother went through? Were they ignored? Dismissed because of the economic distress of WWI? Should things maybe have been stopped BEFORE they got to that terrible point in history?

    Because while I do not find our current situation in America to be as bad as some make it out to be, there is certainly reason for concern. And for those who will suffer with higher taxes, less spending opportunity, who have special needs children that lost their ability to put them in a school of their choice (which better suits their needs), who lose their jobs because of the cost of Obamacare, etc., these are genuine concerns. I personally know of one manufacturing business that is closing its doors as a direct result of this election, because the cost of doing business isn’t worth it to the owner any more. 26 people will lose their jobs in an already economically depressed area. Don’t diminish their tragedy by acting as if 9/11 or even death is the only “true” misery.

    But most importantly, this isn’t just about one man. Yes, the Presidency is ONE person, but we still have a divided nation and a divided Congress. The fiscal cliff (which some don’t seem to actually understand based on the comments – mandatory cuts to spending, mandatory tax increases) is not hyperbole but a real description of what is about to happen at the end of the year if we don’t find consensus. And we are pretty much split down the middle. STILL Many individuals and many businesses were looking for relief and for the HOPE of someone who could build bi-partisan support.

    A lot of people had their “hope” snatched from them today, and to be so insensitive as to dismiss their very real feelings isn’t eloquent writing, it is shameful in itself. Most people had a lot of energy invested in the outcome of this election, and it is crazy to act as if everything is going to stay the same or that our country operates on auto-pilot and it matters not who is the leader. There are very real consequences to the election. There would have been very real consequences had Romney been elected as well.

    While some people most definitely went over the top — acting as if this is no big deal and has no real effect on individual lives is intellectually dishonest.

    By the way — you aren’t the only one with roots in a painful past, nor are you the only authority. There are many with similar backgrounds who vigorously disagree with you. It is not just radicals who see us moving towards socialism.

    And nothing pisses me off more than someone attempting to come off as moderate and reasonable, yet is dismissive of at others with very valid feelings.

    I guess you don’t realize how pompous and arrogant you sound!

  42. Why don’t YOU do some research on George Bush’s ties to the oil companies in the middle east. Talk about misplaced interest! The “fiscal cliff” that ABLE BODIED citizens are so frightened of happened in 2008. Progress has been slow…but the fact that several swing states that may have been predicted to be Romney’s were NOT because their unemployment rates were far below the national average.

  43. I do appareciate you pointing out a true tradgedy since so many people are thinking because their candidate lost, that’s a tradgedy. With all due respect, it seems that you of all people may be taking the greatness of this country for granted since you know what it was like elsewhere. This is exactly what people are afraid of happening right here in this country especially when some candidates have said things about dis-manteling the Constitution and re-writing it. It is a known fact that the newly elected Commander in Chief is not a Christian, he is in fact a Muslim and does not believe in the Bible. The Bible our forefathers used to validate so many ideals on for this country. This is why so many people are depressed and frightened because they do not want what some other countries have now, Martial, and Sharia Law; without our Constitution and God; this is a possibility. I am not a political wizard but when I hear things like this it is scarey to me and possibly we would not have another election in 4 years if the constitution is re-written. The comments I just read concerning this issue sadden me because some were from people who are taking our American Freedoms and our leaders following and adhereing to our Constitution; for granted. There are no guarantees that our lives will be like they are now in our near future and that we will be choosing again for a new leader in 4 years. Being optimistic is one thing, having a polyanna attitude is a whole different matter. It is surprising at how fast things can change and all of a sudden lives are at stake and no one knows how to get things back. It happened once, and it could happen again. Don’t think that just because many years have passed that Martial Law could not be declared right here in the US. THIS is what people are so afraid of. We can only pray to God that he watches over and helps who ever is leading the country to make it safe and keep it free for all of us.

  44. David, again that is the point. We are a country with people of all different values. And here in America we are allowed to have them and vote for the person(s) we think will best follow through with our values. And this may come as a surprise but, your children will one day be adults and will then have their own values, which may or may not be the same ones you have today.

  45. I thought I was the only person to remember that statement about making sure Obama failed and the efforts to guarantee that outcome…problem was that if our President failed, the country failed. People kept asking ” Are you better off now than 4 years ago?”, well, not really but We are all a heck of alot better than we would have been if it weren’t for the auto industry bailouts and as much as I dislike the results of the bank bailouts, it was necessary.

  46. it was tragic for our country. Why is someone who worked on the streets for planning against this country, someone who never had a real job, and no job in government, and he won’t show his dissertation for college but you can get his wife’s on the internet and find out what they are all about. That is being a Dictator not a President

  47. Scotti, you must not have read the article we are all commenting on. Take your hate mongering somewhere else. We really need to come together as a nation, no matter who you voted for! Ultimately, we are all American’s and if you do not agree with democracy then maybe you should go live somewhere where it doesn’t exist.

  48. I never knew we had so many psychics out there. I used to love hearing all the predictions people use to call into this radio show Coast-to-Coast, especially the ones who were upset about this or that candidate winning the presidency – the world will end, we will be taken over by China, etc. What I loved even more was when they followed up the next year and reviewed each and every one of them. So few ever made it to being correct. What am I trying to say?

    People turn off your TVs, your radios, and your cell phones and walk out the door and take a nice walk. It’s a beautiful out there if you just take a deep breath and walk away from it all for a bit.

    I loved your post. Beautifully written. Beautifully said. I’m off walk my dogs in the rain now. It’s nice to think that I can do so without worrying about the awful things that might (or might not) befall our nation because one man won a race.

  49. All I can say is wow. Jordan, I am wondering what Bible you read. The one I read talks about a God who is in control. I believe and have faith in the direction God and OUR President have for this country. I am truly proud to be an American and see democracy at its finest. So instead of complaining, and spreading your looney conspiracy theories get out and change something. Oh, and by the way, what is President Obama’s real name…and just how did you come across this information? The same way they say, “You are what you eat.” I believe you are what you read; so fill yourself with all of the word of God and not just the passages that serve your personal agenda! Good night and God Bless you and the fine Nation!

  50. You know, it’s paranoid conspiracy nuts that really get my gears a grindin’, but that’s my personal feelings about a group. I don’t get why people think, oh hey a girl got shot by the Taliban ’cause she wanted to go to school. Are all Taliban/Al Qaeda members Muslim? Yes. Are all Muslims part of the Taliban/ Al Qaeda? No. It’s absurd to think like that. It’d be the same as someone pointing out a white Christian and saying, hey he’s Christian and white, he must be in the KKK.

    Extremists are extremists, that’s what it comes down to. Not everyone has the same views globally. You can say, oh but Muslims are taught that women should be controlled and etc., but how do you know all Muslims think that way? You don’t. What you do see is what they want you to see for the most part. People who live in oppressed countries like much of Africa, the Middle East, and some of Asia don’t get to voice their opinions as freely as us because they’re being watched. Have a little more faith in mankind, you might surprise yourself, Scotti.

  51. Such a great post and I’m so glad I was directed here to read. I couldn’t agree more. Our freedom is definitely not tragic.

  52. Yeah Today is not a tragic day and right on when you say enjoy everything you have now when you wake up tomorrow! But be very weary about waking up every day after that because the freedom you have now wont be there the day after! Ive worked with Polish peo;le for the past 15 years and they did leave their country because of communism. They will be the first ones to tell you we are on our way to becoming the communist country they left behind. Something so beautiful that took so much time and so many to people to build can easily be destroyed by 1 man in seconds. Obama is Santa Clause right now for so many low class people. Hes giving them the gifts of free benefits. Food stamps,medical,cheaper housing, the list goes on and on. Except its not free. Im paying for them to get these free gifts as well as thousands maybe even millions of other true hard working Americans. This is one freedom i have lost already and its a huge blow. I have no choice of the matter that just about 30% of my hard earned money that only I worked for is taken away from me every week! Sure i can say no for the time being but then i just end up owing them even more. Eventually us hard working Americans will stop giving in and this is the day the revolution starts. When they cant get money from us anymore who is left to take it from? This has happend before and its pretty much history repeating itself. You’ll see!

  53. So, I am confused Scottie, is Jesus coming a bad thing? I can’t wait for that day! What a blessed day it will be. God bless you and I pray that you may one day be the “light” that the Bible refers to; and not give true Christians a bad name with comments rooted in hate and not based on the unadulterated word of God and the unconditional love that he shows us everyday!

  54. Yes Scotti for goodness sakes…all.that” hate mongering ” i guess thats code for telling the truth! Wow…free speech only belongs to the people on this site who agree with the author…Scotti nothing u said was hateful.

  55. Karen, that is the thing about free speech, I believe Jo touched on that as well; we are all still entitled to it. I guess President Obama hasn’t taken that away from us yet. Maybe instead of complaining and supporting people who vowed to make OUR President a one term President you should go outside and get to work making this Nation a better place. See that too is what makes America so great…we can all effect change, good or bad! So, what are you going to do? God bless you and this great Nation!

  56. Scotti, Amanda has it right, although I would add that our LEADERS need to come together and work toward some solutions. While I’m by no means an Obama supporter, I frankly don’t blame the debt on him. It’s now to the point where the numbers don’t work. There’s no way to tax or grow our way out. We will ultimately default, and we’ll do it the old fashioned way, via inflationary default. My hope is that we can get through the coming currency crisis (which I think will occur between now and 2020) without losing our nation. But I can’t blame Obama for it. Or Bush. It’s been a long time coming, across multiple administrations. Why? Because people elect those who promise them what they want, not what is realistically doable.

  57. Actually the idea that Hitler was elected is a piece of Nazi propaganda that somehow has ended up being accepted as fact. The reality is that the political landscape in Germany at the time was so fractured that no party was able to get any kind of majority, and the best Hitler was ever able to achieve prior to taking power was 37%. The way he came to power was through making a deal with the old ruling class and their political parties on the right that were desperate to create a coalition government and felt they could manage to tame Hitler and keep him in check while still making use of the support he had.
    (Source: Hitler A Story in Tyranny by Alan Bullock chapter 5.)

  58. Jenn i agree. I am almost 70 years old and I have never felt as disheartened as I do today. Already plans are announced by Diane Fienstand to do away with the second amendment both here and through the UN. Harry Ried has stated the election .a
    s a mandate to raise taxes and he is going to introduce legislation to ban filibuster
    s in the Senate

    I won’t be voting again..words i never thought I’d say. Conservatives are out numbered by idealogs . entitlements crowd, the unions and the media who was complicit in covering up for this president. A president lost his job for a lie about a breal in at a political office..NO ONE DIED…the media hung him out to dry. Another president was crucified over Katrina…have u looked at the East Coast? I’m done. Obviously. I belong to an America that no longer exists.

  59. Thank you Elaine and Scotti, your opinion is valued unless its different from the people on this site. Then you are a hate mongering pessimist. Come on you guys.. let’s not be hypocritical. scotti was simply stating facts and got jumped on for doing so. Even if the economy is getting better it still has a long way to go. It’s not all rainbows and kittens with rose colored glasses some of you seem to be wearing.

  60. I think that David W. Knight, Sr has the right to voice his opinion. It is people like you that make it so that others can’t voice there opinion because if it isn’t like yours then we are close minded. I did not want Obama I did not want Romney. Neither one of them understand what it is like to grow up poor to lower middle class. The people that would do good for the normal working blue collar Americans never make it in BECAUSE THE POLITICIANS (which includes Obama, Romney, Biden, Bush, Hillary Clinton and so on) WILL NOT LET THEM RUN FOR OFFICE. Do you know that Bill Clinton was the ONLY president in the past 20 years that did not make our deficit grow? So see how you deal with this. I believe in GOD, I do not believe in gay marriages, I do not believe in abortion. I do not hate anyone for their race, sex, or creed. I do not judge, because the only one that will judge me is Jesus, and you are not him. Have a great day. 🙂 and I am not closed minded this is what I believe and this is America. I supposely I am suppose to voice my opinion and not get persacuted, but I do by people that do not share my believes. So you do not want us to do that to you but it is done to me all the time because I am a Christian and believe the bible is law. We are suppose to be in the world not of the world, and anything that the bible says is a sin and the government does anyway is the world. It was Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. And why is it ok for a woment to kill her baby by abortion and not get persucuted but a person could murder that women while she is pregnant and get tried for a double murder where is the justification to that. I am saying that it is wrong in both counts but how is it different it is not. So if a person can get tried for a double murder my killing a pregnant women then women who have an abortion should also get tried for murder isn’t the same thing.

  61. Nice article but there is just one thing that bothers me. you use the term light years as a measure of time when in reality it is a measure of distance.

  62. While appreciating the article re-posted by my friend Cyndi on facebook, and being one of those who expressed concern over the results (partly due to “my choice” not being selected)I would like to say that I am an avid reader and historical situations enthusiast, so I have this to say.

    “Those who do not know/study history are destined to repeat it.” -George Santayana

    We can know from history that civilization is cyclical… we are coming to that point where change happens at a far more rapid pace than in most of our recent memories… IF many, or even some, of the accusations concerning Obama are true, then we may need to consider that those individuals who have been documented to be more than passing acquaintances in Obama’s life ARE terrorists. Apply some simple math: If THIS is true and THAT is true THEN this is also TRUE… ergo: concern.

    No creepy or freaky accusations, merely encouraging readers to sit back a bit farther and look beyond the past or future 4 year increments; to have spent more money in a term than all previous Presidents combined is not a small feat. This in no way absolves Bush’s part in spending the second highest amount, rather speaks directly to where we go from here.

    No doom and gloom as I DO believe in God and the Bible and our ultimate lives are in His hands (those who disagree I already know your counter points) but let me leave you with these final two thoughts. Obama stated that HE would leave if he couldn’t fix this economy in 4 years (Repubs kept that reminding him) and he said he would fundamentally change America… if it HAS BEEN the greatest place to be thus far in its relative young life as a nation, will America continue to be so?

  63. While appreciating the article re-posted by my friend Cyndi on facebook, and being one of those who expressed concern over the results (partly due to “my choice” not being selected)I would like to say that I am an avid reader and historical situations enthusiast, so I have this to say.

    “Those who do not know/study history are destined to repeat it.” -George Santayana

    We can know from history that civilization is cyclical… we are coming to that point where change happens at a far more rapid pace than in most of our recent memories… IF many, or even some, of the accusations concerning Obama are true, then we may need to consider that those individuals who have been documented to be more than passing acquaintances in Obama’s life ARE terrorists. Apply some simple math: If THIS is true and THAT is true THEN this is also TRUE… ergo: concern.

    No creepy or freaky accusations, merely encouraging readers to sit back a bit farther and look beyond the past or future 4 year increments; to have spent more money in a term than all previous Presidents combined is not a small feat. This in no way absolves Bush’s part in spending the second highest amount, rather speaks directly to where we go from here.

    No doom and gloom as I DO believe in God and the Bible and our ultimate lives are in His hands (those who disagree I already know your counter points) but let me leave you with these final two thoughts. Obama stated that HE would leave if he couldn’t fix this economy in 4 years (Repubs kept reminding him) and he said he would fundamentally change America… if it HAS BEEN the greatest place to be thus far in its relative young life as a nation, will America continue to be so?

  64. Easy Ted. While I’m not pleased with the results of this election, I’ll offer two points. One is that Jo is right, and if you were not aware of the truth of her words prior to the election, you need to travel more. (Or just follow the news in Europe.) The second point came home to me this evening during a walk with my wife as we enjoyed the lovely scenery around us (southern UT). In 1861, Americans went to war. With each other. It was brutal and bloody and lasted four long years. In 1941, we went to war, and it was a World War. All through 1940, the future of Europe hung in precarious balance, when, as Churchill said, never in history have so many owed so much to so few (the RAF). What we’re facing today is a currency crisis. A money crisis. It will have real implications. And, in a worst case scenario it could lead to war. Let’s hope it doesn’t. But the election of Obama, much as it does suggest the nation is evolving into something new, is nothing… nothing… compared to what we’ve been through, and survived, as a nation. Be of good cheer.

    And here’s another way to look at it. Have you been to Canada? I’ve spent a good deal of time there. I have many Canadian friends, and a diverse bunch of them, from good old Canucks to Quebecois. Canadians currently have a higher per-capita income than people in the U.S. (I know, but it’s true.) Suppose our future looks something like Canada? I could imagine worse scenarios. Far worse.

  65. I am so grateful that I am able to be happy today with the results of last night’s presidential election. I ‘m not so sure that today I would be ready to roll over and say oh well we’ll try again in 4 years. I do believe that given time, I would eventually get there. I agree with all that you have said. Our country is not perfect, but it’s a much better option than most. I say after you have had some time, get up and exercise the rights available to you in this great country of ours and get working on what works for you. Some will come around given time others may not. But if things progress as I hope and expect they will, we can be whole and realize that we are not only Democrats, Republicans, Independents, etc but Americans.

  66. First let me say this, the people of this contry as an individuals did not elect this man as our President. The electoral collage did, a select few who are supposed to act in our behalf. With 2 billion dollars being thrown around I’m not 100% sure if these people voted as we instructed them too.

    With that being said, I will deal with the election and thoughs elected until I hopefully have another chance to vote again!

  67. B. Sullivan, how about we make a bet? Let’s check back here four years from now. My money is on our Constitution still being intact and that we aren’t living under Shari’a law. You know why? Because the results of this election are NOT A TRAGEDY and will not lead to end times. Although I did not support Romney, if he had won that also would NOT HAVE BEEN A TRAGEDY. It would be how our system of electing leaders works.

  68. So, you want to become upset when Barack Obama is called a terrorist (which is true) but what about his ties to domestic terrorists and communists. Hey guys, go do some research on Bill Ayers. Congrats guys. Now that Obama has won again, I (an Army Veteran/OIF veteran) am going to leave this country as soon as possible. Have fun dealing with your celebrity puppet.

  69. So eloquently stated…and self-righteous too! Sounds like: “Shut up and put up!” Can you honestly believe that Americans who are complaining are not participating as you suggest and do not espouse and practice the same beliefs you have here? Your insight is lacking. Had Obama lost this election, do you believe his supporters would not be screaming their objections; blaming some faction for the failure; sending out their insults with their own brand of vulgarity; and even threatening violence (which they did before the last count)? When you so pompously choose to take the ‘dissenters’ to task, please remember that 50% of the populous did NOT choose Obama. They are expressing their legitimate concerns, fears, and hopes. Allow them their moment. That’s the role of “free speech” in this fine country. THIS IS A TIME FOR THE PRESIDENT TO REACH ALL AMERICANS WITH A MESSAGE TO SETTLE FEARS AND REBUILD SOME HOPE FOR OUR FUTURE. If he can…..NOT to tell us to shut up!
    Otherwise….we will simply and respectfully remain the ‘loyal opposition’ with all of our inalienable rights’.

  70. Well said, my Canadian friend. I love Canada. Especially B.C. (naturally). But in the summer. In the winter, ah, not so much. 😉 I grew up in Minnesota (dontchaknow). Having moved to the great southwest, I’ve turned into a wimp. Too cold up there. But your response warms my heart. Right on.

  71. So the Repubs stopped the masses from receiving assistance? More people are receiving food stamps than ever in the history of our country. More people are receiving and continue to receive unemployment benefits than any other time as well. In the coming months, when we go over the cliff, I hope and pray that your head finally comes out of your ass.

  72. you are a loon. a paranoid loon. concentration camps? you need medication. yes you probably should go read your bible (since I’m sure you haven’t read many textbooks)…just hope you not focusing too much and fall off the edge of the earth.

  73. the above was fro Jordan, poor soul. this is for Scotti…nothing happens or can be fixed in 4 years. look at history.

  74. true, elaine, your america no longer exists and will never, under any president, come back. it’s called progress. progress, however, is not without costs. just be greatful that you’ll have medicare, as opposed to a voucher to find coverage on your own. as a medical provider I can assure you you were a winner last night.

  75. They are somewhat different. A woman who has an abortion is doing so by choice for her health and body, just like a woman who willingly gets pregnant. If someone murders a pregnant woman, that choice is also taken away; her choice to have a baby or maybe even before she could make the choice not to keep the baby. In cases of rape, that choice over her body is also taken away. She can take back that choice by choosing to keep the baby under the horrible circumstances or to abort. Maybe it doesn’t make sense to you, but it does to me. Not everything is black or white.

    I do not advocate abortion as a form of birth control, but I am an advocate for at least allowing the option to be there. I’m also an advocate for better sex education in schools and more readily available birth control options for women so that not as many young girls have to rely on abortions.

  76. scotti and jordan…paranoia will destroy you. not barack Obama. but folks like you would be better off focusing on your bible. again, just don’t fall off the edge of the earth while doing so. if you do, however, at least you’ll be guarateed healthcare. and oh let me guess…you’re in the 1%? yeah RIGHT! I hope jesus does come for you soon.

  77. ahhh, some sanity. the fear, paranoia, and bible-beating were really making me nuts. thanks!

  78. To be honest I didn’t really care for what was written in this blog as much as I did reading all the different thoughts and perspectives in the comments. I agree with a lot of you, the way things are going, history does repeat itself and its a matter of time and you might want to go back to Poland. Its not about being paranoid and a conspiracy driven thinker its about whats right in front of our faces. The President doesn’t have this country as his best interest, so yes, yesterday was a sad day for our nation.

  79. Actually, Obama won the popular vote by 3million popular votes. If that’s not being voted in by the individuals, I don’t know what is. And that is even AFTER people’s votes and registrations being thrown in the trash and changed.

  80. It is not a known fact. I’m pretty sure “facts” aren’t things with which you are usually acquainted. What a load of paranoid drivel.

  81. I am very grateful for the life I live in the US. Unfortunately, Obama has made it clear that he will be depleting the job my father has had since 1982, the job my father-in-law has had since he retired from the AF, both jobs my husband works and the funding I have been using to get myself through school. All of which is downright frightening considering I have two young children to support. I don’t see disappointment and fear of what these next four years may bring as being ungrateful in anyway. We can’t expect different results if we keep trying the same things over again. This is why I was pro Romney.

  82. Thank you so much…wish I had thought of this. I posted on my timeline as a reminder to all those people on my page who said similar things and even made extremely racist remarks on my wall…any my husband is black and my kids bi-racial. Did they think I wouldn’t care that they can use language like that and not react? Disappointed, yes! A tragedy, no!

    God bless you!

  83. Well said….and thank you. I am a Progressive and am appalled at all the inflammatory response to Obama’s re election……

  84. Um, most people who murder pregnant women AREN’T tried for double homicide, because many courts haven’t decided when life begins and there is no national standard for when life begins. Your Bible tells you it’s at conception. Good for you and your Bible. I don’t believe in your Bible. It is MY body, and if someone puts something in there and I don’t want it there, didn’t ask for it, I shouldn’t have to keep it. That’s MY belief. The difference is, I’m not going around forcing others to have abortions when I think it’s damn foolish of them to go through with a pregnancy, as in it might KILL her. It’s her RIGHT to CHOOSE. No one should make that choice for anyone else. And why should YOUR religious beliefs trump mine? HAVE your opinion, and may God bless you for it, but we shouldn’t be legislating religious beliefs that limit people’s rights. So things like allowing Gay Marriage and Women’s Rights are best for the country because limiting these things is unpatriotic. Don’t like it? Go move to a country with a Christian government.

  85. Audrey Patton you are so miss informed. My self, a 25 year old entrepreneur have found my self jobless among 53% of college grads right now. I opened up a coffee shop that covered my schooling and hoped to pursue my graduate degree when finishing up, but there are no jobs. I work part time at 24hr fitness and I cant tell you the ammount of people buying 60$ sessions that are on food stamps and unemployement (even worse now, the Obama phone). So when many of feel like it has been a tragic day, it has. The people working for their money are getting screwed and we are clearly supporting the “lazy class”.

  86. Jo, I don’t know who you did or didn’t support in this election, but I support every word of this blog post.

    “Terrorism” is violence intended to coerce or intimidate. “Voting” is not.

  87. The fact that you said it’s Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve shows EXACTLY how closed-minded you are. And if a pregnant woman is murdered, the murderer can only be tried for a double murder if the fetus had reached a viable point. Abortion is only legal in the first weeks of pregnancy, LONG before the fetus is viable. It is not murder. Women should have the RIGHT to do as they please with their bodies. You don’t vote on RIGHTS, you’re born with them!

  88. The way our President is leading our country is exactly like the communist Poland you described. That is why it was a tragic day. Not because Romney lost; because all of Obama’s past is linked to socialists and communists and every policy he has made is to make the people more dependent on the government so we can then we will have no choice when the economy totally collapses, but to beg the government to help us and then we will have no freedom. Look at Nazi Germany, Casto in Cuba, Chavez in Venezuela- people believed these leaders were going to help them. Didn’t work out so well for the people. Watch this to see more:

  89. I’m not necessarily disagreeing with you, but simply pointing out things could be worse is kind of a jackoff move. Kind of like John Lennon with “Give Peace a Chance” or Bruce Springsteen talking about unemployed blue collar workers before getting off stage and flying away on his personal jet.

    No, the GOP isn’t finished anymore than the Democratic Party was finished after the 2000 election. But make no mistake, last night’s election was a vote for tyranny and socialism. It was a BAD thing. It shouldn’t be minimized just because 9/11 was worse.

  90. David, your guy got to appoint his fair share of Supreme Court justices pre-2008, so don’t worry. Your voice is already in the mix of the Supreme Court.

  91. Ah, but you do judge. You judge with your beliefs. We all do. We judge people who are different from us. In my experience, those who are the most vocal about NOT judging are the ones that are the MOST judgmental in their hearts. I am judgmental, I am not perfect and I do my best not to cast stones because of that. And we would do well to remember that in Matthew, where it says “Judge not lest ye be judged” that this does not mean don’t judge ever, it means IF you are going to judge that you’d better be darned certain that you’re willing to judge others by the same standards.

  92. Now that health care reform is back in safe hands, I hope that you will be able to seek out the mental health services that you need. You will have a much easier time getting the resources that you need under Obamacare. I wish you the best of luck.

  93. WELL SAID, KAREN! It’s about time too! I wish I knew how to share your comments on my wall. Left-wing & Right-wing zealots have put a lot of hype out there to stir us up. Those ‘extremists’ are the only ones who need to ‘tone it down’.
    So far I don’t hear anyone trying to present a ‘middle-ground’. “Compromise” has not been a practice that the current administration has demonstrated. We will just have to show them how to do it. Obama’s worshipers just don’t realize yet that ‘they need us’. This great country of great people can’t function if we don’t pull together. That won’t happen if one side keeps attacking the other, but it can’t happen if we stay silent!

  94. I don’t know you, but I echo every word you wrote. Finally someone on the internet is making sense!!! 🙂

  95. You seem to misunderstand the point of the post. We all have the right to share our opinion, but that does not mean that everyone gets to express their opinion without any reaction or debate from others. We all get to express our opinions, but that means that the other person gets to also offer their opinion, and it might not be a positive response. That is ok. We should not be so fearful of thoughtful debate in this country, if you judge too quickly and assume that others have the power to “make it so you can’t voice your opinion”, then you’re missing the opportunity to have a real discussion with someone and maybe make some progress.

  96. Did I miss the tweet in this article by that blowhard, Trump, calling for a revolution?!

  97. And you think that Romney would have had any more success than Obama at stopping a worse financial meltdown? Remember the meltdown we are now experiencing started before Obama took office. It was republican policies and leadership that got us here in the first place. I think we have more tough times ahead as a country, but I think the sun will continue to rise and hopefully we learn to work together without name calling to make our country stronger and our citizens safer.

  98. 9-11 happened because of policies similar to who got elected. Look up Ben Laden’s “Paper Tiger” comment.
    Same reason that same terrorist group killed 4 Americans in benghazi. Because they knew with the weak policies they could do it, and they did.
    Although, I agree people over reacted to the result, maybe we should chew on the fact as to why some people are reacting this way.

  99. I think sometimes we need to check our privilege, because this “blessing” you claim America to be is not pure coincidence, and -yes- Obama’s administration has authorized and continue to authorize -as I type- terrorist acts on Yemen, as it has on Afghanistan, and continue to do on Guantamu Bay. Just because you are able to isolate yourself from the downright oppression and humiliation that many are feeling because of America’s neoliberal and foreign policies does not make America a blessing. Also, check some history on what led 9/11 to happen before calling it a tragedy, a tragedy is when 10 years later, more than 800 people have died abroad to every person who died at 9/11 in wars justified by the “counter-terrorism” logic. You need to visit the sweatshops, big pharma clinical trials, widespread poverty in Africa legitimized by institutions based in the US: the World Bank and the IMF, and then you would not give yourself the authority to scold people just because you happen to have a few benefits.

  100. I really do like the article and you have great points. The only problems I have with it really isn’t main points, or even prominent points. You said this is the land where we are free to express our religious views, ourselves, and various other things.

    If that is true then why are people not concerned with offending Christians. The ideas to take out God from the pledge of allegience, and other various things like that because they don’t want to offend the athiests are offensive to those who actually still believe in God. This nation was founded with the Christian God. That is how it has been for as long as this nation has been around, why should we change it?

    Also, if we are free to express our views, then why are the protests that are set up by the group Annonymous beaten, have their food and shelter taken away, and various other things like that? I’m not saying I agree with Annonymous’s methods, because I don’t, but they are trying to use their rights under the constitution and they are being threatened because of it.

    And I bet I’m going to be given a load of crap for saying things like this, but that is also another example that we really aren’t truly free in this country

    But I do agree with you that we truly are blessed to be in a country where we have a say in our leader.

  101. No Chana, it was the same Democrats we still have that created the economic mess in 2008, along with Barney Frank and Dodd. Bush warned them and nobody listened…especially Barney Frank and his fellow dems who allowed taxpayer funded homes for everyone who wouldn’t work.

  102. Fifty percent of the people in our country do agree with the beliefs of the president we just reelected. The justices appointed by Obama will balance the opinions of the justices appointed by Bush and so on and so on. Our forefathers knew what they were doing. We are all going to be fine.

  103. Funny how it never seems to occur to those who put all their faith in God that perhaps this election result is exactly what God wanted, aside from the fact that it was decided by a national democratic vote and in spite of unheralded shenanigans to disrupt that vote. Why is it only God’s will when you get what you want, otherwise, it’s a “national tragedy” that requires fervent prayer to save us from some big bad overly-hyped boogeyman? Jeeez, people, lighten up and join the 21st century. You’re sounding like the ignorant, uninformed, incoherent nut cases the rest of the world believes most Americans are.

  104. Perspective. Something we all need a dose of once in awhile. Thank you for your well written dose. It will do all who read it good.

  105. Very well said. I want to link this post EVERYWHERE. It’s insane the things that have been flying around on social networking. At this point, I hate to call some of these people my friends and some of these people are no longer my friends.

  106. By your own account, if you have children who disrespect you, you should have killed them and not be tried as a murderer. You can’t pick and choose what laws of the bible to follow. If you were told to kill your child because someone overheard them disrespect you, you would not do it. You have the right to your opinion, but because you believe marriage equally shouldn’t exist, that means it shouldn’t exist for everyone? I am gay. I just want to be equal and marry the man I love. I don’t want special laws, just equal laws in the eyes of the government. Some people believe in God, some people don’t. Because you do, you want to subject everyone else to your beliefs? How is that fair? We will all face God and be judged by him, but while on this Earth, and in this country, we need man made laws to follow. The bible said nothing about speed limits. I wonder why? Oh, right! No cars. We’ve evolved so much and not everyone believes in the same thing. Live your life right and you’ll be fine. Force your beliefs on everyone; well, I wonder how God would feel about that.

  107. In 1973 I went to the Phillipines as an Air Force servicemans wife. I was not command sponsored; they did not want me there, but as a young naive girl with a 3 month old child, I wanted to go. When I arrived in Manila, it was 85 degrees. There were men on every corner with machine guns. WOW! Reality check. I came from Iowa, where we have homes, cars, and yards that our kids can play in. Here, everywhere I went there were men with guns. I would hear of GI’s that were found shot to death about every week. The people lived in cardboard shacks, no air, no windows, no plumbing. I was in shock. After about the first 3 months, I kind of got over it. The culture was communisim. NO WE DO NOT WANT THAT HERE . Marcos had everything he wanted and took from the people to finance his lifestyle. All he did was take everything that the people had. We did not have a water heater, a refrigerator, or a stove. I finally bought a small coleman campstove that I cooked off of. I went to market everyday to buy food and then cooked it, ate and never had leftovers… no refrigerator. I learned very quickly how spoiled we are in the US.
    It was an experience I will never forget. We cannot let our president, who has been showing signs of communisim in taking over our country, finish his “job”. He was not lying to Putin when he said..wait till after the election; I will be able to do what I want (or that is what I took it to mean). It slays me that my relatives cannot see what is going on; they think he is great. I pray that we can get our America back. I was sick to my stomach last night after he was reelected. So many have come here to escape the tyranny of their country. Why would they ever vote for him? I guess, they are living in “heaven” now, free food, a roof (real one) over their heads and they have healthcare and can start having lots of babies on our dime. No, I do not begrudge them, I would be in thier shoes if roles were reversed. I feel like running through the streets, yelling Stop him! We cannot go where he is going to lead us. I am scared to death for our country, my children and all the children here. He will make sure that everyone is taken care of (at a minimum) and they will love him. They will never know what it is like to have a real job and like my ancestors, start their own businesses and thrive. So many today don’t even bother to learn our language. SAD! I will keep praying…and hope that we will change the direction of our great country before it is too late. God Bless the USA!

  108. Sheather, I think you entirely missed the point Lisa was making. David W. Knight was complaining because since things didn’t go his way that he was sad…which is his right, but for him to say that someone needs to open there eyes to the big picture, just because he didn’t get his way is ridiculous. The American people voted Obama in we ARE the big picture. Now to your other “points”. It’s amazing how many times you contradict yourself “I am not close minded” and ” I don’t judge.” then you turn around and bash gay marriage because a book written by MAN doesn’t really even address the issue. If you can show me one passage in the Bible that says gay people shouldn’t be married I will eat my words and become a staunch Republican. btw I don’t mean imply, I mean directly state it. I guess you don’t believe in wearing condoms or using contraception either because isn’t sperm just half of a baby, a baby waiting to be born. And since spermicide kills sperm aren’t you killing millions of potential babies. We can play that game all day. I am a Christian too, I’m just not YOUR kind of Christian, but that’s okay, I don’t have to be. Jesus spoke out about certain things, but he never said, “You must believe everything i believe or you are going to hell.” God did dictate I think it was 10 commandments…and as far as I can tell there was nothing about gay people in them…right? You are entitled to your opinion, and to worship your God however you see fit, but don’t go shoving YOUR God down MY throat.

  109. “Sometimes you don’t get a chance to do it again in 4 years.” what the heck do you mean by this? I think you are missing the point of the post. Entirely.

  110. Perhaps you should reread what she wrote. You say this was a sad day for you. She never said there was a problem with being sad. She said that calling it a TRAGIC day was far too extreme, as tragic days are when actual tragedies happen. Perhaps the President will appoint someone to the Supreme Court that you do not agree with, but there is no guarantee that those 4 people are going to die or retire within Obama’s term, and there is no guarantee that he will not appoint people with various beliefs and ideals. He has done that sort of thing more than any recent President. NEXT TIME, why don’t you try reading what someone writes in full and try to take in their meaning, their whole picture, not just pick out the parts you want to focus on miss the entire point of the essay. Also, while you are so concerned that the Supreme Court Justices appointed are ones your children are going to have to be effected by, what is to say that your children will agree with YOUR viewpoints on those issues??? The next generation often does NOT agree with the last one, that is what we call progress.

  111. My prayer is that God will help America in this 4 year term. It is important for everyone to understand, forge ahead and work together to bring the nation back to its feet. I voted for Romney as a democrat, here is the thing, he did not win the election, that doesn’t mean we lose our obligation as fellow citizens to make this country better even with Obama as president, he can never have the type of control everyone here thinks he will have, Americans have more character than that, if anything, we will survive.

  112. You must be a part of the tea party…only they think that President Obama is a Muslim. Please give proof from a reputable source, i.e. someone other than Fox news and anyone affiliated with the tea party and right wing extremists. Betcha won’t be able to.

    Also, if President Obama wanted to rewrite the Constitution, Mitt Romney would not have let us forget about it. Please, people, stop being so paranoid. Sharia law will not come to this country. Even though I am a major Obama supporter, I would die fighting him if he did try. I have a feeling I wouldn’t be the only one.

  113. Whatever happened to the days where no matter who was, “The President” they were somewhat respected no matter what party they came from? They were given an unsaid courtesy, just because. Even with differences, once they were elected, they were supported. If we all get behind one effort, we will be successful. Perseverence is a key player in success. Just as any diet, it wont work unless you stick with it. Why cant we just stick with it, all in, and see what happens.? Why cant Congress just be supportive and give it their all to support the President, instead of keeping us at a stale mate? We are fighting ourselves and keep our Nation down. Even if Romney won we should all get behind him as well, if that was the majority vote, then that is what we should support as a Nation.

  114. L.R. Kopp…they level of stupidity in your post is staggering. And here’s the thing: no one is buying your Obama Is The Debil nonsense anymore.

    YOU lost the election. Not Romney.

    You and every other radical extremist calling Obama a Muslim (which he’s not), a socialist (heck, he’s barely a liberal) and plastering your car with racist bumperstickers.

    YOU pushed the middle left…and gave Obama the election.

    Now…choke on it.

  115. So, someone calls you “close-minded” and you think they are persecuting you? You might need to check a dictionary for more than the spelling. (But, yeah, also the spelling.)

    The First Amendment doesn’t give you the right to get the last word in.

  116. There is no action the UN can take to do away with the Second Amendment, as the precident has already been set that the constitution trumps international laws. The small arms treaty (which has not been approved, voted on, signed, or ratified) would not affect domestic law. From a quick google of Diane Fienstand and Gun Control I can see that her focus is on assualt rifles (the type of guns I see guards carrying as I drive onto military bases sometimes).

    Even if Diane Fienstand signs into law another measure controlling guns, the people can overturn the law. What they need to do is get a petition together and gather the signatures needed for the law to be put on the ballot for people to vote on. This is why are country is great, because we have ways of making our state laws. Washington State recently did this with Referendum 74. Originally it was signed into law, but a petition was made, signatures were collected, and the measure was put onto the ballot. Now the people of Washington have spoken and the law is there by their majority vote.

    Perhaps rather than stop voting, you could take more action to ensure that your voice is heard. We need people willing to speak out, willing to demand that our government listens to us. That is what makes America great, that we have the freedom to say “you are not listening to me!” Encourage your friends, family, and like-minded neighbors to do the same. Yes, there are a lot of young and idealistic people out there, but you have seen history and can inform future generations about the importance of making their voices heard.

    As for the Katrina/Sandy compairison, I have seen people talking about what it was like when the lived in New Orleans and I have seen people talk about what it has been like living in New York. Maybe things are not back to normal in New York, but they feel better about the state of things compared to the disaster of Katrina.

    I am proud I had a chance to vote in my home state of Washington although I am studying in Indianna. I am proud that although my parents and I don’t although my parents hold different views, when I go home for Christmas we can work together to make the country greater because to split up due to political differences is a SHAME.

    I am young and idealistic. This was my first election, and I voted for Obama. But, I also voted for several Republicans because the party doesn’t matter so much as the people. I asked my mother for advice on some of the issues on the ballot, because of her wisdom and experiance. I feel good about my votes, even if some of the people I voted for did not win. I am proud that my vote was counted, because there was always the possiblity that my vote would make the difference (although that is very unlikely).

    I would love to give you all my sources for this post (because as I student I believe that sources are everything) but comments I’ve read were personal responses to articles and I will not be able to find them again. The first sourse if for the Referendum 74 I was talking about, the second source checks the claim that the UN is trying to take away our guns and it gives a link to the UN’s page about the Small Arm’s Treaty and the court case that ruled in favor of the constitution over that of an international treaty.,_Referendum_74_(2012)

    I hope you will consider voting in the future and perhaps being more active in your government/party. Because that is why we have freedom of speech, so we can make ourselves heard.

  117. Free speech? But every time I voice an opinion someone disagrees with me. How is that free?

    I thought the First Amendment guarantees me the right to get the last word in.

  118. Again, this goes back to that whole “melting pot” idea. You think that the Bible is God’s Law. I don’t any more. I did when I was younger, but not so much any more. And when the Founding Fathers saw that Quakers were being persecuted in Pennsylvania (I think it was PA), they realized that if any religion became the state religion, those who weren’t of that religion were going to be attacked. So they created this wall between church and state. I’m free to tell you what I think of your religion, you are free to follow it and no one can lock either of us up for that. That’s part of being in a free nation. You have to accept that people are different from you. Maybe explore it. Go talk to a LBGT person, and just listen without the Bible BS in your ears. You might just learn something.

  119. You’ve put some broad perspective on “sad and tragic day for our country”. A couple of classes in creative writing, journalism, U.S. History and the humanities could clear up a bit of the histrionics demonstrated due to the outcome of the presidential election.

    Sad and tragic day for our country class #101:
    Assignment #1.
    See above photographs of shattered NY buildings hurling thousands of people plummeting to their deaths and the airline passengers jammed in between.
    Think of their limbs and hearts that brought them to work that morning and ended up on the sidewalk. Just for starters. THIS is sad and tragic.

    Assignment #2.
    Do not watch Oliver Stones film JFK. More fiction than not.
    Internet? Too much of an ocean to swim.
    Find an old Life magazine, or go to the library…..the newspapers and magazine on microfilm…try that.
    November 22, 1963. A bright sunny Texas day, a pink pillbox hat crowning a brunette First Lady wearing a pink chic suit, accompanying her famous husband on the motorcade through the city of Dallas. The governor of Texas and his wife were along on the drive. Smiles are illuminated by the sun. People stand and wave to the President and company. Children are out of school to watch him pass. All goes well.
    In a single instant the brains of the President are strewn on the rear trunk of the limousine with his pink-suited wife trying to retrieve them.
    Our nation is at work….we were frying hamburgers for restaurants, teaching school (I was in one of the classrooms), running gas stations, designing pumps for oil refineries, shining shoes.
    When the announcement came the world changed. Though at the time, we did not see the Zapruder tapes for many years hence, our hearts sank collectively like the Titanic. No matter who you were, what your politics, or what station in life you were in….your heart sank.
    The 4 days people stayed glued to their televisions for comfort, with a final blow watching the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald live (and this I was witness to) pretty much sent everyone over the top of

    Yet to come were the days of the televised funeral.

    Find someone to discuss sadness and tragedy with and find their own personal experience of something tragic. Will it ever be an election result?
    Sincere doubt…..
    Will it be about a car wreck, cancer, loss of a child, a fire, a flood, an attack of some sort?

    The fair citizens of the modern world need to keep life in a broad perspective…as the author of the blog has done. She said it best…..
    along with this reality…
    Buy an English newspaper (or send somewhere for one, it’s not hard)…or listen to the BBC radio, or television news.
    Look at International news on the web.
    Talk to someone who has lived through the holocaust. There are survivors who are chatty about it!
    Go to a cancer clinic.
    Talk to an immigrant; ask their story of why and how they are here. You will be stunned.
    Visit a hospice….
    Talk to a blind person.

    But for the love of life, cut the whining about the doomsday that shall befall us due to the presidential outcome. The leader is a president not a king. It’ll be ok.

  120. I would like to know how Lisa prevented David W. Knight Sr. from voicing his opinion. His opinion is still there for all to see, remaining voiced? This is one of the things that Jo was saying was so great about this country. Neither I nor anyone else have a problem with you being Christian and holding yourself to every single one of the 613 or so laws that are in the Bible, but just because that it your law, does not mean that it is the law for others. That is why we have government AND churches in this country, not government by church, nor church by government. You seem to want the government to enact biblical law in this land, but would you feel the same if they enacted the law of a different religion, or even just a version of biblical law that you do not currently follow? I am thinking you would protest being held to some of the laws no longer currently in practice by modern day Christians, and even if you were OK with it, that is not what our country was founded on. My point is that if you do not want to break Biblical Law, do not, but someone who is not a follower of those teachings does not need to be held to them, much the same as I would not want to be held to Jewish or Muslim law.
    In addition, if you think there is someone preventing particular citizens from running for public office, I assure you there is not. If you think Obama does not understand what it is like to be lower middle class, remember this: Barrack Obama was a mixed race child born in the 60’s to an 18 year old girl who’s husband left, and she lived as a single mother while attending college before and after her divorce. Barrack saw his father once when he was ten. His father died shortly after that and his mother died of cancer at the age of 53. This was not a life of privilege at all, and he was not rich. If any president has a good idea what it is like to be middle class or lower, it is Barrack Obama.

  121. The man (or maybe in the future a woman) elected is the president NOT a king. Presiding over the peoples of a land… not a ruler as in a king or queen.
    Just a friendly reminder.


  123. I just realized why I am having a spiritual crisis. If God is the all-being, why do the people who follow “him” tend to be such morons?

  124. Dear Jo,

    I re-read your background fleeing from Poland with your family. I understood the despairing hardship and life experience of living under more of a dictatorship than a democracy through your paragraphs.
    After reading through a number of other responses I wonder if anyone actually read what you wrote, or if they’re so used to more spine tingling fiction and TV shows, that it didn’t hit home as to what your heritage and background have given you as a grateful perspective in living in the U.S.

    No, this country is far from perfect. But having been married to a European (and lived in Europe) whose family suffered immensely during WWII, and being on the sites where they suffered, I too find it hard to read or be exposed in any way, to the rather jumbled misunderstandings by Americans, of what other people’s lives in the world are like day to day. Eastern Europe is just one part of the vast disproportionate amount of peoples that are strained to live at ease in this modern day.
    I’ve had enough tragic life experiences to let me take nothing in life for granted. Running water, heat, newspapers, choices in shoestores, mostly friendly police officers, and even public libraries….are wonderful.
    Thank you for your writing.


  126. You have misunderstood what you read about Harry Reid, he specifically said he will not do away with the filibuster, merely revise the rules for it because it is being abused and the Senate has become ineffective because of it. One rule he was considering was not to allow Senators to leave after declaring a filibuster. In addition, Barrack Obama is not in favor of strict gun control, and one senator, even a senior one, cannot ‘do away with’ an amendment to the constitution.
    Using negative words and phrases like ideologues and ‘entitlements crowd’ is what the author of this essay was trying to get people to stop doing.
    What event was covered up for President Obama that the unions and media were complicit in?
    And no one suggests that presidents can control hurricanes, they can only help those harmed by them, and if a president was ‘crucified over Katrina’ that is because of the slow reaction to the hurricane, not because of the hurricane itself.

  127. Jordan – 10 concentration set up already? Did you mean concentration camps? Proof reading is a wonderful thing. I definitely think you are some kind of loon and would love you to post where you got this information because it certainly was not in any Bible I have ever read. I’m also curious as to what you believe Obama’s real name might be. As far as our votes not be counted, well you are correct there, kinda because the popular vote does not elect the the president. Something called the electoral college does. You might want to Google it. The last time I checked the POTUS doesn’t really have the power to make 250 million people get chips in their hands. I suggest you drink a nice cup of tea and call the nearest mental health facility. God bless.

  128. Jordan, I also was raised to fear everything, to live in constant anticipation and fear of the imminent end of the world. I fell asleep every night of my childhood praying to be delivered from damnation and sobbing into my pillow because I was certain I would be cast into hell. Everything that happened in the world around us was interpreted by my parents and the other adults as signs of the end. It had to happen before the year 2000, our pastor said, because of what was written in the Bible. The election of John Kennedy as president was the final sign and the end would happen very, very soon. Jordan, I grew up and found something — faith without fear. I kept the word of God, the beauty of Christ’s teaching, but left behind the fear and constant paranoia. Life is sweet and I see God in everything around me now. Please find someone you can talk to , outside your church. Try a United Methodist church, or even a Unitarian church. Talk about your fear with people who have learned that God offers grace to all and that fear and faith are polar opposites. Life can be beautiful when you leave the fear behind.

  129. You cannot find his dissertation online because those are what you do to earn a PhD. Barrack Obama has a law degree. I would like to know how being a civil rights attorney or a teacher at a law school are not ‘Real Jobs’.

  130. Jo, you are over-simplifying. Your country is exactly where our country is headed. We are gradually becoming a socialist republic. It IS greater then Sept 11 when the leader of the free world encourages increased taxation with the sole intention of the re-distribution of wealth while he sits in the lap of luxury.
    Your post shows your appreciation of freedom, but your attitude about Obama is going to get you right back where you started from.

  131. Teri, President Obama was elected by a majority of the people voting in this nation. Twice. I voted for him because I agree with his goals and respect his intellect and ability. Presidents don’t typically show their college dissertations. I wrote a senior dissertation but would be up a creek if somebody wanted to see it because it’s long gone. When the leader of a nation tortures his or her political opponents, rounds up and massacres those who disagree with him, sends the army to terrorize entire cities and kill dissenters and takes the nation’s wealth for his own personal use, that’s being a dictator. Please don’t confuse that whole dictator/murdering torturer thing with the election of a president with whom you disagree.

  132. As a veteran, I had the fortune to serve under both GOP and DEM Commanders In Chief. I personally witnessed a number of my fellow military members openly disrespect our Commander In Chief. Fortunately I was brought up to respect my superiors whoever they were and I believe that is why I can stand back and not let my emotions cloud my reasoning. The world is not going to end in the next few months nor will it descend into anarchy. We are not going to Hell in a Handbasket. Although I lean more to the right, I voted for President Obama, simply because he seems to want help the average American. Sure there are policies I disagree with, but for the most part, I feel more in tune with President Obama than I do with Mitt Romney.

  133. Karen, when President Obama was elected the first time, Republicans in Congress announced that their primary goal would be to make him a one term president. They obstructed and fillabustered and introduced legislation that had nothing to do with fiscal policy or helping then nation recover from the recession. Bipartisanship requires two willing partners. The president could not work with a party that refused to work with him. I have never been so ashamed as an American as I was when a R epublican member of Congress stood up and loudly called the President a liar during the State of the Union address. Intellectual honesty requires that we look at the whole picture, not just half. And Jo is entitled to her opinion, as you are. But you don’t get to blame the president for lack of consensus when Republicans announced they would not work with him before he even took office.

  134. Sullivan — first, President Obama professes to be a Christian. Second, the Constitution specifies that there is no religious test for holding office in this country, including the presidency. The founding fathers did not intend that the president would be required to be Christian, to believe the Bible or to believe in God. Finally, let me say again: President Obama professes to be a Christian and if you read the Bible then you know that God said ‘Judge not lest ye be so judged.’ So ………

  135. Scotti, I defend your right to “speak your mind” even though I do not agree with you. But what makes me wonder is, were you speaking your mind when we invaded Iraq looking for the “never-to-be-found” Weapons of Mass Destruction; a war that put our country in debt? Why is it that we only hear from people (speaking their minds) when someone is in a political office that they do not like? Just speaking my mind…….

  136. O.K. I read it. I voted this year for the first time in my life, and it felt really special, like I am a real American. I, too was attacked on FB by a girl I have known since she was a teenager. She put out a comment, “America ……Lame!” I just asked her if she meant America Lame”bad or America Lame good?” Before I knew what hit me, she was M………F……. and F……you and all the people who will line up for your handout??? I responded, “what hand out?” By then about four of her friends were sending me vile notifications about “your F……..handouts, you A………hole and on and on. I finally said to one of her male friends who wrote a nasty notification to me swearing and calling me names and using that “handout phrase” again???? Finally, I asked them to please leave me alone or I would go to the “”Help” site and report their horrific attack on me, especially since they didn’t even know me????? They stopped and I unfriended the girl I have known since she and Jason were fourteen, and were kind of friends way back then. So, this article
    is an statement that the author felt very strongly about, totally her right to say whatever her beliefs are. What do you want from me???? I don’t know enough about politics to fall prey to folks who have ONE idea, and clutch that belief like a man having a heart attack. Life is short and I feel attacking people for what they believe is counter productive to healing our nation. That is all I am going to say about this article you sent me.

  137. No, I have NOT said that before….. before whomever replied to my comment, stating I had said that before, don’t know who is in charge of this website, but I have , A. never been on this site, B. Whomever you are, if you don’t want to allow my response, no problem. I can’t lose sleep over a website that doesn’t want a post, and excuse your reason for not allowing my comment, because (who ever you are?) I have NEVER submitted anything to this site, because I have never read this or seen it before.

  138. Sheather.. don’t you, and those who think like you, understand that YOU are the problem? God and Jesus told you to live YOUR life, not to live the lives of those around you for them. If you disagree with abortion, do not get one. If you disagree with gay marriage, do not marry someone of your gender. Nothing whatsoever is “being done to you” because you are a Christian. Nobody is preventing you from not getting an abortion or not marrying someone of the same sex. Nobody is preventing you from going to church. Nobody is preventing you from giving to charity, or loving thy neighbor. Nobody is preventing you from helping the poor. Nobody is preventing you from not killing. And especially, despite everything that Fox News is telling you, nobody is preventing you from voicing your opinion, as you so disingenuously claimed above. You posted on this website, right? You posted your opinion, correct? The evil gay liberal thought police didn’t come running into your home and throw you in jail, did they?

    You. Missed. The. Entire. Point. Of. Jo’s. Article.

    God and Jesus didn’t take away your ability to reason, nor did the evil gay liberal media abortionmongers. Which leads me to think that whatever nonsensical opinions people have been feeding you and telling you that you must believe have taken that ability away. Perhaps, if you wish to live as freely in your mind as you already do in America, you should take some time to think [yes, you are allowed and encouraged to think] about what is really bringing you harm. You are only closeminded if you close your own mind.

  139. I really don’t think anyone placing a comment here could do a better job…… In fact I really believe it is arrogant to even open your mouth and criticize something that no one could do any differently….. After the election takes place you shut up & stand behind & help the person trying to govern this country, Not do everything you can to make the job 3 times as difficult…. Whether you like the person or not ….This is one of the reasons we call ourselves American’s

  140. I’m so tired of Christians forcing their religion onto others who aren’t of the same faith. I happen to be Buddhist, and do not believe in anything you’re spouting off about the Bible (however, I am well versed in Biblical Studies). We are a nation of many religions, and we need to remember that. This country was founded on religious freedom, and freedom from religion. I would appreciate your leaving religion out of government… because the separation of church and state is still intact. Your religion does not dictate to me (someone of another faith) what I can and cannot do. Nor does it tell me what is a sin and what’s not. I believe in one thing… Love. And I wish every one would believe in the same thing… the world would be a much better place if this were the only law. Because childish bickering and pointing of fingers gets us nowhere.

  141. Except for calling President “Obamatron”… I think Scotti was right. I don’t think Romney would’ve done better. I’m hoping… rather than being a pessimist… that Our President will listen to us all, and do what’s necessary to get the country back on track. Hope is all we have in this world… let’s not throw it away.

  142. Well said, Jo. And thank you for the article.

    I too have visited Auschwitz, and know exactly what you’re talking about. The hair was & teeth were what did me in though. It made me very thankful that my great grandma & her family emigrated to America before this war. I couldn’t imagine what they, or you went through… because I live, and always have lived, in this great nation.

  143. OMG…I could not have said this any better. I’ve been so tired of seeing all the negativity regarding our election that I stopped reading some posts. Thanks so much for awesome perspective and you can bet your sweet dollar that I AM sharing this! AWESOME observations!

  144. Some people are truly astounding me with how little they know on the subject of politics. I’m also astounded on the amount of conspiracy theorists that are out there. But what astound me most is how people can’t just pull together… if they don’t like what’s going on, they need/have to work to change it. Being complacent gives us no right to complain about our present situation.

    Also… I’m not Christian… and I don’t like being told the read my “Bible”… or that the end times are coming. The phrase “the end times are coming” is a redundant statement. The “end” of everything we know is inevitable. I believe in compassion, logic, and peace… these three things are hard to come by in the RIGHT side of the “aisle”. So is it also hard to come by on the LEFT of the “aisle”.

    Greed and Capitalism has corrupted our very being as a species. All we care about in this country is money… and it really sickens me. Mainly because I too get caught up in it, just to sustain my survival. There has to be a better way to live.

  145. Hitler was elected as Chancellor in January of 1933, He appointed himself Furor in 1934 and by 1941, a mere eight years, the World was at war.

    Before anyone starts getting irate and saying “your comparing Obama to Hitler”, I am not. What I am pointing out is the fact that each election cycle is extremely important, and the idea that we can do it again in four years so that makes a poor choice okay is ludicrous… A poor choice in 1933 ended up costing the entire world millions of lives, was that “a tragic day?”

  146. Fabulous post and so well said!!! my brother and sister in law live and work in Africa. My Sister in law just returned from two years in Afganistan where she was working with local officials to secure health and education for women. now they are in Ethiopia working on securing clean drinking water for all!!! Wake up America. Stop the hand wringing and work for the good of the country go out and work for your community and help all of us get past this economic downturn. things are getting better!! Our Government works as well as we all work to help each other!!!!!!

  147. Unless of course you feel like this re-election is going to lead to more of this! That’s what I feel.

  148. So, what you are saying is, this election is exactly the same as all the others just because they were all the same as the ones before them. NOW who has the blinders on? BTW, this president you elected has professed to be of the same belief as those who did this to the buildings you pictured above. The only difference is theirs was radical and his is more subtle. This is NOT a math question where the answer is always the same, it is a life question where the answer is always changing. We (the US) have been a target for so many reasons, but mostly for our success and prosperity. Someone just figured out a way to attack us from within.

  149. Sheather – You complain that people persecute you for your beliefs but fail to realize that it is not your beliefs that are the problem but the fact that you are trying to impose them on others that is the problem. If you do not believe in gay marriage – don’t marry someone of the same sex. If you do not believe in abortion – don’t have one. These are not things that you can not “believe” in. You can feel that they are the wrong choice for you but others get to make the decisions for themselves. How is it fair or logical to say that two men in love that you do not even know from Adam can not marry each other because it goes against YOUR religious beliefs!? You are not attacked and persecuted for your beliefs you are attacked and persecuted for trying to force those beliefs on others. In the Jewish religion eating pork is against their beliefs, they are not having bacon pulled from the shelves. They are not declaring slaughtering a pig to be murder. They are walking past the items they choose not to eat and letting others make their own choices.
    As for the woman being prosecuted for aborting a fetus vs double homicide. There are limits on when the double homicide can be used. It is only when it is viable without the mother! And the same should be true for abortion – a fetus is not an individual being because it can not survive on it’s own.

  150. Very well written. My only question is what would you have written had Romney won? Would you have said the same things to the Obama supporters? If so, then I support your comments whole heatedly.

    I think it is a tragic day. But I say that regardless of the outcome. As a nation there is a clear divide and compromise has just become another word in D.C. With no term limits for Congress and nothing but career politicians in place,I can only imagine what our founding fathers must be thinking.

    Gone apparently are the days where many politicians lived close to the “line” between the two major parties and real things could be accomplished that were the best for the country – not what was best for the politicians. Both parties are so far to the extremes they can’t even see the line from where they are.

    So another four years of gridlock and constant arguing about how “they” won’t allow “us” to get anything done.

    And yes, I would have said the same thing regardless of the outcome of the election. I’ve been saying since Bush had a republican congress and still couldn’t get anything done. We need CHANGE people – fundamental change in the way our government does business. And the sad thing is, we may be too far along the path that it won’t happen until we have a governmental meltdown.

  151. Except that I hope something like 9/11 doesn’t happen again because of the administration we have in office. 9/11 could possibly have been stopped at least 3 different times when clinton was in. The way Obama is handling foreign affairs tells me that shit can hit the fan at anytime now. So yes, she has a point, but there are still reasons to be distraught about this situation. Also, just because people bitch about how the election went, does not mean they are not helping in their community somehow.

  152. Bridget from Twinisms posted this on fb and I have to say….you nailed it. Although I am disappointed…I know we must go on. Thank you for your perspective. well said. I will be reposting also

  153. Thank you for the reminder that we are all in this together and need to be kind to one another.

  154. This is the first time I have come across your blog and I have to say that I’m really glad that this is the first article I have read. I am truly moved by your words and your passion for this country. If everyone felt this way then maybe some things about what we find so wrong wouldn’t look so bad. Thank you for words and perspective.

  155. Obama is a radical, socialist. Frank Marshall David, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright. Need I say more ? If you don’t who those people are then look them up or call Obama and ask him.

  156. Joe. No “taxpayers” funded my home, pal. I did not receive any bailout. Nobody showed up at my door to hand me money. The economy tanked because Bush spent the surplus and could not “do the math”. Simple. Simple.

  157. There are no Obama phones. – service has been around since 1984 in one form or another.

    Unemployment has always been higher among recent college graduates, but the chances are getting better and they are still much better than those who do not have a degree.
    There is no lazy class, that is a slur to get you to hate your fellow Americans. Sure, there are always going to be those that game the system in ways it was not intended but to say there is a whole swath of people that do it is not just overgeneralizing but it is lazy thinking.

  158. The economic problems started in 2008? Hmm…what rock have you been under? You are pretty uninformed to say the least

  159. Tuesday our country endorsed diversity, acceptance of people’s differences, and a social contract where Americans care about all Americans.

    It was not a sad nor tragic day. Instead, it represents who we are and what we value.

  160. The Republicans sure are trying to stop the masses from receiving assistance and Romney said he would cut FEMA completely. How do you think the people of NY and NJ feel about him? Oh yeah, they voted against him in large numbers. Those same people receiving all those benefits are in the “red” states in overwhelming numbers compared to the rest of the country “blue” states. And the Republicans want to cut all those benefits and benefits for Veterans that deserve it. How ironic is that. Check the New York Times for the map if you don’t believe me.

  161. The “lazy class”? Would that be all those people in West Virginia, Kentucky, Texas and other “red” states that receive the most assistance but are Republican bases. Those states for your information receive the most welfare compared to the rest of the country. It’s overwhelmingly blatant and you think it’s poor blacks in the innner city. Wrong, it’s poor whites living in rural areas and working class people of all races who’s jobs were sent overseas by venture capitalists like Romney. Get your facts straight before you post things and take the emotional uniformed ideas out of the equation. Links below. Compare them and see what the facts aka numbers say. men and women lie, numbers don’t!

  162. I read some of the comments and it seems so sad that the message of this wonderful post has been lost on some who still continue to hold grudges and those who want to continue to defend the outcome.
    Let it go already


    If you go by who receives the most welfare, food stamps and government benefits, the lazy class voted for Mitt Romney dummy! CTHU…so uniformed. But I guess the NY Times isn’t credible. Check the links and get back to me and keep working hard.. it does pay off. I feel your pain in regards to working hard, being an entrepreneur and having to work a 9 to 5. I’m in the same boat but guess what, the rich aren’t going to have your best interest at heart.

  164. So very well stated. I love that you had the forethought and the passion to post this commentary. Thank you for reminding so many of how much they are really blessed.

  165. Can I just say thank you for this post, Jo! This election revealed the childishness of many to me. Lots of people have never known TRUE tragedy, and they should be grateful they have been spared from that. Because as we have seen, tragedy doesn’t spare all of us.

  166. Well said. Way too many people seem to forget where we were 4 years and the 20 years of policies that led us there.

  167. This right here:

    “In the meantime, empower others by getting involved in your community somehow. Do something kind for someone. Be someone’s hero. Spread kindness and tolerance. Teach your children that diversity is the cornerstone of this country and show them that not only is it possible to lose with dignity and respect, it’s imperative if we’re to move forward as nation.”

    I love that. I love that so much you don’t even know. This entire post was incredibly well written and is wonderful, but that bit right there totally got me. It is so incredibly true and so incredibly far from most peoples minds. We voted on one man to lead the nation, but we make up the nation. He can not do anything on his own. When it comes to our worlds we individuals are going to be the ones to make the difference in our daily lives. We make the noticeable impacts. We make the next four years bearable.

  168. I’m so sick of hearing that Bush caused all of this. Try looking at the fact that in January of 2007 the Democrats took control of the Senate and The House. That’s what precipitated the whole mess. Get familiar with the real history.

  169. Diversity is not the cornerstoen of our country. Unity is. E Pluribus Unum is latin for “Diversity is crap”.
    Why on earth would we “celebrate” our differences, when it is our shared and identifiable culture as Americans which defines us? It is no the fact that we are of different shapes, sizes, colors, and so forth which makes us great, but the fact that *none of that matters*.
    And when you provide quotes about the horrors of communism, then pooh-pooh our descent into communism at the hands of people who think communism is at a minimum not a big deal, please understand that it detracts from your point.

  170. If we want our politicians to be bipartisan, we should lead by example. Suffice it to say that both political parties are responsible for the mess we are in, and the longer we try to lay blame on each other, the longer we will be entrenched in it. This is the mentality that has led some to call our elected leader a terrorist. What does that say about the slight majority of our population that voted for him? Terrorists too? And Mr. Romney’s “47 percent” comment? If both of these comments were true, than we the people would truly be in chaos.

    Well said, Jo Ashline!

  171. Thank you so much for posting and sharing this. You have been able to verbalize so eloquently how I’ve been feeling for the past 24 hours.

  172. Elaine, if you vote based on the many erroneous conceptions in your response, then your vote will not be missed. To wit:
    1–Diane FEINSTEIN (get it right!) is a Senator from California. She can propose a bill to ban assault weapons (not to overturn the Second Amendment), but she cannot sign anything into law. That is the President’s job–and only after BOTH the House and the Senate have passed the bill. One person does NOT make laws in this country!
    Constitutional amendments can only be passed or repealed by ratification from the states–which means the voters, which means the majority.
    The U.N. does not dictate American policy and never will.
    PLEASE, for crying out loud–you’re 70 years old. Take a civics class! You should have learned all this back in 1954!

    2–Banning filibusters seems a good idea to me. The only purpose of a filibuster is to stall legislative action. No matter WHO filibusters, it is an obstructionist tactic, and should never have been part of the legislative process. One might even argue that the filibuster process is a form of treason, as it inhibits Congress from fulfilling its duties.

    3–No president lost his job because of a lie about a breal (sic)–I assume you mean “break”-in at a political office. Nixon’s own tapes proved he had knowledge of the break-in and covered it up. That’s a crime. Still, he got to leave office with his title and pension intact, without being tried for his crime. THAT was un-American. He should have been brought to trial. Instead, he resigned, with permanent amnesty granted by his puppet, Gerald Ford. “No one died.” No–but if attempting to interfere with an election and attempting to sabotage the opposition is permissible, then the semblance of democracy we have is as good as dead!

    4–Bush was “crucified” over Katrina? Seriously? And “look at the East Coast?” What do you mean? No President can prevent a natural disaster, but the difference is that Bush allowed FEMA to drag its collective ass, while Obama was proactive in calling for disaster relief instantly. Were you paying attention?

    You complain that “conservatives are now outnunbered by ideologues.” Do you not consider conservatism an ideology? What of the ideology that made ousting Obama its sole priority, ahead of serving the people of the United States? Or the ideology of Grover Norquist (not even an elected official!) who calls for pledges to refuse to raise any taxes at all,no mater what–thereby eliminating the possibility of critical assessment of individual situations that might merit taxation? no–that would require critical thinking, which is the opposite of what the knee-jerk right-wing idealogues want.
    Elaine, your side lost. Get over it.
    We lived though 8 years of Bush–the President who got us into an unjustified war of aggression, based on lies about weapons of mass destruction; who spent like a drunken sailor on those wars, while dropping taxes for those who could most afford to pay them (this is the equivalent of you buying a luxury car the day after quitting your job); of forcing unfunded mandates (“No Child Left Behind”) on states, which strained their resources and did nothing to actually improve the quality of education; who managed to completely erase the budget surplus created by Clinton, and drove us into the worst recession since the Great Depression.
    Still, we survived.
    So will you.

    Personally I applaud your decision to stop voting. You probably should never have started, given your poor understanding of how our government works.
    You are right: “your” America does not exist. It never did. Thank God and our constitution for that!

    We don’t need people like you, who are ignorant of history and civics and incapable of critical thinking making decisions about our future. Enjoy your retirement. We thank you.

    P.S.: I am 62, and have NO intention of ceasing to vote, as long as I can breathe. I will NOT surrender my right to people like you! This IS “my” America. Even when I did not agree with its course, it was my America, and I will fight to the end of my life to exercise the rights our forefathers and foremothers bled to win!

  173. SHeather, if you think that having people disagree with your opinion and voicing the same equates to “persecution”, the, NASA, I think we’ve found the problem.

    That’s called freedom of speech. We are all entitled to it. You just defined freedom of speech as “persecution.”

    I would invite you to look outside your safety blinders and see what real persecution is. It is happening to other people in other countries right now. They are dying for speaking their minds.

    You were simply exposed to another point of view.

    Sorry, you and your friend up there haven’t been persecuted, princess.

  174. Loved your comments and very well said.It would be truly tragic if we lost our freedoms for which most do not appreciate in the first place. When we give up a freedom, it will be gone forever! Stay ever vigilant. Peace & the Grace of your GOD be with you!

  175. Thank you for putting this into perspective for so many. Let’s just hope they hear it.

  176. I wish everyone would take a minute to read this and remember what a blessing this country really is! I felt very similar as I saw posts appear after the results were announced, my reaction….If a single election, representing 4 years of our great country’s history, can shake or dissolve your patriotism and pride in this country, then you were never patriotic in the first place!

  177. A good article as far as it goes. Unfortunately the rabid comments don’t all come from one direction. Just imagine what some of the comments would have been if the results had been the other way around. Those who supported Mr. Romney were subject to unbelievable verbal abuse, called every name in the book, told to go off and die, or worse. Riots were threatened if Mr. Obama lost. The hysteria goes both ways. I agree that people s feelings sometimes go to extremes, but having lived through many elections where my guy “lost” the only hope is that the violent extremes will calm down and there can be some kind of negotiation take place on the very real problems our country faces. We do not need the “I won” mentality or the “I’m gonna get ya” mentality either. My prayer is that somehow reason and rational behaviour will take place very soon. Maybe too much to hope for, but we do not need anymore blaming, we deserve politicians who will take responsibility for their failures as well as kudoes for their successes.

  178. Very well said, indeed. A solid piece of writing, as well. Sadly, I see that while several of your commentators may well have *read* your post, they didn’t truly *get* your post.

  179. Lisa…you can’t say to a political party whose underlying premise is altruism (doing good for others) is wrong. The comments above are proof of that…I have seen in the last several days many “friends” cry: “Who is John Galt”…that is a reference to their goddess’ book Atlas Shrugged and the philosophy of Objectivism. That philosophy says altruism is a sign of weakness.

  180. American car companies took the bail outs and they are flourishing now. GM and Chrysler were bailed out. If they failed many more businesses would have failed, from. Parts suppliers to car dealers. With parts suppliers failing, Ford would not have what it needed and would fail too.
    So what companies are you talking about? Japanese owned ones?

  181. need to correct a sentence…sorry…you can’t say to a party whose underlying premise is…to do something good to a neighbor. Hope this clarifies.

  182. L.R. (and everyone):

    Not one of us is guaranteed that we will even see TOMORROW (let alone 4 years) no matter who our President may be. So live today with a spirit of peace, love and cooperation.

    This country was founded on the principles of freedom and tolerance. Too many folks have become less tolerant and therein lies the risk to freedom. Whatever happened to respect for the position of president of this country? Our country is only made better by all who are willing to represent us.

  183. I agree. Putting parties and everything else aside, what bothers me most about O is his lack of love for this country.

  184. Julie,
    Thank you for a well written and well sourced response. If you are a college student and took the time to be this thoughtful and thorough about your first election, good for you! I hope your friends and fellow students will learn to do the same. We need the new generations to get involved, show up, speak their minds, share their ideas and keep the country moving in the correct direction. We, as a country, we only succeed together, even if we don’t always agree.

  185. Jo…awesome, well-written perspective. Thank you! As for rest of you, you are all are narcissists who just want to hear yourselves scream over one another. You can’t legislate morality so get over yourselves, vote the way you believe, and move on.

  186. Brenda Balin – KUDOS! This 58-year-old, who tends toward the liberal side, very much appreciates your reasoned answer to Elaine. I’m sorry that she thinks she’s a relic, because 70 isn’t too late to grow one’s horizons or consciousness.

    I’m concerned about the level of aggression coming from the right during these days. Most of it is passive – or at least verbal, but with the reactions of such conservative icons and role models as Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, and Donald Trump, I pray that some unstable person doesn’t hear that and feel anointed to take it upon him/herself to do away with the evil firsthand. The President does like to be out among the masses.

  187. My neighbor is flying his flag at half mast….so a fb friend directed me to your site. The thing is -have researched on the recent DENIED HELP and subsequent Murder of our Libyan ambassador? You really should have a photo of the brutal murder of OUR Amabassador on here , not the 9\11\2102 pic!!! You are way behind the times. Have you read about all the executive orders Obama has passed that are above and beyond what any president has ever been allowed to sign? Have you seen our national debt of $17 TRILLION! which we can never repay? Have you researched who Obama’s friends, mentors, and father figurers who he openly looks up to? One is openly communist! You are painting a picture of our GREAT Past not of the present. Please see the documentary called 2016 and google Executive orders. And by the way, the President just passed a law that Prohibits Freedom of Speech when any Secret Service is around. This means you cannot protest when he is nearby! My friend, our freedoms are being eroded away one by one. I cannot sit by, be silent, or sleep thru this thing! God bless.

  188. Well said! As bright as your vision is, however, I for one am not excited about the prospect of being under the rainbow-colored unicorn poop falling from the sky. I suspect that might really ruin my day.

  189. I find it sad and tragic that the responses to this AWESOME post turned right back into what this post was written for in the first place. The level anger and hate is frightening. The generalization and stereotyping by supposedly educated people is repulsive. God people, if you really think that America’s decision means “THE End” maybe you should do us all a favor and drink the purple Kool-Aid sooner than later. SMH.

  190. Thank you for this very well written post. I have been so disappointed with the animosity and entitlement that has spread over our country. I really hope that our fellow citizens realize the incredible system under which we live, and will learn to understand the importance of preserving, respecting and cooperating through it. If the values of hatred, ignorance and entitlement continue we may lose it all together, for when we are not responsible for our freedom it will simply disappear.

    I did not vote for Obama,(although it was close) but my fellow friends, neighbors and co-workers did. I respect the process and the vision our Founding Fathers developed. If I do not agree with something I have the freedom to make my voice heard and strive for a change. I will support the chosen leader of my beloved country and will do my part to be responsible, patriotic and positive.

  191. Thank you for separating the wheat from the chaff. All your points were spot on. Words are WAY too cheap these days.

  192. Yes, we did wake up today in a free and democratic society…that is headed to the kind of country that your parents left. Obamacare is nothing more than a precurser to socialized medicine. We will be adding millions to health care who will not be contributing to it and without adding doctors to care for them. That is when you will begin to see the decline in health care..waiting for months to see a doctor… The current administration will not be happy until everyone is dependent upon the government. Goodbye to small business…goodbye to the incentive to work hard and make a good living. The next election will be a farce because it cannot be fair and balanced. The only person who can win is the one who promises to give the most “free stuff.” Why work when the government will take care of you? If you wonder why people are sad, it’s not because their candidate lost, it’s because they mourn the death of what has long made this country great.

  193. I congratulate you on your “unfriending” someone who felt like yesterday was a tragic day for Americal. That is exactly how we come together as a country; by eliminating those in our lives who disagree with what we believe. That is exactly how we embrace diversity. Tragedy is defined in many different ways and wouldn’t have been nice to say, “I’m sorry for your loss. Let’s talk about how we go on from here because we are all here for each other.” The problem is, people don’t seem to value or appreciate the views of those who are not in line with their own (as you can see from the comments). By celebrating and mourning, we can learn something. By casting dispersionis or trying to make people feel that their beliefs are unimportant or irrelevant, we learn nothing.

  194. I congratulate you on your “unfriending” someone who felt like yesterday was a tragic day for America. That is exactly how we come together as a country; by eliminating those in our lives who disagree with what we believe. That is exactly how we embrace diversity. Tragedy is defined in many different ways and wouldn’t have been nice to say, “I’m sorry for your loss. Let’s talk about how we go on from here because we are all here for each other.” The problem is, people don’t seem to value or appreciate the views of those who are not in line with their own (as you can see from the comments). By celebrating and mourning, we can learn something. By casting dispersionis or trying to make people feel that their beliefs are unimportant or irrelevant, we learn nothing.

  195. I congratulate you on your “unfriending” someone who felt like yesterday was a tragic day for America. That is exactly how we come together as a country; by eliminating those in our lives who disagree with what we believe. That is exactly how we embrace diversity. Tragedy is defined in many different ways and wouldn’t have been nice to say, “I’m sorry for your loss. Let’s talk about how we go on from here because we are all here for each other.” The problem is, people don’t seem to value or appreciate the views of those who are not in line with their own (as you can see from the comments). By celebrating and mourning, we can learn something. By casting dispersions or trying to make people feel that their beliefs are unimportant or irrelevant, we learn nothing.

  196. Thank you for posting this, I’ve shared it with enthusiasm! I am a Marine and think people so soon forget what lives have been sacrificed for these freedoms we don’t realize we have, I am thankful every day that I am a woman…with the freedom to be a damn Marine of all things, with the right to vote and…well geez!…these rights are still pretty new to our country but…poor us…poor poor us. Thanks again…perspective needs to be gained and this article is amazing.

  197. A very good perspective on the situation in it’s entirety. I voted for Mitt Romney because of his work ethic. And the solid evidence of his achievements. Unlike Barack Obama who came out of nowhere four years ago with nothing other than a senate seat for 2 years. With nothing to show for it. He’s had four years to implement his philosophy and guide us with little to no success. I find his partisan influence over his own administration to effectually change or direct this nation toward a more prosperous future doesn’t exist. Yes, the pictures of the first 9/11 are tragic, as my husband was there that day, and by some miracle of God he made it home. Frankly his policies scare the hell out of me. Although we have freedom of speech and other freedom’s that a large portion of the world do not. We are beginning to look like eastern Europe, maybe Poland or Greece. With enormous debt and fiscal irresponsiblity. A US ambassador was killed and He watched in real time but chose to do nothing about it. He smoozes with celebraties instead of taking care of business when he knows full well the gigantic cliff we about to fall over finacially is very real.Do impart to his out of control spending. His record of accomplishment pales in comparision to what Mr. Romney has been able to do as a leader. I fear for what we will become after 4 more years of the dangerous man. I hope you write a blog of goodwill after the next four years, because for certain it will be a different tune. All the best to you!

  198. Yes, you are right! There are far worse tragedies. However, it is TRAGIC that we borrow money from China and it is TRAGIC that everything on our store shelves are made in China. It is TRAGIC that our over indulgent, entitled society buys homes that they can’t afford and then defaults on the money they borrow in part, causing a collapse of the housing market. Our country is on a downward slide and nobody wants to wake up.

    A few months ago my Mom gave a me a toy for my son. It was an old Cootie game from my brothers, she still had it and wanted to pass it onto us. I turned the box over and nearly cried…MADE IN THE USA!! UGH! How far our have fallen in just 20 years and YES, it is TRAGIC!!

  199. I don’t think that it is appropriate to confuse respect with unsaid courtesy. Yes, it is necessary to respect the president because his actions result in repercussions that affect us all. However, that does not mean that it is right for us to sit back and allow things to occur that are detrimental or prejudiced. For example, why was government money spent to build a Wiccan temple on a military base, when the Christian minister was not even allowed to post his service times on his office door? It is a sad day when the prejudices of our country not only hurtfully damage the minorities, but expand to everyone. Under this “commander in chief”, this has occurred. How can you explain such bias except to describe it as ‘tragic’? Also, if Congress simply supported everything the president did, that would be called a collapse in the checks and balance system. You need to realize that we live in a world that requires disagreement instead of blind devotion.

  200. Very well said!!! We are a country of many peoples and we used to try to work together. But since personal responsibility and love thy neighbor went out of fashion we have been spiralling.

  201. As I read these comments of blame I am immediately jolted back to my childhood. My memory is that of my mother scolding my sibling and me because she just doesn’t care who really caused the problem, but how are we are going to solve it. There were two options, 1.put on the boxing gloves and go out back and fight it out or 2.a project which placed us together to work on until complete.
    MESSAGE: Wouldn’t it be nice if we could learn those lessons from childhood and WORK TOGETHER.
    That’s all I’m saying.

  202. Jim,

    it’s sad to me that people are on food stamps, but the problem is that they’re on food stamps and buying $60 gym memberships!! i think their money would be best spent on things such as food, clothing, a roof over their head! it sound like they’re not managing their money the way they should be.

  203. This is kind of stupid. It’s all relative; words included. If my dog shits on the carpet and the other one pukes on the couch, I may consider it tragic. That does not mean that it rivals the events of 911 or any other such horrific monstrosities, or that I am IN ANY WAY comparing it to any historical event. What, now we’re not even allowed to choose our own words when expressing our personal emotions? That’s just silly. Facebook is annoying anyway… I say instead of striving to more fb friends than anyone else, unfriend all the morons and just keep a small group of ‘friends and family’ that really mean something to you. That’s what I did because very few of the others have anything intelligent or valuable to share.

  204. Seriously? Bush had a SURPLUS! He chose to ruin it. Imagine Gore was president with his lock box. We’d still have money! Thank God President Obama did the best he could with an awful situation and is getting us out of this mess.

  205. Interesting posts I see here. Starting with Jo’s initial post. I think it is well stated and a rebuke is likely in order for people who describe the election day results as tragic. The photo of the Twin Towers on 9/11 was truly the example of Tragic.
    While I completely appreciate your perspective as an immigrant and your parents desire to come to America, I think that what a lot of people in my generation are describing as a terrible day for America goes a bit like this-
    We are so shocked by what the election results have unfolded in terms of indicating where American culture and values have shifted. We are mourning this. apparent indicator. that nothing is sacred anymore. Marriage is redefined, abortion isn’t about choice-it is about killing and free to anyone who wants that, people want their marijuana legal, and our politicians can lie to us.
    That Jo, in essence is what some of us 40 somethings are so sad about. We have a love of country that developed as children from our history books and the kind of life our grandparents shared with us. Maybe a little “Leave it to Beaver” ish, but just the same, still a reason people want to immigrate to America. People don’t immigrate to America because it’s legal to smoke pot, and kill the unborn and the elderly. They come for the opportunity to be free, and free usually cost someone else something.
    The decline of moral values is death that some are grieving since Tuesday nite. A life we want to pass to our children because society should have riverbanks in which to guide life by. Civil society’s have laws and rules to serve mankind with goodness. No riverbanks leads to flooding and chaos and damage. Ask New Orleans and New Jersey.
    In your amazing perspective, that is refreshing to me, please allow some grace for the grieving of some of us. While I don’t compare 9/11 as the same as Election Day results, there is grieving in this country. But today is a new day to go explore and implore elected officials who need a reality check. We are a blessed nation, but the blessing will lift if we take our eyes from the foundations our forefathers laid down for us. And those men weren’t democrat or republican.
    Thanks again for articulating something that should be said! Good job!

  206. People have a very immature understanding of the concept of Free Speech. All that means is that the government will not come in and throw you in prison or deport you or shoot you by the firing squad for what you say.
    NOWHERE does it say that others cannot disagree with you (see, they’re protected by Free speech, as well). Nowhere does it say that there will not be repercussions of any type. If I came up to you and told you that your child was ugly and you were a horrible parent, would you smile and say, “Thanks for exercising your First Amendment rights”? I’m guessing you would (if I were lucky) tell me that I was mistaken and rude. And you’d probably be right, but what I said would be protected by the First Amendment.

  207. Try not to lump all Christians into a tidy radical group. I agree that there are many “Christians” behaving as you state. However, there are many (myself included) reminding others that this was God’s will and He knows what he is doing. It does not mean it is going to be a positive outcome, but it is our duty to act in faith of God above. Faith in God’s will also doesn’t mean I assume everything will be hunky dory.

  208. The conservative media i.e. FOX news has injected hate into the hearts of so many of us. That’s the real tragedy of this election.

  209. I love the passion you speak with and I agree totally, I’m a Jamaican but I think all-in-all a nation such as America should think about all the rights they have and use them wisely. Build and not break down, cause in the end it only hurts them. Work with the President and the local government, cause the change will happen through them.

    You have truly blessed my heart and I pray your children will have eternal happiness as you, their mother strives to give it to them.

    Be Blessed and Be Safe.

  210. Did you have trouble with reading comprehension? Unless you have clairvoyance and can see into the future, you have no idea what the future may hold! Could be we are in a complete Utopian Society where everyone is happy and content or we could all be totally screwed and good by America. Point is we might have 4 years left we or might not.
    You never know.

    Also, all I have seen with Obama is failure. You can blame it on Bush that’s ok, however, he was not elected the first term to keep the status quo, remember, “Its time for a change!!” and “Yes, We Can!!”? Well, apparently, No he can’t, and now we have to live with more failures for another 4 years.

    I am fervently hoping that Obama does everything he says he intends to do! I said that the day he was elected to the first term. His current Track record and stating that it cant happen in one term, state otherwise. Well Now he is back in, Round 2 is a go. Cant stop it, so hopefully he will actually keep his promises.

  211. Good post Thanks!

    I’m just glad the election is over! Now I can plug my phone back in. I was getting between 15 to 20 calls A DAY with political propaganda from both sides.

  212. What a pantload. That statement about making Obama a one-term president wasn’t made until 2010, almost two years into his term. This “day one” crap is an outright lie.

    As for it being a tragic day, just watch what happens when Obama gives amnesty to 12 million new Dem voters. This country just acquired a one-party government, so all those checks and balances invented by the founding fathers just became null and void. I’m sure the Dems will rejoice at this, but the rest of us, who believe in the Constitution, do indeed see it as tragic.

  213. As I read some of these comments I was jolted back to my childhood. My memory was that of my mother scolding my sibling and me. She wasn’t concerned so much with who started the problem, she wanted it resolved. There were two ways to do this, 1. put on the boxing gloves and go out back to fight it out or 2. a project to complete which made us work together until done. So as adults why can’t we remember those lessons of our past.
    It is NOT about black and white. It is NOT about Republican and Democrat. It is not about Religion, gun control or homosexuality. It IS about the UNITED States of America.
    Working together to solve the problems of our nation.

  214. It is ironic when those who have benefited from robust economies vote to doom future workers to a sick economy. It is not compassionate for economically stable people to vote Democratic; it is selfishly denying the freedom and joy they are experiencing to those who come next. This is why we mourn. When Bush won his second term, countless liberals when into counseling. When O won his second term, Republicans can justifiably mourn, but rest assured, we won’t go into counseling, we will work harder because we will have to pay for the higher taxes to support the many who don’t pay/voted Obama in. Your tone is insulting, by the way.

  215. Hey Jim,

    While making an argument, it’s best to make sure you use proper grammar and spell correctly. Your statements would hold much more substance and seem a lot more believable. Otherwise it just looks like angry ranting, and that, my friend, is no way to make an argument or sway individuals to your opinion.

    Also, the president is not to blame for people who are lazy and take advantage of programs that actually do help people in need. Not everyone who receives help is lazy so stop spouting misinformation. This whole election people have been using meta terms and grouping people together and I am so sick of seeing that.

  216. This is kind of stupid. It’s all relative; words included. If my dog poos on the carpet and the other one pukes on the couch, I may consider it tragic. That does not mean that it rivals the events of 911 or any other such horrific monstrosities, or that I am IN ANY WAY comparing it to any historical event. What, now we’re not even allowed to choose our own words when expressing our personal emotions? That’s just silly. Hello – ever hear of the right to free speech?

  217. This is kind of silly and over-dramatic. Everything’s relative; words included. If my dog poos on the carpet and the other one pukes on the couch, I may consider it tragic. That does not mean that it rivals the events of 911 or any other such horrific monstrosities, or that I am IN ANY WAY comparing it to any catastrophic historical event. What, now we

  218. WELL SAID!!! So many poeple on my friend’s list were saying the same thing!! It is not a tragic day!! 9/11 was a tragic day and so was 12/7/1941, the day pearl harbor was attacked. I do not understand why everyone got so crazy of this election. Thank you for sharing!! 🙂

  219. Dear lord, Brenda thank you for that brilliant, reasoned response to a very confused and fact-challenged post. Sadly, it is quite representative of many that I read. Vetting the facts before posting unfortunately seems to be an exception for many. Certainly, there are many reasons one might object to actions of the Obama administration. Putting them forth only strengthens our democracy, because we grow most by listening to diverse voices, not just those that echo what we believe. But many of the political opinions I read fit the facts to their preconeived beliefs rather than allowing their beliefs to be shaped by the facts. It happens on both sides of the argument. The most patriotic thing one can do at this time in history is dust off those critical thinking skills. That will do more to build our democracy than just about anything else I can think of at this moment.

  220. While I agree that the re-election of Pres. Obama is/was not a “tragic day” for America….the move of its people to the Euro style of living is. I just can not subscribe to the belief that its better to sit back and let the government (tax payers) take care of me insted of working hard to provide for me and my family. I truly believe there are people that need assistance….but there are far too many that are taking advantage of the system. They have got to the point that there is no reason to work as they know the government will hand them everything they need. Unfortunately the Democratic party has latched on to this and know that this will keep them in power as long as they continue to foster the idea that “We will take care of you no matter what”.

  221. Joe has the information. Obama was actually in the Senate and voted to let Barney Frank and Dodd run wild over the housing markets with FANNIE and FREDDIE. Then when he gets to office, he makes it Bush’s problem, Really?
    I think the blame game is over. Moving on……. I will be happy to credit anyone with success, but to be teflon and not take any responsibility for actions you did in the past, that is false information.
    And, Jo, thanks for a very nicely done article.

  222. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You said it so well. Thanks for summing up my thoughts in one fantastic blog post.

  223. I think by Obama phone, Jim meant the free cell phones you can get when you are on foodstamps.

  224. Thanks for the great post.

    As for everyone on both sides still playing the blame game–if there is anything that approaches tragedy in our economic/political situation, it is neither that the Republicans or the Democrats did anything. It is that there is no longer compromise. We’ve had a two party system forever, and problems have come and gone, and over time we’ve done pretty damned well as a nation. The system can work. So please, a little less “they started it,” or “yeah it’s a bipartisan problem BUT it’s way worse on THEIR side.” Get over it! Insist that your elected officials start acting like adults, and rediscover civility and compromise. Because if you think the route to a healthy nation and democracy is crushing the other side and having it all your way, well, history is choked with nations that found disaster by following that route.

  225. I just wanted to say “Thank You” for such an insightful posting. I have shared it in hopes others will get the message. It saddens me to see so much hate being spouted. Again, thank you.

  226. Well said, Jo. Keep believing, and we’ll get there. For example, I just picked some rainbow-colored stuff out of my cereal this morning, and had NO IDEA where it came from until I read your post – so we may be closer than you think. However, I’m afraid we live in a world where an alarming number of our co-inhabitants don’t know the words to “Kumbaya.”

  227. incredibly well said..of course, i am one of the many who are ecstatic that Obama was re-elected but have friends who are not. one thing for all to remember is that not 1 man runs this country (we are a democracy, not a dictatorship)….and we survived 8 years of Bush and are working our way out of all of the problems he helped to create and nothing is solved quickly, especially in our democratic system where the 2 parties will fight each other tooth and nail just because they can. anyway, well said!

  228. I agree some things need to be put into perspective. and “tragic” is a bit harsh, when you’re right there is a lot of real tragedy. But you said: “But you also woke up in the same country where you are Free to express your religious beliefs, Free to speak your mind…” however as a Catholic, my freedom to express religious beliefs has been blatantly disregarded and that makes me fear for our country.

  229. Sad and Tragic day? This wonderful left and right paradigm our politicians have created for us is working wonderful. Isn’t it? When I read comments like “Repubs did this and Demos did that”, I wonder why wouldn’t it be “Politicians” did this or that? If you really believe that the two parties haven’t been working in concert with each other, you might really want to take a weekend and research the facts. I know it could be time consuming, disheartening, or even boring. But if you do it, it will be an awakening. You’ll see how both parties have created unelected bureaucracies that are trying to take control of food, water, land resources and personal property. The only thing Sad and Tragic, is that we re-elect them.

  230. I agree with the comment that “lazy class” is a slur. Its an easy way to blame people you’ve never met or interacted with for the problems we all face together. “Those people” are always to blame. It was once the Irish immigrants, the german immigrants, blacks, Hispanics… We all do this together. And yes there are a lot of people out there who aren’t looking for jobs and rely on welfare of some kind. But I guarantee if work was available the vast majority of people will take it. But if you’ve ever known any people in this “lazy class” (which you haven’t otherwise you wouldn’t be labeling them as “other” from yourself) you would understand the extremely difficult hurdles of finding and securing long term employment. You’d also understand the insecurity and lack of living compensation at many jobs. Let us not forget that the majority of Walmart workers ALSO accept government assistance. These people clearly aren’t “lazy class.” They are victims of an economic incentive to make workers part time and cut compensation.

  231. For good or bad, the president of our country gets more blame or credit for how the country is doing than he deserves. Remember, most of what really happens in our country isn’t determined by the scant 4 years a given pres. is in the WH – it’s how the PEOPLE of this country act – everyday, year after year. Take ownership of our country and don’t dish it onto the politicians – (e.g. the blame for the mortgage crisis can be divided between the banks being greedy and people irresponsibly borrowing way more money than they should have). Same with healthcare (e.g. take responsibility for your health, don’t blame a system). In another 4 years we get to practice democracy again (2 years for Congress). In the meantime, take a breath, hug your children, get to work. Just my 2 cents…

  232. I read the article… Your perspective seems a bit off… As NDAA wasnt mentioned nor was the fact that 911 was staged. Also you failed to mention how after the bailouts not a single banker was brought to justice, nor did you mention how the current FDA Czar was a former big time Lobbyist for Monsanto.

  233. Well said. I had a fb friend exclaim her disappointment with the election outcome and decided to “go wait for the world to end in a month”. Bit dramatic, no?

  234. Jim,
    Good luck in your job hunting. It’s hard to imagine you are a college graduate based on your grammar and spelling. I hope you have someone double checking your resumes.

  235. That was when we had presidents who did not seem bent on destroying everything the country used to stand for.

  236. While I was mentally nodding my head through the whole post, my very favorite line came at the end. “Because unlike our fair nation, this website here is a straight up dictatorship.” More power to you!

  237. I was simply skimming the numerous responses, good and bad, to this blog. Unfortunately, I landed on yours.
    President Obama has a great love for this country. If you review his books and speeches, you’ll see that his views are consistent from the beginning. Those views speak to his great respect, love and understanding of this country and its diverse citizens. Set aside whatever bias (political, religious or racist) you clearly harbor and truly pay attention to what he says and how he governs; after doing so, it will be impossible for you to honestly retain your view. You may not agree with his philosophy or his choices, but you cannot deny his love for this country.
    Your comment is baseless and insulting. I could not let it go unanswered.

  238. What a great article and so true! I just can’t believe how people seem to forget how worse off we were 4 yrs ago.

  239. So glad to find your blog; I posted in a similar vein today. If I have an overriding feeling right now it IS fear… Fear that we will fail to come together for REAL CHANGE. Fear that we will continue to focus on beating the other guy, rather than doing the work necessary to grow our economy, create jobs and ensure prosperity. Fear that what divides us will grow so insidious that turning toward one another will become, dare I say, impossible.

  240. I just wonder if the 50 million children that have been aborted since Roe v Wade would feel the same way. 3,900 children a day, approximately 45,000 per year. I wouldn’t exactly call us a great true and free society. That’s more children then all the wars total, 6 million Jews, 4 million Catholics in WWII alone. One only need look at history to see where these current policies are leading us.

  241. very well said, i fought for our country and to hear and see what you had from the heart has given me hope for our fellow country members. Its been a long time since i felt when i read your post.
    Thank you again

  242. Thank you. I read what you have to say. You opened my eyes to your point of views. I agree with you. I will honestly say that the one i voted for is not i the whitehouse, but i have no hard feelings towards the man. He will do the job he was elected to do. Who to say that if the other (Romney) would of won would do a even better job. As you said this is not tragic, 9-11 was tragic. THank you.

  243. There’s no other way to say it: You’re lying.
    McConnell made his remarks in an interview that appeared in the National Journal on Oct. 23, 2010 — nearly two years after Obama was elected president. The interview took place on the eve the of the midterm elections. The interview is relatively short, so we will print it in its entirety, with key portions highlighted.
    NJ: You’ve been studying the history of presidents who lost part or all of Congress in their first term. Why?
    McConnell: In the last 100 years, three presidents suffered big defeats in Congress in their first term and then won reelection: Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, and the most recent example, Bill Clinton. I read a lot of history anyway, but I am trying to apply those lessons to current situations in hopes of not making the same mistakes.
    NJ: What have you learned?
    McConnell: After 1994, the public had the impression we Republicans overpromised and underdelivered. We suffered from some degree of hubris and acted as if the president was irrelevant and we would roll over him. By the summer of 1995, he was already on the way to being reelected, and we were hanging on for our lives.
    NJ: What does this mean now?
    McConnell: We need to be honest with the public. This election is about them, not us. And we need to treat this election as the first step in retaking the government. We need to say to everyone on Election Day, “Those of you who helped make this a good day, you need to go out and help us finish the job.”
    NJ: What’s the job?
    McConnell: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.
    NJ: Does that mean endless, or at least frequent, confrontation with the president?
    McConnell: If President Obama does a Clintonian backflip, if he’s willing to meet us halfway on some of the biggest issues, it’s not inappropriate for us to do business with him.
    NJ: What are the big issues?
    McConnell: It is possible the president’s advisers will tell him he has to do something to get right with the public on his levels of spending and [on] lowering the national debt. If he were to heed that advice, he would, I imagine, find more support among our conference than he would among some in the Senate in his own party. I don’t want the president to fail; I want him to change. So, we’ll see. The next move is going to be up to him.

  244. STANDING OVATION. (Yes, I’m yelling. You deserve one.)

    My little sister unfriended me on Facebook yesterday because she’s one of the ones who laments what our world is coming to. Meanwhile, she painted all those who voted for Obama as abortion-loving, pot-smoking, hateful, racist (!!!!!!!!!), vengeful, Godless, irresponsible…ad nauseam. You get the point. I cried quite a bit, because I don’t get how people can turn into the kind of “Christians” who ignore that problematic rich man and the eye of the needle, and all of the teachings of Jesus that were about compassion, love, and helping the poor.

    Ah, well.

    Go, Empress Ashline!

  245. Matthew, there is something radically wrong with you. This president has been relected with the worst economic record since the great depression. The economy is going over the cliff….and don’t blame George Bush for that as he tripled the deficit in 3.5 years. It turns out that Obama’s childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a communist. However, through Frank Marshall Davis, Obama had an admitted relationship with someone who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA CPUSA). The record shows that Obama was in Hawaii from 1971-1979, where, at some point in time, he developed a close relationship, almost like a son, with Davis, listening to his “poetry” and getting advice on his career path. But Obama, in his book, Dreams From My Father,refers to him repeatedly as just “Frank.” You can certainly tell where this is going…

  246. Sunny, contrary to what you believe, abortion is legal in this country up through the whole gestation period; i.e., nine months, as in the day before a baby is due to be born a “mother” can choose to abort her baby.

  247. I just want to say that I really enjoyed your article. I don’t feel that it was a sad and tragic day, but I also don’t feel that it was the best day either. I don’t like either Obama or Romney. I felt that neither one of them has this countries best interest at heart. Life goes on. No one we elect will ever be able to make everyone happy. We all have our own beliefs and they will always be different from others. It just saddens me when everyone just keeps attacking each other because they don’t believe in the same things that they do. I read a lot of the comments and I chose not to get angry about any of them. We all can feel what we feel, and say what we say. When we attack each other and start name calling, it is very disheartening and shows that no one can be truly open minded to every ideal. No one takes the time to stop and to listen to why the other side feels the way they do. It is impossible for everyone to believe in the same values. We just have to move on and make the most with our lives. You never know if today will be your last living day. It is what it is and if we constantly bicker and complain, then we will never grow and prosper. This country is great and I am happy to be able to live the way I do. We all have to make sacrifices in our lives, and I choose to live each day to its fullest. It is great to be able to choose what to believe in and what to sacrifice in your own life. Sometimes you even have to sacrifice your beliefs for the greater good, but just make sure you follow your heart when you do. A little sacrifice can go a long way.

  248. US Supreme Court Justices are nominated by the current President, presented to the Senate Judiciary Committee for investigation, then accepted or rejected by the US Senate.

    Please. How often does this even happen during a Presidential term? And your statement is incorrect.

  249. The author is too young to realize how creepy and irreversible socialism is. It creates self perpetrating dependency, so 47% will turn into bigger and bigger chunk of population. I heard a notion that if founding fathers were not free and rich, the constitution would look very different. So this day may be like October 25, 1917, even if it didn’t look that tragic, it turned the history for worse. Baba Vanga (31 January 1911 – 11 August 1996), prophesied even that the 44th US president would be black and he would be “the last one.”

  250. The auto bailout? Thats odd that you say that right after people blame Bush but it WAS BUSH THAT STARTED THE BAILOUTS!!! Yes, the problems started while he was in office but it was Dems that were in charge of the house & senate for the majority of the time. Bush started the financial reform, Bush started the bailouts. Bush started us in the right direction. The housing problems started in 1991 when Clinton passed his law saying ANYONE could get a loan. well, all the years later the housing fell because ANYONE could get a loan but not everyone could pay their loans. Its rediculous when people make their statements just from Obamas talking points. Maybe you should actually KNOW or read to find out what you are talking about before you post.

  251. Amen… doesnt matter what you say.. they will never read anything to see if what they are saying is true, they will continue to keep using “talking points” that they have heard from Obama because hes just soooo cool. Its quiet pathetic. You can learn a lot from people that have no clue what they are talking about though.

  252. No, actually it was Clinton’s action of the deregulation of the housing market that led to the collapse in 2008. People need to be responsible for their own actions, not what the president is doing. If people know they can’t afford something, then they shouldn’t get into it. It is simple math, but clearly people don’t seem to care about their own education to learn how to properly manage the people. Please understand it has nothing to do with the president on how we do as a nation, but you yourselves. Look in the mirror and point at yourself because it is you, and it is me that have gotten us into this mess. While I may be doing okay and have a full time job there are still ways that I can help improve other peoples lives so they don’t feel lost. We all have a duty to serve, and if you aren’t helping your neighbor, then you have failed.

  253. I believe in your right to free speech, as the founding fathers did. However, I also believe in separation of church and state, as our founding fathers did. Our constitution must be interpreted in the absence of religious beliefs. Equality for all men=marriage equality. If that conflicts with your beliefs, don’t marry someone of the same sex. The right to privacy=my ability to make decisions for my body. If you your religion permits abortion, don’t have one. I don’t understand why it has to be more difficult than that.

  254. Kelly eliminating and unfriending are nowhere near equivalent. What about all of the racist remarks people were making? As a minority am I suppose to gain an “appreciation” for racism just because people have the right to say what they think? It’s a social network and I don’t want to socialize with people with extreme and hateful views I will unfriend them.

  255. now we all have to work to become that one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all….That is where our strength and greatness begins and ends…lets work together for the good of all and remember the cliche “united we stand, divided we fall”. lets stand united

  256. Elaine, the Second Amendment is not being struck down and Diane Feinstein has no ability to enact anything through the UN that trumps the US Constitution. someone is inciting fear. Ask yourself why would someone want to destabilize our country?

  257. I really appreciate what you have said. I’m not happy with the election results, but I will pray for our president to have the wisdom to know best how to direct out country in the next four years. Thank you so much for posting this.

  258. Who is to blame for the fiscal cliff? The “obstuctionist” Congress is! Now that Obama received a second term, let’s see if the divided Congress wants to finally play and get things done. Their focus should be on moving this country forward, not their own agendas…

  259. I’m not sure what you think that Cliff is composed of, but it is quite literally being created by the republicans. Otherwise, we’d pass a debt package as every congress has done since the 60’s.

    As for Food stamps and other forms of temporary relief…. guess where those came from? And guess where those people would be without it….. begging at your door.

    I’m so ready for all these conservatives who are willing to fix everything without government assistance, to get off their asses and do it. Because in the history of the country they’ve never gotten us even close. You might take care of your grandma, but what about the grandma in Detroit with no surviving family? What about the kids whose parents are rotting in jail for drug possession? When are you going to start helping someone other than the neighbor and your family? You keep arguing to take care of it, and yet it doesnt’ seem to actually happen enough? Thats where the rest of us come in, cleaning up all the gaps and problems you create with your misanthropic nonsense.

  260. I wonder if you would have written such an impassioned piece if the Presidential election result went the other way?

  261. Terri, you might want to check the definition for JOB. Obama has held several government jobs.

  262. Your comments are so true. I was born in this country and don’t always agree with the politics. When and why have we become such a divided nation? The republicans and democrats won’t even talk across the aisle. They all need to get down off their high horses. Not one of them is any better than the other. When we suffered the effects of 9/11, everyone was trying to help no matter their color, religion or nation of origin. It was wonderful to see.
    What bothers me the most now are the idiots who rant and rave over our election and its outcome. Those people need to grow up and start acting like responsible adults instead of two-year-old children.

  263. So very well put. I appreciate the ending the most (and your follow-up with rainbow poop).

    My best friend and I don’t see eye-to-eye on abortion. What I respect about her is that her family is walking the talk of their faith and trying to help women choose life for their babies. Yes, she REALLY wants a law to take away my right to choose, but her family’s time and money are helping these women find homes, skills, and sustainable employment.

    Can more of us look for grass-roots ways to make a positive impact to this world instead of enacting laws that further divide us? We really are not all that different.

  264. Why is everyone blaming Obama for what Bush did!!! You guys are stupid!!! It took Bush to mess everything up in eight years – Obama has only been there for four years and it takes more than four years to fix the mess Bush put this country in. This is sad….putting a picture of 9/11 on here and using it for an example for Obama’ reelection. Who ever put it on here is a ignorant ass!!! Get a clue!!!!

  265. Nope Paul…wrong again. If you want to talk about getting familiar with “REAL” history, then you’ll know that none of this was precipitated in 2007. In 2007, the problem was already in full-swing, with the horrible aftermath to come. The “REAL” behind what precipitated this whole thing began back in 2000 when Senator Phil Gramm successfully managed to put and end tot he Glass-Steagall act, which were essentially bank regulations established after the Great Depression in 1929 to ensure that we never ended up in such a mess again. When Gramm succeeeded in killing Glass-Steagall, the regulations on banks were rolled back and they were back to doing the same n0-good stuff that landed us in the depression in the first place. What else happened in 2000…oh yeah, BUSH was elected. This all happened under his watch, and hence, he is partly to blame for allowing this. By 2007, you had a lot of people already living in houses they couldn’t afford, riding high, living the life. It was a direct result of what Gramm did in 2000, and even moreso, a direct cause of why we are all suffering today. Glass-Steagall needs to be reinstated, so we can get back to holding the banks to financial responsibility and accountability, which is what Gramm and other Republicans fought so hard against when they had Glass-Steagall killed.

    That, Paul, is the “REAL” history.

  266. Terence how can you say there is no “Lazy Class”? What about all the people that receive government assistant and don’t even try to find a job or they will not work at a fast food job. Just because they fell they should be paid more. Some of them keep getting benefits by staying enrolled in “online” school . For which they receive Pel grants so they can pay there bills. I don’t have a problem with people getting help but I do think that people need to help them selves at the same time. I am tried of going to work and paying my taxes so other worthless people can stay home and watch T.V. all day.

  267. Laura, your chicken little cries of pending doom and Martial Law indicate your lack of knowledge on how our government works. The federal government is forbidden by law from using troops against the public. Only the National Guard can do that and there are 54 of them. YES, 54, one per State and four territories. They are comprised of citizens living in the community who take great pride in their responsibility and aren’t likely to round up their neighbors.

  268. Well said. I had similar thoughts the morning after. In different words…

    “Easy, folks, we’re losing focus here. I don’t know what exactly the focus is supposed to be, but hating on each other based on what happened last night is certainly NOT the focus. Our states, sure they might still be united. Our people? As divided as I have ever seen. Blame whoever you want, but the fact is clear to me; this country is being destroyed from within. Name calling and finger pointing is elementary. It’s not my place to tell you not to act like a child. But my country still affords me the freedom to tell you that you ARE acting like a child. No one is “stupid,” “dumb,” or “ignorant” based on who they voted for. They are FREE because they were allowed to vote for whoever they wanted. Just because things did not go your way doesn’t mean you need to stomp your feet and flail your little arms. Yes, things are changing. Things are evolving. As we grow as a species, we learn to adapt to such changes. It might not always be the change you or I are looking for, but we need to adapt nonetheless. This is not the ‘70’s anymore. Everything in our lives has advanced. Even methods of dishonesty. One great thing we might consider using from the 70’s… Unity. Right now things are the way they are. You cannot argue with that. We are not going to change them tonight, next week, or even next year. It will take a lot of time and acceptance. Hating each other and turning ourselves into assholes because we didn’t all get our way is not going to change anything for the better. It only perpetuates our downward spiral. Yes, we are the laughing stock of the world right now. I think we’ve earned it. We can change that, though. It has to start with us being nice to each other again. That being said… Please shut the fuck up and have a great day.”

  269. In all actuality, more people are on public assistance due to George W. Bush. Fact is, welfare usage rose in 7 out of 8 years during Bush’s presidency. The country was reeling from his failed economic policies, and he knew it. He then took steps to relax the requirements to quality families for public assistance, and thus created a situation where MANY more families were able to take advantage of it, which he openly requested that they do. He made sure that he made statements to let people know that this public assistance was available, and that they should take advantage of it.

    Once Obama took office, the numbers simply continued to climb, due tot he steps Bush took to loosen those qualification requirements. If you want to blame Obama for anything, blame him for keeping the Bush policies intact, but not for causing the issue, as so many (like Newt and his crew) would have you believe when they call Obama the “Food Stamp President”. That is actually no doing of Obama’s.

    And those, as they say, are the facts. Don’t believe me, look up “Obama Food Stamp President” on They are unbiased and simply seek the facts on everything. They have no political agenda or baises.

  270. Thank you Jo!
    A friend shared this on fb and I for one am happy to have had the opportunity to read it. I have been trying to calm some of those on my fb page as well. I have read countless posts stating our voters are “mindless drones, stupid, anti-christian, dim-witted morons, free loaders” etc. The list goes on and on. People need to take a step back as you said and realize that yes, things may not have gone how they wanted them too but guess what… we have the freedom to cast our vote and be heard. That’s more than we can say many people have around the world. Minnesota was one of the few states that also tackled the issue of gay marriage so that too sent people spiraling into a tailspin of emotion (which didn’t help my fb page to remain PG13 at times).
    Here’s to the next 4 years and all of them after that!
    Again! Thank you for helping to put things into perspective for folks!

  271. Light, need help loading the truck? Glad to see you go, my oath to protect the constitution is a lifetime oath and not one of convenience. So you go now and i’ll let you know when it’s safe to return. Don’t let the door knob hit you on the way out.

  272. I like your article. I was feeling pretty relieved and good until I started reading the comments. I too, am worried about the uncontrolled spending and the effects it might have on my children and grandchildren. All I could say after the election is Heaven help us. We are going to need it.

  273. Thank you for this post! It is exactly the thing at least half of our country, if not all of us, needs to read (and better yet consider and comprehend) right now! As for me, anytime you get that group together to “join hands and sing Kumbaya while rainbow colored unicorn poop falls from the sky”…I’m there, count me in! Thank you again for some much needed and very astute perspective!

  274. To read this you would think that Americans are whiney, blame game addicts with nothing better to do than cry foul on the other team. A lot of different events got us where we are and it wasn’t any one person or one team’s fault. And its going to take cooperation on all levels and compromise. So rather than sitting in our corners and throwing baby food at each other, maybe it’s time we grow up and see each other as all being on Team America and stop fighting over things as if they were the last slice of pizza at an Italian funeral! This “my team has to win at all costs” attitude is what got us here and will keep us here unless we wake up and start smoking the electronic peace pipe and get to work!

  275. Let’s all just step aside and make sure Mr. Knight gets everything HIS way according to what HE believes (or as he says “beliefs”)….screw the other 300 million of us.

  276. “You can’t pick and choose what laws of the bible to follow” — I think that’s your rule, not the OP’s.

    Also, while my knowledge of ev bio is scant, I’m not sure it’s accurate to claim there have been any measurable effects of human evolution over ~2500 years.

  277. Thank you for this heartfelt post that obviously touched many of us.

    I thought it….I shared it….I believe it!

  278. I respectfully disagree that we come together by “eliminating” those in our lives we disagree with. That just creates more separation.

    We come together by embracing those we disagree with, listening with an open mind, receiving the same courtesy in routine and respecting that while their are two sides to any issue, we both (or all) have to find the gray area, compromise and stay focused on the greater good….

    THAT’S how we come together!

  279. Admiring the time and effort you put into your blog and detailed information you provide. It’s good to come across a blog every once in a while that isn’t the same outdated rehashed material. Fantastic read! I’ve saved your site and I’m adding your RSS feeds to my Google account.

  280. Great view point Diane…and what is it that you are doing to make change other than voting?

  281. Perfect! Thanks for stating what I have been thinking for the past 2 days!

    Wy macie piękny serce (serdeczny)

  282. I am thinking you are a very young and naive person who has no idea who Barack Obama really is….

  283. Thank you for setting an example, that if you don’t agree or even support the chosen leader, will you not succumb to disrespect either!

    I do not have a problem with people not supporting Obama, I have a problem with their efforts to destroy him (or any leader.) When you do that, you also step on each one of us…because he IS the leader of our country.

    Growth starts with respect….

  284. Thanks for posting this, Jo. I do wish you had taken the article a step further though. The way I read it you seem to focus on those who are lashing out because they feel frustrated, nervous and deflated that their “guy didn’t win.” You seem to forget to admonish the negative reactions of those whose guy did win. I have seen a lot of the “in your face” and “take that…” type comments from the winning team that are just as bad as those comments coming from the losing team. Arguments can be made as to who’s doing it most, but does that really matter? We all need to become more aware of our actions and I hope that posts like yours will help us all wake up.

  285. LOVE LOVE LOVE this post!!! I know some people are upset that Romney didn’t win the election. I know some people think Obama is going to destroy this county. It’s over. It’s done. Nothing can change this situation sans a tragedy. You can still have your voice heard, no matter who is President by calling or writing your state representatives. And PLEASE do not call Obama’s re-election a “Sad and tragic day.” Sad and tragic was 9/11. Obama wasn’t president then, so do we blame him for that? Nope. Do we blame George W Bush since he was president? Nope. Majority ruled and that’s that. I respect everyone’s political views, but being bitchy and name calling is totally uncalled for!!

  286. Many inaccuracies in this comment but I’ll start with the one easiest to point out is blatantly false. Executive Orders. President Obama actually signed less of these in his first 4 years of power than President Bush did. Check out the official stats here:

    Frankly I have too much work to do to spend all afternoon debunking every crazy theory on here but this is a good place to start. Oh and USING CAPS LOCK does not help make your point. Thanks.

  287. People sacrifice their lives everyday for our freedom. While the ambassador’s loss is tragic, and needless perhaps by some minds, his loss should not be considered any greater of a loss than the unknown soldier who stood at the forefront of battle. Freedom is a price, and these people made the choice to protect it. We should be honoring their sacrifice not blaming others for their loss. Friendly fire kills hundreds of people, so do we blame our military services for the tragedies of war?

    $17 trillion dollar debt did not happen through Obama’s hand alone. While the country is now awakened to our debt, it’s a bit ridiculous to blame it all on one President. Why do we blame another for something we have allowed to happen for years? Did Bush not contribute to this debt by initiating war? And many before him? This is the same, “I’m not responsible” mindset that got us where we are today.

    Does it really matter HOW we got here at this point? I wish people had the same passion, drive, disgust and anger for the child down the street that has no food, and the family across the way that has no home. The things we are “fed up with” is not what is priority! The future is important, but we have hunger, homelessness, jobless people right now in our country, struggling….and most of them have a lot less anger than those who have X-boxes and numerous TV’s in their house!

  288. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and helping people to put things back in perspective. AND, for letting all of us “share” YOUR thoughts on social media. It is appreciated!

  289. This is actually a reply to “So Sick of this” Paul, below:

    Quite a stunning bit of blameshifting, Paul. Are you suggesting we were in good economic shape and rearin’ to go at the end of The Bush Disaster? You, and your ‘real’ history seem to forget (purposely, it appears, for the convenience of your argument) that (A) Dems had the House and Senate for about 3 months in ’08. Hardly enough time to get new stationery, let alone reverse the effects of Bush’s unfunded wars, Medicare part D, etc. and (B) every one of the thousands of thoroughly researched and corroborated rebuttals to your ridiculously uninformed point of view.

  290. THANK YOU for saying so eloquently that which I can barely articulate. I was no fan of George Bush 2, but I never wished him dead; I never denigrated his wife, mother, children or family. Nor would I. I did call him ‘Zippy,’ just ’cause I liked the way it sounded (and he somehow reminded me of a yappy dog), but beyond that, I certainly never rooted against him (except of course at election time). I wish the people who are outraged that an articulate, highly educated, devoted father and husband with a loving spouse and two seemingly well-adjusted children, would step back, take a deep breath, and look closely at the policies he has proposed. Many of them were originally proposed during the Bush administrations…

  291. Very well put. I would just add that the reason people are saying that it’s a “sad and tragic day” is precisely because they fear the very things that you are using to put this into perspective – unchecked terrorism and increasingly socialist (if not communist) policies governing this country. I can see how those who watch the main stream media for their news might throw their head back in laughter but our poor excuses for ‘news reporters’ are more akin to Pravda than the watchdogs of yesteryear, at least when it comes to reporting on their own kind (ie liberals).

    Just because it’s not being reported every night doesn’t mean it isn’t happening – massive QE3 dumps, the gutting of the military that’s scheduled for 1/2013, Obamacare kicking in . . . these are just a few things that have led to the massive lay-offs that started to occur the day after the election and will continue for months and years. That is just the tip of the economic iceburg not to mention foreign policy ideology that is leaving us far more exposed to events far worse than 9/11 (google Benghazigate).

    And then you have the policies and attitudes being nurtured and voted into law that are turning this nation into the Poland of old (or Cuba or Venezuala, whose leaders *love* Obama – wonder why?) that your parents fled. The ‘work hard, make your own way and be rewarded for it’ attitude (ie capitalism) that made this country so desirable to your parents is being villified as evil. It is being replaced by the covetous ‘the rich man owes me, he didn’t earn that’ and ‘the government needs to take care of me, that’s it’s purpose’ and ‘we’re going to punish you for being successful’ mentality (ie socialism, communism).

    I understand and agree with your sentiment – “appreciate what you have”. However I think it is exactly that appreciation that leads some to say that it’s a “sad and tragic day for our nation” – not from a lack of appreciation of what we have but because we don’t want to see it continue to be destroyed.

    P.S. pls do not misunderstand, Bush with his Patriot Act, passing the Rx drug rider for medicare and the first stimulus that we couldn’t pay for was just as bad. I don’t care if you’re a Dem or Rep, spending money that our great great grandkids will still be paying back and complete disregard for our constitution should be grounds for treason IMHO.

  292. Thanks for the article!

    My one wish is that Americans could get a better handle on, and accept, the real facts. If we could at least do that, then we could discuss real solutions. Maybe that’s the point of the misinformation, to keep us from seeing the real picture.

  293. L.R. if the Republicans lose the house in 2 years then it will be a tragic day..but until then hope for the best and expect the worse..God can still bless us if we turn from our wicked ways and put him first in all that we do..Our only prayer is that the Reps. keep the house in 2 years or there will be no more 2 party system and the dems/liberals will control everything then..but everyone in congress needs to get off their behinds and stop the fiscal cliff from happening in Jan.. we can get our country back !!!! we need bi-partisanship more then ever at this moment..put your political differences aside and get this country headed in the right direction !!!!

  294. Oh for the love of all that is fricken holy. Would you PLEASE get off the cross, some people need the wood. Someone disagreeing with you and calling you out on your crap isn’t persecution. It is NOT censorship its called a exercising the free market of ideas. It is what our forefathers fought for.

    Also what you are describing with biblical law is what is known as a THEOCRACY, where a country is ruled by religion NOT liberty. So you are just here and now declaring yourself a unpatriotic wretch who wants to do away with democracy and the constitution. You have no right to legislate your religion in this country and I am sick and tired of people attempting to push their own dogma on others. You are free to disagree with who the president is but as an American you are required to respect the office. You are also free to express your distaste for abortion and gays, just as I am allowed to express my distaste at you being a narrow minded ass. What you are not allowed to do is enforce your faith on others. I know you long for the days when you could force people to become Christian and burn heretics at the stake but alas we have grown as a people and value individual liberty and humanity over trying to prove how holy we are by persecuting others.

    For once adhere to the teachings of your prophet and learn to accept and love all of mankind rather than looking down your nose at others while proclaiming how much holier you are.

  295. This was SO well written and IS the perspective everyone desperately needs regardless of political preference. Thank you for so eloquently stating what we ALL needed to hear. I shared this article to everyone that needed it in my life. You = awesome.

  296. Also, I think Rosemary seems to have missed the point. And probably watches a lot of Fox “News”. OK, I’ll shut up now.

  297. Ya know…I think the Dems and the media are also fear mongers. I wish everyone would start working together and take some stinking responsibility for their behavior…including Democrats. You are not above reproach.

  298. Obama didn’t destroy the country in the past 4 years, no reason to think he will in the next 4.

    What will happen? More of the same. He will try to increase the taxes paid by the wealthy. He will continue to invest in alternative energy. His health care system will take hold so that more people are insured. He probably won’t start any wars. Federal money won’t be spent on abortions, as it currently isn’t. He will continue to try to find ways to support American companies, like he did with the auto bailout.

    Even if people disagree with these things, they are not going to tear our country apart.

  299. You said in one sentence what it took me several wordy paragraphs to convey – we’ll see if my response actually gets posted 😉 – Good job

  300. I used to work in politics so I have a lot of friends on both sides of the aisle. The vitriol I have seen spewed on Facebook was disgusting. If you’re unhappy with the outcome that is one thing, but some of the things that were posted are inexcusable in any arena. I can handle the fact that I might have different politics than some people, but what I can’t handle is people who don’t respect those differences. The same people who will tout “America is free! Democracy rocks!” track back on all of their words when they don’t get their way. It’s sickening, saddening, and maddening all at the same time! I have so many other feelings about this but I’m at work right now and don’t want to get all worked up about it!

    Thanks for this post! It’s wonderful!

  301. I too come from what was once a third world country.Brazil many years ago.From what I remember my father saying there is no better country in the world than Canada and the USA.My parents fled the Bolshevicks and Communists in Russia in 1929 and fled to Brazil. There was a little more freedom in SA! but it was military rule.Now they are a free country.It took almost 100 years to get there.It still has a long way to go!I kiss the ground of north America.This is indeed a FREE nation! If we do not like the government we can always re-elect a new one.That is Democracy at it’s best.We came here in 1950 and I am grateful!

  302. God made only mankind in his image. We are uniquely singled out bearing the image of God above any other creature. He is the sole object of Christ’s redemptive love. Christ went to the trouble of dying for our transgressions against God by becoming a human first. He went through the process of being put in a womb and being there for 9 months like any other, then born under the human conditions (without sin). Certainly The preexistent Son of God was a person, and he was a person in the womb.
    God said to Noah “Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed; for God made man in his own image.” (Gen. 9:6) God points out that man is unique he is worth more than animals.

    On September 11th, 2001, Islamic terrorists killed almost 3000 innocent people who were peaceably trying to live their lives. On that same day, 3500 sweet babies died from abortion in America. This, all at a time when there are lines of people, all waiting to adopt these holy innocents. Every day, over 3500 babies are murdered by abortion in the United States. That’s over 1.2 million abortions every year. Obama supports these abortions, Romney doesn’t. To me, Obama’s re-election IS tragic to those babies.

  303. Jo, what you wrote was wonderful and TRUE. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and reminding us all.

    To all the Negative Nastie Nellies…WOW. I hope y’all realize that President Obama will still be President tomorrow and y’all will wake up and still be a miserable mess. No one president can be “everything” to everyone. There will be things we agree and disagree with but to be so hateful about it? Really? There was a time, not too long ago, that it didn’t matter what person held that seat, HE WAS RESPECTED!!! The level of respect or shall I say the lack of respect for one another in this country is shocking. What is even more shocking is that I am sure many of those hateful people have children. The President alone (1 person) cannot change this country for the better; it has to be the people as well! Oh and the President does not make “all” of the decisions on his own. If we cannot come together and stop tearing each other down, it is going to be a long road…much longer than 4 years people. There is passion on both sides for what people believe and each side needs to be respectful of that. Life is not black and white and neither is politics; unfortunately it seems to be treated that way. The thing is when we have candidates running they tell us what we want to hear, what they would “like” to do or change and what their vision is. It doesn’t always work out that way and to say that Romney would “save” our country is a bit dramatic because how do we know “what” he would have done? How do we know he wouldn’t have changed is promises after he got in? How do we know? WE DON’T!!!

    The bottom line is this is OUR country and we all need to make it better. My hope is that we can all come together and make our country great again. It is my hope too that both political parties can come together to make our country great again.

  304. Sometimes though being plunged into chaos is exactly what we need. Once that happens I pray that all the politicians will see that it will take being bipartisan to get anywhere. If we truly want to continue being the greatest country on earth we need to stop head-butting over blue and red, democrat or republican, or one side vs the other. We need to come together to fix things and to put our once great and United nation, which is now a greatly divided nation, back together and back on course.

  305. I completely agree with your sentiments. However, if I can be bold enough to interpret what some may really mean by them saying “it’s a sad and tragic day” is because of where we see our country headed because of how the people voted and we are seeing a trend. I do not think Obama is an evil person but his policies and ideas are bringing this nation closer to a socialistic country–like the one your parents and many others fled. I am concerned because this is what a small majority of the people are voting for, thinking that it all sounds so good. Let the government take care of all our needs. I saw this election as a major point in writing the history of what our country will become and by the people
    Speaking and voting for Obama our nation has headed down that socialism path and even though we have the opportunity to vote again in 4 years, I don’t think we will get off this path. And that is what worries me–I see the principles and the standards of our nation as forever, slowly being eroded away. And again that is because the majority of the people are voting for that.

  306. Matthew,

    Well said. The vitriolic, racist and scaremongering rhetoric from what was formerly the Republican party definitely woke up a beast. When you can see the forest through the trees, it’s clear that Obama is far from the worst president EVER!! A daily dose of right-wing media has created a warped mindset about what type of president Obama is.

    For me, it’s refreshing to see that we no longer need the vote of the racist, ultra-religious, white, male to elect a president. Any party that continues to cater to them will eventually be extinct. Any party that continues to pretend that the minority/women vote aren’t important, even vital, will be extinct. I for one cannot wait for the modern Republican party to go away. Their ideology is absolutely repugnant.

  307. You are not getting the point that to some people (read SOME) it honestly, truly is a long-term tragedy because the effects are not a simpleton’s “only 4 years.” The effects are longer lasting. The blog author said it wasn’t sad because it’s only 4 years.
    The point David clearly made that you failed to grasp is that there is indeed a reason for some to be sad and call it a tragedy, because it will directly impact 30+ years of America’s course.

    I hope this explains it to you.

  308. One short sentence……………….Count your Blessings America and quite complaining

  309. “Teach your children that diversity is the cornerstone of this country” – Liberty is the cornerstone of this country. That is why the election results are so tragic to constitutionalists like myself. Our nation has been on a path of growing government and statism for generations, under Republican and Democrat leaders alike. That path has been pumped with steroids under the current administration. Among other reasons, this is a great country because of its founding, because of the greatest governing document ever written, and because of the people that want to defend our heritage and culture. As government grows, liberty shrinks. They truly are inversely related. It is tragic that our citizenry seems to accept this at an enormous rate.

    Furthermore, it is ridiculous to say that the state of our country as a result of the election cannot be tragic because the litmus test for tragedy is the 9/11 terrorist attacks. That is like saying that that rape is not tragic because murder exists. People are not just disappointed because their guy lost. This isn’t a sporting event or a game. People are worried that America is on a slow fade toward tyranny.

  310. Right on! Thank you so much for the reminder that what we have is precious and worth protecting, and WILL ENDURE!

  311. Wrong Yepper. This country is secular, with a majority Christian. There are other practicing religions in the United States. There are people who don’t practice at all. Forcing any one of those outside of your Christian faith to believe what you believe invalidates the entire idea of freedom of religion. This in turn ties into freedom of choice or freedom to marry. Once you begin to write laws from a moral (religious) perspective, you’re stepping on the freedoms of other citizens in this country.

    You as a Christian are free to believe that abortion is wrong (so don’t have one) or that marriage is between a man and an woman (so don’t marry someone of the same sex). But you cannot force other citizens in this country to agree with you because of ‘God’ and still claim this country is a free one.

  312. You should say, ‘was a free country’. Not for long. You have to be blind to see that we are losing our rights every day. He is turning this nation into a musslim nation. Wake up people!!!

  313. Jo – Hugs to you – yours was a beautifully composed statement. I apologize for all the hateful comments that I see have been made re your statement. Ignore them. Meanwhile, I intend to see if I can help my community for future elections, and help my national community by being of service, especially to all those on the east coast…

  314. Meh… First off- the Fiscal Cliff is just a recession maker, we have lived through that, it would be unnecessary, and it is a pretty good case for fiscal stimulus (in that if you believe that reducing .gov spending and raising taxes is going to be a negative then you are arguing that maintaining this de facto stimulus is a positive so you are at the same time also making a case that we are in a zero bound deflationary period- all of that justifies selling US 10 yrs or 30 yrs at historically low rates and spending to create GDP growth… but I digress) but the fiscal cliff is NOT a cliff, it is a ditch.

    First the can gets kicked from Lame duck to the double lucky 213th congress, and then a grand deal on tax reform either happens or the R’s filibuster to a stalemate and THEN we get the “fiscal ditch”. IMO that would be a bad political move because while the electorate aren’t quants with macro skills they will feel the pain resulting from gridlocked induced recession and another credit downgrade. So 2014 could get dicey, as in the electorate might Etch-a-sketch congress. Either way it is a natural function of efficiencies… yes I do believe that… and whether congress inflicts great pain now and endures the slings and arrows of the failed stand-up comedian Grover Norquist and the Tea Party, or else they stomp the can flatter than the 2014 economy and reap the whirlwind of a larger constituency, it is all going to work out in the end. This is the US after all, where we come to correct solution after all else has been tried.

  315. Thank you for putting into words what I was feeling. I was un-friended by someone after I pointed out the irony in her post comparing Obama to Stalin and Hitler that if he were truly just like them she never would have had the freedom to post that opinion. I am ok with the unfriending as my facebook page is so much cleaner and looks more optimistic.

  316. so sad to hear that you hide behind your bible. you state that you dont judge. but you dont approve of adam and steve and dont approve of gay marriages or abortions. so you are judging those people who are not christians and do not have the same beliefs as you do. i am catholic, but i believe in abortion. not for myself. but i dont believe that my religious views should dictate what other women should choose to do with their own bodies. an easy understanding for a simple mind as yours, just because i like chocolate ice cream doesnt mean that everyone in the entire free world should eat it. i have no right to force them to eat it because i think it is the best. it is what is the best for me. i think it is perfect. but others might like vanilla. i am not going to force people to like it just because it is my belief or i heard in church that the pope eats chocolate too. you said the bible is your law. fine and dandy. yet you speak highly of CLINTON? REALLY? i guess i missed that verse in the bible where it says blow jobs for a married man are okay when given in the oval office….i must reread. i think you better put down your bible or get off your horse in kentucky or virginia(yeah,i am judging) and realize that saying you dont hate any sex needs to change. you have to start thinking about not hating who people have sex with!!! put down your bible and think for yourself and realize you are insecure and have no beliefs of your own. free will. america. freedom of choice. tragic.

  317. Molly,

    You should have put a comma after lazy and after together. Instead of focusing on grammar and spelling focus on the facts. The market plunged only hours after Obama was elected. Regardless of how the economy looked in 2008, he has had a large impacts on the lack of progress since then.

  318. To be charitable, one of the arguments conservatives made was that Obama’s foreign policy is weak and far too accomodating to “Islamofascism.” While I don’t believe that argument is grounded in too much reality, it’s at least a rational argument (as opposed to say, climate change denial), and if you believe that, then it’s easy to see how re-election could have tragic implications. Such as a second 9/11.

    Just a thought. I’m saving my real scolding for the people who tweeted pure ugliness like “The nigger won again.”

  319. This is one of the best things I have ever read. This article will be an eye-opener for a lot of people!

  320. HUH? A one party government? The balance of power was completely unchanged in this election. The checks and balances created by our Constitution are unchanged by this election.

    This kind of ignorance doesn’t lend much credibility…

  321. Jim,
    Just curious, did all of those people from the “lazy class” show you their Obama phone and proof of unemployment & food stamp benefits? That must be one hard gym membership application! In addition, isn’t it also strange to see that those people from the “lazy class” are at the gym? Don’t you have a stereotype for that too?
    I hope you don’t ever end up fired, hungry or in need of making an emergency phone. I would hate to see you at the gym with an Obama phone, food stamps or unemployment benefits. I hope you don’t get sick and need to see one of those doctors supplying healthcare too all the unemployed/underemployed workers. Lastly, I really hope you don’t end up taking out some student loans for your graduate school opportunity. I would just hate to see you having to take advantage of any of the amazing loan repayment programs Obama created for people like yourself. That would be tragic.

  322. To be fair, as someone who believes that life begins at conception, to me (and many others), ANYONE supporting any kind of abortion is JUST AS bad as these terrorists. More life will be lost each year from abortion than terrorism.

  323. Thank you so much. Unfortunately, many people these days seem to be so angry. I am on a mission for peace. I seem to be battling many who have been totally brainwashed by sensational news, propaganda movies, etc. I pray that we can come together as one nation and be able to compromise. I personally suffered from our horrible economic conditions at the beginning in 2006-2007 and feel that it will be a very long, hard road to recovery, but the only way we can begin to get there is by all working together.

  324. One of the best writings I have seen since the election. Very well said. I have lived in the US all my life. I have been voting for 48 yrs now and not always to my favorites get elected, but I know we have to accept what is and try to work together as a nation to improve our great nation. My daughter posted a picture yesterday that made her sad and mad. Someone had painted the words :Americ is dead” on a fence visible from her front yard. She now has the job of explaining it to her 6 yr old daughter. We are not dead. We may be bruised (not by the elecion, but by all things), but we are not broken. We need to work together, Congress needs to work together with the President to heal those bruises. America is alive!

  325. Amazing post. Beautifully written, as most stuff that is from the heart. And it is EXACTLY how I feel…thank you for giving me the words.

  326. You do know that “God” was not originally included in the Pledge of Allegiance, right? It wasn’t added til 1954.

  327. Um, no, it isn’t. The founding fathers, those people whose corpses the right keep trying to dig up to rally patriotism, actually disagree with you.

    Thomas Jefferson himself coined the phrase, “a wall of separation between church and state”, and Joel Barlow, the diplomat who represented the United States for then-President John Adams (and was a chaplain to George Washington’s unit in the revolutionary war) explicitly mentioned in his draft of the Treaty of Tripoli, which was approved by the senate, secretary of state, and President Adams, the following, “As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion”.

    So there it is, right from the mouths of the people who built this country, written by the hand of a man who personally served both God and George Washington. Being in the majority does NOT make the United States a Christian nation any more than it is a white nation.

  328. So its okay for Obama supporters to BASH Romney supporters because Romney supporters do not believe in the same things that they do…. but its okay for Obama supporters to say well this is the “right” way to vote. AND vice versa.

    THIS is what is wrong with this country.

    I support gay marriage. I don’t think its anyones business who marries who.

    I also think the whole “Romney will set womens rights back 50 years” is bogus. REALLY? You want to be ProCHOICE… Choose to close your legs. If you cant afford birth control you cant afford a baby. I think vacations are fun… do you pay for my family to go on a luxury vacation? Because you do not need sex to survive so clearly its for enjoyment…I should not have to pay for your silly consequences. If you are raped I think you should have the right to not have the baby. And if anyone REALLY thought he could just snap his fingers and overturn Roe v Wade…you need to stop watching advertisements as your source of facts.

    I think it is ludicrous that I am considered a bigot, homophobic, and a racist because I voted for Romney. I CHOSE to vote based on what I felt was the most important issue to ME which was the economy and felt like the other direction was better. I felt that way not YOU that is why it is MY vote not YOURS. You should accept who I voted for just like I accept who you voted for.

    I get back and forth dialogue, but hate breeds hate. You wonder why the Senate and House don’t get along… just look at this ONE board…

    Can’t We All Just Get Along

  329. Umm, regardless of the exact date, repugs have blocked most anything Obama has proposed. They are petulant, recalcitrant children who don’t care about the good of the people or the state of the nation. Let’s hope they see the light and that it has not worked and that they learn to cooperate. Perhaps they need to go watch some preschoolers learn to share and how to work together.

  330. This is interesting I’m seeing a lot of stuff in the comments below that are still people pointing fingers at one person or another person. How interesting is it that this person wrote a blog pointing out that you have a choice here and freedoms here (I am not interested in getting into a battle about our freedoms) that many other countries don’t get to have. Who cares who’s fault it is? Really truly. Your guy didn’t win, oh well. Next four years will be interesting, and when that is over good we have another election. You get to choose again, how amazing is that? You have a choice. If you voted awesome, if you didn’t vote please don’t complain that one or the other guy won, that’s annoying, because you made the choice to allow everyone else make the decision for you. This is hard, for everyone, no matter what decision you made.

  331. 9/11/11 was a very tragic day I’ll never forget.

    The re-election of Obama, however; was not tragic.

    My opinion is whomever’s in the White House (regardless of whether you’re happy about it) needs to be respectful. I’ve said that from Day 1.

    I’m quite sure running a whole country is no easy task.

  332. Thank you very much for putting things into perspective for some! Everyone has the right to be fearful or joyous, depending on their views. However, no one who lives here and has the right to vote should feel or voice such disgrace in an outcome. This is how democracy works. This is why we live here!

  333. Well said! I couldn’t agree more. Instead of arguing about which party is to blame, why don’t we use that energy to work together to solve the problems we are facing. Lets face it, if we things to change, than that change has to start with us. Politics is a massive cluster where no matter who the president is, it’s difficult to make changes. However, people working together can make changes. Far more than we believe we can. So maybe stop arguing and begin working together!

  334. I was for Romney, I am a Catholic Conservative. President Obama was re-elected and he earned the vote of the country. The liberties which our founding fathers gave us must be respected. We are the envy of the world because we have the power over our elected leaders with our vote. God works in strange and mysterious ways ……. Keep the Faith

  335. Thank you.

    I have seen references to the US becoming Socialist, that we are now under slavery and that those living in blue states effected by hurricane Sandy should be left to perish since Obama won. You have addressed this consisely and eloquently. I’ve been too emotional about some comment to reply rationally.

  336. No, I am not happy about most of the election results. Can I do anything about it? Yes, according to The Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, (Mormon) has instructed us to pray for our national leaders in our personal prayers and in our congregations. We invite Americans everywhere, whatever their political persuasion, to pray for the President, for his administration and the new Congress as they lead us through difficult and turbulent times. May our national leaders reflect the best in wisdom and judgment as they fulfill the great trust afforded to them by the American people. As I read FaceBook today, I am surprised at the amount of negative comments from both Democrats and Republicans. What’s done is done. Now we need to unite and, again as Sherri said, Let’s “get our houses in order”. There is a song that says, “They will know we are Christians by our love.” Let’s love one another; Christians, Jews, Catholics, Muslims,
    Sikhs, etc. because we are all brothers and sisters, one big family.


    ….After the election is over, I can predict (and guarantee) the following results:
    1. God will still be on His throne.
    2. Jesus will still be King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
    3. The Bible will still have all the answers to every problem.
    4. The tomb will still be empty.
    5. Jesus will still be the only way to heaven.
    6. Prayer will still work – it will still make a difference
    and God will still answer prayers
    7. The cross, not the government, will still be our salvation.
    8. There will still be room at the cross.
    9. Jesus will still save anyone who places who places
    their faith and trust in Him.
    10. God will still be with us always-He will never leave us
    Or forsake us.

  337. This is what I posted on my wall yesterday: WE THE PEOPLE….Let’s get on with the business of being the UNITED States! If you are happy/unhappy with the elections yesterday…keep that spirit alive and Write to your congressman/women and put action to your opinions.

  338. Very well said! You are right tragedy is not a good word for the re-election of President Obama. It is frustrating and irritating and a little scary becasue I feel like so many others that he is trying to take our freedoms and turn us into a communist country but we need to all calm down and regroup and remember what tragedy really looks like and deal with what next! The past is the past and we can’t change that we can only move foward and remember those tragedies that make us who we are and press on!!! God Bless

  339. I guess that having a Chapel at the Air Force acadamy (in fact 2 of them, one for Catholics and one for Protestants) and having mostly Christian chaplains isn’t enough for you. There are Christian chapels on many bases. I don’t have a problem with that, why do you have a problem for a sacred space for others

    Until recently Wiccans couldn’t even have a symbol of their faith, on their tombstones.

    There was NOTHING wrong with spending some money to give them a place to worship. By the way, what you just called a ‘temple’ is in reality an open area.

    Try some FACTS

  340. @Jim: The fact that your coffee shop didn’t work out is no one’s fault but that of its management team.
    How about that? A recent college grad who didn’t suddenly get offered the moon? You didn’t tell us your field of study. All that Republican stuff about supply and demand… Is there any demand for someone of your qualifications, whatever they may be?
    Thank you for “supporting the lazy class.” Whoever they may be. FWIW — I worked my butt off for 38 years. I happen to be unemployed at the moment. The last company for which I worked shipped most of its jobs to China. TYVM to the Bain Capitals of the nation.
    A “tragic day”? By no means. You may personally consider it a tragedy because you perceive yourself to be victimized. I hate to tell you this, but a significant portion of those food-stamp people are working their butts off for substandard wages. A significant portion of those unemployed are, as am I, victims of the corporate-raider mentality. You may consider it to be “tragic” because your preferred candidate lost the election. Get over it. I made the best of it when George W. Bush blew away the balanced budget and started unfunded wars. It’s time to start acting like an adult rather than a petulant child.

  341. You said, “I do not believe in gay marriages, I do not believe in abortion.” Do not believe in it all you want, it IS REALITY. How can you not believe in something that is happening, that is real and is legal? Now, if you said, “I don’t support gay marriages or abortion.” that I understand. Don’t get gay married or get an abortion. But trying to control other people is just not your business.
    Keep your bible in your church, where it belongs, but keep it out of my laws and my rights, okay?

  342. Good grief Charlie Brown!! Listen to all of you people…the world is not going to end, Barack Obama is not going to ruin this country, and he is not a terrorist. There were MANY Presidents before Obama that contributed to our economy tanking. Say what you want, your beliefs are yours. You don’t have to try to convince me, I don’t care what side you are on. All I am saying is that maybe the best way to make a change is to stop bitching about it and expecting someone to do it for you and do it yourself…Stop bitching about it, get on the phone with your elected officials and tell them that they need to start getting along. The problem here is that no one wants to be the one to admit that maybe the opposition has a better idea. No one wants to be the one that backs down…I teach my 3 boys that sometimes, they can’t have it all their way…a lesson that I think politicians on both sides need to remember. If you think that Mitt Romney would be able to do it any better…I’m sorry, but you’re wrong. I don’t care which one was elected, neither one of them are going to be able to pull our economy out of the toilet in any satisfactory amount of time. I’m just glad that I live in a country where I was allowed to vote. That I live in a country where my kids can attend school without ridicule. Where I get to make my own decisions based on my own values because of the armed forces that we have protecting those rights. Instead of bitching about it, be thankful.

  343. Hi there! I found this post from two “friends” on FB who shared it.

    I totally get your point about the comparison to terrorist. That was a stupid remark for sure.

    I also respect you as a fellow blogger — whoop whoop!

    However (you knew that was coming) … I am one of those people being vocal. But it absolutely has nothing to do with diversity (I go to a very diverse church). It has nothing to do with being a bad loser, or that my “team” lost.

    I am vocal because of the right of the unborn and the morality of this nation. Not that I think people don’t have a right to vote however they desire.

    So — just so you know, I shared your post on my FB page (even though I can only guess that you and I probably have two different points of view on this issue).

    Bless you,

  344. What a wonderful post! I know my daughter was dismayed to read post on her Facebook feed so many outrageous comments. I told her to hide or de-friend those people if it upset her so much. I hope she shares this post on her page. We need to come together as a country as there is so much to be done. Thank you for an excellent perspective!

  345. It’s tragic that so many citizens voted for the same policies that put Greece into turmoil. It’s tragic that so many Americans voted for a health care law they never researched.
    It’s tragic that our financial system is falling apart, and like a college student with “daddy’s credit card” our president keeps “charging it” to China with out a budget (you try that one, tell me how well it works for you)
    It’s tragic that stupidity out numbers intelligence here in the United States!

  346. I guess the tragedy is really in the way we are all acting… like spoiled children who expect the framework of American government to act like a vending machine. Put in a vote and get out your favorite brand of leadership. This blaming, victim thinking and behavior, bickering, name calling is shameful. I imagine our forefathers looking down on us right now, shaking their heads. If you only take one day out of 365 days to vote and the rest of the 364 days do nothing to better your country and the lives of your fellow Americans, then you have no reason to complain. You have every RIGHT which you are openly exercising by the comments above, but there’s no integrity in it.

  347. Also, David, if the Supreme Court were actually doing what they were supposed to, their political beliefs would not affect their vote. They are supposed to uphold the Constitution and decide whether laws are constitutional. They are NOT supposed to give their personal opinion, beliefs, or “interpretations” of what they think the Constitution meant to say. I would worry about the fact that our Supreme Court is using their own personal beliefs to shape their decisions much more than who the president will choose next.

  348. How can you say the country “just acquired a one-party government”? The Republicans still have a majority in the House, the Democrats have a small majority in the Senate, and there were even a few independents elected. How is that any different than under previous presidents, Democrat or Republican?

  349. Sonya,
    I’ve been on food stamps before – my husband had a full time job when we were getting that help to feed our children. Newly out of the Air Force, we just couldn’t make enough money. So – lazy – no! Need a hand up? Yes.
    Don’t paint everyone receiving assistance with the same “lazy” brush. Sometimes it’s just the circumstances they are in at the moment.

  350. If this country just did become a one-party government (which judging by state and local governments all around the country that are still in GOP control; see: my home state of Nebraska), maybe it’s because the GOP has crappy/non-existent ideas, have contributed little of value to national politics, and tried to push an extremely out of the mainstream social agenda and they reaped the electoral fruits thereof. They have been slowly digging their own grave since their Faustian bargain with the religious right and the former Confederacy in the 60s.

  351. Personally I am 100% proof that children don’t necessarily carry the same beliefs or values as their parents. My mother was and is a hard-core Romney supporter, and one of the idiots declaring it a “tragedy” that Obama was re-elected. and yes, I think she’s an idiot in this respect.
    So many people are STILL blaming Obama for not instantly fixing the mess Bush caused. However they refuse to acknowledge the fact that the REPUBLICAN Senate BLOCKED almost EVERY measure Obama brought to the house. Over three HUNDRED times… more times that ANY other term before, during any number of terms COMBINED.
    Perhaps if the Republicans would pull their heads out of their asses long enough to actually VOTE on the merit of the measures presented, instead of blocking the vote from going through JUST because it’s from Obama, the country might have a better chance at recovery and things being fixed.
    I personally HATE political parties and think they should be outlawed. To hell with which “side” you’re on. All I care about is what you HAVE done and what you want to do… And that’s all that should matter.
    The real “tragedy” of this election is that people are behaving so badly, making such awful, hurtful and uncalled for statements.
    A friend and I were having a discussion and came to the conclusion that if Washington, Jefferson and the others who created our Constitution were to somehow be able to visit our time, they would appalled and horrified by what has become of the country they founded. This is NOT what they intended in the slightest. They wanted a free secular (NON-religious) country where the people had a say in the government and were free from persecution for having “different” beliefs or opinions.

  352. Fortunately not everyone is christian. Men should have nothing to say about what a woman does with her body. You don’t believe in abortion DON’T HAVE ONE but you have no right to tell me or any woman what she can or cannot do with her body.

  353. Lom, Clinton signed NAFTA on his way out opening the gateway for jobs to be exported to foreign countries at cheaper cost to corporations. Bush also had to deal with 9/11 AND Katrina, not to mention the wars- how could money not be spent? And yes, the Iraq war was misguided and a huge waste of money for what seems like a familial vendetta on Hussein, but should we have not chased after those that caused 9/11 in Afghanistan? There is no infallible President, there is only Presidents that try to do what they think is right. We can argue shortcomings of our Presidents all the way back to Wilson who decided he was going to push a big government and established the Federal Reserve.

    Our freedoms have been diminished slowly but surely over the years but nobody seems to notice until you realize one day that you used to be able to choose something or do something and now it’s all regulated as if you can’t think for yourself.

  354. Wow. Well said! Thank you for posting this! Sharing with friends and family (and the friends who ex-friended me when they learned that, while I’m open to discussion, I’m not just going to swing their way.)

  355. Let me just step in here and say that you are correct, no one is preventing Sheather from living out his Christian beliefs… not yet anyway.

  356. It seems to me that this is one of the comments that should have been deleted as disrespectful. In any case, if we have more people receiving assistance it is because we have more people needing assistance because of the bad economy. What are those people supposed to do when they lost their jobs because their companies went bankrupt? You seem to be one of the people who assumes that the “masses” are unemployed because they want to be. That may be true of some, but most of the people receiving benefits are people who, through no fault of their own, lost their jobs and now need help. What is their alternative?

  357. How does Jim even know if the people signing up are on food stamps? When I signed up for 24 Hour, they did not ask me what type of assistance I got.

  358. Fact check #1: Some of the more prominent founding fathers were not Christians, or had some radical revisionist beliefs about Christianity (think Jefferson Bible).

    Fact Check #2: The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 by Bellamy, who was a Christian socialist. The original Pledge did NOT include the word “God.” It was later adopted in 1942 by Congress. At it’s first use by Congress, it did not use the word “God.” The word “God” was incorporated through an act of congress in 1954 under President Eisenhower, who had been recently baptized as a Presbyterian.

    Reality check: Just because certain religions were not at the forefront of American history when the country was founded does NOT mean that they shouldn’t be part of its policies now. The whole idea of the separation of church and state was so that not one religion or religious sect would reign over others and so that people of certain beliefs would not be persecuted (i.e., systematically mistreated) for their beliefs. No one is persecuting Christians in America. There is no threat on Christian faith. You can still practice your religion freely without fear of persecution. Christians are free to express their views at the offense of others. And in fact do so. Some Christians even offend other Christians with their belief systems. That is not what defines freedom of religion or expression.

  359. What’s tragic is how few people realize what’s going on globally, unjust wars, killing innocent people, indoctrinating children with ridiculous nationalism (as if the people of the world are that different), poor quality education, poor quality foods, flouride in our water. Americans are generally being lied to, divided, poisoned. WE are to blame, and our crime is apathy and ignorance. Is it not tragic that upon re-election, drones were immediately sent to Yemen? Is it not tragic that hours after re-election the US backed the UN on the arms treaty, likely resulting in infringement on our second amendment right and more innocent lives lost? The tragedy is in the big picture. The tragedy is the allowance of a market-based economy to transcend laws of morality, decency, and respect for the environment. The tragedy will become ever so obvious as our economies all collapse, more wars ensue, and the people are brought to their knees begging for big government and corporate fat cats to save us and throw us a bone. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. Wake up, people. The world, with all due respect for all its beauty, is headed toward tragedy if we do not immediately alter our methods for social and economic progress. Some of us aren’t upset “our” guy didn’t win. Some of us simply lament that the people are ultimately losing.

  360. I’m amazed of all the people that are taking this so badly. I’m a Republican from Massachusetts and a Small Business Owner and I DidNot Vote for Mitt Romney. Everyone should ask them selves 1 Why did Mitt not run for reelection for Governor after only on term and 2 why did he not only loose Massachusetts by huge numbers but also every state that he ever lived in or worked in too. That tells me that the people that know him best don’t trust him.
    Be Safe.

  361. Most of the comments I’ve read support for Obama. First he said that if he could not fix the economy, ( It’s worse then when he was elected.) and bring unemployment down to 5.3%. ( It’s much higher.) That he would not run for reelection. ( He Did.) Second he has spent and barrowed more then any President in history. ( More then the 4 previous Presidents combined.) Third he has forced his Obamacare down our throats. ( Taxasion with out representation, and unwanted by most.) Fourth he used executive privlage to hide just how badly Fast and Furious went wrong. ( Hundreds killed by Mexican cartels, with weapons provided by Fast and Furious.) Fifth and most important, He let four Americans die in that Libia embasy. He ordered all forces to stand down. He turded down repeated pleas for help from the embasy. Two hours after the attack he knew it was an Al-Cida attck, then for almost five weeks said it was over some stupid vidio on the enternet. For this one reason Obama should be tried for murder in the first degree, four counts. Along with numerous counts of misconduct.

  362. you don’t even understand who really runs this country.
    9/11 was an inside job and the real tragedy is that this is a nation of zombies with all 5 senses dimmed and lost hearts riddled with selfish ans unsuitable lust for material and superficial happiness.
    people need to take responsibility for the global collective and fight against the cooperate slave drivers that aim to moot our lower class lives for their benefit.

  363. If you are an NPR listener, you might want to check out last weeks episode of This American Life. It was about politics in the US. One of the points made that in all of the people who were interviewed for the stories- no matter what side of the discussion, the interviewees made a comparison to Natzi Germany. Really?

  364. No, it is NOT a Christian country, and never was.

    “In God We Trust” was adopted as a motto in 1956.

    The leading founding fathers were neither Christian nor even Deist, but rather supporters of “Theistic Rationalism”.

    The founding fathers, who came from a variety of backgrounds, very specifically did not want religion involved in the government. Your revisionist Christian-Right philosophies do not make it suddenly so.

  365. Considerably, this post is really the sweetest on this notable topic. I harmonise with your conclusions and will thirstily look forward to your incoming updates. Saying thanks will not just be sufficient, for the phenomenal clarity in your writing.

  366. Sorry, Yepper. This is NOT a “Christian Country”. It is predominantly Christian (78.4% Source:, but that leaves that other 21.6% who are free to worship (or not worship, as the case may be) as they please.
    Christianity and God are not mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. If you do the research, you’ll find that most of the Founding Fathers were not “Christian”.
    Subscription to Christian principles is not the same as membership in Christianity. You’ll find that most of Judaism, for instance, subscribes to the same principles.
    We all have opinions. We all espouse thoughts of one flavor or another. But if you’re going to state something as fact, please do the research or let us know whose research you’re quoting. Otherwise we’ll write you off as a sore loser.

  367. BRAVO & Amen!!! Thank you & this is the very 1st comment i’ve ever left anywhere. 😀

  368. Johnny, you’re a little unclear on who was president while 9/11 happened. That would be Bush Jr. Prior to Bush Jr’s presidency there was evidence that the Clinton administration’s intelligence was aware of the growing threat Bin Laden and Al Qaeda posed to the US. Bush Jr. put off warnings about Bin Laden in favor of focusing on Saddam and Iraq. There was intelligence about the possibility of large scale attack on the United States by Al Qaeda while Bush was in office. This information was either brushed off or ignored.

    To be clear, 9/11 had shit all to do with a ‘weak’ foreign policy and a lot more to do with ignoring the threat Bin Laden and Al Qaeda posed to the US. Historically, the mess in the Middle East has to do with Israel and the borders which divided up the holy land. It also has a lot to do with the US’s strict support of Israel. Muslim extremists have no love for the United States, but this really has nothing at all to do with the US’s perceived weakness.

  369. Please know how much I adore you for your wonderful words. It is like you read my mind! Outside of me coming from Memphis, Tn. 🙂 But this is a truly beautiful point of view and I wish SOOOO many people on my FB page would take the time to READ this with open minds as opposed to hearts filled with hate. I pray for them and I pray for this country. It is the most amazing place on earth. Everyone needs to understand no matter what you believe learn to respect others since you want the same respect!

  370. Um, no it’s not. It’s a country with religious freedom. It is not run or governed by Christianity, I don’t live by your religious law. Therefore, not a Christian country. So, the thing is Yepper, you’re wrong.

  371. It will never be a one party country. If the Republicans can craft a platform that appeals to more than just white upper class males and religious fanatics, then they can win many hearts and minds. Keep “tragic” in perspective. Finally, Bush cut taxes and didn’t cut spending, started the orgy of borrowing from China and 1 totally unnecessary war that cost trillions. Obama added trillions more in stimulus. Fair to say that both played a hand. Fair to say that both could have been avoided.

  372. That’s right Megan. The companies that took the bailout are very near bancruptcy even after having taken the “so called bailout”. It’s truly a joke that they call it a bailout, like ah, for who? Solyndra??? As far as I’m concerned they should have let the auto industry go belly up because the free market takes natural care of itself, no government interception necessary. Instead, in the guise of a so called “bailout”, a word that makes the public feel artificially comfortable, it has only denied a hastier and mor thorough recovery. Since when can the government run anything and if they had money to bail anything how about starting with their own ineptly run operations such as the United State Postal Service, or even better the Veterans Administration. What a joke! It’s like the pot calling the kettle black. But furthurmore the government has regulated and over regulated the auto industry, banking, and many others such as mining, so much that we can’t be anywhere close to competitive in America. Yes, our government is the crimnal here. There has never been a government in our whole world history that has ever been able to run a business. Russi, China, North Korea? Just try to find one. It takes the free market to do that and why you might ask? Because the free market has to answer to the public that supports them. The government NEVER does. The government decides and you take what they give you whether you like it or not. The way they do that is to eliminate competition and then guess what the quality is after that. You will have no other choice. Everyone learn their history and forget what those wildly Liberal teachers taught you in school. THEY WERE WRONG.

  373. As someone else mentioned, check your grammar–and especially punctuation–and your argument would be more credible. And check your history. If all you can see with Obama is failure, you need glasses. He saved the American auto industry. He ended the war in Iraq. He got rid of Osama Bin Laden. He gained the respect of the rest of the world. Polls of other countries showed overwhelming international support for Obama. He maybe didn’t accomplish everything he wanted to or that you would have liked him to, but it is a gross exaggeration to say you see nothing but failure.

  374. Wish people would stop lumping all New Yorkers together. Yes downstate the votes were nearly 2 to 1 for Obama. But upstate the statistics were reversed with nearly 2 to 1 for Romney. Because the population density is much higher in downstate, their votes trump upstate votes. This has been an ongoing issue.

  375. Ester, our Founding Father’s were composed of many religious beliefs. This country was not founded by Christians or by a Christian God.

    No one is trying to offend Christians. We’re attempting to preserve the idea of a secular government and the separation of church and state. The idea, or mention, of A God or Your God in secular government buildings or in secular public schools violates the separation of church and state. Your solution to this is to attend Christian private schools, which have no connection to taxpayer money.

  376. My brother, whom I love dearly, is depressed like I have never seen. All I can do is remember when Bush and the US Supreme Court stole the 2000 election. I called my democratic congressman’s office and sobbed to his secretary. The saddness is overwhelming. He has been told that the American that he loves no longer loves him. Really, it is like being jilted by the love of your life. My heart goes out to him but my sympathy is not a balm

  377. An instantaneous tragedy like 9/11, it is not. But, a “Tragic Day for Our Nation” it IS. On 11/06/2012 America gave up on “The American Dream”. This too, will be a pivotal moment in history, when America said “It is what our country can do for us, it is not what we can do for our country”.

  378. Oh come on.. give the guy a break. There is something to be said for correct grammar (and being an English freak I’m usually the one to say it) but a few hiccups here and there like in Jim’s post is not reason enough for such a patronizing disclaimer on your post. You know some people actually do have problems like dyslexia and believe it or not, they are still entitled to an opinion. This is about an election not a spelling bee…

  379. I agree…I don’t care which side you are on, it’s only going to get worse until people start realizing that the only way it’s going to change is to cross the party line and work together. Instead of trying to convince others that your way is the way to go, I think the better option is to stop bitching about everything and just get it done.

  380. Read this based on a link from a friend and I’m so glad I did! Hoping we can all find a healthy perspective again 🙂

  381. A one-party government? In what sense on earth do we have a one-party government? Are you aware of the outcomes in the House and Senate?! And are you aware how effectively the Republicans in Washington have managed to stop Obama from doing almost anything these past 4 years? This is no dictatorship and indeed, what you write here is just the kind of extremist rhetoric that Jo’s article is all about. In most countries of the world Obama would be considered a right-wing politician. He is no communist dictator. Keep things in perspective, dude!

  382. A LOT of us remember Mitch McConnell’s vow to make sure Mr Obama was a one-term President, no matter what. I’m proud of our country that in spite of McConnell’s best efforts, he failed.

  383. BUSH WARNED THEM? Are you delusional? Bush started two unfunded wars and told everyone not to worry and go shopping. He warned us alright “I have earned political capital and I intend to spend it.” He did, and spent us into a near depression.

  384. Very eloquently said! I applaud you for saying what so many have been thinking, myself included. I am just as angered by those whining about losing as I am by those bragging about winning. As I read through some of the comments, I am absolutely shocked at some of the other poster’s naivety or downright stupidity. Seriously, there are people out there who still subscribe to the notion that 9/11 was staged? Shame on them. That person probably thinks the holocaust was staged as well. The person who is angry by the bail-out? Well I work for one of those companies. My firm has repaid the federal loan back to the government in full with interest.

    The Mid-Atlantic states of our country just suffered horrendous devastation at the hands of Hurricane Sandy. That is a tragedy as many are homeless, cold and desperate for assistance. But despite this we got out there and voted as is our privilege and obligation.

    I voted for “the other guy”. Am I devastated that he did not win? No! I just pray that our Congress will get it’s act together and work with this president so that we can work as one to repair what previous leaders have screwed up. Leaders of both parties… This is where we fail. The inability to make true compromise for the good of our country.

    Thanks for letting me vent.

  385. No, Yepper, it is not. The First Amendment states that Congress shall make no law concerning religion, which was intended to prevent this country from becoming a theocracy. John Adams stated in the Treaty of Tripoli that this country is not a religious nation. Most all of the Founding Fathers were deist or agnostic, not the hardcore Christians so many people seem to think that they were.
    I myself am Christian and I am relieved that our country is not a Christian one, no matter how hard the politically active wings of some churches have tried to push Christian agendas through the legislature. Our country is not a Christian nation, but it is a diverse and welcoming one where all people, regardless of what faith they do or do not practice, are welcome. As long as they aren’t pushing those beliefs on me, just like they don’t want my beliefs pushed on them, America’s going to get along just fine.

  386. Thank you for this… I think every person no matter what party they affiliate with need to read this and really think about it.

  387. Ok a couple of things.

    1) you are correct the Mitch McConnell did not make the “one term President comment until 2010. That is only because the republicans were effectively out of power until the 2010 elections. So as soon as the got dealt back into the game, House leadership made it known that they were not going to work with the President. They chose party over country.

    2) I doubt that the President will be offering amnesty to 12 million Latinos ( I am assuming that is whom you are referring to) , our immigration problems would not be solved by a simple blanket solution, but even if he does , Republicans have themselves to blame for effectively creating a “one party” system. The Republicans put forth policy in such a tone deaf manner, that it created an environment were it appeared that the right just didn’t not like ” brown people” . Even without a change in our immigration policy 50,000 Latinos turn 18 every month, and the are concentrated in places like Florida, Arizona, and Texas. It is a demographic nightmare for the right, and they have no one but themselves to blame.

    3) If the Republicans become a Minor/ regional party it is not the end of our nation. Political parties have risen and fallen throughout our nations history,and if Republicans continue to listen to the most vitriolic of voices from the far right maybe the Ash heap is where they belong, so there is room fro a strong center right conservative party again in America.

    In the end that choice is going to be made on the right. So quit the histrionics and engage your leadership.

  388. Funny that you believe Mitt Romney is a strong leader. Didn’t the state he used to govern vote for Barack Obama? What sort of leadership skills does that boast?

  389. I am NOT a Democrat! I am NOT a Republican! I AM AN AMERICAN!!!!!! Because I am an AMERICAN who IS registered to vote, I do what all AMERICANS who exercise their right… I vote according to my concious and what platforms seems to be the lesser of two evils. I then pray for those who are in authority…as the bible tells me. Every 2 years we have a chance to make our wishes known, but because we choose to side with a person/party/platform instead of uniting and demanding that they, Capitol Hill, THE BIGGEST WELFARE SYSTEM WE HAVE, work together for OUR…AMERICA’S…good. Because the needs of Americans are so different, we will probably never be on the same page. ALL of Capitol Hill made this mess. Yes, we need to balance the budget. Yes we need to reduce debt. Yes we need to protect our children and elderly. Yes we need to protect education. Yes we need to work to keep Big Business here in America. But somehow we have to find a way to do it without hurting each other and being prepared to sacrifice to acheive this.

  390. For the generation that is heading into education and into the work force as well (teenagers and young adults) it will be tragic. The baby boomers and retirees shouldn’t have to worry so much, obama will just spit government care in your face. This young generation will suffer and pay, it’s not all about the present.

  391. Thanks for putting a little perspective out there.
    There’s been a lot of drama… this is the first election i’ve ever really seen friendships ended over. It was personal for a lot of us.

  392. Easy, tigers…

    This isn’t a place to tear one another apart about who’s at fault; it’s a place to consider good sportsmanship, perspective, and the privilege of being Americans. I have friends who are furrowing their brows, filled with fear this week. I have friends who are smiling, filled with hope this week. And it’s okay to discuss both, openly, because we are Americans. And it’s okay for me to be friends with both, openly, because we are Americans.

    Those who choose to play the blame game and toss around insults, especially in response to a thoughtful, open-minded post like this one, only hinder progress for all of us. Our country is not perfect, nor will it ever be, but you do have the opportunity and the right to make a difference in whichever way you feel is best. Please do it politely.

    I say keep loving our country, and “XXX Bless America” – and you can enter the word of your choice – because you’re an American!

  393. You are so right! Everyone needs to stop the childishness!!! All the high-fives! All the tears and mourning! Not necessary! America has a system in place for checks and balances. Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches are there to make sure we don’t become Socialist or Communist! Wish they would take a paycut to start working on the deficit. Their salaries would definitly pay some bills.

  394. How utterly and simply true this is. I love that a friend shared it…and that I got to read it. Thank you.

  395. Wow, Cowcharge really has a republican bur up his backside. You can join your fellow white racists and move to Australia, but keep in mind that they have a gay prime minister, free healthcare and Religion doesn’t run politics there. HA! book a flight moron…

  396. What a lot of bitter, uninformed, divisive and polarized people there are here. This is now the Divided States of America and the sheep who watch Fox and MSNBC should be ashamed of themselves for being so easily manipulated and letting their worst natures vomit out of mouths and keyboards.

    So much ignorance and anger – what on earth happened to you people?

  397. You know – the great lord Cthulhu could rise from the sea. Who knows? I sure don’t. I’m not a mind reader, so he may just rise up and throw this world into a thousand years of darkness. So! Let’s just toss it into a sentence to get people riled up because we can always use the justification of ‘you never know!’

    Logic = sound.

  398. Pip,

    Thanks for pointing out, with such a level head, that this is a nation founded on religious freedom. Our separation of church and state is fundamental in our continued freedom and success.
    This is a good point to keep in mind for this lively discussion.
    I laughed out loud when I saw the comment above that this is a “Christian Country” (thanks for that Yeppers). It is not. This is a free country and wouldn’t it be great if our freedom pulled us closer together.

  399. I am very excited to see that someone realizes what we are headed toward Cowcharge. Thanks, it makes me feel so not alone! Let’s hope 4 years isn’t long enough to get this done!

  400. Please enlighten me what exactly they did in 2008 because I clearly remember knocking on doors of seniors in forgotten neighborhoods who were preyed on to change their fixed rates into ARMs in 2007. The housing crisis has been an issue prior to 2007 as well so I don’t think this was a “Democrat” issue more than a GREED and and a predatory issue.

  401. I apreciate you’re comments about terrorism and the economy. Bush ignored warnings from all over the world about attacks coming to the U.S. he used these attacks to start two illegal wars. And tanked our economy. Pres.Obama was left to clean up the mess. It’s a lot harder to repair than destroy. Especially without help from the other half of the government. Who are the patriots the ones who destroy or the ones who repair?

  402. Yepper,
    Sure. Christianity is the dominant religion in this country. However, it is not a Christianity-GOVERNED country. This is a secular nation. Ever heard the term “melting pot”? It’s what this country was built on. Not shoving one religion down someone else’s throat. Not EVERYONE is a Christian in this country, and they are free to decide for themselves. Laws restricting the rights of citizens can’t be made in a SECULAR nation if the only argument they can provide is God. I believe any one in this country can have their own personal relationship with God without using that relationship to judge and restrict the rights of others who may or may not share those beliefs. If “Adam” wants to marry “Steve”, how is that going to affect me or the way I choose to live my life? It’s not. At all. Is allowing gay marriage going to hurt any straight couple’s marriage. No. Is letting a gay couple get married going to somehow turn straight people gay? No.
    And how does “Jane” deciding to have an abortion affect you or me? Again. It doesn’t. No one is trying force people to have abortions. It’s called pro-CHOICE. Not pro-abortion. I am completely pro-choice, and I CHOSE not to have an abortion when faced with an unplanned pregnancy because it wasn’t right for ME. I have no valid reason to enforce that on someone else.
    Maybe “Adam”, “Steve” and “Jane” don’t believe in your God. Come up with a valid argument why these things are so wrong that doesn’t involve religion. This country is built on freedom of religion (which includes the right to not believe in any religion) and the right to pursue life, liberty and happiness, provided you’re not encroaching on the rights of others trying to do the same thing. I think that’s all “Adam”, “Steve” and “Jane” are trying to do. Pursue their form of happiness, which isn’t taking away any of your rights or mine.

  403. Unlike Dubya or Romney, I think Obama is sincere in trying to lead the country to a better place. Maybe if he didn’t have to deal with tantrum-throwing GOP’ers who are intent on not working with ANYONE besides themselves, things would be a lot better.

  404. Yepper: no, it’s not. It’s a country of religious freedom, and freedom FROM religion, if that’s what one chooses.

    You know, Land of the Free and all that Civics class stuff that christian fundamentalists seemed to have dozed through during high school.

  405. This sums it up the best!!!!! I have seen and heard some really disgusting things this week and it makes me sad! Jo, you did an amazing job with this and I must share it on my facebook page! Good job!!

  406. How DARE you add perspective and insight to our ongoing tantrums!!?? We’re not interested in reason, we’re going for pure emotion!!

    Very well written. Thanks for the wise counsel.

  407. I disagree with Jim’s claims and his sentiment, but his grammar and spelling, while not perfect, are excellent for a college graduate. Ask any graduate student who has to grade upper division undergrad papers, or any HR rep who has to slough through entry level resumes. Yikes.

  408. Be specific about the socialist direction the country is going in. It seems that Americans in general haven’t a clue as to what socialism actually is. I’m curious what you think this entails.

  409. I cannot believe that someone finally remembered the four Americans who were brutally killed in Benghazi while our president watched. Thanks

  410. I say it was a tragic day for one fact alone: Obama’s attitude towards the nation Israel. What every President must know is that we need to have Israel’s back, not push them to give up what little land they have – land that they are entitled to. I realize that the majority of Americans are not God-fearing, but whether you believe in God or not, He is our Creator. God says that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed. We, as a nation, have not been blessing Israel and we are seeing the results … Katrina; unprecedented tornado seasons; heat records; drought; Superstorm Sandy and the current nor’easter that is battering those same towns hit by Sandy. Anyone interested, should read “Eye to Eye – Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel” by Bill Koenig.

  411. Jo, I saw this post shared by a FB friend of mine. And your feelings resonate with me. I do believe we need to all work together. Though I voted for Obama and believe he is the man for the job wholeheartedly, I believe that the polls were a good indicator that he still has to earn the trust of the many who don’t believe he can help us. I know they can’t all be unreasonable and hateful. I know they are scared and hardworking people who pay their bills, pay taxes and want to leave this world a better place – just like I. So I remember to hear them out, to meet them half way if they let me and always remain kind and considerate whether I am dealt the same courtesy or not. I am here today able to enjoy the extraordinary privilege of being called an American because my parents believed in a dream that they could come here and make a life for themselves. I don’t take the freedoms I enjoy for granted because my parents raised me to remember that it is a gift, a blessing. I know I am not alone. I would like to see in 4 years progress in attitudes, in helping hands, in tolerance and through excavating our purposeful selves and inspiring those around us we will see the change as a nation. I believe there is power in one to change the world and it starts at home, with each of us. Thank you for writing this and for the reminder that there are far worse ‘tragedies’ than re-electing Obama.

  412. Ohhh you mean two years into his term…. when republicans took over congress? ? That would make sense that THEY are the ones who swore to ensure Obama fails! ! Don’t forget that the nothingness Obama Has done is purely because of congress’ refusal to approve anything he has proposed. Including the end of the “temporary” tax cuts that bush put into place. If all the money hoarders in the country would pay fair taxes instead of expecting the poor to pick up their slack our DEBT would be greatly reduced. Its simple math! !!! Btw lets all remember what TEMPORARY means when the rich republicans think they are entitled to pay less taxes.

  413. “so all those checks and balances invented by the founding fathers just became null and void. I’m sure the Dems will rejoice at this, but the rest of us, who believe in the Constitution”

    Such as…separation of Church and State so that Religious views would not be involved in the making of Law? Yes….we see how well that has played out for a specific party who loves to push their Religion into what should and should not be a Law.

  414. I also agree with Sheather – it’s a child, not a choice. It’s never, ever right. I know someone who was a product of rape and would never wish that she weren’t born. I also personally know someone who was the victim of rape and also got pregnant, yet loves her child unconditionally. My sister was told when she was four months pregnant, that she should abort her child, since it was going to be born with many birth defects and probably, not live to be more than a few months old. She lived to be 3, with in home care; they loved her like they would any child; and Never, Ever wished she had aborted that child. Think about, God created these human beings.

  415. Joe….You don’t know your history…….You have been listening to Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh too long. The economic mess was created by President Reagan when he opened our government to Corporations. We are heading towards a Fascist State because of him. Go back in history (Italy-WWII). Corporations ran their government and they failed. The Republicans are trying to do the same here by controlling the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of our government. They already have the Judicial (all the corrupt judges) the Legislative (all the lazy no-show representatives and NOW they wnat the White House. Imagine what kind of a MONOPOLY we would have!?!?!?!?! I sure as hell would not want to land on Boardwalk with them in FULL control.!!!!!

  416. In Oct 2010 McConnell was, unfortunately for the country, describing the Republican mission since BEFORE DAY ONE.
    “…the Republican plot to obstruct President Obama before he even took office, including secret meetings led by House GOP whip Eric Cantor (in December 2008) and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (in early January 2009) in which they laid out their daring (though cynical and political) no-honeymoon strategy of all-out resistance to a popular President-elect during an economic emergency. “If he was for it,” former Ohio Senator George Voinovich explained, “we had to be against it.” ”

    Read more:

  417. “So quit the histrionics and engage your leadership.” One of the best, to the point, statements I think I’ve read on any blog, forum, +++ Sums up so much.

  418. Very well said! What this country needs now, at this moment in our sometimes glorious, sometimes tragic history, is for people to pull together and make a good difference in the way we govern and are governed. The simple fact is this: Obama was re-elected. He is our president and all of the name calling, denigration, vituperation and outright scandalous talk is not going to change that one whit! We need to get over ourselves and get back to the business of making this country what it is…the best place to live and prosper.


    You sound just as dumb as Joe….”The statement about making Obama a one-term president” started the day he became president. Just like the questioning as to weather he was a legitimate American Born person. You have to be STUPID to think that one could become president if he/she was NOT born in the US. I came to the US from Argentina when I was 10 y/o and I already knew that I would not be able to become a US president. Did you know that when you were 10 y/o.

  420. It is a sad day for America! We just elected a President who stood before us for 2 weeks and blatantly lied to us about a terrorist attack. He made up a story about a video and told that all over the world, even at the UN. An innocent American was arrested for making a video which had nothing to do with the attack! What happened to free speech? In fact we found out that there was NO PROTEST! Our intelligence community testified under oath that they never told him there was a video involved & that in fact there was no protest! Then we found out that there was a military presence there within an hour, and they were told to stand down by the White House! They watched the attack in the situation room in the white house and sent no help while our citizens there fought for their lives for 8 hours! It is disgraceful. Why are they lying to us about a terrorist attack? I honestly can not believe one person in America would vote for this man for this reason alone!
    Furthermore, it is a sad day for America that a President was elected who denies God and His principles. Christian people are in mourning, because our nation elected a wicked man. You may not agree with us, and that is ok, but you may not dismiss our feelings. They are valid and real!

  421. Get over it people. The election is over and Obama won. Now, deal with it, and start working together and with the president to bring this country all the way back to where it was before. My God, if you continue to cry like little babies, nothing will get done. Just for once, be an adult, suck it up, and move forward.

  422. Completely ignoring any political discussion on this post, because those who turn this political have missed the point.

    LOVE this. I was sickened and sad to see the insanity the day after on Facebook. I had to walk away from my computer for a time.

    I am PROUD OF MY COUNTRY. No matter who sits in the White House this land OF the people, FOR the people, run BY the people. That has not changed, and although there are strongholds of civil rights I feel have been under attack in the past four years, and will be under attack in the next four, one president can not, and has not, managed to fundamentally undermine our Constitution.

    Very, very well said. In four years, we get to do this all over again. Because we live in America.

    btw… I voted for Romney.

  423. Thank you! Thank you for reminding! Thank you for making my hair syand on top of my goosebumps! Thank you! You are a fantastic writer! Point blank! I say thank you!!

  424. Jim….if you are an entrepreneur and found yourself jobless then apparently you took interest in a failing venture. Better luck next time. I started my “one-man business” 4 years ago and I am doing fine so far.

    We are NOT supporting the “lazy class”! I have met many of what you call “lazy class” people and ALL happen to be white…if that makes a difference. Unless you were referring to…shhhhh….minorities……..

  425. Not necessarily Lori .. you should hear what is said about Maggie Thatcher – hmmm … but then she was a woman!!!

  426. Thank you gill.

    I fear the day that the people who think they have the best of intentions accidentally create a theocracy. So, they can believe what they like, but our country is not, and shall never, run on biblical law.

    A lot of my vote (against Romney) decision was because of the supreme court placements. I worry about those who rise with might against the lifestyle of the middle east, only to advocate a similar situation over here. And if one cannot see how the slippery slope of “life begins at conception” and “God’s definition of marriage” being written into law can slide easily into a controlling theocracy, I am surprised.

  427. Well said, indeed. Someone else said after the election results were in – tomorrow we will wake up to the same families/friends/jobs, etc. We will still live in a country that embraces the right to vote as we wish – many countries do NOT allow this even in their so-called “free elections”, which if you follow news events at all, realize they are NOT. Those who are frustrated – and it is many of us, yes (even myself on some subjects) – should remember 4 years ago, the thought “put out there” on election day was this: it would take all of us working together – not one man who is supposed to be a miracle worker. A man who walked into a divided congress and inherited a ton of serious issues. Our job is to make sure we keep on having our voices heard by our senators and representatives, mayors and aldermen, governors to improve legislatures that will improve our lives and not put everything on one person. This is our world and our job to take care of it.

  428. The only trouble with Obama winning is that we will hear it’s Bushes fault for the next 4 years. It is time Obama grows up , gets rid of his ego ,and takes RESPONSIBILITY for his actions.

  429. Nope sorry, but fox news was forecasting the end of the world within days of the president being sworn in. And saying that your main goal is to make Obama a one term president at all, at any time, is ridiculous. With so many real problems to face, to make that a goal is completely inappropriate.

  430. i’ve been completely horrified the last two days at the number of stories i’ve heard about people who have extended a conciliatory hand to loved ones who did not vote the same way–and had it slapped back, rudely and viciously. it’s as if people now think that if you don’t share a political party, you must be out to get everything the other holds dear. i have to say, watching the recent spate of ads, i can understand why people are being led that way, but i’m appalled that it’s bleeding into families and friendships that were otherwise solid. i think you are spot on about the fear-mongering and the exaggeration that has led to this. thank you.

  431. Thank you! I’ve been feeling so surprised, and a little sad, over the comments so many online friends have made. People forget just how fortunate we are! Beautifully written!

  432. Did you idiots not read the article? Shame on you. Jesus.
    Why not, instead of biotch and compain…pray….not
    add more anger and hatred, pray to God that the jack arses
    in Congress actually realizes they are scaring the crap
    out of Americans…it is THEIR responsibility to think of
    the American people and stop letting their ignorant pride
    get in the way. What happened in the past is in the past.
    Can’t do anything about it, but think of good thoughts
    and pray for the future. Sheeze.

  433. President Obama was NOT the President in 2008! He took office in 2009. Protest with signs, pickets, posts, whatever but please follow the codes for the American Flag. Not for me but for all those who FOUGHT for that flag! Please do this in honor of Veterans Day. A politician losing an election is not tragic as that heartfelt story states.

  434. I’m so very glad a friend shared this on Facebook. Thank you for putting into words exactly how I feel.

  435. Wait… After reading all the posts about Jordan’s reply, I take back my reply… You’re all idiots.

  436. Exactly. And don’t think, btw, that I didn’t see many, many posts declaring how “TRAGIC” it would be if Romney was elected. …It’s just as important to be a gracious winner, something I’ve yet to see so far, save for very few friends. I wonder, how gracious would they be if the outcome were different?.

  437. I see people are still rehashing the past here. Let’s be optimistic for awhile. I believe that our reality is what we make it. If we walk around with our heads down, wringing our hands and saying that Obama and the Democrats are going to bring about the end of our country it will happen because we didn’t make it not happen. I personally felt that Romney would be the ruination of our country, and not for the obvious reasons. But whoever is in charge, it is the people of our country who make or break us in the end, not the politicians. I could sit around badmouthing Bush, since he was president when I lost my job, my home, my retirement savings and ended up filing bankruptcy when I couldn’t find a job for the next 3 years. I choose instead to chastise myself for not having diversified my background, taking on additional training and preparing in case I had to make a late life career change. I could have prevented what happened, but I was too complacent. America is too complacent as well. We are all in this together, and if we work together we can turn things around. Forget the past, concentrate on the future.

  438. This is exactly what I felt. More then half the country voted for Obama, and yet the next day there were so many people posting things about how stupid and uneducated Obama supporters are. Let’s face it, any help for the economy is going to come from Congress not the President. He is only one man, and whether that man was Romney or Obama, most of the work was still going to be done by congress. There are 537 people who make up the Senate and House. If they actually work together there is no reason that between the over 500 of them, they can’t fix the problems we are facing. I voted based on which candidate I thought would do a better job with things like foreign policy, gay rights, woman’s rights, environmental issues, and education and technology advancement. And after doing research and listening to the debates, and reading statements by both men, it was clear that Obama has a plan for these things. Romney didn’t even have a clear stance. He was so concerned with the economy and nothing else that it seemed he hadn’t thought about any other issue. Am I happy he won? Yes! And if that makes me stupid and uneducated I’m fine with that, cause I know over 50 million other people feel the same as I do.

  439. You speak of land of the free .but we elected a president who is now gonna dictate what health care we MUST purchase or be punished , I’m sorry taxed. Forcing churches who beliefs against abortion to help fund it!!…FREE?? ..sounds more like your opening

  440. Calling those who voted Obama terrorists is a bit extreme, we should all know too far left or too far right is not good in any situation. There is a middle ground. And while no this isn’t the end of the world this is the begining of the end of free America, you will soon see when having to wait 5 months to bring your child to see the specialist he needed yesterday. The governemnt thanks to Obama may now control what I do and what i choose to spend my money on, they get to penalize me during tax season should I not conform to their wishes. Our education system has gotten worse every year since Bush took office. And Obama promised to fix alot of things, a lot of things he FAILED to deliver on. He is working slowly and sneakily to take our rights away little by little so hoepfully no one notices. And it’s working , In the helath care bill he passed, there is a section which states the president may if he feels they are not doing their jobs properly, fire the VP and the speaker of house. Just to let you know a country in which there is one man with absolute power is called a dictator. They are trying to kill our 2nd amendment rights and in 4 years we will be so far from free it will not be funny. The people who voted Obama are not terrorists, they just let a sneaky one back into office. I would love for everyone to work together and hold hands singing kumbiyah while rainbow unicorns poop fell from the sky, that sounds wonderful actualy, but we are so far from world peace thanks to politicans t will never happen.

  441. To my frustrated Republican friends..You will always lose because your party is AFRAID of Gays, Immigrants, Muslims, Latinos, Young People, Progressive Women, Unions, Abortion Rights, Black People, A Diverse America, Poor People, Climate Change, Non Christians,Gun Control,etc. etc. etc. Time to stop being afraid and join the rest of us on this Planet….

  442. Perfect, thank you so much. I’ve been wanting to post something today to respond to all of the nasty postings, the despair, the calling for a revolution…it just goes on. So, thank you, I’m going to share…

  443. Jim, I really empathize with you. I was in my third year of college when I swallowed the “bitter pill” that I couldn’t work and go to school at the same time because my school didn’t have the classes I needed. After I left college, I was let go of my job and had a son. I started a tea company. Things were good though. Then, my husband was let go from his job of 8 years because someone didn’t “like” him. Needless to say, we’re on welfare. We’re on unemployment. He and I work tirelessly to make sure our family through working sporadic clerical and design jobs. Let’s stop pointing fingers. Let’s learn a little more about people before we start judging. Since then, I have accepted a of job and he has some interviews. I am unsure of continuing because this job thinks that since they pay me minimum wage, they can treat me like that as well. We’re not in a rush to accept jobs that are manipulative and abusive which is why I have recently started helping start-ups in employee relations. America is in need of reform, but we need to start rebuilding. One thing we need to start doing:
    1.Take responsibility
    2.Stop blaming
    3.Teach financial literacy
    3.Employers should treat they’re employees like people
    4.Work together (doesn’t mean agree)-in policy, in work, with each other

  444. You know why people say it is tragic. It is because there are those of us that still believe the Bible and what it says. It is tragic to justify a woman’s right to her body, but deny that same right to the living being inside of her. Where is the unborn’s right. It is tragic to go against God definition of marriage. Marriage is God’s institution, not man’s and to try and redefine it is what will bring our country down. Anybody with half a brain can see that our country is going so far away from biblical principles and we will soon pay the price. God will not be mocked. That is what the map of votes is so red instead of blue. At least there is still a majority of people who still stand with God and his law, not man’s. Yes it is tragic.

  445. Thank you for speaking my thoughts more clearly than I could. (We need a word for benevelant leader, as apposed to “dictator”, which carries connotations of unfairness.) I appreciate you focused authorship.

  446. I hate to break it to you, but people are still losing their houses, people are not getting jobs, and folks are not spending money. Social programs are not the answer, no where in our constitution does it say that the government will “take care” of us. Small business owners, classified as being rich, are unable to hire due to anemic sales. They are the life blood of our country and they can’t make it. All of this talk about raising taxes so the governement can “take care” of people is a bunch of bull. Hard working people are paying the price. Take a good long look at your pay stub sometime, do you really want less money? If you are barely making it now, how is raising taxes going to help you spend more money? The only way out of bad economic conditions is for consumer confidence to go up, get money flowing. These “super rich” people that get thrown under the bus for being smart businessmen because they invest their money in places they actually get a return on their investment, foreign countries! They would bring their money home if they weren’t going to get squeezed by our government to pay their “fair share”? Fair? What is fair? Who’s definition of fair? If they bring the money home, the stock market goes up, your 401 K goes up, your home value goes up, you spend money, the store owner has to hire people to work in his store, and unemployment goes down, more people paying into the system instead of taking ouf of the system….not very complicated. We live in a democracy, based on capitalism, not “fairness”

  447. I’d just like to say thank you. Thank you for reminding me to have some perspective and of our many blessings here in the USA. God bless you!

  448. well said, you must have voted for Obama. But anyway let the Romney follower mourn. They have that right.

  449. 1)First of all, Romney never said he was going to cut FEMA. He said he wanted to give more responsibility to the individual state so that things could be managed better. 2) NY and NJ are historically democratic states, so your point in moot. Of course they voted Dem, they almost always do!! 3) Last time I checked, which was this morning, 49% if the population is receiving some sort of govt assistance. And you are trying to tell me this hasn’t become a “gimme” nation over the last 4 years? Please. This president is desperately trying to follow pin te footsteps of his non-existent daddy. Big govt, no middle class.

  450. I couldn’t have said it better myself. You are the type of people I want to be surrounded by always. It’s refreshing to see another person who recognizes how truly great this country really is. I posted something similar on my facebook just yesterday because I too was disgusted by things some people had to say of our country. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  451. Excellent! Here’s the problem, as I see it: the rhetoric from BOTH SIDES has been ratcheted up to the point that each candidate was saying the other’s positions and policies “are going to destroy America.” Not “my ideas are better than his,” but “that other guy is going to destroy America.”

    After months and months of hearing this kind of talk, it’s easy to see why people have taken on such ugly rhetoric themselves. We desperately need some sort of return to ethics and truthfulness in campaign advertising.

    If I’m selling widgets, and I run an ad saying my widgets are the best, I’m in the clear. But if I say the other guy’s widget will cause you harm, I have to either prove it, or remove that ad and possibly answer to a lawsuit. Shouldn’t we hold political advertising to at least that minimum standard?

    In Canada, you can’t get the Fox News Channel. Do you know why? Because Canada has a law that states you can’t call yourselves a news program if you knowingly broadcast something that’s untrue. To be fair, MSNBC might run into the same troubles in Canada. But again — shouldn’t that be the minimum standard for news broadcasts? That they be true?

    When I started in journalism we didn’t have “fact-checkers.” We WERE the fact-checkers. We need a return to that minimum standard. We need a new and updated version of the Fairness Doctrine.

  452. With all the additional money involved in politics today, it has been a challenge finding out what the truth is within all the media that bombards us on radio, TV, the internet. etc. It is hard to imagine that one of the top interest of super-rich who make up a large par at of the contribution to super-pacs are interested in the needs of the average person. Yet, it seems that the many people let themselves be influenced by their message, even when the message lacks credibility. We’ve all heard things like Obama is not an American, that he is going to take away our guns, and turn us into a socialist state. I live in a county with high unemployment and many are needing a hand-up from the government; yet they view the person who is trying to help them the most as the enemy. I used to be more like them than I would like to admit. We can’t afford a nation of people like I used to be. Our problems are too big and too important to not get our vote right.

  453. Someone else may have already stated this, and if so I apologize…

    I think the problem might be, that there is a good portion of our country who truly believe President Obama is a terrorist, and is actively trying to destroy our country. While I really hope most people exaggerated to an extreme extent…after listening to this group for years…I’m afraid that some are dead serious.

  454. Thank you. I have shared your post on Facebook with my friends, family and colleagues because I think it is time for everyone to turn down the heat. Things are going to be all right. The dire, radical, immoderate language is a symptom of something other than one’s side losing an election.
    I remember when the Democrats expressed things with this language. It was during the Vietnam War and Watergate. The Democrats took a chill pill and grew up. So will the Republicans. The small minority left will continue baying at the moon no matter what.

  455. What a beautiful message to put things in perspective. In spite of current struggles our nation is facing (economic or otherwise), we have so much to be grateful for. Thank you for writing this!

  456. Tragic for millions of otherwise healthy babies, who are/will be aborted for the sake of convenience! Oh what are messed up nation we have become… 🙁

  457. YES! It is NOT tragic and it is NOT over!! However, the constant berating (from either side, which includes sharing articles like this) needs to end! YES! The photo is of terrorists! That’s why Democrats must STOP blaming Bush! Protecting your country is not free or easy! He was a wartime president which no one ever wants to be, but as one you cannot sit back and do nothing! You must FIGHT to protect our land!! You cannot sit back as Clinton did in ’93 when the towers were struck and NOTHING was done!! The Democrats agreed with Bush all the way – right up until election time! THAT is where some of this division started! And the constant BLAMING of the last 4 years must end!! his wife rattled off all of Bush’s ‘mistakes’ during their campaign and in the next breath, ‘but her husband never blamed him, she got right to work!’ Let’s all pray and HOPE that if things go awry we are ABLE in 4 years to have the OPPORTUNITY to begin to fix things with whoever the new president is!!!!

  458. I’m getting a little tired of people pontificating on the auto bailout and saying things like, “they should have let them go belly up!” and that it was unfair to the other American auto manufacturers. I’ve got a fact for you that is not going to jive with your narrative. Here is a clip of Ford CEO, Mulally on Fox News. If you think the Auto bailout was a bad thing or didn’t really matter, you should listen carefully to this clip. It gets relative at about 58 seconds in. I hope you listen to someone that knows better than you or I.

  459. I am so glad that I am not the only person in the world who feels the same way. Amazing post, couldn’t have said it any better myself.

  460. Wasn’t it Republicans who pushed what became the Medicare Plan D Prescription Drug Program and supported by GWB and signed into law in 2003? And wasn’t it the Democrats (and some truly fiscally conservative Republicans) who complained about it being completely unfunded and — knowing it would pass no matter what — tried, at a minimum, to include a provision that allowed the federal gov’t to negotiate lower drug prices for Medicare beneficiaries but the Republicans actually included in the bill provisions that prevented the fed. gov’t from doing so?
    And isn’t that the very same bill that has cost the US taxpayers over $60 billion dollars a year? The same one that is expected to cost as much as $150 billion a year by 2019?
    Just wondering…

  461. One of the best responses I have read thus far. Just too bad it won’t be read or understood by those who need to see it the most!!!Great job.

  462. to Pam..concerning the Postal Service, first off, it is not a Govt agency as such, it is what can be called Quasi-govt. It is regulated by the govt, but not funded by the govt. The USPS gets NO taxpayer money. The reorganization act makes that very clear. The act also states that congress is notsupposed to use any postal revenue since it is not part of the federal budget. However, on more than one occasion congress HAS included the USPS in it’s budget, in the years that it runs a surplus in funds. Then congress takes those funds from the USPS to use to fund different projects they have included in its budget, and after taking the surplus funds, then removes the USPS from the budget. Thats part of why the USPS runs in the red a good part of the time. Also, the USPS has been mandated by congress to also set aside money to pay retirement benefits for current, and future employees that have not been hired yet, for the next 75 years. And that money can also be used by congress if it sees fit toward balancing the budget, and it is never repaid. Theres alot more to it but to long to explain.

  463. I would love for you to tell me which bills Obama came up with that congress blocked from passing that had helped Veterans? Would it be the one that would cut their coast of living allowance? Or was it the bill in which he would not allow retired Veterans to get a yearly raise to keep up with inflation? Could it possibly be the bill that turns military retirements into a 401K that the soldier cannot draw until the age of 65 because it is unfair that we have a retirement that pays us the day we retire? Now here is a question for you, Service Members who sacrifice their freedoms to serve and protect the people of the United States and their allies against all enemies foreign and domestic, should have the same retirement that some who has sacrificed nothing for the better good of man kind? Oh and this bill to change the military retirement is to pay off the 15 trillion dollar deficit by save the tax payers 500 billion dollars over the next 10 years geez saving that much in 10 years will never pay off the deficit and wont even keep up with the interest and inflation of the deficit. Also in this bill they are cutting the service members education benefits while they are currently serving and cutting the education benefits for the service member’s spouse education benefits. Now tell me how it is fair that us service members must suffer the burden of yet another one of Americas problems while the people we are here to protect are unwilling to pay their fair of taxes and to cut out all useless programs that only promote the lazy to continue being lazy and to not be productive members of society. So his vision is to take from the .1% of the population let the other 99.9% continue to live without feeling any of the consequences of all this care free spending, how do you find this fair for those who are sworn to protect you? And if you think that soldiers do not protect you then fire all of us and take all the defense budget to PBS, Welfare, Obamacare, and all the green peace crap people want and you will see within hours we would be invaded by a foreign nation and all of our allies would not be there to protect us because there is not other military on the planet that the rest of the world fears than the U.S. Military. So please enlighten me on how congress is ensuring Obama is going to fail? Is it because they are keeping the benefits for the service member so they will continue to serve or to continue funding DOD projects to stay one step a head of our enemies? Please before commenting step back do some research and comment with some sort of intelligence and step out of your invisible protective bubble that keeps you from seeing the world for what it truly is, a harsh cruel place that is full of turmoil, violence, and hate. it doesn’t matter who the president is as long as they start to take from the majority and not the minority that only 1% over the entire population is part of. We have sacrificed enough for this country, when will it stop and the lazy will start to care for themselves?

  464. Love this post…will definitely be sharing. Bless you and your little one with special needs. It’s a difficult, emotional, and amazing thing to be a parent.


  466. I am sorry Yepper – this is not a Christian Country. This is a country in which it’s Constitution allows all people to practice whatever religion they so choose (or no religion at all). The Founding Fathers made that perfectly clear when they seperated church and state and made the First Amendment the freedom of religion.

  467. Amen! This is so absolutely true and I agree with you word for word. These political campaigns truly bring out the worst in people. I don’t understand how everyone thinks they look good by bashing the “other guy”. I’m waiting, sitting back, watching for the posts that speak positive about THEIR guy! Yet that doesn’t happen, I haven’t seen one single post that was positive. Calling the “other guy” names like they are a bunch of preschoolers. It’s ridiculous. They don’t sound intelligent. And it’s funny to me that even if Romney had won the election, if he didn’t follow through with all his promises then those people who were for him in the first place will then hate him as well. You can never win 100% as President and I give credit to anyone that is willing to take on such a difficult job. Thank you for your post, it NEEDED to be said!

  468. In the technology sector, they have the idea of fail faster. I worked for a boss whose mantra was ‘test and measure then adjust’. There sure are a lot of opinions, but there is no perfect answer. But not trying anything at all is the ultimate fail.

  469. It’s racist code. Those who say it’s tragic just are unhappy that a black man is in the White House.

  470. Scabbeus….it is only because OUR government has a food stamp program that we do not see our neighbors in soup lines, or “stale bread” lines. The unemployment benefits are also a stop-gap measure, otherwise more people would be living in the streets. Maybe if people could grasp the concept of “unified governing”…and work together for the good of the masses. Then we will see this country rise back up and regain her status as the leader of the free world. Anything less, and we may face a Depression of major proportions.

  471. The SAD AND TRAGIC part about this FAILED president getting re-elected, is that he wants to change our US FLAG, US CONSTITUTION, and he is bowing down to other countries which in the long run will weaken this country!!! This is among alot of other things. And Yes, this world is going to HELL IN A HANDBASKET, and his election/re-election is part of that!

  472. First, this article is terrific!!
    Next, I agree with what you say, Chana, but will add one bit. Let’s not hope, but demand better days. If you live in an area where these obstructionist congress people represent, let them know full well enough is enough! Let them know that any more of such tactics will lead to their removal from office with their replacement being someone capable of putting ‘us’ first, someone who learned in elementary school how to play nicely with others..

  473. I agree with you. Dissappointing, but to call it sad and tragic is to give up. Are we not Americans! My great greatgrand parents on my mother’s side came here from Italy to look for a better life, I do not know much about them other than they were Italian and Catholic. Slowly generation after generation my family worked their way up to a better life. I believe my great grandparents would be not only dissappionted, but disguested in the well fare mentality that got Obama reelected. You heard me. What got him reelected, igorance, class warfare, well fare mentality, the fictional war on women, unions and some likely voter fraud. We have become a nation that values security before liberty and I fear we will loose both. Obama is not the problem his election is merely a symptom. The next four years will be a very difficult fight for those who are not willing to sacrifice liberty for security. You do not seem to understand the damage he can do in the next four years. 1 The Supreme Court, it is possible there could be two more vacancies in the next four years the appointment of a judge to the Supreme Court has repercusions that last for decades. Obama care is designed to slowly strangle private insurance until we go to a one payor system. Should this happen, I fear it will take an act of God to undo it. Taxes, Obama says he wants to increase revenue, what he wants is to increase taxes on the rich oddly enough you can do one or the other but not both. Increases in taxes, stiffles the economy which actually lowers revenues. When asked about this the President was quoted as having said that it didn’t matter as long as the rich paid their fair share. In the last year he has been effectivly ruleing though exective order. I’m just waiting for the day he goes too far and gets himself impeached.

  474. Kat, the comment about HOPING Obama failed was about hoping his miserable policies don’t get passed. Guess what, they did get passed and that is why we haven’t recovered. Giving money to a large corporation that is able to go through bankruptcy like any other country is it only unconstitutional but economically stupid. We are in for more unconstitutional behavior from Obama (like his dream act, forced health insurance, prevention of oil drilling permits, illegal and dangerous fast and furious gun schemes, and denial of protection to our consulates and embassies worldwide). That is the reason people call Obama’s re-election tragic. It has nothing to do with Romney losing and everything to do with statists winning.

  475. Thank you for the article. Congratulations to your parents for being able to leave the tragedy they were living and raise such a level headed daughter. When George Bush was elected for the second time I was frustrated and I was a little scared. But I respect the Office of the President of the United States. I respect my Constitution and I value its words. Many of the comments on this page solidify the fact that our country is broken and divided which is heart wrentching. I would argue that if we can’t get beyond the desire to be right, if we can’t respect others ideas (even if they are fundamentaly against our own), if we can’t begin to remember that we are the “United” states then that will be a tragedy … one I hope I do not see in my lifetime.

  476. It seems everyone on the left wants to ” Blame Bush “. The House and Senate was controlled ( Majority )by the Democratic Party 2006 through 2010. That being said. The last two year of George W. Bush term was limited. Its true he owns the mess because it was his term. The first two years of the Obama administration was a Majority. To use a blanket statement that this is Bush’s fault is just not true. Ive attached a site from If you want to see for yourself :
    Just sayin….

  477. I really don’t care if anyones likes this or not but this obama guy is the only president to ever blame the previous administration for EVERYTHING that has went wrong yet takes the credit for EVERYTHING that has went right. He’s a farse!

  478. Thank you jb! Exactly what I was thinking. All the hate, anger and disrespect is what is tearing this country apart. When W was elected, I was as worried (or more) as some of the folks posting here, BUT he was a elected by a majority of the people (well, the second time, but we won’t go there). I didn’t call anyone names for voting for him. I didn’t hate people for voting for him. And I had several close friends who voted for him – they are still close friends – we just disagree on some issues. We need to learn to live together, respect each others opinions and learn to compromise for the good of all of our people. Remember this is the UNITED States of America. Indivisible (or did we forget that part of the Pledge of Allegiance?). United we stand, divided we fall.

  479. Can’t wait for the world to end so people can just shut the fuck up. No more bullshit. No more lies. No more racism. No more greed. No more complaints. No more whining. Enough already. No one values our country. All we do is talk shit and bring everyone down. Who wants to live in a world like that?

  480. Regarding having some perspective:

    Joking aside, I wish more people were as grateful as you are. I had to unfriend someone who claimed to genuinely believe that Barack Obama was a terrorist sent to the U.S. to destroy it. Kenyan communists and so forth. I wonder if she really truly did believe that. Like you said, things would be MUCH different if this country were taken over by terrorists.

  481. Superb, Jo!!

    This is for all of you who have written earlier saying Obama hasn’t done anything but give us grief and aggravation:

    A “short list of President Obama’s accomplishments in SPITE of the Republicans doing everything in their power to handcuff him.

    1. Passed Health Care Reform: After five presidents over a century failed to create universal health insurance, signed the Affordable Care Act (2010). It will cover 32 million uninsured Americans beginning in 2014 and mandates a suite of experimental measures to cut health care cost growth, the number one cause of America’s long-term fiscal problems.

    2. Passed the Stimulus: Signed $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 to spur economic growth amid greatest recession since the Great Depression. Weeks after stimulus went into effect, unemployment claims began to subside. Twelve months later, the private sector began producing more jobs than it was losing, and it has continued to do so for twenty-three straight months, creating a total of nearly 5.2 million new private-sector jobs.

    3. Passed Wall Street Reform: Signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (2010) to re-regulate the financial sector after its practices caused the Great Recession. The new law tightens capital requirements on large banks and other financial institutions, requires derivatives to be sold on clearinghouses and exchanges, mandates that large banks provide “living wills” to avoid chaotic bankruptcies, limits their ability to trade with customers’ money for their own profit, and creates the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (now headed by Richard Cordray) to crack down on abusive lending products and companies.

    4. Ended the War in Iraq: Ordered all U.S. military forces out of the country. Last troops left on December 18, 2011.

    5. Began Drawdown of War in Afghanistan: From a peak of 101,000 troops in June 2011, U.S. forces are now down to 91,000, with 23,000 slated to leave by the end of summer 2012. According to Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, the combat mission there will be over by next year.

    6. Eliminated Osama bin laden: In 2011, ordered special forces raid of secret compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in which the terrorist leader was killed and a trove of al-Qaeda documents was discovered.

    7. Turned Around U.S. Auto Industry: In 2009, injected $62 billion in federal money (on top of $13.4 billion in loans from the Bush administration) into ailing GM and Chrysler in return for equity stakes and agreements for massive restructuring. Since bottoming out in 2009, the auto industry has added more than 100,000 jobs. In 2011, the Big Three automakers all gained market share for the first time in two decades. The government expects to lose $16 billion of its investment, less if the price of the GM stock it still owns increases.

    8. Recapitalized Banks: In the midst of financial crisis, approved controversial Treasury Department plan to lure private capital into the country’s largest banks via “stress tests” of their balance sheets and a public-private fund to buy their “toxic” assets. Got banks back on their feet at essentially zero cost to the government.

    9. Repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”: Ended 1990s-era restriction and formalized new policy allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military for the first time.

    10. Toppled Moammar Gaddafi: In March 2011, joined a coalition of European and Arab governments in military action, including air power and naval blockade, against Gaddafi regime to defend Libyan civilians and support rebel troops. Gaddafi’s forty-two-year rule ended when the dictator was overthrown and killed by rebels on October 20, 2011. No American lives were lost.

    11. Told Mubarak to Go: On February 1, 2011, publicly called on Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to accept reform or step down, thus weakening the dictator’s position and putting America on the right side of the Arab Spring. Mubarak ended thirty-year rule when overthrown on February 11.

    12. Reversed Bush Torture Policies: Two days after taking office, nullified Bush-era rulings that had allowed detainees in U.S. custody to undergo certain “enhanced” interrogation techniques considered inhumane under the Geneva Conventions. Also released the secret Bush legal rulings supporting the use of these techniques.

    13. Improved America’s Image Abroad: With new policies, diplomacy, and rhetoric, reversed a sharp decline in world opinion toward the U.S. (and the corresponding loss of “soft power”) during the Bush years. From 2008 to 2011, favorable opinion toward the United States rose in ten of fifteen countries surveyed by the Pew Global Attitudes Project, with an average increase of 26 percent.

    14. Kicked Banks Out of Federal Student Loan Program, Expanded Pell Grant Spending: As part of the 2010 health care reform bill, signed measure ending the wasteful decades-old practice of subsidizing banks to provide college loans. Starting July 2010 all students began getting their federal student loans directly from the federal government. Treasury will save $67 billion over ten years, $36 billion of which will go to expanding Pell Grants to lower-income students.

    15. Created Race to the Top: With funds from stimulus, started $4.35 billion program of competitive grants to encourage and reward states for education reform.

    16. Boosted Fuel Efficiency Standards: Released new fuel efficiency standards in 2011 that will nearly double the fuel economy for cars and trucks by 2025.

    17. Coordinated International Response to Financial Crisis: To keep world economy out of recession in 2009 and 2010, helped secure from G-20 nations more than $500 billion for the IMF to provide lines of credit and other support to emerging market countries, which kept them liquid and avoided crises with their currencies.

    18. Passed Mini Stimuli: To help families hurt by the recession and spur the economy as stimulus spending declined, signed series of measures (July 22, 2010; December 17, 2010; December 23, 2011) to extend unemployment insurance and cut payroll taxes.

    19. Began Asia “Pivot”: In 2011, reoriented American military and diplomatic priorities and focus from the Middle East and Europe to the Asian-Pacific region. Executed multipronged strategy of positively engaging China while reasserting U.S. leadership in the region by increasing American military presence and crafting new commercial, diplomatic, and military alliances with neighboring countries made uncomfortable by recent Chinese behavior.

    20. Increased Support for Veterans: With so many soldiers coming home from Iraq and Iran with serious physical and mental health problems, yet facing long waits for services, increased 2010 Department of Veterans Affairs budget by 16 percent and 2011 budget by 10 percent. Also signed new GI bill offering $78 billion in tuition assistance over a decade, and provided multiple tax credits to encourage businesses to hire veterans.

  482. I’m sad because I think many of those who wanted Romney to win are hoping that Obama’s presidency will be a failure so they can be proven right. I hope that if he had won I would be praying that I had been wrong and that our country would become strong and even better. Everyone should be hoping for a successful four more years and then have their chance again.

  483. From what I could stand to read – it seems that ALMOST everybody has missed the point of the original post. Nothing will ever get solved by insisting that it wasn’t “My Guy” who got us in this mess. What do we do from here? NOBODY is going to have evrything their way. It’s time for the governmaent to sit down and talk! This dilemna will have to be solved in steps. There is no magic bullet. Agree on something and do it – agree on something else and do that, etc, etc, etc. I would like to thank the person who originally started this conversation. It’s a shame it went down the toilet so quick. As far as I can tell, the people venting are the problem regardless of the “side” they take.

  484. Mary, I have to disagree with a couple of things you said. Yes Obama did end the war in Iraq, but have you checked on the stability in that country lately? It turns out it isn’t all that great. And second of all the Osama Bin Laden thing I totally disagree with you on that one. That wasn’t Obama. That was Seal team 6 and our Intelligence Agencies all over the world. All Obama did was said was go. That Operation had been kept under raps since 2007. Oh guess who was in office then. The same Man that everyone wants to blame after 4 years for our economic woes.

  485. “Even without a change in our immigration policy 50,000 Latinos turn 18 every month, and the are concentrated in places like Florida, Arizona, and Texas. It is a demographic nightmare for the right, and they have no one but themselves to blame.” Enuff said.

    Conservatives need to look at the numbers. If the message does not include a majority of the people, you cannot win. There is no secret formula…

  486. Gaucho, you are a complete moron. Reagan headed us towards Fascism? Maybe if you could stop being a bigot and open your mind to possibilities other than what the left has drilled into your brain, you might have a thought worthy of someone reading.

  487. Hugs to you! And thank you, so very much, for reminding people what tragedy really is. May your day be filled with peace and blessings.

  488. To Jo: Your perspective is thoughtful, respectful and educational to remind us what true tragedy is. People have gone over the top, as if the world will end. In the end, the people who believe in extending a helping hand so that we’re not alone defeated those who believe “I got mine and I don’t care if you get yours.” Pure and simple. The heart won.

  489. Get to elect again in four years? That’s what the Germans thought in 1933.
    And what had their leader done leading up to that? He promised to fundamentally transform their nation. He endeared himself early on to the trade unions, promising a better life if they would support him. He issued executive orders reserving the right to unilaterally order the military to detain citizens of their own nation for no reason other than his say-so. He first took over the banks and the auto manufacturers before commandeering most heavy manufacturing to retool it to militarize. He kept prison camps open where people could be imprisoned indefinitely without due process. He implemented nationalized health care so that the health decisions of the population could be controlled for the good of the nation (i.e. the old and infirm were allowed to die so that a great Aryan nation would grow from it).

    Those who cannot learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

    It may or may not be a tragic day for the nation. But it certainly sets a new narration into motion that could have us looking back on this election as the Germans look back on the Beer Hall Putsch. Don’t know what it is? (Of course you don’t. The liberal dept of education has dumbed down your public education to make you subservient).

  490. While it is true in America that people can stand around water coolers and call the Commander in Chief of our great country an “idiot”, I have found that the person using language like that needs to look in the mirror.

  491. Actually, if you all want to get technical about it… Our debt started with James Monroe (Our 5th president) Despite the warnings from Thomas Jefferson of starting to spend what we don’t have, leading us towards a national debt. Thomas Jefferson had it right back then, but Monroe was the one who started digging our whole!

  492. Here’s part of the problem. Separation of Church and State is part of what America was built on. A good portion of American citizens are not Christian. So why do we have to follow YOUR biblical principles? I respect people of all religions, as long they refrain from telling me what I can and cannot do, how I must or must not believe/think. Diversity is part of what makes this nation so great, and it also means not everyone is going to think/believe alike. I have learned so much in my life from people who are from different cultures/religions/backgrounds, and it could only happen here. That is not tragic.

  493. Thanks Jo for your words. When I first read the subject line, I was wondering if I’d actually be able to read the rest of the article, and I found, with elation, that I was able to read it and not get all upset and bothered by it. Way to stay unbiased. You did a great job writing your blog. Thanks again – awesome job!

  494. This is just so well written and beautifully said. I too saw the craziness that exploded all over faebook. Totally disgusting the things that were being said. Racial slurs being thrown about as if it’s just a cookie thrown on a plate. I mean really! I was blown away and the unfriend button got used plenty that day. Our nation has faced greater problems than this. And seriously why is it a “problem”? as you said, in four years it’s all over again. We get to voice our opinions and place our vote. Countries all over the wolrd are hit with terrorist acts every day, communism exists and millions of people go hungry, including here in the states. What people need to focus on is what good has come out fo the elections. Changes are happening all over! Things are being brought to law that even just 10 years ago we thought we would have never seen. Let’s focus as a nation on the positives and how we, as community can go out and help the hungry and the homeless. Instead of standing around pointing fingers and cussing each other out.

    I sincerely applaud you for bringing this out and sharing it. I think it’s wonderful and you made great points. thank you so much for sharing!

  495. Really what war was it that was unnecessary? Afganistan? When 9-11 happened there wasn’t one red blooded american that didn’t want revenge.

  496. Jo, you certainly know how to put things into the proper perspective. It’s a shame I cannot say the same for those complaining here. I doubt many people posting comments understand the meaning of what it’s like to live in a country where you are suppressed, where your rights are limited much more than our rights here in America. To read some of these comments, you would think the world was coming to an end. No matter what outcome, life will go on. Perhaps not the life some want but what are they saying, that their life is more important than everyone elses life? If they feel that way, then they truly do not understand what being a citizen of this great country is all about. Just as people in this day and age misuse the definition of what being a hero is all about, they also misuse the meaning of what constitutes a tragedy.

  497. Ok, so you are ALL mostly wrong.

    The makings of the financial mess are tied to the early 1990’s when both the Dems and Reps moved to amend and finally repeal sections 20 and 32 of the Glass-Steagall Act (1933 Banking Act). This allowed the cross over between commercial banks and investment banks which ultimately resulted in the financial crisis. Banks holding mortgages began to divide the mortgages up much like stocks and package them in portfolios much like the stock portfolios you probably hold as part of your retirement investments. The reason for the banks to do this is simple (and the same reason you do it). It mitigated their risk. If one mortgage defaulted they didn’t hold the entire mortgage, only a piece of it. And they had other mortgages packed with it that didn’t default, so they still came out ahead. This make the banks more likely to lend money.

    This was combined with the dramatic rise in housing values. The banks realized the properties were worth way more than the value of the mortgage. So they started trading these packages of mortgages as if they were a commodity, relying on the fact that the property values would keep increasing, and ultimately further driving up the values and resulting in a bubble that would burst. Because that is what happens in a “free market.” Bubbles form and they burst.

    The ramifications of this are what we are still dealing with. Because when the housing bubble burst, it had a horrible side effect. Our entire financial system is founded on one tiny thing: Banks lend money to each other and businesses. ALL THE TIME. All day every day. Small (by scale) short term loans. This rate they lend to each other at is what the term “prime interest rate refers to. Without this there is no economy. PERIOD. The housing bubble’s burst was so dramatic it left these banks in a conundrum: they had no idea how much their assets (the mortgages) were worth. They could not lend money to each other because they had no idea how much money they had. The original bank bailouts were to give them enough known assets to keep lending until they could sort out the mess. These bailouts were repaid (all of them within the first year).

    So, in conclusion the bailouts were necessary. They were necessary because of deregulation. One thing I think people of both sides forget is that the economic discussion is not just either/or. If it’s not completely free market capitalism, it doesn’t automatically mean it’s socialism. Socialism is when the government OWNS the means of production. There is a difference between setting rules to curtail some of the excessive peaks and droughts of capitalism and owning it. Regulated capitalism is responsible for the highest, longest lasting, and most widely shared periods of economic growth ever witnessed.

  498. Wow Scabbeus! The United States of America is going over the proverbial cliff? When is this happening? How is this happening? I hope and pray that someone will grab you by the ankles and pull your head out off your ass!

    You people who keep spewing your rhetoric, listen up! Do any of you really know what the President of the United States actual can and cannot do? Have any of you EVER taken a look outside of your little bubbles and educated yourselves on how a democracy, YOUR democracy, actually works?

    I am completely disgusted with all of the mudslinging, finger pointing imbeciles who believe they know what they are talking about when clearly, they don’t.

    I am a Canadian who knows much more about your political system than you do! How is that possible? It is possible because what happens in the U.S. directly and indirectly affects us here in Canada. So for in our best interests, we watch and study what is going on down there so when it comes time for us to elect a party to run our country, we can either try to elect someone who will compliment and back the new President so that we can work together to make things better for EVERYONE or we can try to elect someone that will help to keep our best interests in line.

    Just because you THINK you know something, doesn’t mean that you actually do! It is the year 2012 for goodness sake! If y’all can type your ignorant comments on FB you sure as hell can surf the web and “edumacate” yourselves in your own political policies and the inner workings of your government. Maybe you should ask ABC to re-run the School House Rock series for those of you who truly need to learn how your system works.

    I am a proud Canadian who is proud to be a neighbour of the United States of America! Oh and by the way, just a little FYI, we do MORE for your country than your country does for us. So please, if you’re going to respond with some meek response like “of course you would be proud to be the benefiting neighbour of a super power” don’t. You’ll just end up making yourself look more ridiculous than you already do.

    Now move along and remember that it is not 1 man who will be mankinds downfall, but all of you who keep your head in the sand and those of you who suffer from “chicken little syndrome”…..the sky is not falling and we can put Humpty Dumpty together again. Always have, always will.

  499. As one of the evacuees that desperately tried to escape the building shown in the photos, I am very thankful I had (and exercised) the right to vote regardless of who the winner of the election is. You are correct, many are confused about what a tragic day truly is. A tragic day is when Mohammad Atta (a man you never met or heard of) flies a plane into the building you are in trying to kill you (and successfully killing and injuring hundreds/thousands) because his religious beliefs are different than yours (well, he assumed that because he didn’t know us).

  500. Tragic may only be overstating it when you refer to other terrible days in American history (i.e. 9/11/2001) as tragic.

    This certainly was a democratic election and we are blessed beyond belief and probably well beyond what we deserve to live in this nation.

    If, however, you believe that our President is taking us down a path that is largely at odds with its founding principles, it could be considered as tragic. A President that:

    – left 4 Americans to die in Libya..
    – ran a campaign that attacked his opponent for his success rather than the merit of his ideas…
    – sought to create division and strife between Americans based on income and gender…
    – executes American citizens abroad without due process…
    – believes in partial birth abortions…
    – has engineered the single largest shift of power to the Federal government under the ruse of it not being a tax…
    – has failed to uphold his duty and pass a budget…
    – was voted into office at the rate of 93% of persons inside of his race and largely as the result of the color or his skin vs. the content of his character or objective review of his job performance…

    is tragic.

  501. “rainbow colored unicorn poop” made my night— and as many have said above- well said- thank you for making me remember how good we have it and how thankful i should be- every day 🙂

  502. The sad and tragic day for me was the day 4 years ago the Senate majority leader stated his #1 priority was making our president a one-term president instead of working to serve our great nation like Congress is paid to do. Many sad and tragic days followed when members of Congress sat on their arses and took extended vacations instead of working together to fix the huge problems our president inherited in 2008, such as the sad and tragic war in Iraq that was completely pointless except to make Dick Cheney and Halliburton richer and aid in spiraling our great nation into the massive debt we must now work together to fix. It wasn’t old folks and their Social Security and Medicare that created the debt, despite what Fox News and the right wing blabs consistently. It was war, the destruction of other countries and the killing of humans, including citizens of our great nation.

  503. Most of the ones that took bail out money spent it on lavish vacations and huge bonuses for there upper ranks.

  504. Dems and Reps are one in the same. You want some real change, vote Libertarian! Screw this two party system that has sent this country into a huge divide and down the shitter.

  505. Ah Jim. Are you finished whining? Do you still need your Mommy to wipe your ass? I ask this because in EVERY non-third world country, the people who work have ALWAYS paid for the poor. ALWAYS. This isn’t a new thing. It’s been around since the beginning of time! Lazy Class???? Who might they be? Listen up Junior, at least they are not spending their food stamps on Beer and Cigarettes or Drugs!!!!! You are an entrepreneur but claim you can’t find a job???? YOU HAVE A JOB DUMBASS, your Coffee Shop, no?????

    Get off your high horse that you who are still wet behind the ears have no business being on because you have NO LIFE EXPERIENCE! 25 is a baby. You don’t have a wife, you don’t have a mortgage, you don’t have children, you are healthy so no health care costs for you, etc. Go beat on someone elses door that has all these things and has a major health issue and see if your statements and judgements are accurate.

    People who work and are middle class have ALWAYS gotten screwed. It’s not a new thing. Wrap your miniscule brain around that one. Go back to school and study that part of history. Maybe then you could get a job as a political analyst!

  506. If you are under 45 u better hope he let’s 12 million and then some in if you want Social Security and Medicare…

  507. “Those who are willing to sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither.

    To my frustrated Republican friends..You will always lose because your party is AFRAID of Gays, Immigrants, Muslims, Latinos, Young People, Progressive Women, Unions, Abortion Rights, Black People, A Diverse America, Poor People, Climate Change, Non Christians,Gun Control”

    I love freedom. If someone can put a gun to my head and tell me to convert or die, I am not free. If someone tells me I have to sencor what I say for fear of offending someone I am not free. If I have to pay someone dues just to get or keep a job I am not free. If the government tells me I am not allowed to defend myself even though I have commited no felony, I am not free. Climate Change, I don’t think we’re the ones afraid of that. We aren’t the ones yelling at the tops of our lungs the Climate is Changing and we have to stop it. As for the rest that thank you for showing off your ignorance. I believe that to secure the freedoms of one group we must secure the freedoms of all. I do not fear ethnic groups, religions, or anything other than would be tyrants.

  508. Thank you for this post. You are not only honest, but also right. I don’t expect everybody to get it, but I think many can gain a little bit of perspective. I am an immigrant myself and I often feel that people (not only Americans, but people around the world) should be deported for a period of time to a different country, so that they can learn to appreciate what they have at home, and so that they can learn to appreciate what other countries have, even those horrible socialistic places with universal healthcare (include sarcasm).

  509. Greg P – Yours is the most correct observation written in this conversation. The math doesn’t work and almost all of our spending policies all have annual escalators in them. The politicians won’t make any changes that will piss off voters and voters won’t vote for anyone who says they are going to make changes. It is unfortunate, but it is going to have to get much worse for this dynamic to change.

  510. This is so well written and as I read it, I knew it was truly coming from the heart. Thank You!

  511. That’s why we need to totally revamp our tax system…..I believe the Fair Tax is the way to do that…not the Flat tax, the Fair Tax…………
    Businesses have plenty of money right now, they’re “afraid” to hire, so right now they’re over working their employees, but we shouldn’t have unions, right?
    We experienced the worst economic recession since the Great Depression and everybody thinks we’re going to turn it around in the blink of an eye? It’s going to take years, see the Great Depression…Besides, most Americans before the Great Recession lived within their means instead of above their means, you’d have more and more people doing fine…

  512. I have been working limited hours for the last year. The jobs report isn’t looking very good, and my job depends on rich people who invest in the market to spend their money. During the last two months, with the prospect of a different president, work picked up. The DJIA has dropped 424 points in the last two days, I am not ranting, I am scared. In the last two days one contract has already been pulled. Tell me good news.

  513. Joe, the expression “light-years ahead of” has been used for quite some time now to describe progress or growth in comparison with backward beliefs or countries.

  514. I love & agree. My Great Grandfather was born in Ontario Canada in 1905, stopped going to school in the 3rd grade to start work for $7 a week, decided to hop on a train hobo style when he was 13 and come to California with a nickle in his pocket. My Great Grandmother came from England and when they eloped in 1923, they only had enough money for her train ticket so he rode behind the engine to start their life in California. He survived WWII and didn’t come home all 3 years until it was over. All of the elements that created our history and brought us here today are a miracle. When things seem difficult, know that they could always be worse. Instead of focusing on what you project will go wrong, go forward with the vision of a better possibility. Worrying the same as praying for what you don’t want. So lets keep our heads up, stick together, and love our Great Nation and all that It’s been through.

  515. That was well put. I have a great respect for how you put this into perspective. I think voting is a great privilege for all of us to have. Be proud at who you voted for regardless of the outcome because you are lucky to be able to make a difference in this great country.

  516. Nicely written and I appreciate your candor. I am relieved that my country is not going back to the 50s and I still have choices…

  517. You can believe whatever you want, nobody can stop you, but when you make a such a general statement as, “I supposely I am suppose to voice my opinion and not get persacuted, but I do by people that do not share my believes.”, and “It is people like you…” while in the same paragraph say, “I do not judge”, you tend to lose a little credibility. (P.S. that whole paragraph about wanting to charge pregnant women who have abortions with murder? Maybe you should leave that judgement to Jesus, too). Namaste 🙂

  518. Most disturbing to me about the election results is that we, as a country, did the same thing that was done four years ago. The Congress is Republican and the Senate Democratic. This is more important to our nation than which man won the presidency. We have been stalemated through his first term and I see nothing to believe the same will not continue for the next 4 years. Until the two major parties get their acts together and begin working for what is best for all of us, we will all be disenchanted for some time to come. This is supposed to be a government “of, by and for for the people.”

  519. Do you have the freedom to prosper and become wealthy? Do you use climate change to force mercury filled bulbs on the population? Or perhaps 600 volt- heavy metal filled batteries driving on our streets? What freedom forces a heath care system upon us with threat of imprisonment? And here is some fun freedom for the black readers:

  520. A simple but heartfelt thank you for stating so eloquently what has been in my heart and mind since the election. Come on people get over yourselves. You are acting like a bunch of spoiled kids.

  521. So very true. Thank you for puttingg those words out there. I agree 100%. Mental High five girl!

  522. We are better off than we were 4 years ago and we would be even better had the republicans who helped GWB create this economy, helped the President fix the problems. He has endured disrespect, and tons of outrageous statements made about him by the very same people obstructing his progress. We live in a free country and we just participated in an amazing opportunity to voice our opinion on how the next 4 years should go. God Bless America and keep our President safe. The president who was elected by a majority of the country with the most electoral votes and the largest popular vote in many many years will do his absolute best to keep us safe and our country moving forward. I for one am very proud to live in this country. I am a native New Yorker and was in New York on 9/11 and that was truly a day of tragedy.

  523. Please take the time to review the facts….we are in this finacial mess because President G.W. Bush waged two unpaid for wars while reducing the nation’s income by reducing taxes for eveyone.

    You are entitled to your opinions, but you are not allowed to create your own facts.

  524. Okay. I’ve read the last “grammar” correction I can stomach. I’ve been an English professor for almost a decade, and while I will agree that good basic grammar and syntax DOES increase a writer’s credibility, even MORE important and of more SIGNIFICANT concern should be awareness of context and audience. This is an informal online forum, not a peer-reviewed, academic journal (I assure you that if those journal articles WEREN’T peer-reviewed, they too would have mistakes.

    So stop being pretentious. To point out incorrect grammar is weak argument in itself and undermines YOUR credibility. And you’re making those of us who TEACH grammar but RESPECT people look bad.

    Oh, and you might want to check your own syntax before you start throwing grammar stones.

  525. I’m from KY, There is no way I could forget the vain hubris of Senator McConnell. Right now, I would vote for Yogi bear before I would vote for him! He deliberately wasted four years, that could have been spent recovering from Bush’s fiscal irresponsibility, just because he didn’t like a Black man in the White House!

  526. Emily, you obviously are one of those people that don’t do your homework before you open your mouth. When Obama ran for his first term and told the world he was a “Christian” he lied, when he said he wanted to move America “forward” it was a rouse to fool all the young voters into believing he actually wanted what was best for America and not his own agenda. You clearly are blinded by his smooth talk and whatever it is that people find attractive about him being in the white house. I do not affiliate myself with either party because both of them are to blame for our current situation. However, if you really want to know the truth about Obama, you should do some research. He was groomed from birth to do what he is in the White House to do. He is a Muslim, raised to be a Dictator, following orders from people behind the scenes, people like George Soros, and Valerie Jarrett. They are all truly evil people looking to turn America into a facist socialist country. It has been in the works since Kennedy and 50% of the nation just voted yes for it. If you really think that having Republicans in Washington matters at all look at Obama’s record for Executive Orders. He has made over 900 in the past 3 1/2 years. The most any other president in an 8 year term has made was George W Bush and his was only 65. Read your constitution while it still exists, the President can override congress by filing an Executive Order (Prime example: Obamacare). He will override the voting process, call to order the military and wage war on the American people. He is already starting with the gun laws he’s beginning to enforce. YOU need to put things into perspective DUDE… don’t know your facts.

  527. Oops. I’ve been an English professor for almost two decades. I suppose I was wishing I was younger!

  528. Amazing how the take responsibility party will say anything to not take responsibility. The first one-term statement happened early in Obama’s term. I wrote objecting and lamenting that such useless vitriol was what caused me to defect from the Republican party in the first place. Obviously, I won’t be coming back soon since every last person seems intent on blaming instead of being helpful, being blind to Bush’s faults instead of actually learning from them.

  529. That does not matter since all the companies paid back the loans with INTEREST. But the truth of the matter is that they are in fact doing well. If you research you could easily find the truth. Instead you make blanket statements that have no facts.

  530. Love this post! So very well stated. Obama getting re-elected is far from “tragic” and I, too, have been reading some horrible things on my newsfeed. People calling others morons, idiots, and unchristian if they voted for Obama. It’s appalling!

    I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve talked bad about Presidents (including our current) in the past for things they did or didn’t do that seemed insane to me. The thing is, it was about a policy or some stance that I didn’t agree with, not actually calling the President stupid. There is a difference. Calling your friends on FB morons because you don’t like the way they voted is rude, immature, and closed minded.

    The great thing about the USA is we can all have opinions and state them openly. It is a known fact that not everyone is going to have the same opinion as yourself, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to respect the other persons’ opinion. You never know the reason behind a person backing a certain candidate. As long as research is done and you know the reason why you are backing that candidate, then you have my respect, regardless of whether you are Democrat, Republican, or an Independent.

  531. You just don’t get what he wrote. You’re stuck on continuing to claim things that are blatant lies (probably heard on a your news station) and proving your bigotry. Voting isn’t about only what you want, but about what all the people want. As soon as you realize that this is not just your country but all of ours then we can get down to business of turning things around.

  532. Sigh again at the petty, pretentious, pedantic grammar corrections — transparent attempts to make opponents feel inferior — as if you have never publicly made English usage mistakes yourself. Hell, I’m an academic, and I make them all the time. You all do NOT want me to go through these mean-spirited posts with my red pen. I ASSURE you that NONE of you have posted an error-free post.

  533. It wasn’t a bailout, it was a loan, of which is nearly completely paid back to our government

  534. What a great article you’ve written. I would have been one of the people thinking it was a tragic day for our country if Mitt Romney had been elected, though I probably wouldn’t have posted it. Thank you for waking me up.

  535. That 9/11 was staged (if in fact it was) makes it no less tragic. I was there that day; those weren’t fake people jumping to their deaths.

    Bankers getting away with causing economic devastation is a travesty, as is the FDA’s being in Monsanto’s pocket. Neither is relevant to Jo’s point.

  536. Sigh @ Adam and Steve. Why can’t those who are trying to impose their religious beliefs on me at least have original jokes? Geez.

  537. Thank you so much, you expressed just what I have wanted to say and didn’t quite know how! Excellent point and very well written!

  538. You hit the nail on the head. There were two candidates vying for the presidency so of course those people whose candidate didn’t win are disappointed. They should be honest and just say they are disappointed, or upset or unhappy. What they really shouldn’t do is show such extreme and utter disrespect for the candidate that the majority of Americans elected.

  539. Hi.

    I thought I’d reply because you’re one of the few people with some sense of intellectual honesty. We can talk about emotions and overreactions of the citizens of the U.S. due to the election, but the real underlying problem here is the blatant lack of respect for intellectual honesty.

    We’ve reached an age of information overflow where everyone is a self-proclaimed subject matter expect of every thing they read. “Globalization of intellect” is the term I have used to describe it.

    So thanks for being honest. Everybody digs for truth, but the problem is people stop digging when they find the one they want.

  540. This is a joke…That tradgey was because of our Government…..I do indeed fear that ONE day this Country will go under communism…By Obama…Seen @016 yet? Find it Watch it! Also google Goerge washingtons Dream Find that, read that. When Obama ruins this country I will Remember this post and ask what do you think Of America now!

  541. I could not agree more. This is a truly wonderful piece of writing, and my own words won’t even begin to do justice to the excellent work here. Thank you so much for putting this out into the world, I hope folks take it to heart.

  542. Nice post, Jo. thanks! I’ll be checking in again and hope that you always make this much sense. The pressure is on! LOL

  543. You (and so many other liberals) obviously have no comprehension of the Establishment Clause. There is no separation of church and state as you have defined it. Religious views have ALWAYS been at the core both the Constitution and the vast majority of our laws. Whether you believe that the Founding Fathers were Christians or Deists, NO sane person questions that most of our constitutional and legal system is founded on Judeo-Christian principles. To do so is the height of illiteracy. The establishment clause prevents government meddling in religion, not the other way around. It keeps the government from creating one religion to rule them all (thereby ‘establishing’ a religion that would ‘meddle’ in everyone else’s religions… see the logic?), but by no means precludes people advocating for religiously based moral legislation. Your moronic assertion would lead to the scrapping of the entirety of our constitutional and legal system. PLEASE educate yourself before your hurt someone.

  544. sheesh everybody, this post is about LOVE!!! Take a deep breath and forget politics for a while…. I hope that unicorn poop taste like cotton candy 🙂

  545. I can’t believe how many dumbed-downicans are on these threads. They actually think the Democratic Congress started the financial catastrophe? Where were they when von Bushe came into the presidency with NO debt, in fact a surplus. Do you Right-wingdingers remember the first thing von Bushe did in 2001? He cut taxes, mostly for the millionaires and billionaires who helped get him elected. Me? I got $300.00, but a person who makes one million dollars a year got a rebate of more money than we bought our house for, in 1992, “$125,000.00. So, while we got hundreds back in taxes, my medical insurance premiums through my employer QUADRUPLED during von Bushe’s two terms, while my coverage decreased and my out-of-pocket deductibles increased. So, while we are paying less in taxes, we are paying tons more in the private market, and the private companies have made profits beyond belief during von Bushe’s presidency. The last three years of von Bushe’s presidency, the insurance companies boasted recort profits, for three consecutive years, while at the same time people were being dropped from their policies and paying quadrupled premiums. “A mind is a terrible thing to waste”, but a dumbed-down mind has already been wasted!

  546. Thank you for the most cogent and civilized comment I’ve read thus far!

    And thank you particularly for this bit of much-needed commonsense: “If it’s not completely free market capitalism, it doesn’t automatically mean it’s socialism. Socialism is when the government OWNS the means of production. There is a difference between setting rules to curtail some of the excessive peaks and droughts of capitalism and owning it. Regulated capitalism is responsible for the highest, longest lasting, and most widely shared periods of economic growth ever witnessed.”

    I’m sooooo tired of the words “socialism” and “socialist” being tossed around 9 times out of 10 by people who don’t have a CLUE what they mean. Likewise, “capitalism” isn’t some kind of pristine, perfect gift from the gods. Left completely unchecked, capitalism would carry us right back to where we were at the end of the 19th century: child labor; dangerous working conditions; subsistence pay; and no protection from exploitation by employers, banks, and other power-brokers.

    As in most things in life, MODERATION is the win-win formula.

  547. Collectivism will fail this country like its failed before. Call me racist, call me anti-women….call me what you want. I will never shut up.

  548. I expect the Pubs to start wrangling internally over redesigning their party dynamics. This election was a Republican fiasco at a time when Obama was most vulnerable.

    They took what was a more liberal Republican Governor and made him recant much of what he theoretically stood for. He went from designing Romneycare to denouncing Obamacare. He emphasized his religious affiliations as a Mormon Bishop and anti-abortion stance. He didn’t take strong positions against the fringe Republican rape gang statements. He shows up on Univision smeared in orange goo thinking that the Latino population won’t notice.

    He alienated many woman, Latinos, and moderates, and not surprisingly lost.

    Imagine how things might have played out differently if Romney, or McCain for that matter, had taken a moderate or at least religiously neutral stance on social issues, focused on a viable economic strategy instead of recycling the failed ideas of the Bush administration, and chose a non-nutter fringe VP, say a female professor instead of a creationist Tea Party member.

    The future success of the Republican party does not rely on the religious right. During good economic times as followed the Clinton administrations people are complacent and a religiously voting demographic can shift an election to just close enough that a bunch of Texas lawyers can handle the rest.

    In times of great economic uncertainty people care more about sound financial strategies than if two gay guys can get married. More people are also likely to come out to vote, and of course more people are registered Democrats. In this scenario the far-right religious demographic is just another minority, certainly relative to their power in electoral college votes.

    The Republican party will start to lean more moderately in the coming years as the Rove’s turn of the century strategies have consistently failed to win over woman, Latinos, and moderates, which in total are a far greater force than religious extremists and Tea Party members.

    As long as extremist candidates are being put forward the country will remain divided and these 49%/51% election results will continue with half the population telling the other half to fuck off.

    I feel unification will require moderate, fiscally-minded, and socially neutral candidates.

  549. Please cite the portion of the Affordable Health Care Act which allows the President to fire anyone, especially the VP and/or Speaker. I have read the Act (have you?). Please be realistic. If you don’t like it, say so, but don’t make up things just to scare people.

  550. Thanks for the good shake. That’s just the kind of shaking America believes in, not the tanks in the street after an election sort of shake.

    When you said meet at the bar to complain or celebrate I flashed to Rick’s American Bar in Casablanca and the singing contest between the Germans and French. Any suggestions for the Democrats song? The Republicans. Here’s one:

    James Brown doing I Feel Good for the D.

    Gladys Knight and the Pips doing Midnight Train To Georgia for the R.

  551. Wow – a lot of you just don’t get it do you? You choose to use THIS website to still continue your political debates? Maybe you need to read it again! This woman from very brave parents just told you it’s time to stop bashing and trashing and DO SOMETHING!! I applaud you Jo for at least attempting to put life into perspective..apparently some people just don’t have it within their capability to go there. Thanks!!

  552. Ford didn’t need a bailout at all. Why? Because the majority of the cars and trucks they make aren’t garbage. Plus, parts are swappable between the Ford version and the Lincoln version, which isn’ the same with GM cars. At one point, GM built 8 DIFFERENT 350 small blocks, and most major parts like cylinder heads, intakes, exhaust, etc… were not compatible.

  553. To those of you that really believe Mitt Romney is a miracle worker WAKE UP. If he had been elected things were not magically going to turn around, it took years for this country to get in the shape it is and its going to take years to fix it. Whats tragic is the way people cannot seem to work together to get things straightened out. The rich want to get richer and keep the poor spending their hard earned $$ on what they are selling to stay rich. You walk into one of Trump’s casino’s he IS NOT going to walk up to you and say here’s $5000 go blow it and keep your money in your pocket, but he is calling for a revolution , really Trump whats up with that!! You will be lucky if they don’t lock you up for that one.

  554. @Joel
    You forgot “cap and trade” Obama’s effort to bring us down to another third world country……er, I mean solve global warming. You also forgot nuclear arms reduction treaties that see our weapons going down to nothing while Russia and China’s increase, and nuclear proliferation in Iran, and the implementation of Shirea Law in the United States. Obama already set the appointment up with the U.N. to discuss the nuclear weapons bans (March 16-18).

  555. I honestly did not take the time to read every single reply. I stopped after about the first 10 or so because they all seamed to lean toward (without actually doing so) blaming the Bush Administration for the situation this country was in. If you remember correctly the Democrats took over control of Congress for the last 2 years of Bush’s Presidency.

    The pictures posted by Ms. Ashline show what really caused all of the economic problems we here in the United States are dealing with now, but the entire world. Due to the fact the attacks were on US soil it had a greater and quicker effect than on the rest of the world. New York City is the financial capital of the world. After the attacks President Bush did what virtually every other country in the world would have done had the attacks been on their respective soils. He retaliated, in my mind first and foremost for this great nation and secondly for the rest of the world.

    Obama’s bailout plan was an epic failure. To date not one of the now flourishing auto companies has repaid one dime of the bailout money. Repayment was one of the conditions. The bank bailout was an epic failure. All that did was give money to the people who did nothing to try to solve the economic woes facing this country so they could give their CEOs huge severance packages.

    I remember reading some of the answers that referred to the exit polls. For the most part Obama was winning the exit polls. However the one that everyone should have focused on was regarding the economy. When asked who the people felt would do a better job with the economy the clear favorite answer was Mitt Romney, by about 8% if my memory serves me right.

    At risk of sounding racist, but believe me I am not, I will close with this. Why do we as AMERICANS always calls blacks African-Americans or Latinos. Nothing pi$$es me off more than that. We are all AMERICANS. If your ancestors, much like mine did came from another country but are not Caucasian are you really any less AMERICAN than I am? If you reside in this country LEGALLY you are AMERICAN. My ancestors are from various parts of Europe, but I am not referred to as a German-English-Irish-Italian American. I am just called an AMERICAN. This country will never be as strong as we could be if we continue to divide ourselves based on the race of our ancestors. Why do we have to have Black History Month, the Million Man March, the Puerto Rican Day Parades and all the other trumped up bullshit reasons for these people to celebrate…. some of my ancestors came from Germany why don’t we have German History month?… wait we learn about Germany in school… I also learned about Harriet Tubman, George Washington Carver, Benjamin Davis Sr and a number of other US citizens of African descent… everyday should be United States of America Day not all the bullshit sub-cultures divided by ones ethnicity…

    I apologize for some of the language in the last paragraph.

  556. wrong. just wrong. businesses invest the higher taxes get, because they dont want to “lose” the money to taxes. Apparently you didnt see the new study by the NON-PARTISAN Congressional Research System, that pretty much puts to rest the whole lower taxes on rich = economic growth idea. Hint: it doesn’t (you know what does stimulate growth? higher taxes on high earners)

  557. During the first two years of his presidency, Obama had a Democrat controlled House and a filibuster proof Senate. How do you think Obamacare and Son of Stimulus was passed? The House passed 30 jobs bills from 2010 to 2012. All died in the Senate, led by Harry Reid (D). Senator Reid failed to even consider bringing any of those bills to the Senate floor for a vote. And the Senate has yet to pass a budget going on 4 years now. There is plenty of blame to go around, and it knows no political party.

  558. @Joe,
    Remember how they called Bush a racist because the head of Fannie Mae happened to be Black and the Bush administration was stating that Fannie was out of control.

  559. Joel, the bailouts had bipartisan support. I agree they were wrong, but most republicans supported them as well.

  560. the nation has no “liberty” when groups of citizens are decided to be not deserving of that liberty. ensure equality for everyone, then we can try voodoo economics again.

  561. @Emily
    Did you read how Harry Reid is moving to change the laws of the Senate to dissolve the 60 vote filibuster rule so they can pass whatever they want along party lines with 51 votes. Talk about disbanding the “balance of power” our forefathers so soundly put in place.

  562. – 4 is an incredibly small number when compared to the Afghan and Iraq wars started by the Bush II regime.
    – Mitt didn’t have”success”. He was a rich kid who was given money to be successful with.
    – Huh? How?
    – No, no, no. I meant Huh? How? here. My previous comment should’ve been- do the top 1% deserve to be called a class? Maybe an oligarchy? I mean, seriously, there’s only a handful of them.
    – As opposed to the popular GOP opinion of “even in the case of rape and incest” because “God intended it”? I guess we’ll just have to cut our losses there and move on.
    – Surprise! That actually happened under Bush II. It was called the Department of Homeland Security. Fun Fact! Look it up!
    – Yeah but that math doesn’t work out in favor of your argument at all. African Americans only constitute 12.6% of the American population. Even with extraordinary voter turnout for African Americans, that still wouldn’t ever single handedly account for a presidential candidates election.

  563. I don’t know about gracious. There’d be riots in the street. Funny how I didn’t see one Republican riot!!

  564. Hi Jo.. this is the first time I’ve read your blog… hoping I get to read more sometime soon. Thanks for putting some of your thoughts down.. sadly it turned into a political “discussion” in the comments here. I’ve studied a bit about WWII .. particularly the plight of the Jewish people during that tragic time in history. Most people in our country do not understand hardship.. real hardship. The kind where your life is threatened every day. I also have a son with special needs… I too am so thankful that he was born in this time and in this country. Thanks again for your perspective.

  565. I can’t believe how dumbed-down so many Righties have gotten over the past thirty years. All of you who entered the work force after Reagan took office have no idea the damage that man did to the middle and working class in America. You all should ask your parents about how things were in the sixties and seventies, in comparison to how things became after Reagan took office. I want you Righties to ask Vietnam veterans what they thought of Reagan and his policies, and how he cut their medical benefits, which von Bushe also did. I entered the work force in 1979, when Carte was President, and I got to witness, live through and suffer what happened, thirteen months later when Reagan took office. Six months into his presidency, and I was laid off my job at Argonne National Laboratory, because Reagan went over Congress’ head and had the lab’s fiscal budget cut in half. I, along with 2,200 other Argonne employees got our walking papers, and I remained laid off for sixteen months. But, when I went back to work, my medical insurance premiums had increased quite a bit, “Managed Healthcare” was born, and my salary increases decreased. Then, when Dubya took office, my monthly medical insurance premiums QUADRUPLED during his presidency, while my benefits decreased and my out-of-pocket costs and annual deductible increased. All of you out there younger than 52 years of age have no idea what you are politically talking about, and you need to ask your fathers.

  566. Thank you so much – you have put into beautiful words what so many of us feel. I’m going to share this and ask everyone to please read it…..
    Again, Thank you and Bless you – you are an angel…. and exactly what this country needed right now!!

  567. Free Mongering and People like You who buy into it are part of the problem I.R and not the solution. Riots if Obama lost the election… That was one of the worse jokes I heard during this whole election season. One that was used as a scare tactic to scare older people and just timid people into voting for someone with a record as bad as Romney’s was. Mister Silly Putty (mold me however you want me to be. I can be remolded again and again) has finally taken enough of a beating to give up! I HOPE!!!

  568. heres an opinion from me. You PROBABLY, just a hunch, might be allowed to voice your opinion without persecution, if your very OPINION, did NOT include persecution in it. What does your ancient belief have to do with millions of americans being denied equal rights? the constitution says: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. In fact, and thank the good lord, that YOUR, can i say RELIGIOUS, belief, does not have any sway over how i am able to live my life. Now this is the problem with america today. People think everyone has to respect their opinion. FALSE. we all have the right to HAVE an opinion. Just as someone else can have theirs. And the same amendment of the US consitution, that protects ME from your archaic belief that i cannot marry sometime, allows me to tell you that you are on the wrong side of history, and that liberty in this GREAT nation will not be stopped by the likes of you, or anyone who shares your opinion about gay marriage.

  569. yikes…these comments are the exact reason why it would have never mattered who got elected, we’re at the point now where we’re so divided as a country that nothing will ever get accomplished. you should all be ashamed. if this country goes to hell, it has nothing to do with a single man, and everything to do with how we’ve lost our vision of what this country is meant to be. it used to be, that if the other side got elected, people accepted it and moved on, and tried to make the best of it. Now, all people want to do is give up and blame the other side, and scream from the rooftops that we’re doomed. it’s called manning up, pulling yourselves up by your bootstraps, rolling with the punches, etc. it’s an art that people have forgotten. In 4 years, good or bad, you people will still be bitching and moaning. stop being a bunch of damn babies and SUCK IT UP. All I see is a bunch of cowards and finger pointers. But unlike all of you PUSSIES, I was raised to be an AMERICAN. That means I’m tough, resilient, and I’ll be damned if i’m going to spend one day crying or complaining about something that is out of my control. And regardless of who the commander and chief may be, I will always respect him (or her). That used to be how all Americans were.

  570. Yes, a good perspective is always in order, but many of us feel that we are a great nation because God is on our side, and as soon as we turn our backs on him, that support is out the window, and the America that we know and love, will be gone. With this election, I feel that the majority voted for Obama because they believe in abortion and gay marriage, and don’t think that more debt is a bad thing. Some of us believe in the last days, and it becomes more and more scary to live in this world knowing that that day comes closer and closer when we start labeling things as ‘ok’. Yes, this isn’t 911, but many of us feel that the end of our nation is near if America continues the way it is, and when that day comes, we can look back on these days, and realize it was the beginning of the end. Many of us have the big picture now, and that’s why we are very upset.

  571. for you people below that don’t know anything about FEMA, States do already have all the control. FEMA backs up and provides resources and support for State Gov’s to recover from large scale disasters that States themselves cannot handle. So Ronmey’s statement shows just how much he knows about how FEMA already and has been operating. As do the rest of you…

    It would cost far more per state to fund 50 separate FEMA Depts with all the levels of admin, response and equipment required to do the job. So if you want the States budgets to be higher, and for the ability of FEMA to be reduced, then yes, follow that bad policy idea.

  572. To My Dearest President and Vice President,

    I am proud of you both. Despite the many attempts to see you fail, the disrespect and lack of support; you prevailed! We have work to do! May those who are wicked in their hearts become your foot stool, and finally support the efforts to move our nation forward!

    Congratulations! Cheers to making the last 4 count!


  573. People do seem to forget quickly! Bush was the cause partly look even broader tho Osama Bin Laden goal was not only to kill (that was only a shock factor) his goal was to bring us down ecomomically which he succeeded in doing! This which then leads to the blind blame game. It seperates us on all levels and so does greed which is the paper for the fire that will not burn out. #1 no matter who the President is he or she deserves the respect whether he was your guy or not. I wouldn’t want his job/ don’t pay enough to babysit all those adults who should be wearing diapers with all the whining they do.

  574. So Paul, your premise is that this mess was precipitated since 2007?

    Sounds like you may be the one in need of a history lesson….

    The majority of the current deficit is made up of two things:

    Bush tax cuts and the ongoing costs of Iraq and Afghanistan (which though we are winding down we will be paying for a long time to replace destroyed military machinery and supporting the soldiers maimed in theater). We can debate all day whether Iraq was necessary or a good move (it wasn’t for a great many reasons….none of which involve me being a peacenik…I am not)

    As far as the housing issue that mess was begun in the 80’s oh ye of short memory. Remember all of the deregulation and weakening of regulation in the financial sector? Junk bonds and the S&L mess? Plenty of blame for the democrats and those you place blame on but had the financial sector been properly regulated in what and how much they could invest in the mortgage based securities it would have protected alot of the fallout.

    And for those thinking the market can take care of itself….yeah it doesn’t and hasn’t…..if you think most companies exist all on their own with no help from the government I got nothing for you….

  575. Benghazi was the exact same TRAGEDY as this, except 11 years later and on the anniversary of the first one. It was a terrorist attack. And our consulate/embassy in other countries IS actual sovereign AMERICAN soil. And Obama did nothing to help those four brave men :'( Now THAT is a TRAGEDY of epic proportions :'(

  576. Well said! This is a great reminder of what patriotism is all about. Whether we agree with our current administration or not we should always take pride and be grateful for our country.
    Thank you for reminding people to be glad to be happy to wake up in the home of the brave and the land of the free. <3

  577. @JIM: First of all, I’m trying to figure out how you know these people are on food stamps and unemployment just by scanning there membership cards at 24hr Fitness but maybe they told you as many people on public assistance are so willing to do. Who knows maybe they really did tell you though.

    Secondly, This claim that 49% of our country is taking hand outs from the government may in fact be true. But this number is not per individual, it’s per household. Just to clear that up. Also, did anyone stop to think about how many of those households could in fact be including… I don’t know… dare I say it……. Retirees. People on Social Security and Medicare, People who have worked there whole lifes and perhaps deserve to be taken care of now. I can guarantee you that more that half that number includes those households. Are those part of the “lazy class”? Just wondering.

  578. Very well spoken, It is so easy to throw the blame on one person, but we all have to either find work, or create a business for ourselves, we have the opportunity to do that in this country, even with this economy you can still create something out of nothing, I have and I know many people that are doing just that Yes in this economy! Stop complaining people and help yourselves and help others by giving someone a job in what you create even if it’s small, things will get better, History is our best proof, this great country has been and has seen worst and we overcame those adversities, Change your way of thinking and you will change your life!

  579. Agreed. Sub-prime lenders handed out loans to everyone who asked. No federal regulations stopped them from giving loans to people who really couldn’t afford it. I know as I saw it happen. I worked in the housing industry whenthe bottom dropped out. They handed out ridiculous loans with huge balloon paymentsRMS and through voodoo math convinced people with 500 credit scores they could afford a 100% mtg.

  580. I used to work in the auto industry. Just so everyone knows, there are 30,000 plus parts that go into each car. So let’s remember that when Ford, GM or Chrysler go out of business, there are quite possibly 15,000 businesses that are hurt by this loss. Granted some companies make multiple parts, these are usually screws and fasteners and the like. Still, it takes an enormous amount of effort to bring in raw materials, shape them, and then transport them to a manufacturing facility where a car is made. Then add the labor to the actual build. The auto supply chain is as diverse as you can only imagine. I would even go so far as to say that the bailouts may have delayed the downturns in the foreign markets. Parts come from everywhere. And those are my two cents.

  581. Unfortunately, Pip, “Love” cannot be a law. It can’t be dictated. But from a small seed, it can grow. Love is the most powerful force in the universe.

  582. The point is that many people believe that we won’t be able to do this again in 4 years, that martial law is a real threat in our future, that the bread lines in the form of welfare and food stamps are already looming over all of us, that are freedoms will be obliterated one by one in the very near future, and that we will soon be classified as one of those “third world” countries that your parents fled……seriously…..we have already been demoted from number one all the way down to number seven….not much farther to go for third world status and probably already too far gone to ever regain our footing. Might as well go back to Poland!

  583. You might not quite have all of your facts straight. Not all of the troops are out of Iraq. America’s image abroad is not improved as you put it. If anything it is worse. He did not take out Bin Laden- a team of Navy SEALS did.. Obama simply gave the order. Something I’m sure Bush would have also done had the same intel been available to him. If the stimulus package was so good why is the unemployment rate higher now than at anytime in US history? He did have US troops support the movement to rid Libya of Ghaddafi, but he DID NOT have US Troops support Ambassador Stevens or the security teams at the US Embassy in Libya even though phone calls and emails had been sent asking for help. I can keep going, but I’m sure you get the picture. For everything you think he has done that is great there is something to even it out.

  584. As a child of immigrant parents I have to say THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! Your message is the reality I grew up with and I am so excited to see another person realize how blessed we are to live in such an amazing country. Your words speak volumes!

  585. Melissa… sigh… where to begin?

    Yes, some people are still losing their houses. The situations that cause foreclosure did not end, nor will they end overnight. The severity of this economic collapse takes 6-8 years to recover from. The FIRST economic indicator didn’t recover from the 1929 Great Depression until 8 years after the collapse. The last economic indicator didn’t fully recover until 1943, 14 years after the Great Depression began.

    How can you say “people are not getting jobs” when for the last 30 straight months, people have been getting exactly that? You are not relying on facts, you are using hyperbole, exaggeration and outright lies to try to make a case against a president who has done an amazing job with what he was handed.

    Picture it… you hand your keys over to a friend and he burns down your house. You ask another friend for help. He comes in, rebuilds the basement, has the foundation back up, and, four years later, you ask “Why is it not rebuilt?” He says that he IS rebuilding it, but if your first friend would stop interfering with his cement layers and sabotaging the lumber delivery and in every other way trying to stop him from rebuilding, then it would be a little further along. Then you say… “give me those keys. I’m giving them back to my first friend. He’ll fix it.”

    Thankfully this past week you did NOT hand the keys back over to the friend who lit the match in the first place.

    Some of you think there are two men in the world with “FIX ECONOMY” buttons in their pockets, and one just refused to use it for the last four years, and if you just elected the other guy everything would be fine… you aren’t living in anything like a real world.

    I say good luck to you. Talk to me again in four years when we have finally recovered from this economic crater left behind by two unfunded (and one 100% unnecessary) wars, paid for by tax breaks. Then you can talk.

    As for Ashanti, thank you for your post. There are millions of people in your situation. You tried. You really did. And things didn’t go perfectly, and now you’re on welfare, you’re on unemployment, you’re on medicare, you’re getting assistance from the state. That’s what a government is FOR. And in turn I hear people calling you (as in a facebook post I endured the other night) “the nothings” of this country. To which I replied that his problem is that he thinks of you as nothings, not “my fellow Americans.”

    It’s funny, isn’t it, that the states that yell at you most for taking Government hand-outs are themselves (the Red states) statistically far more likely to take government money and far less to pay in taxes. Almost to a state, those Red states take in far more than they give out in taxes. It’s a self-loathing that makes them so angry. Kind of like all those gay Republican politicians who fight against gay rights because they hate themselves so much. (And there’s no shortage of them.)

    Melissa, talk to me again in four years about this day of tragedy…


  586. Wow, Joanne. Your statement hit me hard. I think my spiritual crisis also stems from messages of hate that come from the devout. Thanks for opening my eyes.

  587. I do not believe there will be another election in 4 years. No, this is it folks.!!!

  588. And reading the post and then reading the comments, it seems like majority of you still didn’t get the message. You still want to push the blame. There were mistakes made by both parties some was a whole lot worse than others. But what can we do about it know. Nothing. So stop the fighting and fussing. This country will never get to the potential it could get not because the person in the White House but because there is too much hatred and separation among its leaders and people. Have any one notice if we are united we are stronger. Take notes, and look at the pictures, those pictures represent a group of people that unified in their belief to kill Americans and they did. It only took a few. We are a whole country imagine what we could do if we would just stop the fussing and fighting among each other. We could defiantly be a stronger country. A house divided against it self will fall. It is time for us to stop the madness, come together, and be a strong nation, not a nation full of bickering babies.

  589. Sheather, and those who agree with her thoughts about abortion. Would you suggest that someone who aborts a fertilized egg (six-week pregnancy, for example) should get the death sentence for murder? I am very interested to hear your opinions on this.

  590. Jordan, please do not tar others who read the Bible with this kind of paranoid talk. It does the cause of Christ no good. And if you are that afraid of non-existent concentration camps, then perhaps you need to have a conversation with your doctor about it.

  591. I have to add that “checks and balances” doesn’t refer to political parties but the three branches of government. There’s nothing about political parties in the Constitution. In fact, George Washington warned against them and didn’t belong to one. And there have been plenty of parties that have come and gone during the history of this country (Whigs, Federalists, ect), so there’s nothing about being a Democrat or Republican in the Constitution.

  592. Not that I don’t agree here. Good article and all, point made loud and clear. FWIW though, there are 149 countries deemed free. 87 of those are deemed completely free. You can do all the same crap we hold so dear here in just about all 87 of those other places. I have no problem complaining about the two people who just ran for president. We had 5 presidential candidates on our Michigan ballot. I only saw two of those debating for the nation to see. One of those other candidates was arrested when trying to enter a debate. This country is not the greatest thing ever. Pretty mediocre when compared to some other countries in the world. We have poor health care. Poor wealth distribution. Poor economic mobility. etc. etc. etc.

  593. @pam… are you kidding me?!? banks are over-regulated? seriously… how could you even type that!

  594. It’s obvious that you are an Obama’s not that I’m mad because Mitt Romney lost..I’m SCARED that this man with the gift of gab has deceived so many…I’m AFRAID for my grandchildren that this country with Obamacare, trillions of dollars of deficit, indebted to our eyeballs with China is on a fast track to socialism..I FEAR for my nation, the country that I LOVE that so many young lives have been lost defending, will fall to a country with nuclear arms such as Iran. Our ambassadors and their protectors go unprotected when a phone call would have brought heavy arms from less than an hour away. I DOUBT that he is a Godly man, his origins have more uncertainty than certainty,too many questions go unanswered. I see photos of him on stage with Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, who have their hands over their hearts saying our pledge of allegiance and yet his hands are folded in front of him…I’m WORRIED biblical prophecy may just be closer than any of us could have dreamed. I’m a registered democrat and yet I voted for a republican candidate and I’m called a racist, traitor, bigot…yet 93% of african americans voted for him..I BELIEVE out of racial motivation. His policy to take from the workers and give to the lazy is an abomination to everything my hard working parents taught me. No, it’s not a terrorist attack…but to some of us, it is indeed a sad day for this nation.

  595. Loved the initial post by Jo – thank you!

    I sat reading all the comments posted on this blog, and it became clear to me that many are treating this as a comprehension issue, instead of a difference of opinion. All the accusations, potential ulterior motives, religious affiliation concerns, etc. of our current president have been made public for some time now. And still more than half the American people voted him back into office. It was the difference of opinion in the parties and the candidates themselves, that won this election, it wasn’t a lack of understanding of what some present as “fact”.

    As strongly as some feel about President Obama’s alleged ulterior motives, others feel just as strongly that he’s on the level and doing his best. NOT a comprehension issue, a difference of opinion.

    There’s a saying…”You can’t make anyone see the situation through different eyes other than the ones they wish to look through.” That goes for both sides here. So true right?!

  596. Jo
    I certainly appreciate and respect your opinion being a child of immigrant parents who can tell you stories of a society much worse than ours – much worse than many of our young and old could imagine. You are right. Things could be much worse. And some for sure are over reacting in their word choice. And you’re right, the attack on the twin towers is unmistakably a tragedy compared to the outcome of an election. The assassination of President Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr, the near assassination of President Reagan – those are tragedies I dare say you’ve only read about.
    But to wag your finger at those who are saddened by the results of this election shows you really don’t understand this great country to which your parents took an oath in becoming citizens. The fact that your parents come from Poland and have told you stories of a society much worse does not make you an authority on THIS country.
    My generation, and I am 50 yrs old, as the tail end of the baby boomers has seen more social/cultural change in this country since its founding. People may be over reacting to a degree (much like Katie Couric did when she cried on the air when Bush beat Kerry) but what you fail to realize is we who have had parents that grew up in THIS country, not Poland, have told us stories as well. Where hard work is rewarded. Where the benefits you get in life is by the sweat of your brow and using your head. Where there was more helping your neighbours out when they were down and out and needed work instead of demanding the government to help you out ALL the time. Where as a parent you have control and are the final word over the minds and hearts of your children. Where respect and common decency is what people were raised with, not something you have to go to a shrink to learn about. Where respect for others beliefs, be it religious or political may be disagreed with, but respected because we recognize that everyone in this country has a right to belief what he wants and should be free of being bullied or demeaned for those beliefs. Where the sanctity of unborn babies was protected. Where we still believed in the ideals, if not the Deity, behind our Christian foundations as a nation. And I’m talking about charity, good will, compassion, basic morality, honesty, good work ethics, upholding good as the standard and not glorifying thug life. Those kinds of things shouldn’t offend the ACLU should they? When I first began my working life, health benefits used to be called fringe benefits and your employer paid for it all. Wow was that cool. But rising cost of healthcare stopped that. I bet you don’t remember one of the biggest reasons health care costs began sky rocketing? A growing senior population contributed of course, but the spike we hit and have never turned back is the epidemic of a new STD (thats what it was called in the early 80s when you were but a child) called AIDS – one of the most politicized diseases that this country has ever seen hit healthcare. Now health care has gotten so expensive that we have to look to the government to pay for it.
    We have buyouts of banks and automakers. We seem to think there is a moral issue with letting companies go out of business and people lose their jobs. Thats the way this country has always operated. If GM failed, it would have been hard for sure for a while, but don’t you think there would have been a stream of business people creating smaller more flexible auto companies that could respond to market demands better than a huge dinosaur like GM or Chrysler? All the automaker buyouts were about was buying a built in constituency – the UAW. You save jobs, you get votes. Capitalists do things differently than Socialists. I saw one post that Obama is hardly a liberal. Go check your Poli Sci 101. Governement ownership of private companies IS socialist. And I’ve read recently that GM wanted to buy back their shares and Obama don’t want to sell them back. Well now thats interesting.
    How about the banks? Why the need in the first place to buy them out? Those terrible banks, how could they be so evil as to be preditory in loaning ot those poor idiots? Well its because our politicians thought there weren’t enough loans going out to minorities, thereby holding back the American dream from those who deserve a chance. Never mind they couldn’t afford it. So you remove the regulations from the bank and blame them for making the loans? Where’s the blame for a government that pulled those regulations away?
    Oh and we’re a pluralistic, multicultural, free society right? Well our well meaning government and all her treaties in the UN has opened the doors for ethnic groups who have warred, fought, slaughtered each other for centuries to bring their fighting inside our borders. And anyone that talks about whether this is what we should be doing as a nation is labeled a bigot or racist. We are just going to have to learn our lessons like Israel. You have to do what you have to do to protect your people. But we don’t get that yet. America has become the dumping ground for the worlds refugess (Bosnia, Somalia, etc.). Oh but America is too rich and we should share our wealth with the rest of the world (MORE Socialist BS). What our government fails to see at the same time is the rest of the world brings it ethinic issues HERE. So, Jo, I’m sorry many of us don’t see the wisdom in that. I’m all for opening our borders. But if you’re going to come from a country, religion, etc. that threatens to bring violence to OUR nation, by God we should be profiling them – with no second thought.
    This baby boomer could go on all night. My point Jo is don’t think for a minute you have a handle on where this country is going because you don’t have a handle on where its been. The reason this is a sad day for our country is because its a realization that a winning majority of the population wants to take us down the road where your parents have seen and suffered through!!!!! Yes, there is another election, but what you are witnessing with this very administration is a massive move toward draconian ultra-liberal (if you don’t think its quite socialist yet) policies that will push us to a melt down like countries in Europe.
    Do you remember reading about a charismatic forward thinking female politician named Margaret Thatcher? Her country was facing riots, union strikes, massive unemployment and such because those before thought a bigger more generous governement was not only what the people wanted, its what they needed. She LET the businesses fail. She made massive spending cuts that her country could no longer afford to pay for. It was a HUGE correction for her country and it was painful for her people. But the UK rose to one of its greatest economic periods it had seen in decades. It takes balls and wisdom to make the hard, the right, choices, even when the people don’t believe you. THAT is true leadership. Those of us who consider this a sad day fear this administration may take us so far down the road that we will never be able to recover.
    One final note. This country HAS been a Christian, and still is, a Christian nation. Not all live by its principles, but the Christian religion still has its imprint on this culture. There has never been a President voted in that was so clearly pro any other religion other than the predominant religion that was a part of the founding of this country. Obama clearly has divided loyalties. When we look to the east and see how Islam has taken over much of Europe and in some countries are passing out copies of the Q’ran in the streets! 9/11 has a significance in that that was the date of the end of the last Muslim push to take over Europe in the late 1600s. So why should we throw the doors open and invite this religion in to not only live amongst us, but to actually affect our politics? I for one, though I may not practice Christian principles, do NOT want my kids taught Muslim faith in schools and thats whats happening. And we have a President that is so pro Muslim, he goes around bowing, as the head of the greatest country in the world, to the Muslim leaders of the world. Appeasement does not work. Prime Minister Chamberlain, and Great Britain, learned that the hard way with Hitler in WWII. LEARN FROM OUR PAST PEOPLE!!!
    So, yes, I’m saddened. I’m ashamed that the people of this country could vote a President of this kind in for another term. I’m shocked how a society, how my country, can change so much in just one generation.

  597. Thank you SO MUCH for posting this. I thought I was the only one living in the twilight zone like experience. I find the whole reaction very sad.

  598. Well, I remember last election everyone said we would be reading the Qur’an and wearing burkas worshiping Allah and living with constant terrorist attacks.. None of that happened.. So relax! Im so tired of all the fear mongers.. Stay away from Fox news and get some real perspective… And if Congress gets off their butt and starts finally working with our President rather than against him, we will not fall off any fiscal cliff!! SO I highly recommend if you are really this frightened you write your congressman or woman and let them know just how worried you are, and tell them that if they do not work with our President to fix this thing, you will not vote them back in office.. Stop complaining about what others are not doing and do something yourself…

  599. Great comment, Lethia. You missed just one piece of this, and that is that companies like AIG starting selling ‘insurance’ on these mortgage bundles. That in itself was not bad, but then they started betting on both sides. They would ‘rate’ a package as being very good, even though it may have very few really good mortgages in it, and lots of sub-prime. They’d then sell these bundles to wall street, all the while insuring themselves against them if they failed to perform. This led to them -wanting- them to fail, because then they made double.

    See a movie called ‘The Inside Job’. It explains both Lethia’s comment and my own above much better. People can blame Bush all they want, but how many of those people realize that the Bankers from Goldman Sachs, etc, that were in Bush’s cabinet…are also in Obama’s? This isn’t Reps against Dems, folks. We have a problem much bigger than that, and it all goes back to the folks who have the true money (power) in this country. big banks.

  600. It’s disheartening that so many have read this lovely, thoughtful piece and launched immediately into the same strident rhetoric it addressed.

    Thank you for it, all the same!

  601. Not that much to say as a moderate unless I want o beef about both sides. I can say
    there is enough blame to go around just between Bush and , of course, Clinton (who made THE CALL NOT TO PUT AN END TO BIN LADIN WHEN WE HAD HIM…. but no one has a crystal ball. And the recession..well gee, duh that is what follows a major war.
    If you don’t make enough as a waitress, then try real estate. Go get you rfre education . Don’t ever accept a bad place as your lot in life here in the USA. Just talk to a winner and learn what to do instead of complaining to those who are losing out like you are.

  602. You clearly are not very well versed in the economic policies of Greece if you think that is what America just voted for.

    I agree with you in one area: stupidity is tragic. Now go take a look in the stupid mirror, stupid.

  603. What’s tragic is that you think it’s okay to talk about people you’ve never met in such a degrading way because they didn’t agree with you.

  604. Yeah… we get it. It’s that damned 47% who only want handouts that keeps people like you from being able to get ahead. Keep thinking like that, and your party will go the way of the Whigs.

  605. Thank you for reminding us just how wonderful America is. My son is a soldier and just returned from deployment. Yes, he defends this country and I am soooo proud of him. He fights for America because he loves America and all that she represents.

  606. Kendall – what a RELIEF to read your comment. I’ve been reading attack after insult after putdown here, and I’d pay good money to know what these kvetchers DO in their daily lives to make our country a better place. Bitching and finger-pointing is so last century. If people would spend any time trying to get to know people who disagree with them, and WHY they do, we might make some actual progress here. I find it wonderfully large-minded of you as a conservative to offer the olive branch after a nasty, seemingly-endless campaign. Sure, we ALL have hopes and fears for our own lives and our country. But whether or not you agree with someone, you can bet their deepest needs and fears are as human as your own. Demonizing people will get us absolutely nowhere, ever. Complaining is so mindlessly EASY. Instead of attacking each other’s candidates, opinions, and beliefs, let’s put our energy into insisting that the Congress WORK TOGETHER and compromise for their employers: the American people. They work for us, and if all we can do is bitch, nothing will ever change. And I think that would actually qualify as tragic.

  607. I agree with you and posted something similar (but NOT as well written as yours) on my status. I don’t really care who people vote for, but i do care that people do vote! It’s my belief that it’s not only a right that we have, it’s a privilege and an obligation! If people can’t be bothered with voting, they should consider moving to a country where the government doesn’t care how you feel or what you think. THEY will decide everything for you. Yes things are tough right now, but hey, they could be a hell of alot worse! Nice job on the blog! 🙂

  608. So I assume you posted pictures of Auschwitz when everyone on the Left was comparing Bush to the Nazis. Right?

  609. Finally, someone who has a clear vision of histrory and truth. Unregulated capitalism means that all social programs are gone-and, if we are truly one nation under God, we have to have some measure of social responsibility. Refer to the 1870-1910 period, with the conflict between labor and capital. Without a social concious, Owners would work their laborers to death. And this country firmly decided not to accept slavery. All Americans deserve the ability to make a decent wage and support and educate their children. Any politician who brags about ignoring 47% of the population is shooting himself in the foot.

  610. I’m just going to post this and leave. I am going to go to the ER because I have a cough that won’t go away and my doctor charges $50. for a visit, but Mitt told me I can go to the ER for free. Obama phones? okay, if you say so. Until that bogus video, nobody ever said anything, now all of a sudden, everybody knows people who have one? Get real, turn off fox. Romney lost the election because he mistakenly believed that fox tells the truth. He went on his “embarrass America”tour and looked like a complete idiot because he repeated all their lies without realizing that they were lies. He fell on his platinum sword at the second because rather than listening to what the president said about Libya, he parroted fox news and made himself, once again, look stupid. I am not saying he is stupid, I am saying he is lazy and gullible. Fox news and conservative lies are the main reason the president was reelected Tuesday night.

  611. Sara Bush and his administration did warn, many times, and it was blocked by democrats every time – it is all on c-span … we are all free to vote for who we want to vote for but when people are doing it without being educated on what is really happening and just listening blindly to what they are being told … that is how we lose control of this wonderful country and the next thing we know we aren’t quite as free anymore … all the warnings are on video …

  612. Thus far I look at Geo W as the worst president of my lifetime.
    And I was born during the Eisenhower administration.

  613. akejf;ajf,

    Exaggeration doesn’t do a lot of good. Greece has serious problems with poor fiscal policy and runaway entitlements, combined with a huge amount of tax fraud. Sure, the US has some of the same problems regarding very VERY bad fiscal policy, but looking at the past 20 years it has been a BIPARTISAN EFFORT to get us to this position. I will grant that the Affordable Care Act is the latest effort by a President/Congress to cover their ears and pretend that THIS time it will save money, not cost more… but it is only the latest. From Bush 43’s huge increase in entitlement spending and unfunded wars, to Clinton era Free Trade agreements, all the way back to Reagan’s Voodoo Economics, we have seen decades of crappy fiscal policy. Another four years of Obama and a Republican House is unlikely to make it much better nor much worse. Yes, we are living off the Chinese credit card, and it’s the fault of both incumbent political parties, not just one. We can spread the blame out pretty evenly, but the biggest fault is with the majority of politicians who have forgotten how to be statesmen.

  614. More children are killed EVERY DAY in the U.S. at the hands of abortionists than all those killed by those other terrorists in the World Trade Center. That is why we say “A sad and tragic day”. Additionally, the President’s HHS Mandate seeks to force Catholic organizations violate their beliefs- so much for “free to express your religious beliefs.” In the meantime I will “Do something kind for someone”, by returning once again to the local Planned Barrenhood and offering hope and help to the moms and dads who come there and perhaps “Be someone’s hero” by rescuing a child from that horror. I do not think it is “idiotic” thinking to believe that it is “sad and tragic” that we will have another 4 years of a President who supports these injustices. God bless.

  615. I couldn’t have said it any better. I hope you don’t mind, I shared it on my Facebook page (giving you the credit).

  616. You couldn’t have said it better! thank you for this this well written article! I will be sharing on my facebook page because this needs to be out there! God Bless!

  617. I found this via a share and I intend to share your well thought, well worded article. I so agree with you on the get over it, but I also would like to add the famous refrain from a song, “The sun will come up tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there’ll be sun…” Thank you again.

  618. Sheather, how can you say “I do not judge” and then say those things about people who are also God’s children and are born naturally loving people of their own gender? You are judging them unfit to be treated as full humans and full adult Americans. Believe me, there’s one way you can tell that homosexuals are born, not “made”: who would EVER CHOOSE to be gay when gay people are persecuted for just wanting to LOVE someone and be treated equally? You are judging, big time. Keep your opinions if you must, but don’t lie about them, please.

  619. Well said. Most of this stuff doesn’t lend itself to sound bites, and any politician or pundit that tries to sell you one is being dishonest. THIS is the real explanation. There is enough blame to spread around here. Bipartisan failure.

  620. Wrong. The democrats had a filibuster proof senate for 6 months. Hence the stimulus…proven to have worked, and Obamacare.(thanks for naming it that by the way). Cloture was invoked 63 times in 2009 and 2010, how ya like them apples?

  621. Wow… what a bunch of bitter people who really need to quit living in the past and move on, find something to be happy about, like the fact that you still have internet access and your cell phone so that you can gripe about things like this! The past is the past, we cannot change it, we can only learn from it.
    And speaking of learning, sounds like a lot of people need to find some other websites to read and news channels to watch besides FOX. There ARE actual pages out there with THE FACTS on the auto bailouts, their recovery, how they paid back their loans, with interest, expanded, hired employees and are building new factories.
    But what fascinates me the most about those bitter in losing is the fantasy they seem to have that an economic collapse on the same scale of the Great Depression, which took a couple decades to run it’s course and recovery, should have been fixed in 4 years! Rich folks, like Trump, who file for bankruptcy, as he has several times, get 5 years to recover – you can’t give a country with a much larger debt and more complex economic structure AT LEAST that amount of time?
    The President, regardless of who it is, is NOT a miracle worker, a fortune teller, a genie, or a saint; has no magic wand to wave, can’t grant us all 3 wishes or change the future that awaits us beyond what we are willing to do ourselves. Until we come together as a country and decide to compromise, a little of this and a little of that, we won’t move forward with any great speed. The more people fight progress, the slower it is, but it will still come, and you will have to accept it.
    So suck it up and get back in the game, it’s not over. No team that ever won or lost a championship took their ball home and refused to come back and play again. To do so would just deny them another chance at the prize.

  622. Of course, the word “tragic” can mean different things contextually, just as many words can. Love, for example, or hate. So, you needn’t get all whoop-ass on folks who “hate” that Obama was re-elected. They simply “love” their country, which may be different than hating lima beans or loving your momma. So it may be tragic, just different than the Aurira shooting tragic or 911. The English language is wonderfully diverse.

  623. Thank goodness someone else with a brain is here! Thank you for your non-partisan explanation of our “reality.” Maybe it will spur LOGICAL conversation.

  624. See, this whole debate is the reason this country is having so many problems. Everyone from both sides just spends all their time and energy blaming the other party for the past and what happened, but nobody REALLY seems to want to fix things. Bipartisan system has become a mess, basically making the sides enemies, when we all should be focusing on making this country better, not just blaming everyone else.

    The country almost fell completely apart with the financial collapse. That CANNOT be fixed in a few years. People expect it to just be magically fixed and back to gumdrops and lollipops instantly. Sorry, but that is not reality. It takes a long time to come out of this mess, and people are trying to do what needs to be done, but the solution is not just A B C…it is way too damn complex for me to understand or explain. Plus, the WORLD economy is a mess too which affects the USA more than some people realize. Things will get better, but it was so out of control before the collapse that much more discretion is needed to avoid that again. Things will get better, but they may not get to the way they were before, much of which was because of the crazy bank actions allowing mass debt everywhere.

    Sit back, relax, and let’s all do this TOGETHER.

  625. As ANOTHER mother of a special needs child…it IS a tragic day for America because after this MAN, as un-patriotic and un-American as they come…not even willing to show proper respect during our National Anthem, has been reelected…after four more years there will be nothing left but a socialist state. The memory of our once great Democracy vanished like a fart in the wind. You guys all sit around and sing Kumbaya and poop your rainbows or WTF ever and when we are all sitting around starving and my poor son has nothing to help him along in this world after I am dead because this country is bankrupt and controlled by China despite mine and my husband’s best efforts working our butts off to give him a future…you will all look back on this day and remember it as the beginning of the end and say to yourselves…”Gee willikers guess all them right wing nut jobs were right…we really were all screwed…DUUUHHHHH.” Guess we should have trusted the man with some business acumen to dig us out of this mess instead of the man who hates America. I voted for Obama the first time and over the last four years I have watched our country become so divided and hate filled. What other conclusion am I to draw than he has helped to sow the seeds of discontent because this happened with him as our President….Where is the “CHANGE?” for the worse maybe…now “FORWARD”…where…directly into the ninth circle of hell? I’m scared for my son’s future because of the hatred that I have seen erupt in this country under his watch. We are so far away from the ideals this country was created on. I’m not asking for help from the government for my child even though he is entitled to it…all I want is the opportunity to earn a decent living so that we can afford to give him the care he needs and leave him something to help him take care of himself when we are dead…with what I have seen this last four years and the debt this country is in…there will be nothing left of this country but a skeleton when he gets my age. GOD HAVE MERCY ON US ALL!!

  626. Nicely said.
    It’s shocking to me just how easily people can isolate themselves from the rest of the country and the world by choosing their media sources so narrowly. This post reassures me that the core values of our country remain, despite the vitriole being spewed by those who have been misled by mean-spirited, selfish propagandists selling the “Muslim-Socialist” snake oil.
    Thank you for speaking up!

  627. It is sad someone from a different country has to even try to get Americans to educate themselves on their own government. The bottom line is this. The Parties of our govt. have to work together to do what is best for the country, or it won’t matter who is right or wrong, we will ALL pay the consequences for their inaction.

  628. are you kidding me? Can’t you all calm down and realize that we are all entitled to our own opinions and at least debate in a respectful way?? Yes some people believe this re-election was tragic, some do not. If you are so pissy about it, DO something about it. We live in a nation where you can do what you choose which is a pretty amazing thing. People who whine and complaine while sitting at home have absolutely no backbone to fight with. I don’t care how much you think you know. DO something, be the change you want to see, empower by influence. There are 100 sides to every story, we as a nation will never 100 percent agree on anything and that is ok! Every president tries to do his best, whatever that may be, some are better than others, nobody runs for president to purposfully ruin the nation. Everyone just needs to take a deep breath and calm the f*ck down. He was re-elected… what are you going to do about it? Run by his side or take a leap of action so that in four years there is a change. The decision is up to you because whether you realize it or not, it is a blessing to live here.

  629. With you there, Tracey! If I hear Adam and Steve one more time, I’m going to… turn gay! Or at least puke.

  630. This is a well-meaning post. I think it is slightly idealistic.

    Obama is not a terrorist. But he did give $200 million to Hamas.

    And he refuses to stand in the way of Iran’s stockpiling of nuclear weapons.

    When he takes the oath of office, a U.S. President promises to protect the nation and its interests.

    Obama’s actions in his first term have not borne that promise out.

  631. @ Stephanie: You are truly delusional. I don’t ordinarily respond to such garbage, but when someone like you presents as fact accusations with absolutely no concrete evidence my blood starts to boil. There is nothing wrong with disliking President Obama, or even hating him. But at least be honest about your reasons.

  632. I agree with you and with her… is just sad how much immaturity overlooks that we have just exercised what we have the right to do….some act like it is not our right unless we think their way!! We are so blessed to have this right and we have our service men to thank for that!

    Thank you, Jo, for your perspective and for yours, too, Rachel.

  633. This is the type of stuff that is making me so mad to see posted all over FB. There is nothing stated anywhere that says if you are Christian, you have to vote Republican!
    There are plenty of Democrats that are Christian, there are Republicans that aren’t Christian (Romney is Morman).

    I am a Christian, and I have voted for Democrat and Republican candidates (at state and federal level) depending on my research of the candidates, how their beliefs match up to mine, and their stance on certain policies as well as their character.

    Being Christian does NOT = being Republican!!!

  634. That was well said. I would only add one thing. Children also need to be taught to win with dignity and respect.

    Unfortunately, in my little corner of the globe and internet, I have seen both “sides” (and some people on neither) behaving in ways I would not tolerate from my 3 year old.

  635. Chris, you totally miss the point and you are exactly who she was addressing here. Did you even read the entire thing? This isn’t about Bush, or Auschwitz, or 9/11… It’s about growing up and being a citizen that wants to see his country succeed regardless of who is President – you get to vote again 4 years!! So don’t attack her for something she didn’t do in the past – Move on! We aren’t back in the Bush years anymore, and Auschwitz has no place in this discussion.

  636. Carol, there was no surplus when Clinton left office. Here’s what he did to make it look that way:
    Clinton ran deficits throught all 8 years of his term, and one can go to the US Treasury Department and looking through the history of the total outstanding debt through Clintons term.

    Every year Clinton was in office, the total national debt continued to climb.

    How Clinton managed to claim a surplus was that while the general operating budgets ran deficits but Clinton borrowed from numerous off budget funds to make the on budget fund a surplus.

    For example, in 2000, Clinton claimed a $230B surplus, but Clinton borrowed
    $152.3B from Social Security
    $30.9B from Civil Service Retirement Fund
    $18.5B from Federal Supplementary Medical insurance Trust Fund
    $15.0B from Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund
    $9.0B from the Federal Unemployment Trust Fund
    $8.2B from Military Retirement Fund
    $3.8B from Transportation Trust Funds
    $1.8B from Employee Life Insurance & Retirement fund
    $7.0B from others

    Total borrowed from off budget funds $246.5B, meaning that his $230B surplus is actually a $16.5B deficit.
    ($246.5B borrowed – $230B claimed surplus = $16.5B actual deficit).

    If there is ever a true surplus, then the national debt will go down.

  637. In July, I started an internship with the campaign. I worked countless hours and I got about 20 kids from my school really involved as well. We were all super optimistic and excited about the outcome. We all felt that we were making a difference. After we lost, I’ve been struggling with trying to remain optimistic. I couldn’t seem to find the right words to say to my disappointed friends- I didn’t want them to feel like they didn’t make a difference. Now I know what to say- thank you so much for the reminder of our blessings and this fresh outlook. 🙂 brilliant article.

  638. Amen! We will most likely be seeing a lot more of those types of pictures, not from 9/11 but from future attacks on our great land.

  639. @Stephanie
    President Obama is NOT a Muslim. Practicing Muslims have to pray 5 times per day at specific times. While Obama was watching the election results on Tuesday, no one noticed him pull out a prayer rug and face Mecca. No one noticed this at the White House Easter-egg roll, either, and both of these events were very public and coincided with prayer times. No one noticed because it never happened, because he’s not a Muslim. Also, fascism and socialism are very nearly opposites on the political spectrum so a “fascist socialist country” is an oxymoron in and of itself and we are definitely not headed for either.

  640. David Collison, I’ve never met you but I admire you for writing such an eloquent reply to a posting clearly made by someone who likes to whine without all the facts.

    That said, Jo Ashline, this is the best response to the election results I have read so far! Thank you for helping to put it in perspective for those who are willing to open their eyes up to something other than their own opinion!

  641. AMEN! I keep saying this! Congress is the one with the power, and as long as they are not working together, things aren’t going to get accomplished!

  642. Kudos to you, Adam!!! We need to focus on all pulling together….not the other way around…..”We are our own worst enemy”!!

  643. I felt the same way when W got re-elected. I couldn’t understand how so many could re-elect a man whose cabinet members had been linked with so many scandals, who dragged us into a war that sent our economy into trillions of dollars of debt, who so badly mishandled Katrina that the effects are still being felt to this day, who was barely literate.

    Let’s not forget to mention Haliburton, the savings and loan scandal, the gutting of the EPA, Abu Ghraib, general mismanagement of the entire “War on Terror” (Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea, pick one), Valerie Plame outing, NSA warrantless wiretapping, gutting of the CIA, the Patriot Act (a complete violation of our civil liberties, which got extended), etc., etc., etc.

    Damn, I could be here all night listing all of his f***-ups! Arguably the worst president in American history and he gets re-elected! Both times he was elected under questionable circumstances. Unbelievable.

  644. “Bush Warned them”….. HUH???? What did he say “the chickens I have created have come home to roost. My finacial irresponsibilty will continue to destroy this country. Plus the Neo-Cons in the Republican ran Congress will do everything they can do to stop any and all Obama’s Policies created for the benefit of the WHOLE country from going through”…
    Come on after 8 years of his clownness in chief could anything he said be taken seriously.

  645. Um it would have been very hard for Clinton to pass a law in 1991 considering he wasn’t elected until 1992…………..maybe you should take your own advice you gave in your last sentence….just sayin’

  646. Also, we should not forget that there is far more to the government than the Presidential office. There are federal Representatives, Senators, state governors, state representatives, mayors, city councilmen. Start local if you want to see a change, because in an honest assessment of the past 12 years (longer in my opinion), the person in the Oval Office has not made a huge difference.

  647. Uh, you unfriended someone on FB because you couldn’t handle what they had to say about the outcome of the election? And you are telling people to get themselves together? Umm…

    Tragedy has different meaning for everyone. Yes, 9/11 was tragic. A good friend of mine was killed in a car accident not too long ago. Was it as tragic as 9/11? Nope, but it was still tragic.

    As far as the terrorism reference, the word itself is very emotionally charged. Again, it means different things to different people. Obama may not be building bombs or anything but his tactics are violently tearing this country apart. If nothing else, our nation is more divided now then ever. That in itself is a tragedy. Try taking your own advice and get yourself together.

  648. Amen! Just a little side note. I am sorry if my punctuation isn’t up to the high standards being upheld here. I am hearing so much about gloom and doom and suddenly a whole bunch of stuff being posted everywhere about freebies and lazy Obama supporters. I would assume most of the gloom and doom, and also most of the freebie and lazy Obama supporters is mostly coming from disgruntled Republicans whose candidate lost in the election and who also had one or more members of their party state that the agenda of the Party was to make sure Obama was a one term president. I just want to say to them. You can help change this gloom and doom mentality and get people back to work so you don’t have to feel like you are just giving your money to undeserving people. All you have to do is tell your elected officials to do their job in congress. It is that easy. Compromise on the issues that make a difference for the country concerning the deficit and the well being of our nation. That should not be very difficult, you Republicans just want to have things all your way or no way and that is not helping. You publicly slam one of your own for saying something nice about a Democrat who is helping that man save lives. Shame on you if you were a part of that. Some democrats are the same way when it comes to having it your way or no way. Both parties need to get over it and get something accomplished in congress. Compromise or be ready to find a new job come 2014. Many people were put in positions where they need some help. Many were put there by a Republican president, and some were put there by president Obama’s policies. People need to stop blaming and start helping.

  649. Tragic is also the way people are living in the North East as they recover from Sandi. Tragic is the way people lived after Katrina. I’ve seen this in my own hometown, Punta Gorda, FL, though not anywhere near as bad.

    While Barack Obama isn’t going to end the world (I don’t think so anyway…), what people find “tragic”, is what the results of those polls mean. Core values of Americans have fundamentally changed over time. When 50% of Americans believe that Capitalism is evil, and that government is meant to save them from all their woes, we’ve reached a “tragic” point in U.S. History where people would rather be taken care of than succeed on their own and would rather see those who succeed be punished for it.


  650. Jerry, “ They are unbiased and simply seek the facts on everything. They have no political agenda or baises.”

    Jerry, sorry they do not always give the facts. They are just like the rest of the media. There are facts from government websites that can give you facts, but to claim snopes is unbiased is folly. That’s about like quoting wikipedia!

  651. I so entirely agree with you I cannot express it. If we don’t take the level of civil incivility down, move away from threats of violence, hate talk, and violent images … I have a feeling that we will have real violence. There has been enough tragedy without encouraging more. I’m rebogging you and I thank you for this exceptional posting.

  652. @Pam, the USPS is struggling because of a consorted right wing effort from the congress to undermine it. The VA is another story. You are painting with too broad a brush. You claim that government can do nothing, or does worse than nothing. The public sector is not a business, Pam, nor should it be. I stand proudly behind the works of my government. Too many to list, but to name a few; the big things like spaceships, to the little things like safe drinking water, and in between all the science research and public education and the Interstate system and bridges and busting up monopolies and fire departments and should I go on? Things the free market cannot do, or do well. The public sector is very good at very many things that we all benefit tremendously from, Pam. Saying that government is terrible at everything, and then generalizing all governments as being akin to the DPRK is disingenuous. You say that in a marketplace, the consumer decides. Sure, that’s well and good, but you also say that citizens have no say in their government. Do you not live in a representative democracy? Are you not civically engaged in your community?

  653. I often asked that question with no answers…why if he did such a great job in MA then why isn’t he still there or have their support?
    Thank you for your service for our Country and stay safe.

  654. That would be like saying the last four weren’t TRAGIC. Hopefully Americans will wake up before China owns the whole damn thing. So much for free speech, this asshole voices his opinion, but only wants yours if its nice. Must be an Obama minion, lol. Read that link on my wall, couple of hours ago. Layoffs have already began. Hope you still have your job in four years. Try losing YOUR job, then house and tell me how much warm fuzzy your ready to take out into the community. Just an opinion.

  655. I have my bachelors degree and have worked my way up the ladder mainly based on hard work and dedication. A few years back, I lost my job and like a lof of other hard working citizens that had no control over the circumstance, we had to rely an unemployment. Without unemployment insurance (which isn’t a lot by the way), I wouldn’t have been able to make ends meet. People are diagnosed with serious health conditions where they can’t work and if they aren’t working, they can’t afford health insurance. There are so many people that are less fortunate, not because they are “lazy” or “co-dependent” but because of unfortunate circumstances. Luckily I was only out of work for a few months and I’m working hard again and making money but at no point (before or after i lost my job) was I that ingnorant enough to think that everyone relying on government programs are choosing to rely on these programs. As much as I love this country and value business, I also understand the importance of helping others in need which to me defines a true American. Yes, there are always people that take advantage of the system and I think there are government programs that need reform but they are a necessity and I gladly contribute my money to those in need and also to my future security. By the way, the small business owners are not the “super rich” and I agree, we need support small business owners and incentivize them to grow. The super rich are paying less in taxes because Bush lowered the capital gains tax (and income tax) which is where the wealthiest Americans make their money. All Obama is saying is to go back to the way it was prior to Bush which considering the despairty in salaries from executives vs the workers, I think they can afford it. I did some research and in 2011 executive salaries were 380 times that of an average worker and back in 1980 was only 47 times higher. So as the wealthiest Americans are making more money and paying less in taxes (thanks to Bush), where is the money trickling down too? Do you see it…does anyone see it right now? Do you think it’s fair that the Wealthiest Americans continue to make more money and pay less in taxes when most of us middle class citizens can barely cover the neccessities? As Obama has said, we need a balanced approach which is increase taxes (back to how it was pre Bush) which will generate revenue while at the same time reform entitlements and cut back on spending. Yes, Obama has increased the deficit but he had to stimulate the economy. Our economy is recovering but now we need to pass legislation to work on lowering the deficit which means both parties need to work together to get this done. By the way, for all the people that said that Obama needs to stop blaming Bush….well we wouldn’t be in this financial mess if it weren’t for him, it’s a FACT and it will be in the history books for all the future generations to see SO you need to accept it and deal with it!

  656. I was amazed to read how many of you havent “commented” on what Jo wrote and what her message was. I hear the anger in many of your rants. I hear you trying to justify your opinions. I hear you putting down others opinions. Many of the comments I read sound exactly like “stump speeches.” If thats what you wrote about then you didnt really read it or what she wrote was well over your reading level & intelligence. The election is over…move on!
    Jo’s point was simple “BE GRATEFUL” Put this election in true perspective & stop being so dramatic with your words. One of my FB friends posted “I don’t even want to live here anymore” my response was” When are you leaving your attitude wont be missed.”
    Some of you need to get a grip and read Jo’s post. Thanks for posting your thoughts. I for one reaally appreciated it. Be Well.

  657. REALLY? $200M to Hamas? Give us a link to that so we can all check it out – that’s the first most of us are hearing about this!! Wonder why FOX didn’t cover it? When did the GOP approve that??
    I’d also like a link to the information on Iran’s “stockpiling of nuclear weapons.” Last I heard from FOX, they were still working on building their first one! I must have fallen behind on my FOX watching.
    Would you also kindly provide us with an actual list of what it is Obama did to not protect us and our interests – beyond Benghazi and the four souls lost there, I don’t recall any other deaths to terrorism (except for the wars Bush started). Even FOX said this was the first terrorist attack under Obama (see for 9/18). But in addition to the 9/11 security failure, I do recall a 2002 attack on our embassy in Pakistan that killed 10, 51 injured, among others.
    Jo is not idealistic – she’s realistic, reasonable and prepared to do what it takes to be a good citizen and move our country forward. You, however, I’m afraid are lost in the forest and your only friend appears to be a “fox” that barks a lot but doesn’t actually say anything. Accusations like yours, without facts to support them are nothing more than today’s new hate speech.

  658. Thank you so much for your wonderful reminder to so many of those upset people. As you stated…you can’t make everyone happy…but we are all Americans and need to start acting like it…I am praying that this county turns Purple instead of this stupid stupid red and blue. Please people if you don’t like something…do something about it instead of being disrespectful….we have voted senators and we need to let them know what we need and if you have a great idea share it don’t blame others. Being an american does not stop after the voting process….do something productive with yourself and for you community your state, your country.

  659. Yes, kept hoping the republicans would realize the country would suffer greatly if they wouldn’t work with dems to boost the economy. They would rather push the country to the brink of collapse , so that they might win the next election. Honestly, how do they sleep at night?

  660. Its tragic that so many people recite talking points without any real knowledge of facts,like you.

  661. Kumbaya indeed! I am from the former Soviet Union, I know what you are talking about. Just see how the President is “elected” in my home country.

  662. Yes, and it’s funny how the majority of this country can ignore how Obama re-signed the Patriot Act multiple times, NDAA, took us into a senseless war in Libya where we lost American lives and had a tragic outcome (and lied about it), and is still pestering Iran. You do know they attempted to shoot down one of our drones over international waters (not their airspace) five days BEFORE the election? And we are just finding out about it today. Oh and you wanna talk about associating with people linked to scandals…let’s not forget about Obama’s right hand man Bill Clinton (the last Democratic Prez who started this big housing market mess in case you forgot) who got, umm, quite scandalous himself in the oval office! Let’s see what else…passing up all those jobs on the Keystone pipeline to save some birds, using the gulf oil spill to promote his plans for green energy instead of cleaning it up, Solyndra, cash for clunkers, not closing Gitmo, etc., etc., etc. Damn I could be here all night!

    See any similarities to Bush? Probably not, since Obama supporters usually can’t see past his pretty speeches, but trust me they’re there. With Obama y’all think it’s ok. That’s called Kool-aid and some of you people are drowning in it.

  663. I’m another person who’s saddened that my guy wasn’t elected, but I do know that life goes on and this country will survive through many more than 44 presidents. However, I am looking forward to that rainbow-colored unicorn poop! 🙂

  664. Reading all of these posts has made me lose my faith in this country. Do you know why we can’t get anything done? You. All of you. Government isn’t about which party wins, it is about what we can accomplish despite those party lines. Frankly, you should be more concerned with who is representing you at the local and state level, because that will have more impact on your life. Can you honestly say that there has been a law SOLELY enacted by any president that has negatively impacted you? No. You know why? Because there are 535 people who have a say in what gets passed and what doesn’t. Not to mention the 9 Supreme Court Justices who have to uphold those laws. So shut up. I am so tired of people flapping their gills about pointless shit. Start caring about your neighbor. Cross the fucking street and lend them a hand. If you expect your government to do everything you are just as bad as the people you hate, both Republican and Democrat. Holding a sign on the street corner to advertise for your political party isn’t going to bring soldiers home and it isn’t going to get you a job. It really isn’t. You sound like bickering little children who expect the parents to fix everything when really, you just need to put your big kid pants on and get your hands a little dirty. Fighting won’t change people’s minds, but you can push aside your differences and help a fellow citizen in need. Start doing something in your community to show your government what you want done. This country needs help and healing, and it sure as hell can’t start at the national level. Seriously folks, this drama is not necessary.

  665. People are nuts sometimes…Tragedy…yeah right!

    The people who are suffering in NY and the east coast because of Hurricane Sandy have experienced tragedy. The perspective of some really needs to be tweaked!

  666. @ Stephanie:
    Please take some time to do your homework. The myth that President Obama signed 923 Executive Orders is one of the biggest hoaxes around. One of the websites you missed in your “research” is President Obama has issued, to date, 138 Executive Orders. President Bush did not issue 65 or 62. He issued 291, less than President Clinton’s 364. These numbers are documented by the American Presidency Project. This information was remarkably easy to find.

  667. I came to this page via a friend’s Facebook post and I want to say one thing…I don’t even know you but I admire you for speaking your mind…because you can 🙂

  668. Hey I just wanted to say that it was SOOO refreshing to read your blog and hear that there were others who feel this way! I’ll admit, I was guilty of some nasty thoughts toward both candidates actually, despite who I voted for, but I did my best to keep them to myself because in “trying” times, the best thing we can all do is stick together and count all our blessings in this great country! And yes, another vote is four short years away for those who are displeased! For all those who have had loved ones pass in “tragic” times, change is a life-time away.

    Anyway, I saw your page posted on facebook and I will be passing it on as well. Thanks for the great message that is so tactfully and eloquently written!

  669. WOW…..what a wonderful article. Your words were perfect and oh so true. Things will get better….even if slowly. We are all so lucky to live here as you said. Sad so much hatred in this world.

  670. Wow, how sad! Great article but what horribly sad comments! Americans, we all need to unite at an unsure time like this. Sandy has just devastated our nation and people are helping people to get through it. 911 was absolutely tragic and people helped people through it. Katrina was the same. Is that what it takes for us to join together and help each other?!?! Do all of our comforts and securities need to be stripped away before we embrace our neighbors and help?!?! Man, shut up and care about people, just people not political nonsense, just care about people!!!!!!

  671. I agree with L. R. Kopp exactly and I add shame on them for hiding the attacks on our drone. I do agree the discussions dont need to be so disgusting but I venture to say they would be much worse if Mr. Romney was taking over. My heart also goes out to all the coal miners who just lost there jobs today and may I then say Thank you Mr. Obama you can no longer blame all this on anyone but your team. May god come soon and save us all.

  672. It was Bush, a Republican president, that started sing that charge card. Maybe everyone should stop pointing fingers and start working on the problem. Both sides have to compromise, meaning neither side will be completely happy. They’ll have to get over it in order to fix our problems. I can almost guarantee that Obama will extend a hand of compromise first, and I’ll be shocked if the other side DOESN’T slap it away.

  673. It’s tragic that your memory is so poor that you were willing to vote for a party that started two very expensive wars with no plan to pay for them. They necessitated the actions of our current and wonderful President who, like all other Dems before him, will now fix the mess your party made.

  674. You CLEARLY didn’t get the meaning of this post. If stupidity outnumbers intelligence, then you sir, are the leader of the pack.

  675. Do you realize it’s “One Nation Under GOD”

    Did you forget about Him, the One who put us here!

  676. The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president. We may not be as free as we are today after four more years.

  677. The only hope we have is that congress doesnt lay down and give in to all his nonsense, If they do we won’t make it to another election. God forgive us for calling bad good and good bad. Allowing everyone to do as they please ( abortion, gays, pot, lazy etc) without consequence is what is tragic about this day and it will be the fall of this great nation and trust me it is falling. It is as simple as me claiming I dont like to stop at stop lights and because I am an american I have the god given right not to have any laws or rules against what I like to do. So I am gonna buy a tank and go traveling and I hope you dont get in my way cause I have the right. It’s all insanity absolute chaos.

  678. Actually, despite wanting Obama to win, I think the tantrums in 2004 that lasted for months were still worse than the past 2 days. People still think that Gore won to this day, despite numerous media and polling agencies determining that Bush did win Florida, even recounting only democratic counties like they were doing. Amazing. Truly amazing. As bad as the right refusing to acknowledge our contributions to global warming. The day you can lay down your ego, and see your own hypocrisy, is the first day on the path to enlightenment. If you believe in that stuff. 😉

  679. IF and that is a huge if, there are all these people on food stamps buying $60 dollar memberships, then I would say they are breaking the law. Anyone who knows this is happening should report them, immediately. The maximum you can make and get on food stamps is not enough money for extras. I am on food stamps. They last about 2 1/2 weeks. I work….hard. Food stamp fraud is very low. Most of the fraud comes from the middle man. Obama has done quite a bit to fight fraud. Here is one example. Also, every time someone uses their food stamps Goldman Sac’s gets a %. So in truth, the 1% get
    food stamps too.

  680. For her “health and body”. Really? How many abortions are really performed because of a woman’s “health”? If so did the woman go to the doctor and he/she said, “Look, you should really get this being out of your body, for your healths sake.” Are you kidding me?

  681. PS. Don’t tell me about tragedy, my husband died defending this country so people can post and believe whatever they want.

  682. Ya know, I was equally baffled, but it never occurred to me to go around saying it was “tragic” or “disastrous” or any of the other histrionics I’ve been hearing the last couple of days…

  683. “Today I un-friended the first person since the Presidential campaigns began,” Jo writes. Sadly, I’ve found myself in a similar position with a couple of once-dear friends who seemed unable to put things like personal friendships, national unity, fair play, compassion, logic, etc., ahead of their own self-focused extremism. The personal attacks were becoming so vicious, I hardly recognized them as the caring, level-headed friends I once knew. That to me is what’s tragic. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, Jo. It’s good to hear the perspective of someone who came to our country because of what we once were.

  684. The stock market was at its highest before the election…during Obama’s turn. Also, the reality is that if the stock market doesn’t really affect us as much as they would like you to believe. If they are making more money it means that they have figured out a way to up the profit or lower the expense. Usually it is both. They only hire workers if they have too. If what they are selling is selling a lot. If people are out of work, then there is no one to buy.

  685. So I guess the real question is… where you outraged in 2004 about the public response? Or where you on the front lines saying, “A sad and tragic day for our nation?” If you can be honest with yourself, maybe anyone that reads this can grow as individuals, instead of falling prey to their polarized parties demonization.

  686. Oh, what good words to hear. Perspective, we so need perspective. For some reason it’s so easy to forget we’re at the top of the heap as far as being privileged on the planet. Thanks.

  687. Nice post Lethia! You obviously know what you are talking about and that is refreshing. Thanks for doing your part to try and enlighten the masses! 😀

  688. An election result isn’t 9/11, but, in my opinion, points our nation in a direction a lot more like what your parents left than what they came to. Scold me all you want, but (right or wrong) the path of my country is EXTREMELY important to me and something that I am VERY passionate about. I’m sorry you’re annoyed that the subject is clogging your facebook while you can be looking at pictures of dinner and check-ins at the gym.

  689. I have to admit this choice excuse makes me angry. The choice my friends is whether to engage in the act that creates pregnancy not what to do with the pregnancy. There has never been a person ever that chose to get pregnant it happens as a result of the act. Many engage in the act and hope for pregnancy and it never comes and the opposite is true they engage in the act praying they won’t get pregnant. Once she is pregnant it is no longer just her body but that poor life is not given a voice just as in the case of the woman being murdered. But again the philosophy that I have the right to do whatever I want with no consequences will be the fall of our nation

  690. I found this link shared by one of my Facebook friends Allison Starnes Zapata.

    A very heartfelt post and well deserved to see it being read and commented on, by both reasonable and unreasonable people.

    The division in this country is enough of a tragedy in that we are not working together as a nation of US citizens. I want more unity. I want to see less of this vile and depressing talk. More posts like yours’ can help heal this nation of divided citizens. We can disagree all we want about what elected official can save us or doom us. In the end, it’s how we all think of each other and treat other that matters.

  691. I agree with you completly, people need to get over theirselves and start putting their money where their mouth is and help out New York. Does anyone ever think of what Romney said about the president is supose to be the one to protect us here in the USA. Well who was President when 911 happened?, a Republican named Bush and he took out his get back to start a war because of a beef he had with a guy who threatened his dad. I get it, sticking up for your family but to get us involved was stupid. Enough people hate us already in other countrys, does that mean we need to start wars with them too. As for jobs, since when does the President get us jobs, Really??? He bypassed my door all my life, I got my own jobs. What is the President suppose to do put in a application for you, get off your ass and get your own job and quit blameing people who have nothing to do with jobs in America. Blame the companies who pay people less in other Countrys instead of giving the jobs to us. As for the people stating they are moving to Canada, Get on with your bad self, which I know you are all talk and no action again. Well thats my rant, hate it or like it, I really don’t care. And if I mispelled or had a typo, I don’t really care either, didnt reread and correct, just spoke my mind

  692. It’s not about a Romney getting in, it’s that we are afraid that Obama’s poor decisions will create a nation that will mirror the one you left. If this country is destroyed and we must stand in line for a crust of bread and wait years for health care there will be nowhere left to run to for safety. The future is uncertain and as a parent I want hope for my children I don’t want the America I love to become a third world nightmare for my children to scratch out a survival. History repeats itself over and over, so we have an idea what lies ahead.

  693. If that is to ever happen it will be when both sides agree to return to the values this great country was founded on otherwise it will never be. The span of values are far to seperated to unite without a return to what we were when we were great. we were a republic not a democracy or a socialist etc

  694. If you did your real homework on this campaign you would know that Obama does not “charge” it all to China. There are other places. It’s tragic that Romney wanted to completely eliminate federal funding to all planned parenthood and take away the Plan B birth control pill which would cause billions more in debt for all those who could not prevent pregnancy like they wish among several other health issues addressed there. Food stamps, WIC, welfare, heating assistance, paid school lunch, clothes vouchers, housing assistance, and the list goes on.

    They both spent billions of dollars to bash each other in which both made about the same amount of false statements. Both claims of outrageous taxing on middle class were false. You seem to enjoy that run as well. If either of them really cared about the U.S. they would have used those billions of dollars else where. Stupid means you can’t learn and yes that is tragic, but then again individuals who are truly “stupid” are very unlikely to be able to vote. Ignorance is choosing not to self-educate before speaking. Ignorance is the pitfall of this country and the cause of tragedy, and embarrassing.

  695. Very well said, and very true. How easy it is to forget what blessings we have when we get wrapped up in election fever. When the dust settles, some are happy and some are disappointed, but all are free. Thanks for your perspective.

  696. No matter who the president is, if we don’t clean house in the congress and senate, exspect more of the same. One man can NOT do this much damage. No I didn’t vote for him but I am willing to still respect the country’s choice. And he is after all the President of the United States of America. My generation was brought up to respect others. Even if they don’t agree with you. BUT I do not care for how the congress and senate decide how we should live. They all should be fired (yes I know they can’t be) and some sooner than others. It has come down to if you have money, you can get anything you want, but it will not buy happiness or freedom. Americans are a proud people. Even with the grouches, we still want our contry to prosper. Please pray for the leaders and for them to really work for us.

  697. Why is it that race has to be brought into subjects it has no business being in. I don’t believe T said anything about “white men”. You insinuating that he is a racist for his statement only makes you look more like one.

  698. I am so glad to read this. I spent 5-1/2 years living overseas, most of the time in “3rd world” developing nations where graft and corruption were rampant. All elections (I almost want to put quotes around the term, so shady they were) were suspect and the nations’ people did not have freedom or anything coming close to resembling equality. So, I totally agree with you in your remarks directed to the boo-hooing heard on FB, for one, about the results of the election. Your writing seeks to provide some perspective, but I’m afraid that if one has NOT lived anywhere other than our United States, despite pictures in National Geographic or on TV, I venture to say it’s impossible to for one to really get it and have anything close to a real realization of the privileges our constitution affords us. Thank you again for writing this. Respectfully, MK in Illinois

  699. Thanks for trying to bring sad and tragic into perspective. I do believe that health care coverage for some is an issue and that is good that there was a push for some help for people but there are so, so many things in the approved health care that are just wrong. A wish is that my tax dollars were not going towards abortions. I do not ever foresee abortion being illegal but I just wish it could not be done so late in pregnancies and off tax payer funds.

  700. I found this very interesting. I think citizens need to hear things like this more often. I believe american citizens as a whole could use a good “kick in the ass”. Since the days of “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country” not much has been said publicly about how US citizens need to step up. I am a low ranking member of the military who qualifies for food stamps. I am able to barely squeeze by without them. I believe if it is possible to get by without government help, then I shouldn’t use the programs. It makes me sick when I go to the store and see someone buying food with their food stamp card and then use their own cash to buy cigarettes and booze. Those are the folks who could use the “kick in the ass”.

  701. Roylt, I am so sorry for your tragic loss of your husband. I am grateful to his service to our country and so regret he had to pay with his life. I wish you peace, respite and that He may hold you gently in the palms of His hands. Blessings to you and your family.

  702. The hatred didn’t come from the President, it was directed at him by people who cannot stand the fact that a black man is leader of the free world. For four years, the Tea Party has kept up a non-stop barrage of idiocy — Obama was born in Kenya, he’s secret Muslim, he’s a Manchurian candidate who will turn the nation over to Communists/Taliban/Muslims/poor people …. and the list goes on and on. Yes, this is a nation divided by hatred. But it is not President Obama’s fault. It is the fault of those people who have worked tirelessly to convince their neighbors that the Anti-Christ was elected president.

  703. Madeline, Thank you so much for posting your common sense AND totally well thought out reply! I see people with so much money complain about how bad their life is ……really?? Then I see those that are just making it and guess what? They would give you the shirt off their back to help you and though poor, think their life is all sunshine and roses. I agree with you, cross the street and meet your neighbor. Join a group ( like I did 10 years ago when we sent our troupes to Iraq, and write them, send them whatever you can to remind them of home, greet them on facebook. You want to feel good about something, then make someone else feel good and you will also. I have never been faced with so much negativity and hate in my life, acting like the world is coming to an end. I agree also, that these chronic complainers need to move to just about any country, and realize how good you really have it here!

  704. The night before the election, I ended almost every post with “No matter who wins tomorrow, I pray that our country prospers and that there is peace in this world.” While I too am disappointed by the outcome, I also agree with you and want the President to prove me wrong during his second term in office. If he does his job well, we all benefit!
    Thank you for your insightful words. They truly resonated with me.
    God Bless America!

  705. You obviously have been listening to Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh for your facts. Please talk to someone that worked in the industry and still does. I worked for Fifth Third in the time when they were conning their customers into second mortgages to pay for things they didn’t need. I am now a licensed realtor in the state of Michigan, one of the hardest hit. I know all sides of it and I saw more people than I could shake a stick at that went to close only to be told that oops that 30 year fixed they wanted had to be changed to a 7 year ARM, but don’t worry, we will just refinance you before that happens and everything will be fine! Oh, and that loan you just took out the bank bundled with other loans they knew were doomed to fail and sold them as a AAA package to make more bad loans. That was not the governments doing, that was the greed of the banks because they were making money hand over fist and the government had stepped out of the way the way the Republicans keep saying they need to and were no longer regulating any of it. It all comes down to greed. Please check your facts and quit listening to the sound bites they feed you. I am part of the working poor. I put in 60 hours a week between owning my own company, full time student and Real Estate. Don’t believe what people tell you about the 47%. I am white, educated and have strong religious values and I love my neighbors as the Bible tells me to just for your information when you hear the talk radio radicals telling you about the people that don’t agree with them.

  706. I thank you for that bit of rational thinking in a sea of partisan bickering. It was refreshing! Aloha Pumehana….

  707. Jo…would you be willing to blog a year from now on this same topic?? I somehow think you may have a different perspective on things by then…

  708. Thank you, Jo, for a truly great post. It should give people pause about what really constitutes “tragic”. It isn’t an election. Thanks again.

  709. Yes KGBS, also I believe that it is the possibility of life. Until that fetus can live on its own, breathe the breathe of life, then it is only the possibility of a child. I respect the right for a woman to choose.

  710. I just came across your blog and wanted to say thank-you! This is exactly how I feel. Whether you’re for one candidate or another, at the end of the day we need to remember we have the freedom to choose and vote for who we want to take office. Although not a perfect country, we are free to say and do what we wish (for the most part) and we need to remember this and keep things in perspective. Love this post!

  711. Preach it ANOTHER JIM!! My sentiments exactly!! Jo’s generation does not understand the blood, sweat, and tears that have gone into making this nation great!! Obama threatens that and this is why November 6, 2012 was a TRAGIC day indeed!! 🙁

  712. Whatever anyone else is saying about your post here: THANK YOU.

    Ever since Obama got re-elected, there’s been a ton of awful, racist, misogynistic, the-sky-is-falling rhetoric being spread around by conservatives of all types. It’s really nice to see someone who may not like Obama, but still realizes that the world is going to be just fine and America is stronger than whatever he could possibly do in four more years.

    That’s the kind of America we really need: the America who can accept change as fate deals its hand and face that change with maturity!

  713. I too was sorely disappointed to hear and see what was posted that night. All I have to say is this: God bless our Country, God bless our Soldiers, and God bless us Lord for we live in a country where we can worship YOU and Love you without fear of death by the hand of HATE. Where we can CHOOSE and still live to debate it, where we can DISCUSS and not fear for our life or our families, where we can RIDCULE and not fear punishment except from those who are ignorant of what America TRULY stands for. God Bless our Nation and God bless our President, may he be guided with integrity, hope, inteligence, hard work, diligence, faith, and through you Lord in guiding our country in greatness and humility.

  714. Jenny, take your own advise and start getting unbiased information. If you go to NRA you will only get pro gun info, if you listen to Glen Beck and Rush you will only get conspiracy theories, slanted numbers and hate, etc…look to scholarly research for the real numbers. You will see neither side is right and the truth is in the middle.

  715. These are beautiful thoughts.

    Is anyone truly ‘surprised’ by what friends and family members said/wrote the day after the election? Did reasonable, calm, intelligent, and well-educated folks suddenly start frothing at the mouth and spouting ignorant nonsense? Doubtful. I think we all knew who around us would respond in which tones and manners. I wish Facebook offered a way to completely block someone for a temporary time. I believe friendships would be saved in this way.

  716. Yes we have the freedom to speak our minds, but with the path the Obama is taking we wont. If more and more of people with his mindset overtake the White House, we will loose so many rights that we will end up as slaves. So go ahead and compare us to Poland, but the way things are going there wont be a comparison.

  717. A little historical fact check here. The ‘checks & balances’ so well designed by the founding fathers was *not* checks & balances between *two political parties*, but rather an intricate interweaving and distribution of power between **the three branches of government** – executive, legislative, & judicial. That of course did not change last Tuesday.

  718. Bush was the one that was warned. When his economic advisers tried to tell him he was going down the wrong path he told them he never wanted to ever hear he was wrong again. Sorry.

  719. Something’s really been bothering me, which I didn’t really notice until the campaign. People will flat out lie in a public forum with apparently no regard for maintaining their own integrity. Or almost as bad, they’ll hear or see something online somewhere, assume its accurate, or not really care whether it is or not, and post it themselves as though it’s fact. Verify your statements people! You have the source of publically available data at your fingertips, so look it up first, find the original source, make sure its legitimate. If its real, it will be on many web sites of varying perspectives.

    To Megan and others making false claims on here about the auto industry, Romney made those same lies and got called on it already, so there’s no chance you’ll get away with it either. Don’t embarrass yourself.

    When you see an online post you like, try being a little skeptical, and go find out the truth, before you share it. Many online rumors are investigated on sites such as or I don’t share anything on facebook until I check it out and confirm its validity.

    Just last week, someone posted “Obama’s new tax plan” making claims about his numbers. I looked it up on google and on and found out it was false. It had been posted to and proved inaccurate way back in 2008 … you guessed it … a lie used during the 2008 campaign against Obama, so they weren’t even original.

    We can’t even have intelligent debates with you when your facts are so wrong, so we have to disregard you and distrust you. That probably didn’t help Romney win any votes.

  720. Ashanti you just hit the nail on the head! Greed is what started this and the greed of the banks, corporations and others that continue to bring us down.

  721. I apologize for the grammar and spelling. I received my masters degree in mechanical engineering and was required to take a 100 level and 200 level writing class. With the impression you are under now you would be astonished at the amount of people who brag about the federal help they are getting. As you stated earlier “stop spouting misinformation”, I can guarantee you that I have 8 clients right now who tell me that they wait for their government aid to be received before buying more sessions. And sick of seeing people grouped together by using terms like this? you need to live in an area like NE Portland OR to see this in full effect.

  722. Bravo for writing such a well thought out piece! I am rather blown away by the bitterness around the country & in the comments here…and this comes from a disabled, prochoice, pro-equal marriage rights, Christian woman who voted for Romney for reasons I see no need to explain. Thank you for reminding ALL of us of how truly blessed we are to live in this country! And of what real tragedy is.

  723. Stop playing the race card, Sunny…this is NOT about race and it never has been!! This is about a man whose policies threaten the very fabric of our nation…the damage has already been done…TIME AND TRUTH GO HAND IN HAND!!

  724. America is still the best place on planet Earth to live. I served this country during the Viet Nam war. I am proud to be an American. I am proud that you can freely express your negative views; although I think you are stupid for doing so. There, I expressed my view, now I feel better, and I am going to try to aid the individuals and animals that can use some help after “Superstorm” Sandy.

    So, what are you doing to help make this a better place for all?

  725. David, Australia’s Prime Minister is a woman who is living with her male partner. She is an atheist. You are right about universal healthcare and religion not running politics.

  726. I completely agree the flat tax would be the most fair. Not only did i experience a large tax increase from the payroll tax cuts, I was paying about 20% more in taxes owning that coffee shop while it was making money, than I am now at 24hr fitness making barley 19 dollars an hour. There is not benefit to take a risk on owning anything now days due to the tax brackets.

  727. Wow, someone else that is sane in all of this! I have tried to explain this to my father and he just keeps yelling that people got themselves into it and it’s their fault. See my comment above about what I have been seeing on the ground. Good job! Also the comment under you about AIG and Goldman Saks…it’s a key part many forget or never understood. Regulation is a good thing and it doesn’t make us Socialist or Communist, and neither does wanted to care for people that can’t care for themselves. Don’t get me started on the plight of our mentally ill and how they got the shaft! Caring for our people is just showing our humanity.

  728. No excuses! It is a sad and tragic day! A continuance of no repair and failure was renewed!
    Sure we love America and appreciate her compared to other countries. That is why it is sad and tragic. There are people living in oblivion, just believing in all the disguised goodness while really, they are in quick sand. We will see. We will see.

  729. Have to post this…it says it all!!

    America, don’t lose heart. This election is not an “Obama mandate,” nor is it a rejection of conservatism. Unanswered ads like this one running in blue collar swing states defined Romney early on, and the Obama media also piled on with the narrative that Romney would harm the middle class. (As I personally have witnessed, once a bell is rung by a biased media, it’s impossible to un-ring it.) Ironically, it’s Obama’s socialist policies that will destroy America’s working class as he outsources opportunities.

    Hang in there, America. Fight for what is right. Don’t look to government or any politician to solve your problems. Government can’t make you happy, healthy, wealthy or wise. Obama is a master at reading the right “soaring” words fed into his teleprompter, but actions speak louder than words. So, hold tight to 2 Corinthians 4:8 because we’re in for a wild ride.

    We must survive. United. One nation under God.

    “We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted but not forsaken, struck down, but not destroyed.” – 2 Corinthians 4:8-9.

    – Sarah Palin

  730. thank you so, so much for writing this. i completely agree — when the results came out, all i saw on my facebook feed was “this country’s going to the dumps” or “i refuse to live here anymore.” i think it’s awful that people reacted so strongly to the results, some even going as far to attack the person of obama or romney rather than disagree with their stances on certain issues. i’ll paraphrase the words of missouri’s governor here: “instead of pitting one political party against another…we should embrace the common values that we all share.” i think there’s a lot of truth in this statement. we don’t really realize what we have because so many of us have grown up taking it for granted.

    once again, thank you.

  731. “You really did. And things didn’t go perfectly, and now you’re on welfare, you’re on unemployment, you’re on medicare, you’re getting assistance from the state. That’s what a government is FOR.”

    It is in a socialistic society but that is not the United States. If you want to take a risk and start a business you should not be penalized by having to take care of others. My business is not making any money, so I picked up another job. We need to live with the consequences we make.

  732. Jim: As a recent College graduate myself I am ashamed of the fact that you are blaming others for your inability to find work. I had difficulties finding employment myself but I was never so arrogant as to blame other people for my troubles. Yes, it was extremely difficult and it took me upwards of 6 months to find a steady job. I do sympathize with you and agree that some people take advantage of the system and I hope you find success and happiness soon. However, it is unfair of you to presume to know the context of a virtual stranger’s life. Everyone has encountered hardships, everyone has experienced their own personal tragedy, you are not unique in this.

    The fact of the matter is, that we are operating on a broken system. For years our government was robbing Peter to pay Paul and now it is time to pay our dues. BOTH parties are to blame, as they are so caught up in their own dramatic swordplay to realize that the inertia of the previous policies were building. It is time that they put their egos aside and focused on the reason they were elected, to represent the best interests of the people who placed them in office. I am quite tired of this endless drivel about who did what, IT DOES NOT CHANGE OUR CURRENT REALITY! We are,where we are. And we will remain so, to the detriment of our country, unless people can put the labels of their parties aside and work together to find a solution that is best for the public.

    Finally, I will leave you all with this: Humans are unique amongst the species in that they consistently demonstrate an altruistic nature towards their own kind, even if they are not direct kin.

    I know that it is difficult to look past these attacks towards your affiliated party because it appears to be a personal affront to your own intelligence. I implore you all to remember your altruistic nature and work towards a common goal. One thing that is consistent amongst all these venomous responses is that we all dream for a prosperous America. So, stop your quibbling, put down your hackles, and open your eyes. We ARE, where we ARE people, until someone makes a move.

  733. Bravo! Now that is perspective my dear. The trauma your family fled is matched in America with the trauma of teenage acne so don’t expect the gratitude you feel to be shared by this entitled population. For a bunch of spoiled brats, they really are good at heart and will whine and gloat for a few days or weeks and will then pick up the line and tow it. The dark forces have been defeated and invisible rainbow poop will continue to fall from the sky upon our entitled American heads. Thanks for your great essay.

  734. (while I’m generally with you – Katrina was nothing more than a gleam in the Gulf of Mexico’s eye in 2004)

  735. Kathleen,
    I understand your point of view and I am not advocating for abortion. However, I think these individuals choose what option best suited their ideals and lifestyle. Just because these women did well and loved their children who were conceived by rape does not mean that another woman will look at that child and relive those terror filled moments when she was attacked. To not give someone that option over their own body is the same as taking away their other freedoms. Government would never tell a woman that she is not allowed to have a child nor should it tell a women that she is obligated to have a child. To draw a strong metaphor, rape is also when a woman’s right to choose what happens to her body is taken away from her.

  736. While I agree that I was disappointed with the outcome of the election, tragic would not be the adjective I would use, perhaps unfortunate! Yet even so, it was the boooing of Romney while giving his speech seceded. I listen to people every day that “beat-down” both men but truthfully, do you think you could do better, or put yourself through the ridicule each an every candidate did on their run for the White House? The job may seem glamorous but in theis case, which I have not felt in many years, the candidates truly were there because of their love and affection for the United States, her people, and their families that will be the recipients of the eventual outcome whjen and how that ever cpomes to fruitian.

  737. When you personal train you learn a lot about your clients. Many have told me that they have not looked for a job in months. I have many clients who are on unemployment and say that they don’t want to look for jobs because they get paid and don’t have to do anything. I have been told that they just need to log on to some web site to show that they have done so, but are not required to actually search for any jobs.

    As far as “failing venture” I know I did not execute well (I realize that it is my fault). But while I was making money I was being taxed a ridiculous amount. At least now as a personal trainer I have job stability and am taxed roughly 20% less than I did owning that business. My main complain is the high taxation on small business owners like implementing the payroll tax cut. I was being responsible and payed off my student loans (even graduate loans) but I have friends who are still in school and get Grad plus loans and food stamps who live a far more lavish lifestyle than I do. They eat out at nice restaurants and always have more than enough food to eat. My complain is not that we have these programs but why do we tax small business so much? ( I feel like they are the ones who tend to make more responsible decisions)

  738. Thank you for your reply.

    Was the country founded by Christians? Absolutely. But it was founded by people who fled a country where someone was telling them what they had to believe. That’s what would make our fore fathers roll in their graves, because that is what happening here. They came here to make a place where everyone could believe and live to their own beliefs and morals, not stick to the ones they said were right. I’ve seen such comments on here as our country is taking away someone’s ability to live as a Catholic. That is ridiculous, if you feel that you’re ability to exercise your religion is being challenged right now, then you simply aren’t doing it right. You are free to leave your house on Sunday or any other day and go to what church you choose, or don’t choose and pray. You’re free to “close your legs” if you feel the need to. You’re free to wait until marriage. You’re free to choose to marry the opposite sex. No one here is taking away you’re right to be Catholic, or any other religion, but other’s beliefs and freedoms, and rights, are. That’s where this country is going, to where everyone has those basic rights. We went through it before when we abolished slavery and African Americans and women earned more and more rights. We came out of all of that a much better country. And still then, people were speaking of how “evil” the country was getting. We’ll see the other side of this a much better country to. The true Christians will be there still, loving and trying their best to spread the love in their hearts. They’ll pray that things go well and they’ll leave it in Gods hands. They’ll live their life, with their beliefs as they see fit, and they’ll be met by God in a great land because they met life with an open and loving heart. And all the while on Earth we’ll be much more open, and understanding. We go through through this with each new thing… a new hate gets pushed by people and spread, and people get knocked down, and we learn better. I only hope for my own son that this will be the end of it, after all this is over he’ll be met with a much better country and world where people see each other as people and when they see all those differences that others have, that they simply find them beautiful, not evil.

  739. wow Stephanie…you really need to stop getting your news from Rush and Beck. By the way, a fascist government doesn’t have elections…they have the guys called Dictators. We are also not a Socialist or Communist government…check your definitions. We just had an election and even though people on BOTH sides tried to repress that I think most people that wanted to voted. That would be a Democracy and we have checks and balances. Also, those who think because one side has a majority that means they can pass anything than you must not be aware that it has to be more than a 51 percent majority

  740. SO TRUE!!!… I saw someone is a post below saying that this that and the other is wrong or falling apart. One being the financial system. Just for the record, the banks are just fine. I work for one and they have made RECORD PROFITS every year since 2009 because of the mortgage rates. But do I make any more money? No, go figure.

  741. He won so shut da hell up…damn!!!yall sound like a bunch of babies for real!!!all of a sudden Pres Obama is the worst Pres…please!!

  742. Just wanted to say I thoroughly enjoyed your very heartfelt statements. Thank you for bringing it to this table!

  743. I do apologize about over generalizing, because i realize not everyone on aid is lazy. I get really angry when I spend hours working my job, trying to run my coffee shop, make responsible decisions (like pay off student loans, not eat out, live very simple) when my clients are eating out, buying 60$ training sessions, and are getting free cell phones, driving newer cars. And the comment about the cell phones is false. They are getting cell phones for free, I had a client show me her’s and bragged about not paying for it.

  744. Laura I don’t know how it works but a few of my clients say they get cash back on their Oregon trail cards. That is how they pay me. This is also not a $60 membership, these are $60 1hr training sessions. Please let me know how to report them and I will, nothing is more frustrating when your client who does not work is living a more lavish lifestyle than you are because your working.

  745. Thank you for this post.

    I see the country becoming tragic.. tragic in that people are losing their ethics and ability to work together. Years before you still had republicans, democrats, and others… but they worked together. They might have not agreed with a bill that came through, but they put things in that they liked, others put things in that they liked, and things got DONE. They didn’t wine about it and say “nope, we’re not doing a damn thing because it’s not 100% what I want.” This country will never be 100% what you want. It will never be 100% what I want, and I am 100% ok with that. (I’m tired of 100%’s, how about you?)

    Democrat/Republican/Libertarian, Independent, Green, Party, parties. It just doesn’t matter. People need to take a deep breath. 10 deep breaths. And very slowly, open some history books, and actually read some from themselves. No more news programs that “do it for you” (very wrongly) for a few days, just… read about what our country has gone through, read what other countries have gone through and really appreciate what we have here.

    As you said. We get the joy of voting. It may not be perfect, I would personally love to see a lot more 3rd parties be easily involved in the process. But that’s something we could work on, if we all put down the boxing gloves.

    Who wins and who loses isn’t nearly important as the fact that SOMEONE WON. WON. Millions of people left their homes and they went to a voting center and they voted. They had such strong convictions that they stood in lines for HOURS and they made a choice. That’s beautiful… more beautiful than any candidate winning or losing. If people would even take one ounce of that conviction and put it towards getting along and working to make the world better instead of focusing on how “horrible” it is… it could be more beautiful than anyone could ever imagine.

    Love and compassion will always be more powerful than hate and judgement, no matter what package you try to wrap it in… you can’t hide that true evil.

  746. You poor people! Just wait and see where you are in 4 years. You will be the first people to come against Obama. U are not educated in what is going on with Nobama. He will ruin our country and has already started. He could blame his lack of doing anything on Bush, the first 4 yrs. but now it is over, he is the only one to blame. He did nothing in his first term but play golf, campaign, and go on vacations. Oh yes, Obamacare. Which he has never read! This is nothing but high taxes on the american people. Someone has to pay for this cheap government healthcare. I know about government healthcare from my husband being a veteran. You are in for a big shock. Good Luck! You are the ones to blame when you get swept under the rug. And they nearly kill you. Or you never see a doctor, just a PA or a med student. Or they give you heart test and it comes up, contact patient immed. and you were not contacted until you ended up in a real hospital and nearly died, and find out later, it had been 6 months and even being flagged contact patient immed. and they never called you. Then , your Parents or Grandparents need medical care and they are refused because they are over 55. Just remember someone told you the truth and you were walking around waiting for a free handout and were to blinded to search for the truth! Remember you were warned. God have mercy on your Souls!

  747. Reading these comments depresses me. I wonder at the defensiveness of the “winners” in this election. While they are busy still blaming Bush and/or Fox News, or telling those of us who didn’t vote for Obama to just shut up and get over it, or calling us names, or exhorting us to all just “work together” for good, they seem to have forgotten the vitriol, the hatefulness, the absolute bile they spilled during the entire 8 years of Bush’s presidency. Yeah, that was real grown up behavior. Oh, but wait, that was “justified” … yeah, right. They call us spoiled children because we are grieving for the cherished principles we feel we are losing, and they lecture us on proper behavior. Too bad the “tolerance” they lay claim to is so little seen in the language and behavior they demonstrate here. Calling people “nut jobs” (or worse) and mocking them for their faith seems to be quite OK with all the “tolerant” people here … and they seem unable to appreciate the irony of it all. I’m sad. And this just makes me sadder. What you sow, you also reap. You don’t like how we’re responding? Consider the seeds you have sown, and look to your own behavior and take responsibility for it. Maybe then you’ll find you have more credibility.

  748. Thank’s Mike. As I have stated above I received my master in mechanical engineering and realize that I can work on my grammar/spelling.

    Vanessa I am a personal trainer and many of my clients wait to pay me after aid comes in, so you are correct in saying that 24 does not ask what kind of assistance you receive.

  749. @Megan the only American car company that did not take the bailout was Ford and they are the ones who get downed the most.
    As far as the bailout goes we (Americans) let them off too easy. We allowed GM & Chrysler to void millions of warranties, bankrupt thousands of dealers and once they were out of trouble hop right back on the bandwagon. We should have forced them to change their failed policies of running a business. They needed to force upper management to give back bonuses take pay cuts whatever it took to teach them a lesson. We have more power than we exercise so we need to use it besides during presidential elections…

  750. I love how her whole point of writing this was to show that we all need to come together and stop yelling at each other and acting immature…but majority of you people commenting on here are doing the exact opposite! Things are going to happen, some will like it some won’t …and that will always be!!! Just hold your head high and move on.. is there any reason for you to be rude to someone else just because you don’t agree with something that they like?? I don’t understand why people make it so difficult to just be nice and decent to one another! If you don’t agree or don’t like something then don’t watch it, do it, read it…etc! Really sad how stupid and silly little things tear people apart because others judge and hurt them. …If you can’t at least be nice and decent then at least have enough respect for this women’s blog and her kind thoughts to not put nasty ones on here!

  751. Actually his first two years, before the Tea Party took hold, he got a lot done that he had said he would. Then it came to a screeching halt. It’s only going to get worse in two years if the Republicans are able to add more of them rather than people who feel the need to say more than “it’s our way or the highway”

  752. “It’s tragic that so many citizens voted for the same policies that put Greece into turmoil”
    Sigh, in Greece the rich do not pay taxes. So actually Romney would have been closer to that, because he wanted that across the board cut which wouldn’t have helped the economy.

    “Almost all of the stimulative effect of tax cuts,” Zidar found, “results from tax cuts for the bottom 90 percent. A one percent of GDP tax cut for the bottom 90 percent results in 2.7 percentage points of GDP growth over a two-year period. The corresponding estimate for the top 10 percent is 0.13 percentage points and is insignificant statistically.”

    Romney was and is a fraud.

    Romney: “I am big believer in getting money where the money is. The money is in Washington.”

    But to go back to Greece.

    (Translated article)

    Pensions for the dead, filthy-rich pay zero taxes and voters for the former government were rewarded with jobs in the public sector. [Republicans create MORE government jobs in USA. See bloomberg story “Private Jobs Increase More With Democrats in White House” for source]

    Greece’s dilemma is its mentality, says one of the country’s highest-profile economists, Yannis Stournaras in an interview with SVD. Greece has the lowest tax revenue in the euro zone. The black economy has annual sales of around 59 billion, a quarter of the official economy, according to IOBE. Instead of reported 324 swimming pools in wealthy neighborhoods in the northern Athens satellite images showed last year that there were nearly 17 000. 70 percent of independent doctors, lawyers and architects do not pay a single euro in taxes. The other 30 percent pay at least a little, says Yannis Stournaras. But it was Kostas Karamanlis bourgeois government in 2004-2009 which blew up the public sector with over 100 000 new jobs … people who are largely rewarded for their political loyalty to a position as in Greece is worth gold. During the same period, wages in the public sector rose by 60 percent.

    And back to USA:

    CBO states that millions of jobs will be created in the next few years.

  753. Its good to see people engaging in discussion. It leads to better understanding for all and highlights the importance of the past and why it should never be forgotten. But I can now see why the house/senate would be divided on issues and put barriers to come to a consensus as they are human beings as well (very similar to how we in this discussion can’t come to realize that the present requires our effort more than the past). In my readings, from well everywhere and anywhere, all I see are people trying to pit blame on someone. I have rarely seen someone actually post their opinion on a solution.
    The number of people working on the fiscal cliff would pale in comparison to all the people here in America if they would use their wonderful and unique thoughts on working on a solution and not on why we can’t do it with this president.

  754. You know what David Collison it has not been a bi-partisan effort to put America’s fiscal house in to shambles. Not a single republican voted for that stupid healthcare monstrosity and very very few put their name on any of the dishonest and disingenuous fiscal policies that were rammed through the last four years. Also most of what caused our financial meltdown was put in place by large democratic majorities and signed off by a President that could not have done much to stop them. Reagan economic policies got us the boom years of the 80’s, 90’s and much of the 2000’s, there ain’t a damn thing Bill Clinton did that made that economy surge other than staying mostly out of its way letting run itself as it is intended to do. It when the 2007 Congress took over and some Clinton era poloicies really began to take root that our economy fell off of the face of the Earth in 2007-2008. Did Bush have some responsibility, yeah a little bit but no where near how you guys have blamed him, and through his fiscal policies he took what could have been an economic meltdown right after 9/11 and turned it into 4.5 percent unemployment and growth for 6 years. Democrats have a tremendous amount to blame for all of this stuff. There is nothing Barack Obama did that was positive, it was just the sheer force and muscle of the American economy that kept the bottom from falling out, but soon that muscle is going to tire and there isn’t anything this guy is doing that will stop that from happening because he is encouraging it. You tell me how a Commander and Chief can leave four men to die at the hand of terrorists after repeated pleas for help and then go on national TV for two weeks and tell us that a video was responsible for their deaths. And you fools re-elect a man like that. Your freedoms are going away my friend, all the stuff that the person owns this website said we should be thankful for are all the things the guy you all elected has been working on taking away, and you just gave him four more years to make that more possible. If should know how dangerous the situation is it you who runs this website, who fled Poland at a young age. Because you fled exactly what you just re-elected yesterday, and guess what the people like me who cared before, don’t care anymore, because we are going to sign up for military service because our cammander-in-chief will hang us out to dry in the face of a bunch of crazed terrorists, and won’t even have the decency to take responisibility for any of his actions. You all are fools. You dug your grave Tuesday, beware what lies ahead, and when we take back this country, you will be the last people we listen to because we’ll be so busy trying to undo the damage you have caused, and it may be that it is too late by then.

  755. I wanted to rebut so many of the comments, but suffice to say I would not live long enough. To paraphrase, “there are none so blind as those that will not see.” The reason that this was a sad and tragic day for our nation is that we were unable to prevent the death of the United States of America and abort the birth of the United Socialist States of America. It was our last chance, as four years from now the entitleists (gimmee gimmee gimmee), government employees (I’m not voting to abolish my unnecessary job), public service union members (what city can we bankrupt today?) and naturalized illegal (look the word up in the dictionary, as none of you know what it means) aliens will far exceed those of us who long for the return of the nation that was born July 4, 1776, and died November 6, 2012. RIP USA.

  756. Just think for a minute Who voted for out president. Its one thing to’ have a strong social system that protects the most disadvantaged, but its a very different situation to’feed and provide with material and social goods young, capable and not willing to provide for themselves waiting for handouts. Unfortunatelly people don’t realize that these people are the ones who elected our president.
    It is the greatest country in a world, and we hope it stays this way. 4 years doesn’t seem like a very Long term but the road we are on can become a road with no return.

  757. For those of you under the impression that Romney’s idea of going through the process of allowing the auto corps to go through bankruptcy don’t remember what was going on at that time. Our banking industry had nothing left to help with the post bankruptcy funding. Businesses couldn’t getting funding for inventory let alone the auto industry. The guarantee that Romney spoke of by the government was inevitable. Why go through the process of inserting the public sector when it would have only slowed down the the recovery of the industry?

  758. Just wondering where the outrage is towards the current president’s Guantanamo Bay policy, drone attacks, continuation of the Patriot Act, war continuing, etc.

    Where are the protests, the banners, the hateful vitriol?

    Is it acceptable for one party to continue these policies and tactics without even a minor protest, just because he is affiliated with the Democratic Party?

    If you were screaming at Bush about these things, your screaming should not stop now that Obama is in charge.

    In case you weren’t paying attention, after four years with Obama, we are still at war, Guantanamo is still open for business, we are deeper in debt, drone attacks kill innocents along with their intended targets on other countries soil, Patriot Act is still here. The only thing that has changed, is that the protestors vanished because they are hypocrites.

    I truly wish the best for the president and this nation, that we will see a better 4 years upcoming.

  759. As simple as it is …. good job! This is the downside of democracy … the more you have the harder it comes to understand you’re a lucky one.

  760. Akerubbish….. It’s tragic that you are buying the party line without knowing any actual facts. But I will agree with your last statement.

  761. There have been 6 global recessions since the late 19th century. All of which started in the US and propagated to Europe. Greece is a casualty.

  762. I hear what you’re saying John, but what I could never figure out is why people still believe that the Republican party is pro-life. Think about it for a minute. They had a span of six years where they controlled the Presidency, the House, and Senate. President Bush even got to pick two Supreme Court justices and NOT once in all that time did they even attempt to re-open Roe v. Wade. Sure, they’ll tell you they’re pro life because they know you’ll blindly vote for them no matter what. What you’re doing at the local level to save those babies is amazing. Really man, God bless you, but if you think the G.O.P. cares about anything more than your vote, watch how fast they abandon you now that they realize they can’t win anymore by just counting on that.

  763. I read your article & it is unfortunate that you use the pictures from 9/11 to support your agenda. I lost a few friends that day.The fact is that it is tragic for our nation today,in my view, it might not be on the level of 9/11 but tragic just the same. Why? Not because Mitt Romney didn’t win because to me he was the lesser of the 2 evils. Whats so different about Tuesday’s tragic events is that it divided our nation & with that President Obama became Robin Hood. Taking from the haves & giving to the have nots. I am not a have but closer to a have not but I must say he will be taking from me to give to a have not. I earned my degree worked hard at raising my children & always taught them that if you work hard good things will come your way. With that said most of it is still true. However if you earn your degree, get a good job that carries health insurance that is considered “premium coverage” Mr. Obama intends to punish me for it by taxing me because it will be deemed “excessive.” Why? Because my insurance is better than what the have nots insurance has. That is tragic! Mind you my salary is very modest(22,000 per year) because my insurance is very good. If you don’t believe that maybe you should read the “AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE ACT” before you judge some for saying “it’s tragic.” I’m intitled to voice my opinion. I love my country! However it is still tragic that I busted my butt to get to where I am & now must be told that my healthcare is TO good & better than some other people’s & I will be penalitized for it. By the way I pay for that insurance as well. Is that opportunity? Is that freedom? The way I see it is that it is an opportunity for someone else. Obama won the election by 1% or approximately 3 million people. Put that into perspective! That not alot of people considering the entire country. That is basically right down the middle. You know what else is tragic? That you can say “calm down we get to do it again in 4 years.” True but the damage has been done his policy that is now law will cost this country jobs & livelihoods across this nation & that is tragic to. That won’t take 4 years.

  764. Oh by the way, I do help people & I do give back to my community. I’m a volunteer fire fighter in my community & just got home from a fire call & it’s 3:28 am. Are you awake? Probably not.

  765. Try also to remember that the good should be taken along with bad. Deleting comments and friends shows a lack of tolerance and a lack of acceptance. Just something to think about.

  766. Amen to that, 10-4 or I wholeheartedly concur. I might add a little temperance to that message. It has taken a day or two for many to gather their thoughts so they can speak in a meaningful manner. This might have been the first time for them to express themselves. Let’s not be too quick to forget that this was the most important election in the history of our country. People who had never been involved in politics invested their lives for months promoting one vision or the other. People will grieve about the loss of something differently. There has been more division stirred up in the last four years than there has been in the last 50. Don’t make matters worse by saying (in essence), “Stop whining and crying and start getting along and making peace” with those they have been arguing with for months. Can we all just cut each other some slack and give people room to be who they are? Does anyone have the right to specify what the proper way to grieve is? We are all going to see some excesses on either side. Instead of flaunting their mistakes, let them be and show some restraint (even though the media doesn’t have a self controlled bone in their bodies).

  767. Thank you for this. It made my day. I didn’t vote, because they’ve announced the president before the polls in AK for… well, forever. I could vote twice and it wouldn’t matter. That’s ok though. I’d have voted for Mark Hamil anyway. At any rate, this election season was so full of anger that it was nice to see some enlightened thought. Be cool to everyone.

  768. I’ve got several friends that regurgitate the same matter they swallowed eating up soured mental food from Rush L.imbaugh, Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck and the rest of Fox (I thought I knew everything and you must be crazy) crew. What I see is a bunch of 5th grade level mentality adults who still think they are in the majority and there must be a mistake. And then there’s the ones, and I knew they were like this, that are truly bigots… how do I know? Well in conversation over the years, they aren’t really PC telling jokes, verbal jabs while out on the town, etc. Unfortunately there are lot more who conceal their bigotry and won’t say it out loud, but cannot give you any other intelligible reason for hating our President. These last people try to give reasons that are not defensible, leaving with but one conclusion. I have worked with so many of these folks in the past that it makes it pretty easy for me to know for sure.

  769. Kim,

    Religion does not determine when life begins, science does. Consult any of the standard human-embryology texts, such as Moore and Persaud’s The Developing Human, Larsen’s Human Embryology, Carlson’s Human Embryology & Developmental Biology, and O’Rahilly and Mueller’s Human Embryology & Teratology.” – Dr. Robert George

    “Human embryos, whether they are formed by fertilization (natural or in vitro) or by successful somatic-cell nuclear transfer (SCNT — i.e., cloning), do have the internal resources and active disposition to develop themselves to the mature stage of a human organism, requiring only a suitable environment and nutrition. In fact, scientists distinguish embryos from other cells or clusters of cells precisely by their self-directed, integral functioning — their organismal behavior. Thus, human embryos are what the embryology textbooks say they are, namely, human organisms — living individuals of the human species — at the earliest developmental stage.”

    Our constitution has provisions to protect it. No religion involved in that equation.

    As for marriage, this is a democracy. If most people choose the definition of marriage as between one man and one women, that should be the law of the land. What worries me, is that because some people do believe this they are called hater’s and treated with disdain and the very hatred that gays have rallied against. Sounds like kids on the play ground.

    The tide is turning on gay marriage. So be it.

    It doesn’t look like either sides can make it work. 🙂

  770. …you also woke up in the same country where you are Free to express your religious beliefs, Free to speak your mind, Free to choose where you want to live, and Free to think idiotic things…
    But, for how long? This president and his administration, along wtheir “liberal” allies, have been targeting religion, free speech, et al, for four years, and will cntinue to do so. As for another election in 4 years, I pray to God that is true.

    This is NOT GREECE! This is THE United States of America, where RACISM is alive and well and if you don’t believe it, just listen to you REPUBLICANS whining now! All year it has been Romney This and Romney That! What really IS tragic is what comes out of the mouths of our ELECTED officials! If they thought for ONE minute, just one minute that We women (white or black) of this country were going to stand for the disrespectful and daunting manner in which women’s issues of RAPE, Planned Parenthood, Roe v Wade and the such were flaunted at us because YOU thought you had a SURE victory — YOU’s should’ve ASKED SOMEBODY! And not to even be remorseful…HOW Arrogant and out of touch you are! Why is Romney not YOUR president now? Because he is a rich pompous ass -who truly DOES believe that 47% of the USA thinks that they are entitled to government handouts…and by the way that percentage includes WHITE people – who according to all of these POLLS..are still the majority race he was talking about you as well. Romney was soooo confident that he had this election rapped up, that this clown didn’t even have a concession speech prepared! REALLY?? He actually wanted to run the United States as if HE WAS ENTITLED! I agree with the author of this post that we have ALL seen tragic…9-11! BTW…you can’t blame that on PRESIDENT Obama! Your republican, G Bush led that catastrophe and it’s his head! I get it, some of you are RACiST because of your racist forefathers…. but let’s not get it twisted ! Latinos are the fastest growing race in this country…maybe just maybe we will have our First Latino President..or better yet, our First FEMALE and really stick to you insensitive idiots! Maybe you will even move out of this country…as some of you stated you would do before President Obama was RE-Elected. Guess what? Nobody will even Miss you, so let me be the first to say BYE!

  772. Thanks for posting the AWESOME perspective. Although some people will gather at the water cooler to talk about how great Obama is.

  773. The author said to be respectful or you will be deleted. Ok so is calling someone on here stupid being respectful? I see this is one of those places that like others is please listen to what I say but if you believe the way I do say what you want and it’s ok. You make some very good points in your post and I agree that your degree of tragic differs from what another person may see as tragic. Maybe they just have a different way of looking at things. I respect your views and opinions, I don’t agree with all of them but then being a military retiree I would just appreciate you saying thanks for helping to defend our Constitution for 20 years so that you can continue to have the right to say whatever you want in speech and in print. But I also have the right to disagree. I do hope that you have a good day and that all of us can continue to work together to make this a great and respected country again without calling each other “stupid”. Have a great day.

  774. Thank you gill! They complain about what THEY think others should do because of what THEY believe…know what I think ? They should take care of all of these babies that they want a women-who clearly has control of her body to decide which way it go, and see how they feel then!

  775. No, yepper…this is a country of religious FREEDOM! Try another country..any other country where they virtually tell you what religion to believe in….

  776. It’s easy for you to comment about the plight of your parents but you can’t compare what it’s like from communist Poland to America today. The main reason is because you were only 4 so what effects of communism did you personally feel? This country is slowly moving towards socialism by mandating everyone to chip in and some to chip in more to help the lazy, disadvantaged or people who just don’t have it as good as the wealthy. I’m not wealthy at all and I am a 2 tour veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan so I have seen how bad government can get. Figured some perspective would show you I know what I’m talking about when I speak about functional vs. destructive governments. It may not be a tragic day, but it sure is sad that the freedoms the constitution guarantees are being trampled to make everyone equal economically. Healthcare is a privilege, not a right.

  777. The absence of statesmen today is the consequence of the information age in my opinion. The public no longer votes for a candidate based upon his/her ideology. Today’s leaders rely on survey and public opinion polls and navigate today’s issues in a politically correct environment with an eye to re-election and partisanship. Super PAC’s prevail and put up candidates who are pliable and playable to the masses.
    A voracious liberal press combined with a very active social media in a dynamically changing and economically challenged electorate make taking a conservative stand on issues a high risk endeavor. The day of the “larger than life” icons of statesmanship are history in my view. The decline of Rome may indeed compare to us. We are the new “mobocracy”.

  778. Actually, many people—not just right-wing Americans—really do consider Obama’s re-election a genuine tragedy. In Pakistan, for instance, Haji Abdul Jabar’s 23-year-old son was killed in one of Obama’s drone strikes. His indignant response: “Whenever he has a chance, Obama will bite Muslims like a snake. Look at how many people he has killed with drone attacks.”

    This is only one story among many of innocent civilians killed in these strikes. According to NBC World News, “Obama authorized nearly 300 drone strikes in Pakistan during his first four years in office, more than six times the number during the administration of George W. Bush, according to the New America Foundation policy institute. Since 2004, a total of 337 U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan have killed between 1,908 and 3,225 people.” Moreover: “The institute estimates about 15 percent of those killed were non-militants, although that percentage has declined sharply to about 1-2 percent this year.”

    You say you defriended someone who compared Obama to a terrorist. How about those who don’t merely compare him to terrorists, but go a step further and directly identify him and his administration as terrorists? Regarding Obama’s authorization and applause of the assassination of U.S. citizen Anwar al-Aulaqi, American linguist and political critic Noam Chomsky calls this just “another step forward in Obama’s global assassination campaign, which actually breaks some new records in international terrorism.” Meanwhile, Jameel Jaffer, ACLU Deputy Legal Director, says, “It is a mistake to invest the President—any President—with the unreviewable power to kill any American whom he deems to present a threat to the country.”

    Are many Americans whining over nothing? Unquestionably. But there are also many others—Americans and non-Americans alike—who have concerns that are equally unquestionably worth serious consideration. I would certainly consider it a tragedy if I lost someone in one of those drone strikes. Should we just write it all off as “collateral damage”?

    Also, though this is incidental to my main point, it would seem that you overstate America’s freedoms. There are many other free countries in the world, and we are not (by all standards) the freest. For example, we rank 10th in economic freedom, 23rd in freedom from corruption, and 47th in press freedom. That’s not to deny your claim that “we are light years ahead of so many other countries in the world,” but we should be careful to avoid American exceptionalism. And one way to do that is to be honest about our past and present national hypocrisies.

  779. It’s painful to read all the negative quotes about the president, are exactly the same talking points on Fox news and extreme right wing talk radio. Come on Americans,we have to THINK for our selves,and then decide ,Fox news and Right wing talk radio do
    not speak for America.

  780. Um, no. Greece was among the lowest in the “welfare state” category, having extremely low social welfare spending in comparison to some of the more solvent countries like Germany. Thge problem with Greece is that they don’t make anything. Their soiol is not conducive to a wide range of crops like in other areas, and industry is practically nonexistent. What they do have is tourism which immediately got shot to hell when the global recession hit. So they import goods, vastly more than other countries in their area. The normal way to handle vast trade deficits, a.k.a. Balance of Trade, is to allow the currency to be devalued which offsets the imbalance. But, that can’t happen if you are tied to the same currency, with the same value, as your trading partners. So, the inverse happened. They got massive inflation. And when the world’s financial system nearly went bust, they got screwed.

  781. Jo I would love to be able to agree with you but the liberal progressive policies of this president and the democratic congress that was voted in durring the Bush years only serves to put this country on the track to the type of country your family ran from.

    If this country follows down that path it will be just as tragic as the pictures above. Maybe not in our lifetime but that of our children and most certainly for our grandchildren. As these policies slowly destroy the working, middle, and even the rich while the rest cling to thier free stuff, freedom, liberty, and prosperity is being disolved. We must stand against it now and make others realize where we are heading or the country that our founding fathers put in place will truely be destroyed.

  782. God bless you. Thank you for walking in the way of Romans 10:14 that says How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things.
    As Americans living in this “blessed by GOD” land of milk and honey, we don’t see past the end of our noses. Bishop T.D. Jakes was ministering on our perspective of life as being that, that was incoded in us from our parents, and tht our perspective is derived as under the influence of what was said to us as young children.
    The need for us as a people of one country to stand united and see that the blessings and favor on GOD is on us, we don’t see, won’t or choose not to see because we are so attached to the ways that were taught to us as we were in the nest or our parents home, or those things we picked-up along they way. But as grown adults, the ability to have experienced enough life to know what is truly of GOD and what is of man what is truly good for all and not one of selfish, self- gain, self worth, just for self, money, money money position, does lead us to be accountable for our thoughts and actions. Thank you so much for showing the pictures of 9/11 tragady. THAT day Americans stood together. Is it possible for us to stand together only in the day of tragady, I hope not because real terririst read on the web also and are plotting our distruction as we speak and it we can only stand together traggady hits, the true terroris is going to kill us, destroy all that the Fore Fathers and fellow Americans have died for and steal this country right from under our feet. Then what say ye?

  783. My wife and I were quite upset by the results of the election and are indeed fearful for our future, but we quickly channeled it into action. I am currently investigating local political offices for which I can run, thereby exponentially increasing my ability to effect change. The fact that these opportunities exist is also a fantastic characteristic of our great nation.

  784. Same “free country” as last week…. Sometimes I wonder. Did you notice that Obana had no American flags on his stage Tuesday night? THAT is a very sad message he sent. Romney had many.

  785. Well said. Though many of the candidates I voted for did not win, it is not the end of the world. It is exactly as stated, in 4 years (or less for local elections) we get to to do this again. This particular election came down to an emotional vote. Those who feel better off or the same were likely to vote for President Obama while those feeling worse off were likely to vote for Romney. In the end if you voted, you made your voice heard and in America that is one of the rights we are given under our Constitution. A right all should exercise regularly, not just every 4 years. Be sure to get involved at the local level because if you begin the correction at the grassroots level then you can make a difference all the way to the top.
    I pray President Obama does the work he promises, so that we truly return to be the greatest nation inn the world. I know I plan on doing my part by working to put the people I believe in into office.

  786. The tragic part is the American people have not done their homework. Research your candidates before you vote!

  787. Thank you for your post, Jo! I really appreciate you putting things into perspective!

    My one contribution: No matter what you think or how you feel right now about the state of our country, we ALL need to be grateful that we are better off than most in this world. Be thankful that we live FREELY to whatever we want here! Especially this month…in November, the month of thanksgiving, we should spend time being grateful for what we do have, both big and small, rather than wasting time trying to convince others to feel the same way we do. People believe what they believe because they want to believe it (another right we have on America – to decide how we feel about what is most important to us and to express how we feel to whoever we want). Let’s just stop talking politics (past, present, and future) for a sec and spend more time telling others what we are grateful for (despite our disappointments). Or just simply telling someone…anyone thank you for what they do (young and old).

    Thanks again, J!

  788. alkfjdsoi, some of those things you mentioned that happened under Bush happened after he was re-elected. Please get your facts straight before posting.

  789. I think it is a nice post you put up and I want to feel as hopeful as you…in fact, I hope I am wrong about my suspicians. How did Poland get so bad? Might be a good idea to research that, because we are well on our way. It isn’t Obama people are afraid of, it is the direction the people who voted for him want to see this country go in. Like it hasn’t already been tried, and failed at, many times before. Frightening to see how easily we are led.

  790. Thanks so very much for this. I’ve not read your column before, and I don’t know which link(s) brought me here, but I am very glad I got here. Very well expressed and moving.

  791. I like the way you put this. The pictures bring us back to reality and your description of Poland also does this. I mean, it jerks us back. Maybe we have it too good and we need the reality jerk so we can appreciate what we have. Thanks for writing.

  792. *naturally, I recognize the fact that Russia took over Poland…it is the communism and the lack of influence Poland’s people had over their own situation I am pointing out. Control over our own individual health care is being taken from us, earnings are being redistributed according to our government’s plan, and what amazes me is that people are cheerfully handing this all over to a government that has failed our school systems and postal workers, not to mention that it hasn’t passed a budget in years. Yikes.

  793. Yes, 9/11 was tragic, but so are the foreign invasions and over a million deaths, serious and immediate loss of civil liberties in the US, and the wholesale looting of US national treasure in the name of fighting the perpetual war on terror.

    But want to know what is really tragic? All of that was based on the lie of 9/11. There is no such thing as Al Quaeda other than what the US has fabricated. For details, see: Further, bin Laden wasn’t even wanted by FBI for 9/11. Doubt it? Look it up. Besides, he died in 2001 after being treated months earlier in a US hospital.

    Instead of bitching about the election, wake up and realize that dem vs. rep is a fool’s game that has been propped up to distract US citizens from the real issues, motivations, and events. Support a real investigation into 9/11 and perhaps we and those outside the US whom we invade for their resources and for empire and security of Israel will live a better life, or at least our children will.

  794. Well said. Our country is still our country and we are to support our leaders despite what we think. It says in the bible. God put him there for a reason. I’m sure what I say may be argued by many but again I am free to say that right now without fear of recourse. God bless you!

  795. I couldn’t disagree more. Mitt Romney was honest about wanting to keep the rich rich while not caring about the rest of us. Obama is trying to give everyone a chance and trying to keep those in really bad shape from suffering. Clearly you have made a mistake about who would be sitting in the lap of luxury.

  796. While I think the bank bailouts were “necessary”, I also think the bank CEOs should have gone to jail, or at the very least lost their jobs and been required to work for $10/hour in the mail room for the next 10 years. It’s my one not-so-liberal opinion, since I’m otherwise pretty hard-core left.

    Yep, the GOP worked really hard to impede Obama and the Democrats for the past 4 years. That anything was accomplished is really quite remarkable, and worthy of priase. I’m hoping the GOP gives up the impediment policies and starts working *with* the president instead of against him. It may be I’m drinking the unicorn juice but I like being an optimist. (sometimes)

  797. Very well said, I get why so many people are frustrated, disappointed, and are voicing their opinion against Obama but come on, there is honestly nothing that can be done about it. All the bashing in the world isnt going to change the fact that he was re-elected so why bother with the insults. Just be happy that you can live another day in a free country without worrying about what law should or should not have been passed and all the other reasons as to why you think Obama should not be President for the second time. Just suck it up, go to work or go on with your regular daily routines and make the best of it. Sitting and dwelling does no good for anyone.

  798. The tragedy comes in the realization we are moving away from a free country. We are looking to our government to make everything equal (sound familiar). We are becoming less free everyday. When your sole purpose is to take form one group to give to another you are crossing in to socialism and that is a slippy slope to communism. The fact is our country’s current trajectory is one that will lead us to the same type of government which your family fled.

  799. Apparently we are free to express our religious beliefs as long as it is only against Catholicism or Christianity. But don’t dare speak against Islamic beliefs or else. Because the President didn’t seem to make excuses or care that an artist submerged a cross in urine or an artist made a painting of the Virgin Mary out of feces. But they sure came to make excuses for the video posted about Islam, that was used as an excuse to spark attacks on many of our consulates in the Middle East. And if you want to post examples of tragic days for this nation don’t forget to post Benghazi and the other consulates and the lives lost there or the attack at Ft. Hood that were all never acknowledged by the President as terrorist attacks.

  800. I completely concur with this post. Here’s what I posted on my Facebook page the day after the elections after seeing so much hate. Words matter. Thanks for your post.

    Words I can imagine using if Romney had won: sad, confused, scared, discouraged, worried.

    Words I have seen today on Facebook today that I truly do not understand: shame on you, disgusted, want to puke, sickening, you will regret, just wait.

    Wake up USA: we are all in this together!

  801. Very well said! Thank you 🙂 I have to go wash my hair now, I think I got some unicorn poop in it.

  802. @Pam the banking industry isn’t regulated enough… Just because you make rules and regulations does not mean they will be enforced or followed. The banking industry is a large part of the reason why we are in such economic straits. The fraudulent lending they were doing while also over valuing homes turned the housing market upside down. Hundreds of people made millions meanwhile thousands of people are losing everything they worked for.
    The problem with our government and many more they have old blood in there they tend to become corrupted and greedy. Government is not and should not be a family business where you hand it down to your sons and daughters so they can continue to carry out your failed policies and rhetoric. We need stricter rules on upper management you should not be draining your company for personal gain (bonuses, expense accounts, etc.) while the works are losing their livelihood. The company fail you foot the bill not the works, then we will see some change in the economy. Make people accountable for their greedy behavior.

  803. “Its tragic that stupidity out numbers intelligence here in the United States!”

    Outnumbers is one word. Guess you should count yourself among the numbered.

  804. Every 4 years we get a president who is the pres of the USA, not the president of just the Dems/Reps or Independents. I take great offense at the folks who fight the president for 4 years because he’s not THEIR president. I’m disappointed that Obama wasn’t as good as I had hoped he’d be, but he seemed t0 have had a lot of roadblocks put up in front of him by a party who was more interested in having him be a one term president than actually helping him. And who suffered. WE all did! Americans, all of us! Loved your “Sad…Day” comments incidentally and I’m a first timer to you. My daughter gave me this site. Glad she did.

  805. I could not agree more. No, I am not a baby boomer. I am a 30 something trying to raise my kids to be the best they can in a world that says it is OK to be so so because the government will take up the slack. Some where along the way America decide it was never ok to fail, So we keep trying to level a playing field that simply is not level. I believe with this election we have just witnessed the end of our democracy. Obama is not to blame the American people have made this shift in thinking. They are getting what they want. And their children will defiantly think this shift in thinking was “sad and tragic”.

  806. The comment regarding W resonates with me. I was startled both that people would re-elect him and that like in a third world country, his brother would call in judicial favors in order to muck the election results. In the end, W is considered the worst president in history. He was not even invited to the republican convention! If you listen to Obama-haters, you will find none that have anything concrete to hate him about. Even on here, some guy is talking about voting for the healtcare law- he has no idea that he is not a congressman. Anyway, at least the vitriol will die down soon.

  807. Wow! How’s that blood pressure medicine working for you? You might want to have that checked to make sure it’s working because it looks as if you’re one heartbeat away from a stroke! Let it go, man!

  808. The above comment was in reply to another post but it was placed in the wrong location. Hmmm….

  809. Bravo! Well spoken. And words that many should heed.

    Too bad so many people just won’t get it

  810. “’feed and provide with material and social goods young, capable and not willing to provide for themselves waiting for handouts. Unfortunatelly people don’t realize that these people are the ones who elected our president.”

    Charlie you couldn’t be more wrong. Not one person I know who voted for the President comes anywhere close to what you described. They are all successful, financially stable and hard working with good jobs. That’s a convenient stereotype you have there. Actually, if I’m honest with you, *every* person I know in my life who is currently on some sort of government assistance voted for Romney.

  811. No matter what the issue, whether a presidential outcome or complaining about other day-to-day trivial matters, this is an article that should be absorbed and appreciated by all of us. Shame on any of us (including me) who cannot simply agree with Jo on the heart of this powerful piece of writing and thank her for reminding us.

  812. All of you have biased, short-sighted viewpoints, and reflect nothing more than what you accuse others of being. For those of you that “migrated” to this country from what shall we call them.. “less prosperous nations”, have absolutely no idea of what you speak of. Yes, I would say that today, this country is better off than where you probably came from, but that by no means that we aren’t possibly following in your country’s footsteps. Every nation in this world has at one time or another had it’s “prosperous period”, but the US, like any other empire (and that’s exactly what the US is, a modern day empire), will reach it’s peak and crumble like the others.. You speak (or type) as though you are intelligent people, then think on this… pick ANY previous nation/empire from history, and look at what caused them to fall.. it wasn’t from being generous with it’s assets.. it was from moral decay, social breakdown, and a loss of integrity from within… It was from the leadership swaying the people to become dependant upon the government… No? Show me where I’m wrong. I’m so sick of hearing everyone shout “racism” like it’s a bingo game, if someone doesn’t like Obama.. Really? In the “real world”, he wouldn’t even be welcomed among most blacks, because of his geneaology… To me, I could care less what his skin color is. What matters is when it becomes a defining (I didn’t say dividing) issue to his popularity to be a leader.

    As of now, about 28% of the people of this nation work for a govt instituion… of those, about 75% have families… That means that about 49% of this nation relies on government for it’s income… That doesn’t include the 9% that are unemployeed. Do you have any idea what happens when those that work for the govt exceeds those that support the govt?

    You speak of racism like it’s unique to this country. I’ve been to and lived in several countries, and I can assure you that not only is it alive and well everywhere, but it’s also a 2-way street.

    While the events you speak of events like 9-11, Pearl Harbor, Beruit, Oklahoma were tragic events, they were just that… events. People will recover, buildings will be rebuilt. But when the country as a whole starts to spiral… there is no recovery…. Nations before us have proven that time and time again.

  813. This is my fear as well, 4 more yrs! This man that in all honesty was elected by people who have NO CLUE, is going to severely damage this country more than he already has !!! We are so headed down a path we are not going to be able to come back from. If I say all I want to say, I will be deleted, reported and probably flogged on the court house stairs. Just get ready people, time are getting ready to be harder than the Great Depression.

  814. Nothing new here Lethia, but your ability to summarize a complicated issue with such a marvelous economy of words is brilliant!

  815. “Clowness in Chief” – hee hee….. It was pretty embarrasing he would not correct his “Nu-CUE-Lar” because that would be admitting he had pronounced it wrong. What a dry drunk! Anything is preferable than honesty with yourself when you are in the state W was in….

  816. Dear n z, You left out one important phrase from the Pledge of Allegiance. It is one nation UNDER GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Without an absolute standard we have no way of determining whether our laws and the actions of our leaders are just.

  817. its obvious you dont get it??..
    its about morals and values ..sweetie…obama and team have sunk to new lows.
    its the BOILING OF THE FROG in full swing..
    we re now in a nanny state and getting more so every day..
    the proganda machine that tells us we re the home of the free..ect..
    try going into business .or supporting your…free..yes compared to third world countrys ,but compared to western europe and some asia ..we are the same..obama is a socialist..too goes the country…so go back to sleep…zzzzzzzz….


  818. Wonderful analysis and I have shared this on my fb wall. Thank you for putting this thoughtful piece together. I didn’t bother reading the above comments (because I know the nutcases will feel compelled to weigh in and I have had quite enough of them), so I can only hope that the reasonable people among us are taking your words to heart and moving forward in a positive way.

  819. To DDS:

    You have defended nothing because we have not been at war since WWII. Joining the military and volunteering for suicide missions that our politicians won’t even allow their kids to attend, is NOT! defending a single thing. If you decide to assist our murderous governments military then, that’s your own doing and it does nothing for this country, ever. Helping our government slaughter and conquer does not equate to defending a damn thing.

  820. I just spent the last hour reading everyone comments on this. some i agree with and some i dont. some i can even say educated me to a certain degree. BUT i agree on one thing…Its not just ONE persons job to pull us out of what is going on, IT IS EVERYONES! and if we dont start working together we will never get out of this mess…i do realize that i am ignorant of some things, but that does not mean stupid. There is NO ONE PERSON to blame for all that has happen, where i think it is true to say that there are a certain number of people to blame, BUT if we , the people, took more responsibility for what we do, then maybe we would be better off. this made sense to me, hope it did to those reading this..LOL..and if i am wrong, please, enlighten me and let me learn from it…dont put it down to “stupid” and well if you dont like my Grammar and spelling…take your argument somewhere else…Not everyone can be a “SMART” as you….and besides, if you have nothing else to pick on, then maybe your should rethink your priorities…

  821. I’m having a hard time crafting the perfect comment because I’m slightly stuck. See, for someone like me, the images you shared here are triggering and painful in ways beyond the purpose you used them for. I respect and understand that, but suggest (gently, I’m cool if you decide against it) that you include a small disclaimer re: graphic 9/11 pics.

    But back to the point at hand, when I saw three of my friends on FB like this and share it, I knew I had to read it. I thank you for sharing. We do have the freedom for so much because of the country we live in, and so many people forget that. To compare him to a terrorist or to hope he fails is beyond my comprehension. This is YOUR country! OUR country. I just don’t get it. So as thankful as I am that they and we are all free to speak our minds, I just can’t grasp how these are the feelings of so many. So sad.

  822. So many of the comments I’ve read on numerous websites are so similar that they’ve got to all be coming from the fever swamp/echo chamber of conservative news and talk radio. It’s all about the makers vs. takers, people with their hands out, people who want free stuff, people looking to the government as Santa Claus, etc. If there’s any tragedy in this election it’s that there are too many people on both sides of the spectrum who aren’t thinking for themselves.

    Perhaps one of the largest problems is that many on the right have framed the election as a choice between freedom and tyranny. When that’s the way you view the world there truly is no middle ground.

  823. What all of you have failed to mention is the 57 million babies that have been killed because of abortion. Both parties may be to blame for the fiscal mess but the dems and those that voted them into office are responsible for the death of those millions. That innocent blood is on your hands.

  824. The thing people don’t realize is the president is not elected by popular vote. All the vote does is give our elector college the general idea of who we want. They can vote anyway they want. So next time lay the blame where it should be, at the feet of those who really have the power.

  825. While the Republicans losing may not be as tragic as 9/11, I believe the Republicans’ feel their spirits and hopes collapsed similarly to the Trade Centers. It must be frustrating not to have your voice represented in the White House, no matter your party affiliation.

  826. I too was hoping for the Rainbow Unicorn Poop… Someday… Keep fighting the good fight and always remember to smile it makes people wonder what you’re up to… 😉

  827. very well written, thank you.

    the thing to me is, it doesnt matter who is voted president of this country. my hope is in
    the only one who is always there to help…..Jesus. no matter what comes, good or bad,
    He is right here with me.

  828. The reason many of us are so concerned about this issue is BECAUSE we live in such a great nation! My grandfather came to the US from Germany in the early 1900’s. He learned English, got a job and contributed to society. They didn’t have much, but he became a farmer and WORKED HARD. He didn’t expect the govt to help…even when he and my grandmother ended up with six children. Still, this was a better life. The American dream. Now people think the American dream means that you come and the US will support you financially. It can’t be this way. The work ethic is gone today and I don’t know how we’ll ever get it back. Entitlement is a way of life partly because of how many of us raise our children, and partly because the government encourages it. Free handouts to able-bodied folks don’t encourage people to better themselves and work. Never did, never will.
    Oh, and the debt! What if China calls it in?? We are in DEBT to another nation!! We are at their mercy in this regard! There is a quote, “the borrower is the servant of the lender”. So true…this is a dangerous place to be in.
    There are many other issues that are important to me but I will not go into them because they relate to my Christian faith, and I know that many will not relate to my viewpoints.
    To sum it up, the reason many are so upset is because we (I) feel the American people are making many choices that will negatively impact our future. Not choices that will support the “American dream” but choices that send us down the OPPOSITE path. America IS a GREAT NATION only because it was founded on hard work and the determination to make a better life for ones OWN SELF. What’s wrong with success if you earn it!? Many, many immigrants came to the US believing in this principle! Now we support people who don’t want to work, and allow another nation to support US. Are there situations where we need to step in and help out our fellow man, woman or child in need?? Of course! I do! We should all give, volunteer and help others. Should the govt take money out of my pocket to feed someone who CAN work but refuses to? NO!
    If you really look at President Obama’s past, you will see that ALMOST ALL of his mentors had links to socialism. That is his mindset, that was how he was shaped. This is agenda too, whether people want to admit it or not. Before you argue this point, research his childhood yourself and you’ll see. God bless America.

  829. it’s tragic that you’re so embarrassed by your own comment that you won’t post your real name

  830. With all due respect…. Bush did not “mishandle” Katrina……. Ray Nagin and the people who would not leave NO and the people who looked at it as an opportunity to become violent are the ones “guilty” of most of it……..

  831. Checks and Balances has to do with branches of government not political parties.- Legislative ( House and Senate ), Executive ( President), and Judicial ( Supreme Court). Please go back and learn your US government lessons again.

  832. We have a lot challenges to tackle here as we’ll people! Regardless of which party you are affiliated with, bottom line, election won by only one person. The majority of our country choose a President. Lets respect one another. In other countries people get killed for not voting to a leader who is wanting control of their people. In USA, our beloved country USA…..we are free to choose whatever we want. Be in business, be somebody, nobody, lazy, achiever, run for president, have family, work for somebody, to be a lawyer, doctor, waitress, teacher, etc… Multiple free choices is what we got. Now,,,,,really,,,,,let’s stand behind that freedom and work together to resolve our countries challenges along with our President we elected. …but if we all stand United, we will never fall and we will prosper! We can set an example to the world that we are a nation of greatness!

  833. It’s tragic because half this country re-elected a President that has no respect for the Constitution. Obamacare is unconstitutional and sad they found a loophole to push it through.

    An (imperfect) Analogy

    The Constitution (and the federal government it brought into existence) was created by the states to serve the states. It sets forth the rules for how the government must behave and says, in effect (in the tenth amendment) “Any powers that we did not give to you are ours; we’re still the boss.”

    This is like exercising parental control. You tell your child how to act, with
    whom he (or she) may associate and what time he must be home. You assign household chores and responsibilities. In short, you establish rules of proper conduct.

    Suppose that this works fine for a while, but as your child grows, he begins testing the boundaries you had set and breaking the rules, but you do nothing to prevent it. One day you realize that your child is making his own rules, even telling you what to do and what you cannot do. If you object that he is not acting within the rules you set down, he says that he knows better than you what your rules mean. If you try to assert your own rights, you are punished — your child is now bigger and stronger than you are. Your child’s allowance demands are ever increasing. If you don’t do something to correct the situation soon, you’ll be declared incompetent and your child will control all aspects of your life.

    It’s time to remember who’s the boss, time for the states to regain control of a government which thinks the states are subordinate to it. The federal government exists to serve the states, not the other way around. The states have the right and the duty to restrain the federal government. Unfortunately, most state governments don’t seem to understand this!

  834. Pure. Genius.

    You have 100% captured what I would like to tell everyone I know; I’m sharing this all over!

  835. People who think that this was a “Sad and Tragic Day for Our Nation” are pathetic and ignorant to the world around us. They have to remember that this countries was in turmoil and messed up for many years before President Obama took office in his first term and it is going to more than 4 years to fix all the damage. Before complaining about what happened, do as you said and go out and make a difference any way that you can. People should be fighting and caring about our nation and freedom instead of politicians because all that a lot of them do is things to get re-elected, not what they can do for the people that put them in the position that they are now.

  836. America is no longer the greatest place in the world. It has fallen below tenth place in all surveys and research. From economic development , healthy people, happy people, to a place where the word debt is used in every meeting of federal leaders. Although 1 thing that hasnt changed is that Americans are the most patriotic and loyal patrons to their country, in which I applaud. As for the election…. im a strong believer that every president puts things into motion near their end of their first 4 so the voters will offer up another 4 years to complete the things that they have done in the previous 4. When bush was in and going for re-election , it almost seemed criminal to put someone else in to clean up his disastrous mess. I think the vote turned out to be closer than it really should have been. Obama has proven to be to a decent president. Not saying he has done everything right, but he did also take over the country that was in the biggest downward spiral. That is not an easy undertaking at all..

  837. I am 68 years old and have been a Republican all my life……….I voted for John McCain last time. We all make mistakes and even at my age I am willing change my opinion. My wife and I campaigned for Barack Obama since last April……we made phone calls, wrote letters , and went door to door in the last days before the election. The thoughts you presented are so wonderfully insightive that just realizing intelligent people like you exist bodes well for the future of our nation. Those negative comments from the ‘brainwashed minority’ will never cease, but most heartwarming and satisfying to me is no matter what they say, the majority WON>>>>>and in response to one of your detractors …..intelligence DID WIN over stupidity.

  838. Wow, very well said and I’m going to share this. Too many times people lose perspective of what really counts. Thank you for this post.

  839. None of which have occured during the tenure of our current President.

    Yes, we may see another day like 9/11 here. This too is a case of other countries having it far, far worse. For example, you could be living in Iraq, where for the past decade we’ve been causing scenes like this to unfold regularly in the name of a poorly researched (ahem, fabricated) war that a different president gave congress the bum’s rush on and who conveniently forgot to pay for, leaving for the current president to put on the books.

    We dole this out to other countries, we may see it again. We get surprisingly little of this.

    If we see it again, we’ll deal with it.

  840. I must say, I am very happy that President Obama won. The idea of a Romney administration scared me. There were too many people who were willing to throw half of the country under the bus to save their own hides. To me, that is unacceptable in a nation where we are to help one another and uplift one another for the betterment of the whole. You are right about many things. I don’t agree with droning, I find it despicable. Guantanamo Bay is a policy disaster and definitely violates human rights and Afghanistan is a disaster. That being said, our President has much to rectify and I hope he will do so in these next four years.

  841. Charlie, I hate to tell you this but I voted for Obama and I’m not looking for any handouts. I own a small business, I work hard and I am nothing like what you’re describing in your post. This 47% narrative that you’re apparently promoting just isn’t based in reality. Yes, there are moochers in the system but to lump all Obama supporters into that category is just laziness and ignorance on your part.

  842. In education we use the term “forced choice,” which is when a student must choose between two equally difficult assignments in the same subject area; thinking that they actually have a choice, the students will chose an assignment, unaware that they really had no choice. This seem analogous to the recent election. We were faced with making a choice when there really was no choice. As my mother used to say, “it’s between the devil and the deep blue sea.” Either we go with what we already know, or we choose the unknown. I voted for Obama, but only because there was no choice. So, life goes on, and we all sink or swim together.
    As far as “tragic” is concerned, the amount of money spent in this campaign is a real tragedy. As a believer in the “Peter Principle,” how dare we invest so much money, energy, and emotion into an election of two equally inept politicians (not to mention congressional and senatorial candidates). Our anger, outrage, and money would be better spent mobilizing an effort to provide jobs for the unemployed, food for the hungry, and shelter for the homeless.
    I am outraged at the outrage over the outcome of the election.

  843. In God we trust” was adopted as the official motto of the United States in 1956

    Everyone needs to pray and not tell God what he needs to do, but listen and ask him to help us. Trust in him, God is our ruler, the only one that matters.

  844. Not true Charlie. This 40-something, white woman who works full time in a professional job, and spends most of my evenings and part of every weekend on a side business that I am part owner of – I am a successful, driven American, and I voted for Obama.

    One of the most destructive myths out there right now is the one about the hordes of people unwilling to work, just waiting for the government dole. Sure, there are some people like that but their numbers are greatly exaggerated. Most poor people I’ve known (I come from poor) have been hard workers, doing whatever they need to do to keep jobs, struggling to just stay afloat.

    What I’m interested in is the right sized government – one that ensures we all have access to education, good roads, safe communities, freely-flowing commerce that isn’t concentrated in the hands of the few. Sane military policy though that doesn’t seem likely from anyone. And yes, I want them to protect Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment benefits. None of those are “entitlements” — those are systems I and every worker pays into out of every paycheck. I’ve been paying in for almost 30 years, and I damn well better have it there when I’m intact, in the same format that my grandparents and parents had it there for them. Especially considering I’ve already paid more into it than they ever did.

  845. Well said. I sorta said the same thing above too, so i fully agree. I swear the Republicans sole mission now is to RUIN the country solely to tarnish Obama and the Democratic party. Nobody works together anymore to actually help and make changes, they just stand in the way of people who try to change for their own future agenda of getting someone else elected. It is sad, and the USA is in big trouble if these political parties don’t actually start to work to fix things and not just stand in the way of the other party for their own agenda. We have 2 parties working AGAINST each other, and none actually working FOR the people it seems.

  846. Three dimensional thinkers see the events of Sept. 11th as a terrible tragedy. But they also see the Constitutional Amendments which set the highest bar for liberty in human history (and brought all of our desperate ancestors here) being legislated away for 300 million of us, as a tragedy also. (no matter which of the 2 party’s were given to choose from does it)
    Our greatest gifts are the individual spirits and abilities of ourselves, our families, friends and neighbors. Two dimensional thinking (accepting one of two choices we’re given) will not allow us to create the future we deserve nor will it protect us from those who desire to take it from us or profit from its direction.
    If we don’t evolve into 3 dimensional thinkers, the same small group of people who are profiting from both of these tragedy’s will gladly take everything from all of us for generations.

  847. I woke up the next day and viewed this as a sad and tragic day for our nation.

    I viewed it that way because my expectations were so much higher for the electorate. We’ve got a struggling economy, millions out of work, a sitting president that while seemingly well-intentioned is clearly out of his league. On the other side we had a man that was pretty clearly running on the same corporatist policies that many posters here have referred to as the real problem – Glass-Steagall, corporate personhood, Citizens United, etc.

    My expectations coming in to this election was that the broad group of third party candidates would pull down at least 5% of the vote combined. I hoped for a groundswell of support – not for one party or another – but for none of the above. What I saw instead was that the media and those that pay their bills – the two major parties – did such a good job at convincing people that the other party was the problem that very few people considered that maybe both parties were the problem. They were so focused on preventing the lesser evil that they voted for the greater evil – more of the same.

    I’m starting to see hope now as I see more people speaking out about what the real issues are, both here and even on Facebook. That said, someone hit on the problem earlier. Our real problems don’t boil down to a soundbite. They’re complex because they’re real. They’re not made-up bogeyman’s created by the two-party system for public consumptions. Reality can be messy and right now it’s a huge mess.

    I strongly urge everyone to get informed – there’s been some wonderful information posted here about deregulation. Researching that would be a start. Looking at the numbers for real median income levels over the last 40 years would be another. Frankly I see us on a path back to those days R Pratt referred to “Refer to the 1870-1910 period, with the conflict between labor and capital. Without a social concious, Owners would work their laborers to death.” Corporate personhood coupled with a society that values earnings per share over social responsibility have put us on this path and the concentration of money and power with a small number of people keep us there.

  848. I came across your article via a re-post from a friend on Facebook – so it’s possible that the social realm has not all gone to hell in a hand basket 🙂 I appreciate your words and boldness to “slap” us all back to reality. It’s truly important to keep things in perspective, and while I don’t necessarily agree that we are as free as we once were in this country (since 9/11 anyway), we have it so much better than many around the world, and we should use that freedom to make the world a better place.

  849. I’m not screaming about those things because I have studied our political system well enough to know that fixing any of those things is far more complex than simply giving an order. I would suggest that other people do the same if they want to truly understand what goes on in our society. Ending a war or closing a prison is nowhere near as simple as just commanding that it be done. There are hoops that have to be jumped. Our president is not all powerful leader. The inefficiency that keeps him from doing all that we want him to was built into our system from the very beginning to prevent him from becoming so.

  850. Lets see how long our nation stays free under the current administration which dosen’t seem to me to be very patriotic. I would like to see more sacrifices on their part !

  851. It really should not matter who won … if your Heart is in the right place, then you know the God is in control anyway it will be his will anyway.

  852. It’s sad and tragic because it shows that we as a nation are choosing to move towards the very communism that was fled in Poland.

  853. thank you for well written words. The election is over, we need to get back to the business of solving our problems and we have to work together to do it. And we CAN!!

  854. Scold away. It’s MY constitutional RIGHT to know and say how doomed our country is. As well as to tell you, how full of BS you are. Using pictures of 9/11? Harping on something from 11 years ago? Why don’t you show a picture of a paystub of someone who has “Universal Healthcare”. THAT’S tragic!

  855. Well said! Two dimensional thinking forces us to choose which one is tragic or which of 2 candidates is less evil when in reality we understand that both are tragic and neither candidate represents us. If we continues to choose evil (even lesser ones) we will be stripped of everything.

  856. Tragic is having dirty water for breakfast rice and stale water for lunch and for dinner well what is that?????? People are hungry and dying of thirst and you think a 50/50 chance of someone winning is tragic !!!!!!!

  857. I couldn’t agree more.

    I am completely disgusted by all my supositly liberal democrat friends who don’t care in the least bit that Obama, as they say in much of Latin America, “sounds like Obama, acts like Bush.” I personally call him Obushma. But that seldom gets me any friends.

    But, I will say that I think Romney would have been worse. I felt terrible the day after the election when I realized I had been hoping that a canidate that I despise would win.

  858. I just don’t understand people anymore, probably never did. This is the first time I have ever thought this, but I believe the web/facebook has a negative on people in America. It brings out their dark side and it is very shameful to see.

  859. You are missing the point, Julie G.

    It’s not about politics. It’s about comparing a vote for a president to terrorism. That’s all this is about.

  860. WORD!

    I absolutely agree with you on how people need to get a grip on how blessed they are in the US to be able to even have a pathetic opinion and be able to OPENLY say it without being shot in the head.

    Btw, the part were this website is a dictatorship created a smile on my face that would have caused some government bodies overseas to dispatch troops to wipe if off my face. LOL.

    Stay freaking awesome!

  861. I like your tone. I think we should be of good cheer and not reactionary. I do understand the panic and anger that we see in the reaction of many who, like me wanted a different result. We have a civil libertarian lawyer with no prior executive experience trying to take steps toward a command economy in complete ignorance of how wealth is generated. My use of the term “generated” speaks to once there was no wealth, and then there was. “Trickle down” works, and rising tides really do lift all boats as long as those in the boats keep them able to float. It’s our/their responsibility, not someone else’s. We should help the needy, and oppose the lazy. There’s too much evidence of sloth growing in our country.

    Our freedom, and our right to self determination is being relegated to the bureaucracies of the central planners. It is happening right before our eyes unfortunately. The president is going to push for a cabinet position called the Secretary of Business. This dumbfounds me as I consider that ideas and motivation cannot come from government. It has to come from innovation and a profit motive.

    The administration seems to be kowtowing to those who would create more pictures like those above. The president seems to reject the principles of the one thing that could unify us politically, and that is the Constitution. He also appears to be covering up a dereliction of his duty to safeguard the lives of Americans in Libya for political purposes in his denial of the fact that our enemies really are not “decimated” as he claims.

    I worry that the damage that will be done in the next four years may not be undone in my lifetime. It makes me sad for my country that once stood for its principles. We sat down for them on Tuesday.

  862. Thanks for the reminder we all needed to hear. I knew there were still level headed people out there despite the media reports and those terrible ads. I feared it would get worse, but I realize we, the people, recognize we have more to do and places to go – forward.

  863. To which I’m driven to ask —

    If Obama IS a Muslim (which he’s not) — so what? There are Muslim Americans and maybe they’d like a president just like them.

    If Obama IS a Communist (which he’s not) — so what? Are we so fragile as a country, that we can’t have anything challenge our true national religion, Capitalism?

    Neither of those things frighten me. The Communist charges have always struck me as blowback to people who would love a return to McCarthyism.

  864. Hear Hear. The biggest tragedy is that the people who voted for socialism don’t even know or refuse to acknowledge that it IS a tragedy.

  865. I totally agree with you! 911 was a tragedy. Katrina was a tragedy. War is a tragedy. An election outcome is NOT a tragedy! Isn’t it how elections work? Some win and some lose!
    This proves that our nation is so divided with hate that a loss of an election becomes a tragedy to the losers. Let’s all grow up, accept the outcome and move forward to work together as a nation and improve it’s current condition!

  866. Cool, thanks for letting us know how some guy in the Czech Republic feels, since this is where your quote came from.

  867. I have read your blog and it seems to me that you profess to be committed to truth…etc You utilized pictures on your site showing 911 and depicting these as true tragedy… I agree but I guess pictures can be deceiving. If you are truly committed to the search for truth, than I ask you to ask all of your readers to make up their own minds about what they think they see versus what may actually be happening “in plain view” before all of us. Dr. Judy Wood a lettered individual has a theory; review it, and than make up your own mind…. here is the part 1. of Dr. Wood’s presentation, Where Did The Towers Go” Talk the talk, walk the walk!

  868. Sorry, Charlie, but your categorization of those who voted for Obama are preposterous and simply false. It may make you feel better to think that only lazy, entitled people voted for Obama, but that is simply not borne out by the actual facts. For instance, I’m fully employed, have never collected welfare or an unemployment check and voted for Obama. Sorry to burst your self-serving bubble.

  869. TRAGIC??. I felt the same way about Dubya. He was the one that started most of the krap that PRESIDENT Obama and our great country is dealing with today. Stupidity?? Did you read that 51% percent of college graduates voted for PRESIDENT Obama??? Is it that you can’t read or maybe you just don’t like to be able to back up your ramblings!!!! By the way when did “so many Americans” vote on the Health care law? I believe OUR congress did that…

  870. Why is the outrage to handouts targeted at the perception of the poor who are unwilling to work, and not at the BILLIONS in subsidies given to corporations such as those in the oil industry with RECORD PROFITS? If you are outraged because you think 47% of the population doesn’t want to work, then you are guilty of buying into the machine that is churning out that mis-information to create a political scism. LOOK at where are $$ is going AMERICAN.

  871. Charlie, I’m an attorney bringing home hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and paying lots of taxes – and I voted for Obama. Why? Because I place the wellbeing of all Americans over the well-being of the most fortunate portion of our society. I have empathy for folks who weren’t given the same opportunities as I was. If you want to consider me, and many millions just like me, as part of “these people,” go right ahead. I’m proud to be part of that so-called 47% who cares about my fellow human beings.

  872. Astonished,
    I have to completely agree with you! I have see so good comment and some very ignorant comments here. As an American it makes me sad that so many people never looked beyond the platform they support. Sure Obama wasn’t the greatest president and the next four years may be rough, but they would have been rough with Romney too. The blame game has to stop though, each president has inherited the good and bad decisions of the previous president. Obama will be hit with some of his choices in the next four year from his first term, lets see how he handles them!

  873. Not EVERYONE who voted for Obama is living off the government, with an unwillingness to work and expecting handouts. People who work the system have been around for a very long time and will find a way to do what they think is best for themselves and their families no matter who is president. Where is the HOPE in people anymore. I hoped we would continue with the current president because I am a married mother of three young children, my husband is going to school full time (on loans) in hopes of his graduating will insure a brighter, more stable future for our children. I work full time, we do not have health insurance for myself or my husband which is fine for me (I’m pretty healthy) but my husband is not. We cannot afford to have health insurance and still pay our monthly bills that are more immediate and for the moment more important. My children thankfully have medicaid. I AM so thankful that there may be a HOPE of my husband and I being able to go see a dr about his diabetes or high blood pressure with a positive possibility of some help instead of the only solution we have now, going to the ER with a massive bill we struggle to pay and only a quick fix of ongoing problems we’re left with. IF ROMNEY WOULD HAVE HAD A MEDICAL PLAN THAT I COULD SEE HELPING MY FAMILY I WOULD HAVE VOTED FOR HIM.

  874. Yes, it can happen.

    For example, a woman could be presented with an ectopic pregnancy. This is one where the egg has attached itself to a fallopian tube. This will always end up either with a spontaneous miscarriage, OR an emergency abortion to remove the pregnancy, OR the mother will get extremely ill and likely die. The only possible outcome from an ectopic pregnancy is ending the pregnancy, one way or another. This presents in the first trimester.

    There are other conditions where the pregnancy can jeopardize the mother’s health as well.

    I think in a just society, we have to acknowledge that this issue is a personal matter, and give each person the freedom to follow their conscience. Until the fetus can survive outside the womb, the mother’s life takes precedence.

    Abortions have happened in every culture and time. Safe or not. Legal or not. We cannot impose our personal religious values on another person’s body who may not share those views and call ourselves just.

  875. Well said Jo. This is not about being a Republican, Democrat, or Independant, it is about being Americans. We are not looking into what we can do to help our nation improve as much as we are pointing fingers and being rude and offensive to other Americans based on political preferences. We should be ashamed of our behaviors and remember what out nation is really about. Start in our own lives and neighborhoods working toward improvements and let it grow.

  876. “It’s tragic because half this country re-elected a President that has no respect for the Constitution. Obamacare is unconstitutional and sad they found a loophole to push it through. ”

    Really? Because the Supreme Court of the United States, including your beloved Chief Justice, does not agree with you, with the exception of one specific provision in the bill. You think you know more about the Constitution than they do????

  877. “This is NOT GREECE”.
    Meaning rasicm doesn’t exist here in Greece? Well, to inform you, Golden Dawn, a Greek neo-nazist party is getting about 10% of the popular vote in polls, coming in as third party. They entered the House with 7% and, unfortunally, it’s rising. If the Europeans continue their wrong policies in Greece and depression continues to turn into hatred (EXACTLY the way it happened in nazi-Germany), well I see Nazism rising again to new heights. 🙁

  878. This is the first time I have read anything from you page, and I loved it. Although I was upset about the outcome of the election I couldn’t agree with you more. Thanks for sharing!!!!

  879. WOW!!! Thank you I read this & for the first time since Tuesday I exhaled!!! I feel the same. While I am not happy about the outcome I still need to support the Commander in Chief of this GREAT nation … .MY nation!!! Politics is such a touchy subject more so lately. If I dont portray disgust of another 4 years then obviously I am an idiot. No I am just realistic : President Obama is POTUS for another 4 years. I made my vote I voiced my choice and the majority won! Isnt that what Democracy is all about ?? I am appalled that 11/6/12 is considered the saddest day in America or a tragic loss… people look at the pictures of Tower 2 as it fell or the faces of the people running away from the Towers as they fell that my fellow Americans was the saddest, scariest & most tragic day in America!!!

  880. You miss the entire point of the Phrase “Sad and Tragic Day for Our Nation”. I feel the point of the phrase is the loss of the freedom and lifestyle we once had. The past four years we have gone down hill and now we have 4 more downhill years to look forward to. It has nothing to do with 911 or any other tragedy that has befallen this country. You state we should think our selves lucky to be in the country and compare it to other country’s. I for one am a US citizen living in Europe right now. I would like to ask you what country’s you’ve been to or have lived in to make this comparison? As I said I live in Europe and yes the US is, or should I say was, in a better place than most other country’s. The point I am trying to make is just that. I don’t want it to be equal to or lower than any other county. That is what is meant about a tragedy. Its a tragedy that our country will no longer be that free, wealthy, proud county it once was. I will return to my county in another year and I only hope its not worse than it is now. I fought in foreign land for the right to speak and be heard and the other rights and freedoms I and my forefathers before me fought for. Lets see what happens to those freedoms and rights by 2016 and how many are left. Do you have any idea how many executive orders Obama gave in 4 years? Lets see how many he gives these next for years? I hope you understand that and executive order is apposed by no one. Not congress, the senate, the tea party and last but not least the people. Google it!

  881. “the people who would not leave NO”

    With all due respect, how were the people with no car, with no money for gas or hotels, with no place to go, supposed to leave NO?

    The lack of empathy for your fellow Americans is disappointing.

  882. alkfjdsoi,
    I’d just like to remind you that Katrina happened in August, 2005 – almost a full year AFTER the 2004 election. It would be pretty difficult for voters to know how a president would handle a natural disaster 10 months BEFORE it even happened. Prior to the 2004 election Saddam Hussein’s and the Taliban’s regimes had recently been toppled and, although fighting the insurgency was escalating, in November 2004 we were on the winning side. We had also re-elected a president who had handled the immediate aftermath of 9/11 with grace and honor, and with a deep respect toward the families of those who were lost that tragic day. And let’s not forget that we also voted against his opponent who, as a Senator, voted FOR the war in Iraq.

    I’d also like to remind you that in November, 2004, the economy had not yet plunged into recession and was not an issue of that election cycle. Alternatively, the economy “seemed” to be rebounding from almost having fallen into recession the year earlier. The November 2004 unemployment rate was 5.4% and had dropped almost a full percentage point from the prior year – in large part because of the second round of tax cuts. In 2012 it is pretty easy to look back and watch the path that occurred – rising debt from the never-ending wars, banking de-regulation from both Bush’s and Clinton’s policies that led to the housing bubble and collapse – and wonder what may have happened had we elected either Gore or Kerry. My guess is that not a whole lot would be different. A President Al Gore would have had to respond to 9/11 with force. A President John Kerry would not be able to bring the troops home any faster. But hindsight is 20/20 and foresight is nothing more than a calculated gamble.

  883. Nice, David! Don’t forget Clinton’s repeal of the Glass Steagle Act and the irreversible international devastation that created in 2008 (to all but Iceland). As well as his pumping up of the housing bubble.

    Bi-partisan =2 dimensions= 2 dimensional thinking

  884. “Under God” wasn’t part of the original Pledge (written by a minister, incidentally). In the 1950s, at the height of the Red Scare, the phrase was added in a rather craven maneuver to heighten the contrast between the US and the “godless” Soviets.

    Some of us don’t believe in your god. Nevertheless, we are Americans. The Pledge should reflect that.

  885. This is such a strengthening, positive blog. Common sense runs rampant in your brain, and I thank you for expressing your thoughts so eloquently.

  886. Nice blog Jo

    First things first…i voted for Mitt Romney.

    You see, the media, conservative TV and Radio, has pounded the fear of god into many people. while the left, liberal media sits back and reports on the president as if he were a movie star and/or royalty (and dont tell me they dont!). Now the right wing media pounded the fear of god into Americans, conservatives by saying you will lose everything with Obamacare, and all of the other socialists ideals he has passed. wait…what are the other socialist ideals? bailing out GM? Reagan did that in the early 80’s as well…THE SAME THING…look it up (

    EVERYONE needs to take a step back….seriously. Barrack Obama is not a communist nor is he a socialist; and yes …. he was born in Hawaii. (imagine the conspiracy they hatched all the way back in 1961 – being that his birth was posted in a newspaper…you just cant fake that shit) Barack may lean more to the left with his policies but understand this he is 1/3 of power in the USA. Congress is the other 1/3 and the judicial.

    the problem here is that no one looks at both sides, they just look for the dem point of view or the repub point of view. no one takes the time (except for me 🙂 ) to look and evaluate both sides.

    Now if i am wrong about Barack then you have the I TOLD YOU SO MOMENT. but understand this……the biggest fear a politician has is the people. We are Americans and will not go quietly into the night

  887. kma is precisely the sort of person with no sense of historical context or self-restraint that this post is intended to address.

  888. To the post of under God, I avoided all news coverage on Tuesday starting early and said this prayer: ” dear god please elect the best man to run this country”. And do you believe it? My prayers were answered:) next morning I woke up to Obama being elected and then I thanked god for answering my prayer……….

  889. If you want to take a good look at who voted for our president, it was nearly 53% of the popular vote, which means liberals, moderates, independents and yes, even some republicans voted to keep him in office. And while you try to lump all 53% of those people into the category of lazy, do-nothing, handout-wanters (I suggest you do a little research into the demographics of this election rather than continue to post propaganda snippets like this), the greatest thing about our country is that the poor, the sick, the elderly and the disenfranchised (these handout people you are speaking of, the ones receiving assistance, they include elderly on medicare, most of whom worked the whole of their lives, retired people drawing on their social security, all of whom worked and paid into social security for their entire adult lives, military pensioners, people who were injured or disabled on their JOBS and who can no longer perform their jobs, people who responsibly use welfare in exactly the manner for which it was meant, as a temporary solution while they get back on their feet) are allowed to (and obviously do) vote for their president.

    It is not 1953 anymore. The times have changed. It is time for the conservative party to wake up and acknowledge that this country is made up of diverse AND GROWING populations of informed voters (independent women, latinos, blacks, gays, lesbians, people who feel it is their duty as human beings to look after one another) and if it doesn’t begin to EVOLVE and embrace more modern ideas and broader solutions, then the right will continue to lose by larger and larger margins.

  890. this just took me a few hours to read and digest and now i have an extremely upset stomach. The venom , misinformation and hate i read here makes me sad to be an all my republican friends, quit whining ,your party put up a flawed candidate, he got whipped, but good ,when a better more balanced person probably would have won .the republican party is a dinosaur and out of touch with the changing dynamics of our country. you people just wont give up on all the canned retoric that you are fed by the extreme right wing. haters hate and will believe anything to re-enforce their misguided beliefs, why because they are told what they want to believe. that sells commercials and boosts ratings. i hope none of you haters ever need a pell grant, lose your jobs and have to go on food stamps or unemployement, get a terminal illness and have your insurance company jack your rates or drop you. you might be singing a different song then, but then again probably not. if you look at how many poor WHITE americans in southern states who are on assistance and still hate because the guy making it all possible is’nt the right color. where would you all be if the democrats didnt have the whitehouse. we are all in this together so get in the boat and row or stay in the water and drown. we are all americans and all love our country and we are all brothers and sisters brown,black yellow or white if you dont believe that , look at the make up of our troops in Afghanistan. hispanics fighting for you, so they can be citizens, blacks fighting for you so they have a path out of the ghetto, asians fighting for you because they love the country that gave them a chance for a better life. so quit pointing fingers, complaining, and spouting hate and be all you can be….a proud American. the sky aint falling and the world isnt coming to an end. at least not as long as we put our boots on the ground and plod forward

  891. The rhetoric is extreme, but had Romney won, have no doubt there would be comments from the left that would have characterized his victory in the same way.

  892. It appears that common sense is running rampant through your brain. Thank you for writing so eloquently.

  893. I think your writing is bang on. One way or another a President is only a President that is there merely to have their strings pulled by the puppeteers behind the curtains. Obamas team at least came in trying new ideas because it is obvious that thing weren’t working.
    The name “Terrorist” thrown at the man who stepped in after 9/11 is inappropriate. I think that name should have come out more with the Bush administration. To the person who called people stupid…well that just reflects right back at your own maturity. There has never been a perfect President there will never be unless everyone demands more honesty, integrity and humanity out of this twisted system in America. Now stopping pointing fingers and crying over a simple election. Put your strength, skills and emotion into positive things that you can make a difference in.

  894. Todd, those words was added during the “red baiting” scare of the early 1950s. You do know that right? Our Founding Fathers would never have included that expression. Similarly, “In God We Trust” was added to our currency late in the Civil War by the Treasury Secretary, a devout Christian, over considerable opposition.

  895. Actually “under God” is not part of the original pledge, Francis Bellamy wrote the original as “I pledge allegiance to my flag and the republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
    “Under God” was added in the ’50’s to combat the supposed communist threat.

  896. Great perspective! How sobering the truth must be when it reflects such frivolous a reality.

    Now is the time to come together as a country.

    The audacity of anyone to believe that ONE man can come a save the world. It is the responsibility of us all to do our part.

    Thanks for sharing.

  897. What does “Under God” mean? I mean what God? Any God? And if I don’t believe in God am I not part of this nation? We also need to exercise our brains a bit, because the Constitution was written 1787 and things, believe it or not have changed. God has become *the* divisive term of out times. We are reverting to the Middle Ages. I truly believe that that wasn’t God’s intention, and I doubt he exists. The reason a God was put into place is because otherwise we behave like the lowest of animals. (and even animals display better social skills) We need an ultimate alpha male to keep us in check. I would have hoped that after a few thousand years we would have been enlightened, that we didn’t need a God, no guilt and fear to guide our behavior. If we only understood the premise that to be real superior beings, close to godly, we need to take care of each other, regardless to what country, tribe, race, religion, neighborhood, income bracket, sex, we belong to.

  898. She threw a tantrum on Facebook and compared our President and those who voted for him to terrorists.

    This just made me cry. People can be so …. :grumble:

  899. To say what you believe about an election is free speech. I still say we have become a nation of sheep led by some of the most immoral individuals in history. Im sure that the founding fathers are turning over in their graves with the lack of morality and lack of God in this country. If you dont believe in God , that is fine, they will love you in any communist country. You dont want to work and just collect from the ones that are doing all the work…sorry…I dont work for the lazy…you want to eat..then get a job…the days of the free loaders needs to come to an end…they tried that when they first got here and scrapped it…too many chiefs and not enough indians…and they were going hungry over it…and by the way folks…gonna tax the wealthy…what the heck do you think he is?”? the poor…they have started bilking the people of the United States and you all are too blind and too caught up in blaming Bush to open your eyes and nose and smell the deceit.

  900. I agree with your article to a point. We are one of the greatest nations in the world. However, we are slowing being controlled by a socialist society. Neither Republicans or Democrats want to keep our freedoms intact. Our four fathers gave us everything we have. They led us to our independence with the hope that the people would thrive, not be government controlled. Our founders predicted the direction this country would head and have been quoted many times speaking against big government. The very government that our politicians are creating. And to obtain their agenda, they must bankrupt this country and empower the rich while the lower and middle class diminish. You will see what I am talking about in the years to come. Freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, the freedom of the press are just a few examples of our constitutional rights that are slowly going away. Our government in general wants America to depend on them to lead us. And the people are agreeing with this agenda. This last election really doesn’t matter… because we are already in a tough spot. No matter who runs the country, there are always benefactors with an agenda to destroy us and sell this country out to the highest bidder. IE: China. We are in scary times and Obama is a scary president. That is all I care to add to this forum. I hope I am wrong.

  901. Nonsense, Katie – you are still as free as every to express your religious beliefs.

    And I am still as free as ever not to allow you to inflict them on me. I’m an ex-Catholic. I left it because I didn’t want it. And I have that right.

    Keep expressing your religious values. You still have that right. Just leave me the hell out of it.

  902. kma, we fought the Civil War over your states’ rights retention theory, and it lost. The 10th Amendment (which is the predicate for your theory of inter-government structure) was actually rendered ineffective during the Federalist period early in the 19th Century. Feel free to obtain some facts on this subject.

  903. The article was very well written, and I appreciate the perspective. In addition, I agree with the sad and tragic day of 9/11, and I fear another sad and tragic day of epic proportions. However, I don’t necessarily agree that November 6, 2012 shouldn’t also be labeled as a sad and tragic day. It has never been more clear to me how extremely divided our country has become, and the division seems to stem from our individual basic beliefs. The politicians put a face on our disagreement, but it runs much deeper than that. Our once great nation, that was united, has become split almost exactly in two. One side firmly believes in the constitution, small government, personal responsibility, and freedoms. The other side firmly believes in a socialist way of life where the government is responsible for supplying their every need. I believe that a government big enough to supply our needs is powerful enough to take away our rights and freedoms. Unfortunately, the current policy is increasing the number of dependent citizens, thereby increasing its power, increasing their votes, and keeping them in power. I agree with you that, as of this date, some of our rights remain, but I’m looking down the road and see a very dismal picture of where we are going. I have heard many refer to “the death of country,” and while we haven’t yet ceased to live and breath, it does seem we are terminal and under “hospice care.” What we are today is not what the founding fathers had in mind when this great nation was born, and not what so many gave their lives for in the Revolutionary War. I do find this sad and tragic.

  904. Charlie I am not sure what trailer park you live in but you really should try to get out more. I along with others in my circle voted for President Obama and we are all upper middle class, college educated, hard-working individuals. I know that when people say that “only people on welfare and people who want handouts voted for the President” that that is code for only black people voted for him. But, since you only polled people in your trailer park…let me be the one to educate you. Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Latinos, and many other races voted for President Obama. And yes, people on welfare, food stamps, Medicare, and other forms of “government handouts” voted for President Obama. But I can assure you that just as many welfare recipients voted for Romney……oh, were you under the impression that only minorities are on welfare?? I once worked for the Department of Human Services and trust me there many whites who receive “handouts” and they are some of the most vile, uneducated, racist individuals that I have come across and I am sure they are all Romney supporters!!

  905. There are different degrees of tragedy. To compare the death of a co-worker to the death of your own child doesnt compare. However each is extremely tragic in their own ways to specific people.
    I had many friends say that they cant believe how stupid America is to have re-elected Obama. I honestly dont think of voting for him as being stupid. I think it is a mistake , motivated more from the desire to get all that I can, the me mentality. We all suffer from some form of it. If you have a parent that scolds you and one that gives in to you… whom do you gravitate to? So many of us have in our past or current situations bought things we couldnt afford not worrying at all or postponing that worry to when the bill comes in… Some dont ever pay their bills. This mentality is what started the phrase keeping up with the Joneses. Special interest groups and government schooling have trained us to think that if we dont accept everyone and everything that we are hateful and bad people. This just isnt true. The Bible teaches us to love EVERYONE as we love ourselves. True Christians do just this. This is where confusion sets in. Because the Bible includes with this love the sinner , not the sin. The Bible expects you to forgive all sins just as God is willing to do for you. However, God doesnt expect you to subject yourself to be a victim of whatever sin. He expects you to protect yourself and loved ones. But forgiveness is totally different than acceptance. With that said. As the Bible instructs, I will pray for our president. I will pray that he makes wise Biblically founded decisions. I will be upset when he approves of abortion or any other “law” that I dont believe in. But I wont hate him, wish bad things on him or call his election tragic. Because the Bible also says that all “elected officials” are appointed by God and governed by God.

    Obama may be president, but Jesus is King!

  906. I’m sorry you are so misinformed/ignorant to the truth. All I can say is that you will see, we will all see and we best prepare and turn to God whom you and so many others seem to want to take out of the equation here. The media used to be there to protect us by exposing corruption but now it just covers it up by protecting Obama and others who want to destroy the country. I believe America is a promised nation to those who protect liberty and freedom and follow the commandments of God, but a cursed one if the leaders and people refuse to do so.

  907. First off hello.
    You have made some very good points and it’s not an issue of weather I agree or disagree. Just want to point out some very dangerous point proving tactics that I noticed. So from the start you compared us to a third world Country which set the ground work for nothing we are dealing with here is really that bad because look at what it COULD be like . Very much like telling a person with terminal cancer that will live for 4 + years that at least he didn’t die a sudden death and that now he has time to get things in order… Or to the person taking there last breath that hey it could be worse you could be dying a long an agonizing death. Do you kinda see where I’m going with this ? Comparison is a great tool to bid up argument but not so good in the solution process.
    I do agree with you that the horrific events you outlined are far more tragic , at the moment because we are not full circle to see or fully FEEL the affects of this election. On the other hand if you are a person who believes in the free market and you understand its value to a whole economy , then this could very much be a tragedy.
    To me I believe there is a lesson in everything no matter the outcome. So withn that being said I hope u have a wonderful day.

  908. The tower attacks were not performed by terrorists, but planned by our government. Look how they fell, look how they are burning in your photos. That is how you implode a building with dynamite. One plane can’t do that much damage and to cause it to fall the way it did. Come on people wake up, you have been dupped again by our government. Ignorance and full trust in the government is not a smart way to live….don’t take everything at face value.

  909. One of the better definitions of a democracy is that the right to vote is widely held by the citizens and those whose candidates lose an election accept the results as legitimate. There can be no such thing as a tragic result, period. On the other hand, the birther movement and other false assertions about our President reflect an attempt to undermine his legitimacy and are based on denial of facts (as in the fact of evolution and the fact of man-made global warming).

  910. Does know one remember that Obama stepped into his position when the US hit one of it’s lowest points? I remember thinking that this guy is screwed! Nobody is pointing fingers at the President’s from the past administration. Look how long it took the US to get so bad. It will take a long time to get back from this. Obama is not going to fix it in four years and neither is the next administration. It will probably take a decade. Patience people patience.

  911. This is by far the best, most insightful and well written piece I have read in a long time. Thank you for taking the time to do this! I hope it opens eyes, ears and brains. Remember people a mind is like a parachute….it must be open to be of use.

  912. Saw this blog column in my FB news feed, very well written, thank you. It is disappointing and sad – but not “tragic” – that so many of the posters here remain completely oblivious to the appropriate use of that term.

  913. I’m sure there were thousands, if not millions, of people, possibly in your same religion, that prayed to have Romney win. What about them? What about those that died from hurricane Sandy or Katrina? 2006 Tsunami in Indonesia? 2010 Haiti earthquake? 9/11 attacks?

    There is NO GOD! But of course, you religious followers use the cop out answer that people have free will and god lets them do whatever they want. How about those storms and other natural events, or “acts of god”? Another lame answer is that god has a purpose for them, that’s why they left this world. Pffft… tell that to my neighbor that lost their 3 yr old son in a pool accident. They are VERY religious too, but god didn’t help their child… maybe he needed a 3 yr old for some special purpose.

  914. Just want to point out that the phrase “under God” is a fairly recent addition (1954) to the Pledge of Allegiance.

  915. Why don’t you ‘research’ a store that sells real mirrors, buy one, look into it and see the reflection of a truly bigoted image…YOU!

  916. i absolutely love this. as a veteran of the united states navy, i am apalled at how some people are acting. it doesn’t matter who was elected, because until we can all be americans and not just democrats and republicans, no one will be able to fix anything. i think what disgusted me the most was seeing a likeness of president obama hanging from a noose, and when i expressed my own opinion on it was told to “get over it its only a picture”. well as an american it is not just a picture. it is beyond vulgar to do this to ANYONE’S likeness. i don’t care who it is, it is vile. so anyway why i was writing this comment…..good for you to post this and i am going to borrow it and put it on my timeline. you are to be commended for your ability to make people see reason, at least the reasonable ones. thank you.

  917. Jodi~ When Bush came in he had to deal with 9-11, the crash of the Asian stock market, the creation of the department of homeland security and Bill Clintons mandate to Fannie Mae and freddie Mac that they raise the percentage of what they considered “high risk mortgages” from around 11 % to at least 50.1 perc because it wasnt fair that everyone couldnt buy a house. Even while dealing with that the national debt didnt come even close to the increase from Obama. Our credit rating never came close to going down. It has twice since Obama took office! He has never come close to establishing a budget. He hasnt even tried. Even the basic household sees a budget as necessary to be financially prudent. In addition, he doesnt respect this country or love it. He gives everyone what they want and enables them to be lazy and unproductive. Just like the parent that doesnt discipline their children so they can be their friend. { Thats not your job as a parent or a president. } Then when the kid gets older, they are yelled at…. why havent you grown up? Why are you so irresponsible? This nation needs tough love and discipline. right now that just isnt Obama. Its not his nature.

  918. The reason I cringe when anyone says, “UNDER GOD” is that the next thing they tell me is that they know GOD and I don’t and that GOD thinks that they are right and I am wrong. It is we humans who need to agree not to bomb each other or ram airplanes full of people into buildings full of people. “Allah Akbar” and “In God’s Name” mean the same thing and are usually uttered by humans who are killing, disenfranchishing, intimidating, relocating, purging, stealing from, or otherwise violating the god given rights of of other humans. Leave GOD out of it. Behave yourselves!

  919. Boom, did you forget that if God didn’t want President Obama in the White House again, he wouldn’t have been re-elected? I didn’t vote for Pres. Obama either, but it is time for you to accept God’s will and vote again in 4 years. In the meantime, I will stand behind my President. You should, too.

  920. And…for so many, the point of this post was entirely missed. Pity.
    Remember, “In God We Trust” used to be “E Pluribus Unum.”
    “Out of many, One.”
    Thanks Jo.

  921. You my friend are on the button. Also, way more tolerant of some of these comments than I ever would be. And? I come from South Africa and I lost my home in political riots when I had to flee while it was burned to the ground. Perspective! It is in short supply these days.

  922. Kelly, I retired after 30 yrs as a loan officer with a small community bank and I saw the whole thing beginning to fall apart because we were FORCED to lend to unqualified buyers due to the CRA act which was definitely the govt program.

  923. This country needs jobs regardless of who won the election. The military unemployment rate is over 10% regardless of race. Maybe there will be a credit card bailout soon. We killed the housing industry by giving loans to people who didn’t bother to read their contracts – those ARMs are a killer. You know what I mean, charging too much is like buying a house you know you can’t afford but do it anyway. Oh, and the new “full time” is 30 hours (more leisure time and less pay) and we never got an answer on whether $4 a gallon gas is the new normal. I guess I’ll buy a cow, get some chickens and grow vegetables, if it’s not against the rules. I can’t wait to be so European and live with three generations under one roof.

  924. I will say thank you for defending our country and our constitution for 20 years, DDS! Thank you so much. If it were not for people like you, willing to serve, I believe our country would not be the republic that it is today. Even with all of her flaws, America still gives us the right to make ourselves heard, in words and deeds, and with our VOTE. Thank you, DDS. Thank you.

  925. {a not-so-sweet dose of truth}
    Please think back to the day before those pictures were taken, September 10th, 2001. Based on studies by the CDC and Guttmacher Institute, approximately 3,500 “safe and legal” abortions were performed in the United States alone, on that day alone. Now I don’t know exactly why your friend was so upset about the election results, but if this was even one of the reasons, I sincerely hope you might try to include that in your perspective. However, you raise an excellent point in that four years from now we, as a country, will have the opportunity to choose again. I will continue to hope and pray until that day.
    Now, I absolutely do not mean to downplay the tragedy of September 11th. Just know that for the people in this country who recognize the truth life begins at conception, a very deep sorrow (and often justified anger) is carried due to the fact that our nation endorses the intentional destruction of thousands of lives each and every day.

  926. How about the word “DEATH” instead of “TRAGEDY”?

    The End of an Empire

    Posted on November 7, 2012 by Dr. Ileana Johnson, American By Choice
    Our Constitutional Republic died a peaceful death on November 6, 2012. Having reached the point of no return in a comatose state after years of progressive and illegal immigration assaults, the fabric of conservative society is now completely unraveled and Uncle Sam’s America is no more.
    The United States of America is now relegated to the dust bin of history as a “has been” empire. The Shining City on the Hill, the hope of so many millions since July 4, 1776, no longer exists. What rises from the ashes is a country that few of us will recognize, like, or learn to accept submissively.

    After 236 years of existence, a new country emerges today, run by secular progressives who rejected our Constitution, what we stand for, and who we are as a nation. The Supreme Court will be forever altered after its last conservative members will be replaced by the liberal academics who call themselves “progressives.” The rule of law will be implemented by Executive Orders, making Congress irrelevant.
    The communist motto “Forward” that resonated with so many ignorant Americans will plunge us into many years of darkness from which we will never be able to recover. We have proven our Founding Fathers right, they did give us a Constitutional Republic and we were unable to maintain it.
    The forces of the failed communist fundamental transformation that were driven underground in many places around the world, resurfaced with a vengeance in the United States and have now taken over.
    How long we will still have freedom of speech, movement, assembly, and control of our private property remains to be seen. Faith and churches will be driven underground; allowing secularism to prosper and take deep roots among the progressives whose God is Mother Earth.
    The welfare dependent Americans, unions, and illegal aliens have chosen for the rest of us the dark path of serfdom to big government and to socialist utopia.
    Who would have guessed that the very people who were complaining that the government is not extricating them from disaster or giving them the help they needed in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, would vote for the very politicians who turned their backs on needy Americans after the lights went dark when the political photo opportunities ended?
    Who would have guessed that Americans were as ignorant and irresponsible as to choose fiscal destruction over fiscal sanity for their children and grandchildren, secularism and communism over faith, dependence over personal responsibility and self-reliance?
    Americans have been protesting for the last four years the dismal state of the economy and the direction of our country, the corruption of our politicians, and the loss of personal and economic freedom.
    Rallies in support of conservatism overwhelmed venues for Mitt Romney while rallies for our bumbling President became scarcer and scarcer. Yet, miraculously, at the ballot box, our President won all over the country.
    We lost seats in the Senate. Americans chose liars and cheats to be their Senators and Representatives, rejecting those who protected the Constitution. The candidate from Massachusetts who claimed direct American Indian lineage to Pocahontas is now a Senator, having defeated Scott Brown. Representative Allen West lost his seat by a narrow margin to the infamous Wasserman Schultz from Florida.
    Americans chose high unemployment, reduction of our military, communist indoctrination of their children, and loss of personal freedoms unlike we have never seen before in this country.
    I am saddened by the loss of millions and millions of American soldiers who have died to preserve freedom yet we lost it on November 6, 2012. Those buried in cemeteries around the world and at Arlington must be rolling in their graves today. We shamelessly allowed their sacrifice of blood and treasure to go in vain. We have no honor because we let down all the soldiers who fought in recent times and returned home limbless with lives shattered from physical and mental wounds of war.
    I mourn today the loss of my adopted country. I have fought hard over the last four years to prevent its overt and accelerated destruction but the darker forces stronger than many of us have overcome concerted efforts by millions of Americans to maintain the Republic. Mediocrity, sloth, godlessness, dependence, cowardice, using the law selectively or ignoring it, and hopeless corruption will define the new country. We are left in the hands of the misled, the ignorant, and the desperate.

  927. Your article was well written and thoughtful but I have some comments concerning your observations. First, you’re right the country is very divided right now, which concerns me greatly, but much of this divisiveness is a result of Obamas class warfare campaign. A lot of people are scared right now, as I am, of what the next 4 years of Obama policies will bring to this country. I’ve voted in several presidential elections, democrats and republicans, and this one concerns me the most. I considered this the most important election of our time because I honestly feel Obama doesn’t have the countries best interest at heart. We are fast heading toward a fiscal cliff of debt we may not be able to get out of in our grand children’s life time. When you have nearly 50% of the adult population receiving some sort of entitlement check from the government (and that number is rising) our revenue can’t support that for long even if the economy does improve drastically. My other concern as a veteran of two wars is that our military is being weakened to the point where we may not be able to defend ourselves if attacked by a major military power and don’t think our enemies aren’t monitoring this weakness.

  928. You can celebrate illusions if you want. The coporate-funded quadrennial election that just transpired creates the illusion of choice. You can choose between one of two corporate servants, each of whom will continue to carry atrocities that dwarf 9/11. The people can continue to believe the US killed only 100,000 Vietnamese. Eyebrows would be raised if the German public believed only 200,000 Jews perished in the holocaust. But we can continue to evade responsiblity for the systematic slaughter of some 2.9 million Vietnamese.

    Now our peace laureate president is terrorizing cilivian populations with drones. What you fail to understand is that the United States represent the face of an evolving system of capitalist and militarist totalitarianism. The fact that you are relatively comfortable right now blinds you to the central facts of our time — the NDAA, universal surveillance, murder by joystick, grotesque profiteering that imposes unspeakable poverty on billions of human beings, and the exploitation of our shared ecosystems to the point of exhuastion and collapse.

    Obama is very much a part of this. He believes he can murder anyone, anywhere, at any time. His operatives refer to murdered and maimed civilians as “bug splat.” Bradley Manning was tortured; now he’s in jail; Assange is holed up at the Ecuadorean embassy for the crime of diligent journalism that exposes what you want to deny. Obama will cut agree to cut social security and medicare to further unbalance the budget in favor of the super rich. A few more crumbs will undoubtedly fall from his table than would have fallen from a Romney table, and crumbs are all you seem to need. So let’s just pass out the cheap Chinese violins and make some noise. I promise you it will not be music.

  929. I am a practicing Catholic, but as with most things, I think religion should evolve. I think if you are a good person with morals and compassion, who should care what your faith is. Christians will vote for Romney because his view on abortion and Gay Marriage. You trade one common interest for another that’s not so common. Even an Atheist can be President if they believe that all people should be treated fairly. Because one does not believe in the existence of a supreme being does not mean that they do not have morals and compassion. Does this mean we take off “In God We Trust” or take out “One nation Under God” ?? The constitution says ” “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;” So, as a Catholic It would be very hurtful to see these phrases removed, but how do we come off as tolerant to others religious freedom (Which is what this country was founded on) yet still pay tribute to one God that is not common to all religions? This is how I see it, if my friend Shehzad who is Muslim/Catholic wanted to run for president, knowing he is a fair and just man, why wouldn’t I vote for him. If my friend Marty, who doesn’t believe in a supreme being, but is intelligent and compassionate wanted to run for president why wouldn’t I support him. It is a moral call. Maybe the dollar should say “In Humanity We Trust”

  930. ladyonamishn, you have absolutely no idea what happened during Katrina. A vast majority of people that live here, did not have the means to just get up and leave NOLA. Have you ever set foot here, do you not know that a vast amount of the population live from day to day, the elderly and the poor. Or don’t you care about that segment of society? There were NO options for them, and because they were not very important to alot of people they were left in the Super Dome or floating in the streets. You are correct, Nagin did not do a good job, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. “You are doing a great job Brownie” is a quote that will live in imfamy down here. So do not ever sit there smug in you unflooded home and tell me about Katrina. Come down and see all the houses and neighborhoods that are still devestated and will never come back. Come and see all the houses that still have the big red X’s on them to denote dead bodies, and then you maybe (but I doubt it) you will be able to see that people did not “choose” to stay here and yes. President Bush certainly did not have our backs as a president should for ALL Americans. By the way, NOLA and her people are doing OK, because that my friend is New Orleans!!

  931. So despite the rush of those of us who know that those particularly sought after words were added to the original in the 1950’s, I’ve got to ask what exactly IS the ‘Undergod’? That seems rather foreboding to me.

    “The UNDERGOD”
    “Theunder god”?
    “THUNDER GOD?!” I smell a Zeus-based neo-grecco-roman conspiracy!

  932. I did not unfriend anyone, but I did ‘hide’ my brother-in-law from my newsfeed. I love the guy but he was sharing these LIARS (Benghazi) related posts that are in horrible taste and also racist in the caricature of our President. Our President! Grow up.

  933. Hi- this is my first time to your blog and I just wanted to say how much I appreciated your words and how true I think they are. Just reading many of the comments below shows how many people seem to WANT to prolong the conflict between us and I am sure they totally missed your point. I am not going to bring the Pledge or Greece or abortion or whatever into it, but just say yes, it was disappointing to some people who apparently have never had to learn to handle disappointment gracefully. But I believe you are correct in your stance that whoever you voted for, this wasn’t a tragedy. I pray that all the people who are so angry and fearful never have an ACTUAL tragedy in their lives to show them what that word really means.

  934. Andy, thanks for outlining the Fox News world view. That’s precisely the worldview that the American people soundly rejected on November 6th. Put in a black and white capsule like you did so succinctly, it just doesn’t strike Americans as entirely sane. Your post is more of a snapshot of disordered thinking and white male invective than rational political discourse or political analysis. I had hoped that the election results would ‘burst the bubble’ of the solipsistic rhetoric of the right; apparently the echo-chamber persists for those who are unwilling to leave it.

  935. I have to comment on this because I saw so many similar statuses like this blog post on my feed the other day.

    3 Points I would like to make:
    1- I say it is sad and tragic when my favorite football team loses. I do not think it is the same thing as a terrorist attack. It’s colorful language and everyone uses it at times. Unfortunately, this is a problem with social media- it is too easy to misinterpret text.
    2- Saying it is “sad and tragic” is not the same thing as calling Obama a terrorist. We all have people on our feeds that say some crazy things. Since most of my feed consists of liberals, trust me, I get some WAY out of line comments on the other side of the political spectrum.
    3-My mom is also an immigrant and grew up in dire circumstances- I’ve had family members thrown in jail, killed, died because they couldn’t get proper medical care- and I was very upset that Romney didn’t win, BUT WOULDN’T LIVE ANYWHERE ELSE. Just because you aren’t happy with the direction the country is going in, doesn’t mean you want to up and leave.

    I really hate how conservatives that are just upset because their candidate lost, are somehow being lumped into one group and being cast as whiney, ungrateful citizens who think Obama is a terrorist. This is the exact problem that is wrong with our political climate today- marginalization, and yes it happens on both sides. The reality is that politics is a very passionate subject, and I would have expected liberals to have been equally sad if Obama had not won. It has only been a few days. Give 1/2 the country that voted for Romney some time to simmer down.

  936. So, akejf (or whoever you are). It sounds like election day actually WAS more tragic in your eyes that 911.

  937. Thank you for your post that certainly puts things in perspective. However, you state something that I’m afraid is no longer be true: “But you also woke up in the same country where you are Free to express your religious beliefs…”

    Sadly, the current “administration,” has already begun infringing on our ability to exercise our religious beliefs, with its mandate that all employers subject to the Affordable Care Act will fund $1/per employee premium to fund abortions – i.e., the shedding of innocent blood. (Hobby Lobby’s request for exemption was recently denied). Indeed, that is incredibly sad and tragic. Those who object to abortion on religious grounds will soon find that this country no longer provides the “religious” liberty that was so valued by our forefathers – unless the current administration has a change of heart. (Reference for details on the abortion mandate:

    Thank you for the opportunity to engage in respectful discourse!

  938. Chris, “voted for socialism”? This nation is so far the the authoritarian right that the liberal middle looks like the left. And that’s exactly why the nation is failing. Go to Political Compass and see where our candidates are.

    Don’t confuse a socialist dictatorship with socialism. You seem unaware that many things should be socialized or the system fails. Health insurance is one of them because of “adverse selection” dynamic … the insurance corporations deserve a death sentence. Google “‘Free Market’ Fundamentalism’ “systems thinking”

  939. This post so eloquently sums up everything I have been thinking this past week, I love that there are people out there like you who see our country for what it truly is, FREE. It restores some of my hope in the American people when I see reasoning like this and I pity those who refuse to see the truth in all that is wonderful about the country we live in today. For people to believe the results of this election will in some way ruin the future of America is utterly absurd and completely close minded. The president is only one part of our government and their influence can really only go so far. Our country may be facing some economic hardships, but it is going to take far more than one person and 4 years to completely change that. It is so sad that some just do not realize this.

  940. I have been telling those that didn’t like the outcome that if they don’t like it change it in four years. When they give that “oh really” look I tell them that I am thinking about running for President and my platform would be….”I have to experience so I am looking for advice for the common man.” It would be great if a lower class or middle class person could win.

  941. This is a great great great statement! You have the ability to say what I have been thinking, but in a much more eloquent way. Thank you for sharing.

  942. “Under God” was added during the McCarthy era when there was a communist witch hunt ongoing. It was reactive to those times. Our nation is founded quite intentionally as a place where were are have freedom OF religion and freedom FROM religion. Both. Just as a point of information. 🙂 Peace!

  943. God is a personal belief-its not shared by all. Be grateful that here in America we protect your rights to believe what you want-and everyone else to believe what they want…and if you want to get all “factual” about it-check your books-“GOD” wasnt added until the 20th century-before that we were ust one nation-thats what our forfathers wanted, thats what we’re supposed to be about.

  944. The man according to God’s plan was elected. that does not necessarily mean that our country, as we know her, will survive. You said you prayed- do you read your bible too? Have your read Ezekiel? Have you read Revelations? Or any of the other prophesies of the end times? Any of you who are not right with God, who have not accepted Jesus as savior, I pray for you! And, speaking of God- because we have taken Him out of our country… He cannot bless us. You can’t receive a gift from someone you won’t even let into your home. And as far as, “we vote again in 4 years…” That remains to be seen. I weep for America and what he will endure in the next 4 (or more) years, and I pray that she survives!

  945. This is an excellent post. Our country has become so polarized with hatred that we are our own worst enemy. Sore losers and smug winners accomplish nothing but widening the gap and are anathema to the democratic principles we all claim to support. It’s time for those who curse the darkness to light candles, and for the common good to finally outweigh our individual desires.

  946. Reagan left us with recession and large deficits. He said he would lower taxes, increase defense spending and balance the budget. Sound familiar? Think Romney’s plan!!


  947. Exactly. It is time for us all to find a way to work together to build this country up, instead of a part which is only tearing it down.

  948. What is tragic is that some in America go on insisting we are free. This is one of the most spiritually, emotionally, and economically imprisoned nations in the world. Also one of the most confused. We work as slaves to miserable low paying jobs so we can accumulate worthless things. Due to this we have one of the highest suicide rates among developed nations. We also have some of the highest rates of sexual violence and eating disorders. Our children kill other children, and other countries warn each other about visiting here! The nation consumes more than most nations in the world, and we haphazardly destroy the environment because we believe humans are the superior species. Our main source of income comes from the military industrial complex. We engage in violence overseas, and are “shocked” when angry nations and peoples want war with us. We refuse to acknowledge our own accountability in world and national affairs. What is tragic is that the people of this nation can possibly think two parties are representative of a democratic system. What is tragic, is that we have equated infinite financial growth in a finite system with sustainability and democracy. What is tragic is that we have granted supreme power to mega corporations, who now control virtually every aspect of human society. What is TRAGIC, is that we think we are free. We will be free the day we can truly walk the earth and seek self actualization absent of a bar code, or a credit card. When fundamental human needs are met for all, and when love and compassion rule instead of leaders.

  949. 9/11 was an inside job. Whether Obama or Romney won, it wouldn’t matter. They work for the same international bankers.

  950. @david…that is the first thong I’ve read here that approximates the truth. I meant thing not thong, lol! Statesmanship and integrity went out of style, didn’t you hear? Nice job

  951. Hey Charlie,
    Just to let you know, I WAS on the government dole. After my second tour in a war I didn’t support, I got back to find there were no jobs in my area. I applied for unemployment because I had no other way to support my wife and child. I also used my government hand-out GI Bill to get educated, and my government hand-out VA disability pension to help pay the rent. I was even on food stamps for a bit because, even with everything else, I could barely make ends meet. Keep in mind, like most other people I knew in such financial hardship, I never stopped looking for a job that just didn’t exist. I didn’t want to be on public assistance, but I also didn’t want to move in to a refrigerator box with my family.
    Now, a few years later, I am fully employed as a Software Engineer, as well as attending graduate school (still using that good old GI Bill) in an effort to continue bettering my situation. I voted for Obama, not because I want hand-outs (I am doing way too well for myself now to get those), but because I want people who are put into the worst situations to have the opportunity to survive while trying to pull themselves up.

  952. Thank you for such a well versed rebuttal to all those that are so short sided as to think one man is the reason to the success/failure of our nation. Our system of government was established to be a cooperative effort so that no person by themselves has that power. Are things perfect in our country right now? No. Are they better than 4 years ago? Depending on your point of view there have been positives. I thank the President for his efforts and hope he will have more success in his next term. If it weren’t for some of his actions/spending, my family would have been homeless while we waited for my husband to find work again. If we work together as a nation we can make things better.

  953. As a matter of keeping perspective, I agree with this post. However to say that we should never be upset about anything because it could always be worse is a little off. To be sure, loss of life is probably the ultimate tragedy, however, if you see your country going in a direction you feel is completely wrong- that IS tragic. And whether I agree or not, I respect those beliefs because it means they have strong passionate beliefs. I love that record numbers of people are getting involved in the process and that can only be good. And I do not want people to be luke warm about things, that means they did not educate themselves enough to take on the responsibility of voting. Educate yourselves and be passionate!

  954. Is there a better way to respond then a continuance of insults. The point of the article.. I see views of both parties. Views are clearly your beliefs/ opinions….a beautiful written article…

  955. And what a well-thought out scolding it was! Re-posting for some of my friends who are going a bit over the top with their opinions….don’t whine, time to help! The folks in New York could use a hand…..

  956. I just have one question for everyone saying that Obama being re-elected is a tragedy. Would you bitch (pardon the vulgar term) this much if Romney had won?

  957. Jo, a friend of mine posted this on her Facebook page. I read it with tears in my eyes. I too had to unfriend someone Tuesday night, someone who said she was going to start stocking up on guns and ammo. To be honest, this whole election plunged me into a very deep depression. And according to my therapist, I am not alone. He says that many of his clients struggled with it too. You are right, we need to remember what a great country we live in. We need to stop the disrespect. Thanks for your post.

  958. Then you voted for the wrong guy…. remember, he wants to take AWAY from your small business & give it to those who are too lazy to work… remember Joe the Plumber… obama said it plain as day himself, so it isn’t a Republican spin. Romney was the best person to help small business owners, he was a very successful small business owner… but for some weird reason, Liberals/Democrats get all mad at people for living the American dream of being financially successful in their careers IF they happen to be Republican… they are hypocrites for criticizing Romney for being worth 250 million but say nary a word against Democrat mayor Bloomberg who is worth 25 BILLION!! Go figure :/

  959. I don’t know what is more farcical, the idea that God is favoring the United States over other nations, or the idea that a religiously devout person ought to vote Republican.

    Anyway, the “under God” phrase is not original to the Declaration of Independence.

  960. Wow, just wow!! It’s amazing the number of people who spout rhetoric directly from FOX news and then belittle other people for not researching issues or knowing what they’re talking about. Ok, so you’re a Republican. I get it. You’re “conservative”. I get it. Here’s a thought. Try doing your *own* research on issues. Try listening/reading material from other sources than FOX news and your group of friends (who watch FOX news, spout the same rhetoric and pat each other on the back for knowing the “facts”) There’s a whole big world out there. Try traveling some outside of the place where you grew up. Try talking to and meeting some people outside of your comfort zone. You know, like gays, minorities, foreigners etc. Just try it. It might turn out to be ok.

  961. Now that the election is over, you are now free to go see the unbiased movie 2016 without worrying that a documentary will sway your opinion.

  962. Here is the problem with this article. It suggests that if you thought the outcome of the election was “sad and tragic” for our country, then you are silly and immature. It says, “Oh, really? Well look at these pictures of the World Trade Center! Don’t you feel silly now? Because this is what is truly tragic.”

    This isn’t like if your favorite singer didn’t win American idol. And it isn’t even like past elections. If Bush had lost to Kerry, I wouldn’t have said it was tragic. But, for a person who is invested in this particular election, who believes that this outcome will hurt our economy and perhaps OPEN the country to attacks (like those 9-11 pictures the article so prominently featured), then it is sad and tragic. If we were to experience a great depression, would that not be sad and tragic?

    Don’t put down people who think this was a negative outcome. It isn’t just because “our horse lost the race.” It’s not a case of being “sore losers.” It’s because we care about our families AND yours. We don’t want our country, our families, our friends, to experience the hardships we fear will be coming. And you may not believe any hardships are coming, and that’s fine; we disagree. But don’t mistake WHY we feel sad about the outcome of the election. Don’t mistake it as childish or selfish. Just because someone may not think something was sad and tragic… doesn’t mean it wasn’t.

  963. Amazing article, and moreso, amazingly poor commenting. Completely ruined the great sentiment by injecting the same asininity yet again that the original post was trying to call out. It’s embarrassing

  964. You do realise that the problem with Greece is that very few people, espceically their wealthy pay any taxes at all. They have 16% of world shipping and their shipping industry is constitutionally protected from paying any taxes (think Onassis) if JUST their shipping paid some taxes their deficit would be half of what it is. As it is Now the EU minister Lagarde has drawn up a list of 2000 ultra Rich Greeks who have escaped paying taxes for years by having all of their money in Swiss accounts. Since the list came out two of them supposedly have committed suicide. Greece’s problem is the same as the US’s problem in that their ultra Rich (like Romney) have not paid any taxes in Decades. Oh yeah Harry Reid was right, he used his church to hide his income for over 10 years until he decided to run for office. It was in what is called a unittrust. And he is just ONE of them, just like Greece.

  965. don’t like where you live you can always leave, i believe the original post invited you to do just as such so you could get a REAL perspective on what life is actually like outside of this STILL great nation of the united states of america

  966. The Fiscal Cliff means going back to the bad old days of Clinton Tax rates. OMG it was so terrible and no jobs were created then…… NOT. Like 20 million jobs created under the Clinton Tax rates. And on top of that since they have been drilling with fracking we NOW EXPORT more petroleum products than we have since 1949. Oh sure energy independence and falling fuel prices is gonna take us over the fiscal cliff. More scare tactics from the right.

  967. With regard to “socialism” and redistribution of wealth…Remember the time when that “socialist” President imposed a 91% tax rate on the rich and used the money to expand Social Security and build build a stronger military and something known as the Interstate Highway System? That “commie” also sent troops to Little Rock to enforce the federal court order to desegregate public schools. He was also a Republican and a 5-Star General named Dwight Eisenhower. We’ve got some major issues to work on, folks. Obama’s policies are actually to the right of many of Eisenhower’s…

  968. what’s sad is that 9/11 was an inside job, no mention of WTC building 7, and everyone just goes about their business as if osama in a cave did it. must be fun being asleep.

  969. Like the right wing court under Bush that gave us Citizens United that allowed even foreign donations to fund our political races. Totally undisclosed donations from billioniares all over the globe. SURE that right wing court really served our Country…. said no one EVER except for you.

  970. Thousands every year. And BTW thousands of women DIE from their pregnancies every year. Do some research.

  971. @ Endy: I think you will find the comments by David Stockman, who worked in the Reagan White House, to be edifying regarding Mitt Romney’s success in business:

    “Mitt Romney was not a businessman; he was a master financial speculator who bought, sold, flipped, and stripped businesses. He did not build enterprises the old-fashioned way—out of inspiration, perspiration, and a long slog in the free market fostering a new product, service, or process of production. Instead, he spent his 15 years raising debt in prodigious amounts on Wall Street so that Bain could purchase the pots and pans and castoffs of corporate America, leverage them to the hilt, gussy them up as reborn “roll-ups,” and then deliver them back to Wall Street for resale—the faster the better.

    That is the modus operandi of the leveraged-buyout business, and in an honest free-market economy, there wouldn’t be much scope for it because it creates little of economic value. But we have a rigged system—a regime of crony capitalism—where the tax code heavily favors debt and capital gains, and the central bank purposefully enables rampant speculation by propping up the price of financial assets and battering down the cost of leveraged finance.”

    David Stockman served as a Republican U.S. Representative from the state of Michigan (1977–1981) and as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan.

  972. Being 63 yrs old, I ve never seen a more bitterly divided nation.
    The USA has been on top for so long,
    The ONLY place to go is down.

  973. Nicely put….it was defitnatly not a tragic day…..our country was in trouble long before Obama took office. We live a society of insant gratification, people want what they want when they want it….they look for a quick fix. I’m actually glad to see the President get another 4 years to see if his plan that he implimented works out. I’m not going to bash the republican party but I don’t think I would feel comfortable with a man involved with the whole Bain Capital thing running our country. Our country might not be where we want it to be but we are better off than we were 4 yrs ago.

  974. A lot of similarities to many past presidents, many of whom got re-elected to a second term. All Presidents have made mistakes, including Obama. I am an undeclared moderate and struggled with with whom I should vote for. However, the change of stances on issues Pro-choice, now Pro-Life, Pro-gay, now anti-gay. Romney didn’t seem to have a backbone. I could not in good faith vote for a man who believes the government should be able to tell a woman what she can do with her body, or gay people they can’t marry. By a slim majority, Americans now believe gay-marriage should be legal.

    And then in the third debate he agreed with Obama and his policies much of the time.

    Finally, the Jeep at which lied about jobs being MOVED to China. Completely false. The Jeep plant already IN China was going to increase production to sell IN China. Jobs in the U.S> are not being shipped overseas.

  975. You do realise that before Roe v. Wade that there were still many abortions preformed, If you were rich you flew to Sweden or if you were not so rich you went to Mexico and took your chances. If you were very poor you used a coat hanger and most likely died. So you think you should force YOUR morality on others and condemn then to death?

  976. Had the shoe been on the other foot, we would have heard same but worse from the other side. Give me a break. In fact- the other side is still being extremely ridiculous even though THEY WON. I love how the left loves to lecture. Hypocrites!

  977. If you people would read your Bible it will tell you that everything that is going on in this World is lining up with The Return of Christ. No! You absolutely do not need to beleive what I am telling you but just read your Bible. It tells everything in there. No matter who is President of the United States, Jesus Christ is KING!

  978. Frank, While you are correct in your assertion that Under God was not included in the original Pledge of Allegiance, I disagree with your conclusion that Our Founding Fathers would never have included that expression.

    The Pledge of Allegiance gained wide publicity when it was included in a program for the National Public Schools Celebration of Columbus Day (Imagine that… celebrating Columbus Day). And, it “was printed in The Youth’s Companion of September 8, 1892.” It was originally written:

    “I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.”

    It went through a couple more changes before finally being adopted by Congress on June 22, 1942. And, “the last change in language came on Flag Day 1954, when Congress passed a law, which added the words ‘under God’ after ‘one nation.'” So, it’s current official context is:

    “I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.”

    As for “In God We Trust” it was where did you get the information that there was considerable opposition to adding “In God We Trust” to our currency. The only opposition I can find on it has been since it was enacte as our National Motto in the 1950’s.

    Lastly, for you to proclaim Our Founding Fathers would never have included the expression is a completely ridiculous since they included references to God in the Decleration of Independence which was crafted by them.

    “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

  979. Jo – a friend of mine shared a link to your post on Facebook, and I just happened to see it. Well done. Thanks for writing it. Glad I read it.

    I started to scan through the comments. Wish I hadn’t.

  980. Well, stupidity didn’t quite outnumber intelligence. If you take a look at the top 10 most educated states, they ALL voted for Obama. And 9 out of 10 of the least educated states voted for Romney (NV went to Obama). Now, do the math!

  981. it is tragic, that you believe 911 was carried out by “terrorists”. it is tragic that our government used 911 to perpetuate endless war and erode our bill of rights(patriot act/NDAA). it is tragic that you will censor this. it is tragic that you THINK you have a choice when voting for red or blue when you are really voting for corporate power/bailouts and a corrupt monetary system.

  982. While I hope the future is not quite as dark as Robert suggests I agree with him. I believe the following quote from a european observer supports his premise that all is lost for our once great nation:
    “The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency, than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment, to an electorate, willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper, and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president. – author unknown”

  983. I said some things Tuesday night I met regret…but Wednesday morning I had already forgotten what I said and the fact that I said anything at all.

  984. I am a native New Orleanian AND a first responder in the aftermath of Katrina. If you were not there, you have no right to judge — refer to what Kathryn said, please, because she said it so well, but some of us stood on the Interstate and watched while the National Guard WAITED FOR ORDERS to enter New Orleans. Much to the despair of the Guardsmen who truly wanted to help, they waited for DAYS under orders. One thing you will NOT see: New Orleanians snarking at New Yorkers, “why didn’t you leave? Why do you live there when disasters happen all the time? Why do you live on the coast when you know there will be storms?” No New Orleanian will EVER say that to a New Yorker. We KNOW what it’s like to live in a city where many people — mostly elderly — have no car and depend on public transit. We know what it is like to love a place for its culture, because if you grow up in New Orleans or New York it’s very, very hard to live just “anyplace” else. I suppose if you grew up in a suburb at the intersection of two interstate highways and your local “culture” is a collection of strip malls , Outbacks and Applebees, you CAN live “anywhere” else. New Orleans loves and understand New York because we know what it’s like and NO ONE has a right to judge anyone who is too poor to have a car, or too old to help themselves. Why the hell don’t some of you commenters leave the fire/earthquake/tornado/flood zone where YOU live?

  985. So very well said, Jo. Unfortunately, as a cynical and jaded 60-something, I find it all too easy to imagine why people say such ridiculous and stupid things. I lived in North Carolina for awhile in the ’70s and sad to say, not much has changed there. Ignorance and hatred are ingrained. Refusal to face facts and learn from them remains the largest problem for the far right. Though the polls showed the truth, they continued to dismiss them as biased. They could not control the voting public by fantasy.
    I am proud of my nation, proud that more than half could see that we need to work together and help each other. Thanks for a great blog!

  986. I, too, was surprised at the “this is tragic” reaction, but given that these are the people who posted all the Obama isn’t a citizen, he’s a communist/socialist/marxist/terrorist vitreol, we shouldn’t be TOO surprised.

    I DO hope that this time around everybody works together more, to get more done for more of us.

    I only read a few of your comments… yikes, there are a lot of them! I hope there are some supportive ones in there as well.

  987. You rock. We ARE a deeply divided nation, and I agree that both sides do, and will continue, to throw rocks at each other, and say ridiculous, horrific things about the impending demise of our country, based simply on who is occupying the White House, when in fact, this economy was predicted by economists over 30 years ago. Over time, in many, many ways, we managed to turn from an economy based on the production of goods to an economy based on the delivery of services, and THAT has made us weak and vulnerable. That, and the reliance, against all wisdom, on foreign sources of oil. Both parties have contributed to this behavior, folks. Relying on one person, or party, to deliver us from our self-inflicted woes, rather than remembering the principles of the democracy that we are, is madness.

  988. Thank you for sharing an interesting point of view. I wonder where you (and others) might draw the line regarding the use of the words “sad” and “tragic.” We were recently saddened by the passing of one of our pet rabbits. The word “sad” was definitely bandied about, though since it was a natural death, we didn’t think of it as tragic. If she had been eaten by a coyote, though, …. But regarding national sad tragedy, does, for example, the loss of 4 of our citizens on 9/11/12 qualify for either or both terms? How about the deaths of hundreds of Mexican police officers associated with our government’s forced illegal sale of guns to drug cartels? I think election day was in some sense sad and in some sense tragic, but I am certainly not in any suggesting that it was even remotely close to the sad tragedy of 9/11/01.

    Again, thank you for an interesting and thoughtful essay.

  989. So many fewer Exec Orders than “w” and didn’t the demonstration zones originate during the W administration too? Humm. Maybe time to move on. Why look back at grossly misleading robocalls. Who can forget the completely made-up claims that Fiat would move all North American Jeep production to China. BTW – one of the reasons Fiat bought Chrysler is how popular Jeeps like the Liberty (built in Toledo) is in Europe. They produce them here with highly efficient diesels, but we don’t offer them here. Maybe there is the hidden conspiracy we should explore. Not made-up issues like birth certs, college transcripts or speculating about how influential people Obama has spent a few minutes with out of his nearly half century on the planet have been on him and his views!

  990. Jo, wonderfully written. Your post was sent to me by a friend because I shared a similar sentiment on my Facebook page. I am horrified in how our citizens are reacting. It further saddens me that people who have been commenting on your blog have found a new venue to bicker about… whether or not “under God” should be included in the Pledge of Allegiance. Is it really so hard for us to get along for one minute. Have we become a nation so obsessed with having the last word, that we can’t just let it be… or even better… can’t we ever just say something nice? I, like you, will continue to fight the fight to build a better world and not get dragged down with the negativity that is threatening to over take us all!

  991. You don’t really need anymore feedback on this but let me offer mine. I did not vote. I am a Christian. I believe God is a real and benevolent being who made the earth and the mouths of those who are respectful and those who aren’t. I put Christ at the center of my life, marriage, and business. I believe in charity. I believe health care shouldn’t be a business but an inalienable right. I believe that gay men and women should be able to serve our country without ridicule. I believe those should also be allowed equal rights under the law in regards to marriage/civil unions/ whatever. They aren’t criminals for being gay and in fact Christ spoke of divorce being a sin but never spoke of homosexuality. I believe women have the right to contraceptives and sexual health however I do not believe that this should include abortion as a form as birth control. I know that USA wasn’t formed as a Christian nation even if my faith wants to believe it was. I believe the first amendment and first commandment are direct contradictions to one another because the quite literally are. I believe that church and the state should be separate because I do not want the church to be regulated by the state. I also believe completely in the original post. This is NOT the end of the world. The literal predictions that this is the end of the world is quite biblically in accurate as the bible says no man will know the time or place there by saying Obama is giong to bring about the end of the world is ignorant. I believe that America as a whole has lost site of the actual structure of government and what the President actually is. He or she (when that happens) is not a dictator. They can’t control taxes, law, or even declare war. I also believe that when 2016 comes around and a new president is elected, all the doomsdayers will have to just admit that they are racist as I truly believe that most if not all the “WASP”s problems stem from there. Awesome ORIGINAL post, the rest or at least what I read seem to have just skimmed your post, turn on Fox or MSNBC and let there ignorant dribble spew out.

  992. Marge, “we can’t expect different results…” That’s why I voted for Obama – twice. Romney seemed to be trying to take us back to the same things over again.

  993. Thank you for this humbling article to help EVERYONE keep in perspective what tragedy really is.

  994. The “Under God” bit is a fairly recent invention. The founding fathers wanted to keep the specifics of religion out of our governing process. Freedom of and from religion is part of our basic rights. Our government is in no way under any god; it is supposed to be accepting of all gods, or lack thereof.

    A good portion of our founding fathers were not Christian, but Deist. Keep that in mind. And if you don’t know what Deism is, look it up.

  995. That’s Thor, thank you very much. Hail (after the car gets put in the garage) Thor, God of Thunder!
    Yeah, it was silly.
    Happy Weekend people.

  996. I agree with you Marina. It seems like many of you didn’t really READ or UNDERSTAND this beautifully written article. I understand that everyone is entitled to there own opinion but I whole heartedly agree with this.

  997. Andy,
    Since you mentioned joining the military and you refered to the POTUS as “Commander and Chief,” I’m going to assume you’re a young guy and give you the benefit of the doubt, especially since what you wrote soubds like something you picked up from your paranoid, conspiracy theorist father at the dinner table one night. Take it from someone who lived through the Reagan years, you’re very, very wrong. As for pointing the finger at OUR president in regards to what happened at Benghazi, I hope you also took into account the fact that the GOP openly admitted to cutting the embassy security budget by 20%. Never mind the fact that under George W’s watch, a whopping 11 embassies were attacked with 50-some Americans dying as a result. President Obama’s far from perfect, but it is vital that you get your facts straight and complete before pointing fingers and claiming the world is coming to an end like another insane corner-side street preacher screaming about the apocalypse. I hope you start watching something other than Fox News and you have a good day, my friend. It’s not nearly as bad as you may have been led to believe.

  998. Bravo, Jo. I’ve heard many people say similar things, but I can’t help but wonder how many actually believe it. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Obama’s first term as President, it’s this: 4 years is not much time to fix a government that was already broken, and the President really doesn’t have the power to do much on his own. There are 535 people in Congress that need to learn to play nice in the sandbox and share their toys in order to make our lives better. Unfortunately, I only have the ability to re-elect or replace 3 of them, so maybe each American needs to investigate their own Senators and Representatives. If your guy does good for your region AND the whole country, keep him (or her); otherwise, send ’em packing in 2 years – or 4 or 6 or whenever he or she is next up for re-election. THAT is the democratic process.

  999. You do know the recession/depression started in 2007. Bush had a 300 billion stimulus in the summer of 08 in case you have forgotten, but it was too small and didnt work. We were losing 800 thousand jobs a MONTH when Obama took office in Jan 09. He stopped the bleeding and turned things around we are now gaining 150K jobs a month. Also the LAST Bush Budget was the one in 09, you know the one with a 1.6 trillion dollar deficit. You do understand that the budget is formulated and voted on the year BEFORE it is enacted. 80% of all spending TODAY is from Bush era legislation and policies like 2 unfunded wars and medicare part D. Never before in history did the USA go to war and CUT taxes. No we have always PAID for our wars. Not the GOP unnecessary wars like Iraq. Really. Who is the “Tron”? Or were you still in highschool during the years before the last election?

  1000. ah but sheila….. God has a permissive will and a perfect will…. to say that He wanted obama in office is saying you speak for God…. slippery slope to navigate

  1001. We had a much higher GDP to debt ratio after WWII, and we took care of it. There is no reason why we cannot do that now as well.

  1002. It was a Sad a Tragic Day, and for you not to be against it when you say yourself your parents fled from Communism back in 81! well guess who is running our country?, a communist. this is the socialist states of America!! I talked to a guy who lived in Russia during that time and he said with Obama elected he see’s all the signs of Communism, he said we are heading towards our Demise. This Country is Obama’s Cross hairs and he is just waiting to take this country down.

  1003. alkfjdsoi,
    1. Bush cabinet members linked to scandals… O’s cabinet mired in Fast & Furious, Benghazi massacre & coverup, Kathleen Sebelius electioneering, Leaking military secrets (Seal Team 6), violating the WARN Act (Lockheed Martin), etc..
    2. The War was approved by a Democratic controlled Congress, not just by Bush. O unilaterally decided to bomb Libya without the approval of Congress and he increased military presence in Afghanistan. If you want to look at true abuse of power, examine the 140 EXECUTIVE ORDERS O has enacted paying close attention to the one that permits the indefinite detention of American citizens.
    3. Katrina was a disaster because the governor of LA failed to formally request help (that triggers a FEMA response). However, that isn’t a guarantee that residents will get any help, just ask the people on Staten Island whom O’s FEMA deserted after Sandy.
    4. Bush graduated from the same school as O.
    5. Halliburton… see #1.
    6. S&L scandal… the Senate oversight committees for Fannie & Freddie were warned as early as 1995 that the housing market could collapse if not restructured and this collapse would take the financial market with it. Dems Schumer, Dodd, Frank, Reid, etc. were overseeing the committee and failed to act because they were making $$$ (aka. research Goldman Sachs).
    7. EPA… Bush’s EPA sued and won billions of dollars from companies violating the NSR ($1.2 billion alone from Virginia Electric Power). O spent $20.5 billion dollars on green energy companies, most of which went bankrupt within 2 years.
    8. Valerie Plume… comparable to Biden’s national security leak exposing the Seals who took out Osama. Klayman (former DOJ prosecutor) is seeking to indict O and Biden for these leaks.
    9. NSA wiretapping… the renewal of NSA was opposed by a single Democratic Senator when it came before Congress. Obama advocated continuing NSA without detailing how it was to be used.
    10. CIA gutting… comparable to the $900 billion O is taking from next year’s Pentagon budget.
    11. And now, my favorite, The PATRIOT ACT… written by none other than V.P. JOE BIDEN, circa 1995.
    If you think Bush was the worst president in American history, you need to do some more research on the current administration.

  1004. To the manager of this website. You ever heard of the will of the people. It’s called Democracy! What you call sad and tragic. The 99% call happy and productive. It’s no longer business as usual. It’s a shame that image you’re attempting to project is so screwed up and I’m sorry your feeling are hurt because your feel threatened, but life must go on. Try living the will of the people you may find that you like it.

  1005. ah but sheila…you seem to forget… God has a perfect will AND a permissive will… so to say that got wanted obama reelected is saying you are speaking for Him…. slippery slope to navigate…………

  1006. Beautiful and well said. You brought tears to my eyes. Too bad there are so many people not respecting your request for respect and posting some less than kind things.

  1007. Good post full of good points. I feel bad for you though, it is probably exhausting to read all of these comments. I wonder if there is a way to disable comments for this post. I have lots of opinions about this too but I don’t think posting them here will be helpful in any way. Good Luck!

  1008. Canadians also have socialized medicine, no abortions restrictions and gay marraige is allowed. I dont think he would like it there

  1009. Yeah…You might want to think about taking your head out of the Fox “News” trough…

  1010. Nice post. I’m with you, for the most part, but would like you to please elaborate on why you think Pres. Obama is out of his league…? This is not meant to bate you into an argument, or debate, but without clarification your statement alleging the president is out of his league is simply an assertion, and not an adequate premise. Your second premise was fine, methinks. Without both premises being adequate, your conclusion that neither candidate was a good choice cannot be validated no matter how well you argue it – even if your conclusion is true. I am on board with your overall sentiment, though – truly.

  1011. Check your history, the phrase “under God” wasn’t officially added to the Pledge of Allegiance until June 14, 1954. This country was not founded as some “believers of GOD only” nation.

    The original Pledge of Allegiance, as written in 1892: I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

  1012. ” It’s tragic that stupidity out numbers intelligence here in the United States!”
    Should read:
    ” It’s tragic that stupidity outnumbers intelligence here in the United States!”
    One ranting about intelligence should proofread.

  1013. hmmmm.. you may want to rethink your position…there are many of your brethern in the scientific community that adhere to the anthropic principle which, in short, says that everything in the universe has a design…. so common sense, logic, and deductive reasoning says that if there is a design there has to be a designer…. however reducing it to a more banal position… if your parents put you here then who put their parents here and there parents and there parents and there parents and there parents……….. and …. and ….. and ….. ………………….

  1014. AGREED! I was 7 years old standing 5 hours in line to get toilet paper for the whole family. So were all others members of my family. Many times they would not want to sell it to me, since due to its shortage it was portioned. “If I can stand in the like for 5 hours I deserve to get toilet paper!!!” I yelled at a lady and she handed it to me quickly tearing out a proper amount of squares off a tp voucher. Socialism is a beautiful idea, but that’s all there is to it and people, especially here know nothing about it. I don’t want Socialism here in America, lol, but I want to be able to contribute and whether it is through paying for health care so others who can’t afford it would have it or busting my butt up an corporate ladder to donate to charity I want to do it, because I have seen poverty and hunger and worse… America won’t change its mentality easily… Or maybe never… My mom most likely would have been accused for child exploitation and illegal child labor here in US for having me stand in that line for hours on end, but to us – that was our life, a never-ending fight, until we did get in stores everything we needed, but capitalism and free enterprise fired my dad (electrical engineer) and would not hire my mom(a teacher) coming from 3 years extended maternity leave (because my sister was born handicapped)… Luckily it didn’t last long, but it did put our family in a peril financially… Thanks god for mandatory healthcare at that time or it would have not been pretty. Thank ou for sharing. Jadwiga

  1015. You are both right and wrong about lecturing people about using the term “tragic”… Think of this…
    A foreign exchange student was asked by an American High School teacher how he felt about American politics and government and how wonderful our “free country” was… His response was to ask the teacher if she knew how they trapped wild pigs in his country? He explained that you first start feeding them in the woods in the exact same spot day after day until they got used to the routine even though it wasn’t good for them to not to roam… after a long period of time you put up one side of a fence and continue to put the food out, eventually they get used to the fence and come back for the food. Once they are totally complacent about the first fence you put up a second fence making a 90 degree angle. They will spook but once they come back and get used to that fence you put up the third fence at another 90 degree angle where they can only come and go for the food in one direction. lastly you wait until they are in the enclosure and you put up the last fence, and they are no longer free and no longer fight.

    It might not be a huge TRAGIC event like 911, but on the whole our nation and the people have become less and less free and more and more willing to put up with stronger and stronger laws. The original Boston tea party was a physical thing and reaction over a tax… but what do we do now when our gas is so pricey we are forced to give up our trucks for cars or cars for the bus? In the UK they had farmers who protested by parking their tractors and farm equipment on the highways…. All we do is complain and whine on facebook and call something a tragedy…

    Were lives lost on election day? NO; but I wouldn’t put those down who are so fueled by the outcome they speak their mind so strongly… They just might be the same people who actually take up arms and defend this country and YOUR freedom to put them down when and if the day comes that a president DOES try to change us from a democratic society to a communist one… That day you might be sad that you stopped being facebook friends with them…

    Not saying you don’t have a good point; I’m just pointing out the same freedoms that you are telling these people “shut up and appreciate” ARE the freedoms they are enjoying and putting to use by calling out as strongly as they know how. They are USING the American right that you are defending… and if you tell them they shouldn’t be — isn’t that a catch 22?

  1016. Hey Robert. You are absolutely correct. We are finished. Please leave my country, as soon as you have the opportunity. There is nothing left for you here. A quick suggestion first, if I may? Try central Africa.There are plenty of countries there that believe in the bible as a literal truth, and you would fit in there beautifully. They also pour acid on children because they think they are possessed by demons, when in reality, they just have autism. But never mind all of that.

    I just read and re-read your rambling, delusional rant and I have to say…bravo. I am going to copy and paste that in an email to all of my friends as a reminder to avoid the flyover states. That is maybe the best example of uninformed and crazy right wing nonsense I have ever heard. Well played, sir…..well played.

  1017. Your whole rant is full of fallacy, and fantasy. So much so, in fact, I will not even attempt to overturn the deeply-ingrained ideology driving these factually-incorrect statements. I do want to point out two things, though, because they will get at the heart of your ignorance (I don’t think you are stupid, but you do exhibit signs of being knowledge deficient).

    First, your understanding of our history as a people is flawed – our Founding Fathers were “progressive secularists,” and humankind has been a “socialist” species for 99.9% of its existence (hundreds of thousands, or millions, of years depending on how you define humanity).

    Second, your argument loses impact when you begin by stating, “Having reached the point of no return in a comatose state after years of progressive and illegal immigration assaults,” and then end it with, “I mourn today the loss of my adopted country.” It’s a little hypocritical…as are many of your slights against those who didn’t vote for your ideology (they did, however, ultimately vote in your, and their, best interest even if you don’t recognize that).

    I suggest you look into expanding your sources of information because you don’t seem to be in touch with what is actually happening in our national economy, the global political landscape, nor do you operate with any kind of historical perspective or relativism. Slinging empty slogans about, which were spoon fed to you by a ruling elite playing on your fears and biases to their benefit, does not mean you are informed, nor patriotic.

    In the end, we are all Americans expressing our opinions, which themselves are a reflection of our enculturation, socialization, and experiences. You cannot be the champion of freedom when you curse and condemn those who exercise their freedoms and rights simply because they disagree with you, and choose to express so. Freedom and democracy do not mean everyone gets what they want all the time, and certainly don’t imply that you get to lord over people who are different than you.

  1018. Did you know the original Pledge of Allegiance did not have the words ” under God” ?That was inserted in the 1950s to distinguish us from the “Godless Russians.”

  1019. Umm I dont think it was Obama who advanced legislation declaring an embryo to have property rights or that a woman should be forced to bear her rapists’s baby. It was not Obama who wanted to cut taxes on the top 1% by 20% and pay for it by capping deductions for working people to 17K (the standard dedcution for a family of 4 is 19,500, that means the mortgage deduction, charitable dedcution, education deduction, child care credit, earned income credit etc, basically all deductions for working class eliminated while not touching carried interest and reducing capital gains and dividend taxes to ZERO) That was YOUR dudes wanting to do that at the behest of unelected Grover Norquist, the Koch Brothers and Sheldon Adelson.

  1020. Electing an idiot who, after FOUR YEARS, couldn’t pass a SINGLE budget, has tripled our debt and who resides over an 8% unemployment rate IS tragic.

  1021. I think you owe an apology to the friend you deleted. Technically Obama is a terrorist. The drone strikes, including the one he authorized the day after the election are illegal, The drone war violates both domestic and international law, and the Obama administration’s vehement disdain for transparency in government is the only thing keeping it from public and legal scrutiny. Beyond the law, it’s terrorism… America can have terrorists too and Obama is one!

  1022. Well said! I’ll be sharing this with several people I know! You said what I felt, but put it much more beautifully! Well done!

  1023. You do know he served three terms in the Illinois state legislature before he was elected to the US Senate. Then he taught Constitutional law at the University of Chicago. Please do some Real research.

  1024. Way to say it beautiful you had me at the sad part and I figured it was just another rant on Obama and how he doesn’t do anything and what a nice surprise thanks for giving us jaded born here Americans a fresh point of view. It is time for us to hold hands and sing together again Thanks again. Lynne

  1025. Over 100,000 and some say up to a MILLION innocent Iraqis died from the US invasion of Iraq based on LIES. So you would rather have the terrorists IDIVIDUALLY taken out by drones or MILLIONS of dead from Jdams and invasion? Or would you rather have Al quaeda blowing up office buildings in the USA because we do NOTHING about them.

  1026. Well stated and true. I especially liked the part about rainbow colored unicorn poop. All kidding aside, I agree completely. Things need to kept in the proper perspective. Thanks for reminding me. JWS

  1027. Couldn’t pass a SINGLE budget -Why??? Do you might think it might be the republican control congress ??????

  1028. Thank you David for clarifying the facts. I feel compelled to remind people of faith, that none of our opinions about our leaders, or our nations responsibility towards them, will ever change the fact that God is in control. He and He alone appoints our kings, and His reasons are always in our best interest. Whatever we think about our leaders is not as important as what our true leader is trying to tell us… put your trust in Him, and all of these things will be revealed according to His will..

  1029. The pledge of allegiance, was written by a Baptist minister who was also a socialist. A man of strong faith and convictions and he didn’t put god in it.

  1030. I am a white, married woman over the age of 40 and I also voted for Obama! Unlike some people who cannot give you a true reason why they voted for Mitt other than because Obama is a “Muslim” or because of the last 4 years, I can back up my vote. I won’t and will never vote for a party that does not see humans equal regardless of race, gender, rather they are gay or straight or the life style they chose. I cannot vote for a party that tries to inflict their religious beliefs on others, that is why we have separation of church and state. Everyone has the right to their opinions, but to enforce them on others is simply wrong! The God that I pray to does not discriminate against another humane being because of the color of ones skin or if they are in a same sex relationship. I will not vote for a party who agrees on taking away a woman’s right to chose what to do with HER body! Women have fought too long and hard to take 100 steps back. I could not believe some of the comments that came out of Romneys mouth at times. He really has no one to blame but himself for losing this election. America spoke so now it’s time for the republicans to reavaulate themselves and try to be a little more love and understanding in their hearts!

  1031. Hitler was a Fascist and Hated the socialists and outlawed the socialist and communist parties (the SPD adn the KPD) in Germany when he took power in 1933. Germany is NOW a Social Democratic country with nationalized medicine, free university tuition, and every profession and industry is unionized (even waitresses). The top three most prosperous countries in the world are ALL socialist, Norway, Denmark and Sweden. They are also the happiest countries in the world. You need to do some research. Mark Levin is NOT any kind of an historian or anything but a right wing shill. I once heard him say on air that the japanese treated our WWII pows very well. The man is an Idiot.

  1032. Do some research into the “under God” part, folks. Was NOT originally there. The United States Congress officially recognized the Pledge for the first time, in the following form, on June 22, 1942: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” “Under God” was added in the 1950s. I’m not against your God, but am against insisting that our nation was founded under one God. Separation of church and state means we all get to worship in the way we choose. Including those who choose not to believe.

  1033. Why would Christians all vote for Romney because of those two things? I don’t believe that all Christians are that closed minded. Right wing nut job Christians will vote for Romney because of those things. All Christians do not share those exact beliefs.

    As a Christian… no, as a Human, I am against killing babies. But I recognize that a mother has an understanding of her situation and has the right to make decisions about her own health and the situation that she is in and that she might not be in a position to care for a baby. People will still make the choice to get an abortion even if it is not legal and they will injure themselves to the point where they may die if they feel they don’t have another option. This is simply a fact of human nature.

    So for me, as a Christian, the solution to abortion is not to ban it, but to provide other options and support for parents who are considering abortion and make them attractive to those parents. I think that’s a better way to save babies and mothers.

  1034. Ive read most of these coments on here,Iagree with some,some I do not.I once read a coment that was scracthed on a wall that said , We have made ourselfs what we are today!I just wish we would take a second and ponder these words, and stop blameing each other,and try to do some good for our county.I grew to belive in the USA,and hope we can make a beter life for us ,our children and all after them.I still belive that their is still hope for us.

  1035. sheila,
    though we may not agree on everything – it sure looks like we have more in common and for this I am glad. We believe that it is good to be able to vote every four years. We believe in standing together for our country in spite of any other differences. We believe in supporting our President even if he or she is not the one we voted for. We believe that there are other more important things to keep working on between elections.
    Perhaps all of those ‘God bless America’ prayers do indeed work. Because whether or not some of us think the President is a blessing, we certainly have enough other blessings to be thankful. Nice meeting you sheila !

  1036. Jo, this is an amazing post. So well put and so diplomatically. You make a number of excellent points, not the least of which is that we could all exercise a healthy dose of perspective, where from here in Jersey, there has been quite a bit lately. President Obama may not have been some people’s preference, but turning a blind eye to the fact that he was handed a huge mess upon entering the Oval Office is both unfair and irresponsible.
    At a time when so much of the political discourse is bitter and angry, this piece was a much needed peaceable breath of fresh air. Congratulations on reaching so many people with your powerful message!

  1037. Having said all that though… you’re spot on about everything else. It’s weird that some people don’t recognize that our President and Congressmen are leaders in some sense, but that they are meant to act as our representatives and that they are supposed to represent ALL of their constituents, not just the ones that they agree with. That’s kind of the definition of a republic.

  1038. @Just wondering,
    I don’t know how you can say that there haven’t been protests against Obama’s drone strikes. I’ve been in some of them. There have been fewer, and smaller, protests against Obama’s war policies since he didn’t start Iraq or Afghanistan but there were certainly protests against Libya. As for Guantanamo bay, you can’t really blame him for the fact that it’s still running. He tried to close it and Republicans stopped him at every turn. There was also plenty of noise from the left when he signed the re-authorization of the Patriot Act.

    So yes, after 4 years of Obama we’re still at war, but we’re in 1 fewer wars than we were when he took office. Bush started 2 and ended none. Obama started 1 and ended 2. Guantanamo is open for business because Republicans won’t let him move the prisoners to solitary confinement in SuperMAX prisons in the USA, as though they’re Superman or Magneto or something. We are deeper in debt and we would be regardless of whether Obama, McCain or Romney were in charge. Same with the drone strikes.

    So, you can disagree with Obama’s policies. I disagree with some and agree with others myself. You just can’t say that there haven’t been any protests against them. Even on the left there have been plenty of anti-Obama protests. We just realize that voting in Romney wasn’t going to improve anything.

  1039. “Under God was not added until the 1950’s in the height of the Cold War. Whether or not you believe in him or not it does not belong there.

  1040. Tell it to the families killed in the US consulate attack in Benghazi, this administration refused to send help, told help that was close by they couldn’t go help.

  1041. @ Jeff, Actually there was at the University of Mississippi. Aslo theKKK vowed a race war on 60 minutes a couple weeks ago.

  1042. I’m an atheist, so I’m not looking for the most god fearing candidate. But I do find it ironic that people on the religious right were so gung ho for Romney.

    Obama is a Christian. Romney is a Mormon. If you are a Christian, he worships a different religion than you do. A religion that believes a lot of different things about God than you do. A religion with very strong central control. Members of the Mormon religion take commands from the church.

    If I was a member of the religious right, I’d be a lot more worried about a Mormon than a fellow Christian.

  1043. Thank you for your perspective. I agree with most of your points – all you’ve stated in this post, actually – but also guess that we would have differences based on your strong devotion to religion, etc. I truly enjoyed reading what you had to say, Rudy, because although we might have some differences, it would not be hard to have impassioned discussions with someone like you. And, if after having just such a lively debate, we still didn’t agree, it seems that it wouldn’t be hard to still be friends, neighbors, American citizens, etc. Your post illustrates civility, in my opinion of what that concept means. We can all be ourselves and have our own views, but also must be able to make compromises based on mutual respect and social well-being – a social contract where we can disagree, yet still coexist and cooperate. You seem very level-headed while remaining strongly convicted. This is the sort of civility I wish permeated our political and social discourse.

  1044. People are just passionate and being all dramatic. And when you can type instantly what your emotions are feeling, the result is a bunch of dumb comments. I’ve even been guilty of it myself. (maybe right now. ha.) I hear what you’re saying though. We all need to take a step back and realize what we have.

  1045. I don’t think people were rushing to post that it was a ‘sad and tragic day for our nation’ because they were butthurt their candidate lost, but rather more weepy for what the President represents. Military men & women across the country are displaying flags upside down, not as a sign of disrespect, but because it is a documented sign of DISTRESS. And a sad and tragic day for our nation- yes, 9/11 will forever live on as one of the MOST tragic days in our history- can be the Benghazi debacle. Show those pictures. Those lives lost. Of course people will be upset that a man who did nothing about that was reelected. A man who has butchered the past four years, and launched us forward, perched on the edge of the cliff of total economic disaster. Maybe other countries have it worse, but that’s why we are the land of the free, our streets are paved with opportunity, and we have choices. The way things are going, we won’t be like that for long.

  1046. Which god properly represents our country? You may say each of the hundreds of christian churches are one in the same when it comes to the statement “one nation under god” but try forcing a member of one church to go to a another. True freedom of religious choice comes when statements of religious allegiance are removed from government. Anyway even atheists, or agnostics should be represented in a pledge of freedom to our country.

    Should it really be one nation under Catholics? Baptists? Mormons? etc?

  1047. The line ‘one nation under God’ was added sometime, like in the 50’s or 60’s. It has no place in everyone’s life because it is just a belief! And our parents are the one’s who did the dirty and put us here. Not an invisible man in the sky.

  1048. Even as a Christian I accept that “Under God” wasn’t added until late, late, late in our nation’s history (the 50s). Here’s a point Christians forget: we’re to submit to government entities, but only to the extent the policies align with God’s will.

    How is a nation “under God” when the vast majority advocate the legalization of pot, prostitution, abortion, gambling, gay-union, war, corrupt business practices? We’re far from being “under God.” I suggest that if you’re a Christian on this forum, you hold your tongue. Pray for our leaders, share the good-news of Jesus Christ.

    If you’re not a believer, I beg of you to look to Jesus. The only way to be saved is through Jesus. Believe/ repent, confess Jesus is Lord, and you will be saved. Live for Him!

    As far as any pledge or national anthem, I will not sing it, I will not place a hand over my heart and “pledge” to a flag that embodies everything Sodom and Gmorah were.

    It’s time to take to the streets and preach repentance, for the kingdom of God is at hand. Lord, help us.

  1049. I find it ridiculous that there are still those who actually believe that the 9/11 incident was a “terrorist” attack. 11 years on, the motives of those who planned & executed the incident should be much clearer; World’s most powerful nation, the USA rallied against the islamic terror, emanating from the middle east, where there just happens to be plentiful high gravity oil in the hands of a bunch of desert dwelling arabs with AK47’s, chanting “death to israel & USA!”. So these arabs got together and devised this heinous plot of knocking down the WTO? Both buildings, almost simultaneously and with precision by hijacked passenger aircraft? The hits were so perfect & precise that both buildings came down in a fashion that would make any demolition engineer green with envy. The awful fact is, that its actually safer to believe that arab terrorists did it, rather than entertaining the horrible (but credible) possibility that it was probably done by the followers/members of the group who also assassinated JFK… All is not what they seem, not even in the greatest nation of all time. Don’t be suckered into the media’s fairy tales and always keep a suspicious eye on the lookout

  1050. Just a quick note to the god debaters … the Declaration of Independence attributes our rights as being endowed upon us by our Creator (capital C).

    The responses to things like the Pledge of Allegiance kinda strike me as silly, because the nation was founded by Christians. Abraham Lincoln was in fact the first to famously use the “nation under God” notion, in the Gettysburg Address. It was indeed added to the Pledge in the 1940’s.

    America was founded as a Christian nation practicing religious tolerance, and the separation of Church and State. This doesn’t enhance or detract from most of the arguments made, and it’s not to say we are a Christian nation today necessarily, but it was a fundamental component of our foundation … an inherent part of it, even. It was not and never has been mandatory for any given American to be a Christian, but to make wild claims that the nation was divorced from faith-based motivations until McCarthyists added “Under God” to the pledge in the 1940’s is a little silly.

    To the actual article, bravo … and truth. Those who were extraordinarily hateful and depressed about America under Bush are JUST AS RIDICULOUS as those presently being hateful and depressed about America under Obama. Neither selection was a tragedy for America, neither has been our worst President historically or even close to it, and BOTH were elected by the due process of our nation’s electoral practices (annoying conspiratorial hanging chad commentary aside). We’d all do well to move more toward the middle, and stop making every 4 years about trying to see “the other half” of the country “lose.”

  1051. What’s tragic is that you don’t realize that you have free will and don’t have to read anything you find offensive.

  1052. just a little f.y.i…. the original bible had a book of epoch…. and i am glad to see you capitalized His name

  1053. I shared this article on Facebook…then my friends shared it….and so on….then one of my Republican friends (that verbally attacked me the day after the election) apologized to me.
    This was a GREAT READ! You should be proud of yourself…this article could go viral!

    Here’s to hoping…..

    and here’s to wishing everyone will take it to heart.

  1054. Jo,

    You probably won’t see this amongst all of the politics, but the story that you told about leaving Poland is exactly what happened to me. We left Poland a couple of months before martial law. I was 5 at the time. I also agree with your political points.


  1055. i really liked what you said. i lost one important person on my list also he was my stepfather. he always screamed online about his hate for obama ok he can love or hate anyone he wants on election day i told him please stop these hate post it is election day you cant change anyones opinion now so please stop.
    he got mad at me and said he can do anything he want he lives in america and that i don´t. background i am a american born and raised kentuckian ex army and war vet but i live in europe and travel the world working. been too 43 different countries since i was 18.
    now his comment made me very mad how can you say my opinion does not count because i live not with in the borders does that make me less of a american . all because i ask him to stop the hate posting. he deleted me. now i know how he feels about me. i am less than a american in his eyes. i dont have the rights as a american because i dont live in the borders.
    why cant everyone look at the kentucky state motto and use it “united we stand divided we fall” take that too heart now all pull together and make it work

    p.s sorry about poor grammar i am a bit tired writing this from accra ghana on a jobsite

  1056. Yes, by all means, put your hopes and dreams in the invisible spirit in the sky. That will solve ALL our problems. And it wasn’t “one nation, under God” until 1955.

  1057. I think it is funny that you posted info on how your parents came from a Communist country to come to this country for freedom and oppertunity…I wish people would wake up and see that our president comes from a communist family. All his idols and all his role models….are communist…that isn’t me…in his own book! I mean look into it, research it! I saw all the terrible posts too…Makes me sad…i too wish we could all sit and sing together in peace but i know the truth. there are terrible people out there that feel their duty in life is to kill americans. There are people who want hate and want terror… sadly singing together won’t happen… But we as americans can protect this great freedom that your family came here for. It starts by stopping the government from turning us all in to a socialist/communist country.

  1058. n 1954, Congress after a campaign by the Knights of Columbus, added the words, ‘under God,’ to the Pledge. The Pledge was now both a patriotic oath and a public prayer.———————————–Even those who don’t believe in God are Americans.And I doubt God(if he exists) cares for politics, or one country over another.
    This blog post is a very good one, and we can all learn from it, as Jo is right.Very good post.

  1059. Very good Harry! I am often made nervous by extreme religious beliefs being mixed into political beliefs. they are and should remain separate.
    Moral issues need to stay at home and in church and not as laws.
    Womens’ rights of choice, contraception, etc are under fire once again. this argument goes all the way back to Margaret Sanger, who said that” a woman is not truly free until she can choose if and when to become a mother”.
    As long as Republicans keep this conversation going, they will continue to be the minoritiy party.

  1060. “Bill” has a fantastic way of saying this. The social issues – straight, white males deciding the fates of gays and women, motivated by a fundamentalist voter base – were a part of Romney’s platform that were fairly unforgivable. I am spiritual, but religion dictating the path of our politics just means that people have an unquestionable reason for backing up their personal beliefs, which vary widely.

    Obama’s a politician. I don’t like him very much because he, like anyone in his position, will be swayed by American imperialism and hegemony (which is DIFFERENT from defense – not a distinction that we like to make anymore) as well as corporate interests. But his head is at least somewhat on social issues and the defense of the middle and lower classes, unlike Romney.

    Also, Clinton was an idiot in the bedroom and a brilliant politician alike. We as a country need to get over his personal life and realize the way he turned around the debt:
    (Obama’s spike is mostly dealing with the recession that GWB saddled him with, but I’m sure he could have handled it better in respect to China)

    tl;dr: Obama’s far from great, but he’s a far cry up from someone who thinks that he can get away with slashing taxes to the obscenely rich to “stimulate,” who virtually ignored environmental concerns, was complicit in the outing a CIA agent, etc.
    He’s the lesser of two evils, *in my humble perception.*

    Ugh. This is why I’m an independent.

  1061. What makes it tragic and disastrous is that the President has CLEARLY stated through his policies that he is taking us in the direction of Europe, and the freedoms we know and cherish will be lost.

    He immediately is seeking to revive the UN treaty on handguns, which would replace our 2nd amendment right to bear arms.

    He has put us in a position of debt which we cannot hope to repay, making us subject to those countries who lent it to us. His policies will continue to increase our debt, with no way to pay for them. Our taxes will immediately increase come January in drastic amounts, but that won’t even cover the interest on our debt, let alone the cost of the social programs he is instituting.

    He flaunts the system of checks and balances built into the Constitution, going around the House and Senate to do as he pleases – this is going around the people, since the legislators are OUR representatives. This ingenious system of checks and balances was put in place by the founders in order to protect our nation from ever coming under control of a single individual, as we were once under control of the King of England.

    This is not a matter of sour grapes, or “hating” the President – this is serious concern that he will indeed go ahead and do everything he has said he will do. And you can then kiss the United States you claim to celebrate goodbye, and get ready to stand in lines for health care, food and work, just like they do in Europe.

  1062. Peter, He didn’t pass a budget when he had a super majority of Dems in the House and Senate either, as a matter of fact, not a single Dem voted for his budget proposal in the last 3 years. Republicans only control the House of Representatives, thats only half of Congress. They have passed budgets; many of them. They have all been shut down in the Democratically controlled Senate.

  1063. It seems that the message of this blog was lost on many, as evidenced in the above comments. Thank you Jo for reminding us that we’re in it together, despite our differences.

  1064. Wait – he started out with a Democratic House AND Senate . . . that “the republicans did it” excuse doesn’t wash!

  1065. The Republican Party is a party of traitors and false Christians, and I give thanks to the True and Living God that truth prevailed over the bigotry and classism of the GOP. I don’t regard y’all as good people — I think you are to be classed with Nazis and pedophiles and are the only real enemies this country has. May good people — and the supporters of the GOP platform are not good people — rise to purge the church of the liars who claim to follow Jesus but instead prostitute themselves to bankers and politicians.

  1066. Awesome. A brilliantly written post that puts perspective in the whole matter. Whether you voted red, white, blue, or purple, the fact that you had the option to vote is incredible. And maybe, just maybe, if we would get over any discord we might have and learn to start working together more (especially the government) instead of bashing each other over the head, this world might just remain to be the wonderful, opportunistic country it is. So kudos to you! I loved this post!!

  1067. I have to admit, I merely skimmed the comments after reading the article.

    Firstly, I have to say that I completely agree with your post. I wasn’t for Romney, but the person I wanted didn’t get elected either. I may or may not have twisted the knife for all the sore losers, but had they not been sore losers I wouldn’t have trolled them so badly. Lol.

    As far as politics goes, I think people forget that the President is ONE MAN. He isn’t the end-all be-all of decision-making in this country. Yes he has a lot of power and influence but the great thing is that he isn’t a dictator.

    But since Obama has been given four more years, I sincerely hope that he makes the changes he’s promised. He’s made baby steps, so let’s see if he actually does the rest of the things he got elected for the first time instead of heckling the poor man to death. I think Romney is a tool, personally, but if he had gotten elected I would have said the same thing. I still think that rich jerkhead should get audited, though.

    And it wouldn’t hurt my feelings if we stopped with all the war, drones, kill lists, and bad foreign relations-other countries don’t hate us because we’re nice to them lmao.

    And if he brought back all those jobs that were outsourced, that wouldn’t keep me from sleeping at night either.

    At the end of the day, it’s important that we don’t get so narrow-minded to our own preferences that we divide ourselves. It’s just the political song and dance, after all. It’s all a big theater. The actions of the individual citizen are what makes our nation what it is and sets the tone for our communities.

  1068. are so right…….we have a right to express our sadness for our country that is changing in the direction we do not want it to go…..Benghazi was grossly covered up & that is a travesty also….we need the truth & we are not getting it….for people to complain that we are expressing ourselves & mourning for a nation that once was is telling us we do not have the freedom of speech…..we must all continue to express our feeling without putting others down about their feeling!!!!

  1069. I think we, as Americans, are not used to living in a state where there are no human rights or dignity. We are like spoiled children, always getting what we want and never really having to do without. Hurricane Sandy pointed that out to me when the power went out in an otherwise untouched part of New Jersey. Our lives were so disrupted yet we all had roofs over our heads and no one was making insurance claims. We are all crying in gas lines but still driving our cars.

    We all need to stop and think about what is important to us as individuals and as a country. And I agree, stop whining and get involved. Put the anger to good use – it’ll make you feel much better!!

  1070. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! This was very well written and thought out. I am blessed to live in a country which can have people with different opinions but I agree – we must find a way to be respectful and try to see our similarities so we can find that common ground and keep moving forward. Thank you for your lovely, well, written, and thought provoking blog!

  1071. and his senior advisor Valerie Jarrett is an admitted communist….no one wants to talk about that

  1072. The history of the pledge of allegiance:

    The original pledge of allegiance was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy, who was a Baptist minister, and it went like this:

    I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

    In 1923 it was changed to read:

    I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

    It wasn’t until 1948 that Chicago attorney Louis A. Bowman first added the words “under God” to the pledge of allegiance. It wasn’t until June 14th, 1954, that the addition of these two words became official when President Eisenhower signed it into law.

    Since the addition of those two words to the pledge of allegiance, the pledge has become one of the most controversial, divisive decisions ever made by the Government of this country.

    There have even been court cases declaring the requirement to recite the pledge of allegiance to be unconstitutional. Some of them cited the fact that inclusion of the words “under God” were what made it unconstitutional. Other court cases have stated that it violates the first and fourteenth amendments to require students to stand and recite the pledge of allegiance in school. Other court cases have reversed that position and stated that it is constitutional.

    In short, those simple two words have done a lot to turn a once “indivisible” united country into a country that is experiencing a deep divide.

    I ask you, is it really such a great thing to expect of our country’s citizens, when it is the cause of so much division?

    Thanks to this issue and many, many others facing this nation, we have become the Divided States of America, when we once used to be the United States of America. I for one believe in this country, and we need to become United again, and put behind us all the rhetoric and backstabbing that keep us Divided!

  1073. AMEN sista…you tell ’em to wake up…because all you said was great. Thanks for the wake up call.


  1075. Well-written. About the discourse(s) on God,
    I am reminded of a portion of the Second Song of Isaiah: “My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor your ways my ways said the Lord. My thoughts are higher than your thoughts and my ways higher than your ways….”.

  1076. I think both of you are forgetting that there are many religions being practiced within our country and everyone has a right to their belief. Nobody has the right to tell someone else that their thoughts, feelings, faith, what have you, is wrong. And on top of that, freedom of religion is a huge privilege we have, don’t take if for granted nor be close-minded. Also, government and church are separate, I don’t know how many times that was stressed in my history classes across the years, and I think too many in our nation forget that. There is NOT one belief system and tolerance is necessary.

  1077. Dear T Munson: who put God here?

    I am not trying to heckle you to just give you a hard time or anything. But honestly, I find your argument, which I have heard before, and which is actually called teleological argument (the anthropic principle is another concept, and does not postulate existence of God) to be unconvincing. I actually am a Christian, but my faith is not based on the teleological argument. Similarly, while I agree with you that many scientists believe in God, the teleological argument is not a scientific one. Science can neither prove or disprove God’s existence. That’s why there is no real conflict between science & faith.

  1078. WOW!! AMAZING.. EXCEPTIONAL!!! Couldn’t have said this better no matter how hard I tried! THANK YOU!

  1079. I wrote nearly identical sentiments on Facebook the night after the election, only not nearly as eloquently as your words here. I’m sure more people will read your words than mine and I just hope many will take them to heart and put this whole thing in some perspective. Thank you for writing this and please know that I will be sharing it with many others.

  1080. With respect, there is a fallacy in your thinking. Lazy thinking I guess. That you perceive a design doesn’t prove there was a designer other than the natural forces of chance and resistance. Chance produces genetic mutations. Resistance or stress (by the environment) decides which ones will reproduce and which mutations will fail. In this way are all species designed but there is no “overmind” “no designer’s hand” just simply provable scientific principals that repeat over and over through millenia. I have a simple faith in the inter-connectness of all things on the spiritual level. This doesn’t mean that I believe that God designed it all and then sits and messes with it all it all the time. The “Under God” clause to the Pledge of Allegiance was added during one of the darkest times in our nation’s history and was added in a spirit of mean heartedness. Anyone who is proud of it being there is proclaiming that they know nothing of our nation’s history and aren’t Christians as I understand the word. (Agape doesn’t exist in the same heart as hate.)

  1081. Well put Jo Ashline!!! No matter the outcome of an election, we should NEVER lose perspective on what tragic really is.

  1082. (I’m a Brit). Thatcher was probably necessary at the time, and the unions were too out-of-control IMO, but she wrecked the steel industry in this country and large swathes of it (South Wales) have never recovered. My partner, who is a lot more right wing than I am, voted for her twice but recognised in her third term that she was cracking up, which is why he didn’t vote for her again. You guys have a much better system in limiting it to two terms – at least you don’t get stuck with demented Prime Ministers ad infinitum.

    I have to say, it beats me how anyone could consider Obama a socialist. Our govt (old Etonian, Oxbridge, right wing) support him. Mind you, the majority of this country will fight tooth and nail to keep things like nationalised health care.

  1083. You’re absolutely right. I’m posting a quote and link to this article on my Tumblr. I hope it will help spread the sanity.

  1084. Dear Jo,

    Your page is the first and only page ( so far ) that I seen this Headline. That Our Election day, Tragic and Sad. I can not see any comparison of Our Election Day to what I did see September 11, 2001. This is uncalled for and Very Cruel to Show those Twin Towers and re hurt us for our Lost Beloved that one morning!



  1085. You’re very welcome. I was just telling someone the story a few days ago, and seeing someone else tell it is a bit eery. I’d never heard of anyone in the same situation (though, I suppose, there must have been many).

  1086. It’s more a general impression of the first campaign’s rhetoric of hope and change contrasted against his lack of significant progress in changing ‘the game’. Obama passed a few decent laws…a few really good ones…but nothing has actually changed with the way politics work. Had Obama not run on getting in to office and changing Washington that wouldn’t be an issue – people would have gotten the candidate for whom they’d voted. But it was clear early on that either Obama met far more resistance than he expected or else he simply couldn’t deliver on his promises.

    I honestly thought that Obama was the person that was going to get in there and deliver – not on policies but on the entire way that the government approached issues. Maybe the fault was with me but I don’t think so – the sales pitch certainly sold a lot of people on that idea. And the Obama that governed from 2009-2012 was a far cry from the one that campaigned in 2008. Instead of results we got excuses – the Republicans won’t work with me, Bush left things in more of a mess than I’d expected, etc.

    Excuses and blaming the other party was the old way of doing things. Obama ran as someone that was going to bring change to that. The fact that he completely failed to deliver on those promises either means he was overly naive (which would fall into my definition of being out of his league), was incompetent (again, out of his league), or he never intended to do the majority of what he promised in 2008 which would mean that I’m wrong…he wasn’t out of his league. He’s just not the type of politician I want in office.

    In any case, I’ve completely lost hope for what Obama can accomplish. I voted for Dr. Jill Stein this time around and will be hard-pressed to trust another main-stream Democrat for awhile. I feel completely burned on Obama’s first term. Don’t get me wrong. I do think he’s done some good. He just hasn’t delivered on the type of leadership I thought I was voting for in 2008.

  1087. No one has ever proven there is a god…faith and a book…that has been rewritten many times…Science has proven that things have, can, and will evolve , how could we possibly have a different beginning..Just because people want to believe theres more…doesnt mean there is……The Worlds natural ways of things progressing has been at work long b4 us…and will continue to evolve after we’re gone…js

  1088. I really cringe reading these post I mean ppl are saying how they are sad for america etc have you talked to an ordinary lower class american? One that has less then $1000 in their bank account and not sure how they are going to make it from day to day. I listened to both parties effectively because I’m in a horrid state due to the economic and honestly one was able to give answers where the other swayed. I dont want to hear that I’m not important because I’m the 47% I dont want to hear that because I’m a woman I can have rights but they are limited honestly I’ve realized ppl are selfish and all you can think about is yourself and your wallet. If you were truly concerned about me and my family you would know about my economical standings and how I should matter because I’m the one needing government assistance and cant get it. I’m sad because as a woman striving to do more and have a life for my child being on my job for 6+ years and going to school and raising one child and it seems like at times I’m not going to make it but have you ever took time to get off your soap box and look at me and my needs? Are you really sad for america or sad for yourself? Get over yourself.

  1089. I feel like I am sitting in a Twilight Zone episode and even though the majority spoke… that somehow this majority that voted is nothing… and maybe this is the absolute truth… You all, yelling about this, really feel that anybody in America receiving assistance of any kind and anyone who would vote in favor helping people (Not that this is the least of the reasons I voted for President Obama, but also not the most important. But somehow this seems to be at the root of everyone’s complaint) are somehow… stupid, not worthy of a voice, should be forced to do your will… THIS SCARES ME! And it almost sounds like a third world country, one of which is only a few years away from being able to say these same people are also expendable! They are not worthy, they are less of a human than I am, their opinion and or needs are not as important as mine! Are you so scared of the deep and dark places in your hearts that you fear another person could do what you only think of?

  1090. The pledge was written in 1892. At that time, “under god” wasn’t part of the wording. The phrase was added in 1954 at the urging of religious zealots, mostly to contrast the USA as a godly nation with the godless Soviet Union. The nation did just fine without god in the pledge. And we’ll continue to do fine without it.

  1091. Jo, I have to admit I’d seen the link to your post on Facebook all day yesterday and I didn’t follow it for most of the day because of the headline. I thought, “Oh no, not more of that.” And I’ll add I’m not a fan of our president or of his opposition in the election, but really was feeling many of the same sentiments you expressed. Later in the day I saw the link posted by two people I respect – a lot – so I thought I’d take a peek. I ended up posting it as a “shut up already” comment after a long string of petty, name-calling comments I saw on a dear friend’s post (I didn’t agree with his original post but was not getting into the fray). Thank you. People shut up – except one who thought he’d have to get the last word in with a snide remark (and I actually voted for his candidate – though I never disclosed that). Good thing he’s my friend’s friend because he surely wouldn’t be mine! Thank you, thank you for this. And I love the sense of humor that comes through on your update!

  1092. I am so glad this has gone viral on my Facebook page, and while I do not have the time to read every comment, I felt the need to express my thanks. I’m hoping every single comment on this post has been along the same lines. This has put all of my scattered feelings into such clear perspective, and I couldn’t have written it any better. Now I need to backtrack and read more of your blog 😉

  1093. Sorry to burst your bubble, but we’ve only been “one nation under God” since the late 1950s.

  1094. Well, I think one could make the argument that it IS a sad, tragic day. That is, if you believe in fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, the rule of law, and individual freedom and responsibility. There are DEGREES of tragedy and sadness after all.

    The problem is, it wouldn’t necessarily be any better had Romney won. I voted for him because he probably would suck, whereas Obama DOES suck. Proven, if you are informed, which 99% are not. The republican party, now that they only TALK about fiscal responsibility, has left us with only their horrible social issues.

    Libertarians are closest, by far, to having the right policies for America. In fact, I’d bet that there are a large bunch of Dems and Repubs who are Libertarians and don’t even know it.

  1095. Just in case you never have, if you’ve studied even basic economics, you would know that what comes up, must come down. Much like physics, actually. There will come a time that the invisible hand lifts you up to make more money and a time that it will squash you to make less. Sometimes you’ll pay more taxes, sometimes you’ll pay less.

    That happens regardless of who is in the white house or on capital hill. I’m not worried about my freedoms going anywhere. In fact, I’m quite excited that those who are oppressed in this country by “God-love, Christ-fearing Christians” who mask their hatred in a thin veil of faith can actually take a step forward and grasp onto the rights that NO ONE should have denied them in the first place.

    You know nothing of the danger of fleeing a country, you know nothing of true fear, and the very idea that you would compare the author’s escape from TRUE horror to your guy losing is silly, preposterous, and proves what a petty and hateful person you truly are. There’s plenty that Obama has done positive, but you’ll never see it if you don’t get off your ass, turn off Glenn and Rush, and open your eyes and your mind to something other than foolishness.


  1096. Thank you for this post, it’s people like you that continue to give me hope in the American people and that not the entire nation is a babbling facebook crazed morons. Thank you!

  1097. We might hear them if it wasn’t for the absolute poppycock that is constantly spewed from the right.

    Let me know how that birth certificate, college transcript, and “OMG he’s a Muslim Kenyan” thing turns out, K?

  1098. Actually, the definition of a republic is that the state belongs to the people, not to a monarch or a single establishment. The part where representatives are supposed to be working behalf of all the constituents is a facet of democracy. Democracy is self-government.

  1099. who cause the moon to shine, the sun to shine, the stars to shine brightly in the ski. Who created all that was good and righteous in this world. God “HE” created you parents. It is funny how people are quick to say that their is no God . But the minute something happens they call out his name. Praying for you because before life is over you will admit that there is a God one who sits high and looks low. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord !!!

  1100. Wow, somebody has been spending a lot of time listening to Rush Limbaugh. I think that much of the blame for the divisiveness that has taken over this nation falls of the feet of many of the hate mongers in the media who can’t seem to say a civil thing about those who might disagree with them. I believe in freedom of speech but what people like Rush do is akin to yelling fire in a crowded theater. I wish with all my heart that people would just stop listening to the vitriol and begin to think for themselves.

  1101. This is soo sad. And now on this Friday some Leaders in Washington are being
    forced to resign or retire bacause they are not being allowed to talk about the
    lack of help being sent to Bengazi. The fault for this falls directly of B.A., the
    wimpy President of the United States. We need to get rid of this (thing) before the
    entire United States is taken down by him and his Eastern Friends

  1102. Very well written and so well said. People need a reality check. I too unfriended a few people on Wednesday morning. I had one “friend” saying she was going through her list of friends and unfriending them (even if they were family) if we voted for Obama because we just voted for a terrorists, and she would be considering us a terrorist as well for voting for Obama. Look, don’t get me wrong, If Romney won, I would have been disappointed but I would not go around calling my friends who I know voted for Romney a terrorist ect like we were called. Politics is Politics, friends, and especially family are more important than that. No matter who leads this country, we are all lucky to live here. I have no doubt that both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama love this Country and truly wanted to make it better. I also feel that they are both good men. Really. Their views are just different, and I went with the guy who agrees with my views. And aren’t we lucky that we can do that in this country. A “Sad Day for This Nation” will be when we can’t do that anymore. Wake up people. Go back and watch some of the coverage from 9/11. That may remind you what a “Sad and tragic day” looks like.

  1103. Superbly written and I agree. People should keep “sad and tragic” in perspective!! By the way, I wish I could hear your blog in audio format as I drive to/from work each day… Wouldn’t that be awesome?!

  1104. I agree, you said it very well Jo. Let’s remember to pray for our President and our Country to be united as one nation under God.

  1105. Now I am going through some of the comments here and people are still calling this a sad and tragic day and calling Obama a terrorist. It’s amazes me how people can believe anything they see on TV (Fox News) or hear on the Radio (Rush Limbaugh) and believe it as the Gospel. Wow.
    Again, go back and watch news coverage of 9/11 or the day Kennedy was assassinated, or the aftermath of an earthquake or hurricane or school shooting to look at what a true example of what a sad and tragic day for our nation looks like.

  1106. @ Kent E. Moore – You obviously didn’t read it! And, really, “wimpy” and “thing”?!

  1107. I have no idea who you are, but I couldn’t agree with you more. Thanks for your eloquence.

  1108. “…under God” was a later addition to the Pledge of Allegiance. The original version, written by Francis Bellamy, a Baptist minister, in 1892, was written for a Columbus Day flag ceremony and originally read, “I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
    The “…under God” was added by Louis Bowman, an attorney from New York, He made the addition for a Sons of the American Revolution meeting on Lincoln’s birthday, possibly duplicating an addition made in Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.
    Just FYI.

  1109. Geez, all of this because the author of this page thought it’d be nice if everyone joined together for the good of our country and stop portraying our president as a monster bent on detroying our country….now that’s sad and tragic!

  1110. Do you know what E Pluribus Unum is? It’s what the national motto before it was changed to “In God We Trust” in 1954. It was only put there as a morale booster after the red scare, because many people believed that all communists were atheist.

    “One nation, under God” is not, and never was the motto. In fact, it’s not even in the original pledge of allegiance. It was added to it in the mid-1950s for the same reason our motto was changed. And frankly, having it as our motto goes against the very foundation of our country. Freedom of religion also includes freedom FROM religion.

  1111. The tag “under God” was added to the pledge in the 1950s. The original pledge of allegiance had no such reference. Neither did our money have “In God We Trust.”

  1112. “So if you’re feeling a bit down in the dumps today because Mitt Romney won’t be moving into the White House come January, remember that we live in a nation where you get to do this all over again in four years.”

    And if those on the other side, those who lost, those who cannot or will not back down from the crazy they’ve all been drinking and shooting up courtesy mostly of conservative media since Obama was first elected, we will have the same outcome in four years, and four years after that, and four years after that…

  1113. That is YOUR Belief BOOM….Bottom Line “You believe in your God and I Believe in My GODS”!…..That is HOW this Country Works!…Free to believe anyway WE Choose!!!

  1114. Soooo WELL SAID!!! As an American living abroad now for 12 years….I am continuously DUMBFOUNDED by the sheer number of Americans whom have very little knowledge of the world outside of The States And have absolutely NO IDEA how lucky they are in the countless choices and opportunities they have available to them!! 🙂

  1115. Thank you, Jo, for renewing my belief that there are people out there like you with a functioning brain and logical perspective. How ironic that several people who commented on your post strayed so quickly off topic and began a debate on God and Science! Also, the conspiracy theorists crack me up too. I think sometimes people are so bored when things are normal they have to make stuff up to ruck up the drama. 😛

  1116. Your comments on the real vs. bogus tragic events was very smart and presented clearly. But all the comments were even more fascinating and revealing. Maybe the problem is a failure of education. Both parties are guilty of hype and misleading information. That’s why I read the fact-checking on both sides of the debate. But I wonder how did some of these people come up with their weird ideas. Do they just claim anything just because they want it to be true? This statement by Rachel Maddow may help with a reality check. But for God’s sake don’t take my (or her) word on this. Look at newspapers, research online or whatever will help you see reality –then you can love it or hate it “Ohio did go to Obama last night. And he really did win. And he really was born in Hawaii, and he really is legitimately President of the United States, again, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics did not make up a fake unemployment rate last month, and the Congressional Research Service really can find no evidence that cutting taxes on rich people grows the economy, and the polls were not screwed to oversample Democrats, and Nate Silver was not making up fake projections about the election to make conservatives feel bad, Nate Silver was doing math, and climate change is real, and rape really does cause pregnancy sometimes, and evolution is a thing, and Benghazi was an attack on us, it was not a scandal by us, and nobody is taking away anyone’s guns, and taxes have not gone up, and the deficit is dropping, actually, and Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction, and the moon landing was real, and FEMA is not building concentration camps, and you UN election observers are not taking over Texas, and moderate reforms of the regulations on the insurance industry and the financial services industry in this country are not the same thing as communism.”

  1117. God has no place in politics people.
    That is part of the whole problem at the moment.
    People trying to impose their “One True Way”
    on everyone. Keep god in your hearts churches & homes.
    He doesn’t belong in the white house.

  1118. When I read your post regarding your parents fleeing Poland and the reasons why, please know that there are many people who fear, just what your parents fled, happening here. Our Polish friends who fled Poland 35 years ago DO FEEL THIS IS A TRAGIC DAY FOR OUR NATION. My friend who is a Russian Jew, and came here 24 years ago, for freedoms that were whittling away in her home country, says that she has no where in the world to go … and she warned us in 2008 what her fear was. I don’t think there is an American who doesn’t think 9/11 wasn’t tragic – my son joined the military on 9/11/01 to protect our freedoms. The fear is that our freedoms are disappearing. Our religious freedom, our first amendment – is in grave danger. The country is afraid of another four years; please respect those who truly are afraid, and for good reason. God Bless America.

  1119. Nicely done. I’ve never lived anywhere else and I’m so glad my ancestors ventured across the Atlantic with next to nothing just so their families could be Americans. It was exceedingly brave of them to do so, especially the women who came by themselves with their children to join with their husbands already here.

    Time for everyone to remember what this country is supposed to be all about, roll up our sleeves and get to work. If anybody needs a job, there’s plenty of rebuilding to be done here in New Jersey.

  1120. Thank you Jo,

    More people than not appreciate your sentiments… that is why I will also paste a link to your article on my Facebook. I, too, just unfriended someone who would not, could not stop talking nonsense. Furthermore he continued to speak of ‘handouts’ the government gives to those who are in need of assistance… and has on more than one occasion implied that I, as a SSDI and Medicare recipient, am really able to work (though he knows absolutely nothing about what I deal with). Some “friends” show their true colors when it comes to politics and even when you’ve known someone since childhood, there are some things that are difficult to forgive. Thank you again… eloquent….

  1121. You are a brilliant woman with a wonderful heart and not a small amount of writing ability. I loved reading this and completely share you love of our country and your disdain for those who feel the country is now doomed. It is only doomed when the citizenry does nothing. This election showed we will do something.

    I am sharing this on my page because you speak for at least 51% of this nation. God Bless and thank you.

  1122. I wonder how many immigrants prayed to God that they could leave their home of origin for a new and prosperous life in America. Then while sailing through the high seas with urine, feces and diseasde, prayed that they would in fact make it to America. Then when they arrived prayed that they would find work so they wouldn’t starve or die of some incurable disease. I am thinking that God (Judeo-Christianity) was a key to the abililty of the leaders to establish this country in a way that would not be devisive. It was also a means by which slaves and common folk, endured the subjugation and atrocities that power and greed framed within a growing nation.

    Greed is not of God. So this world is a lie, cheat and steal place. Greed controls the government and the President unfortunately is the face that represents the parties of their respective power and greed. So to me it is laughable (unfortunately).

    Washington state now allows the sale of marijuana as a recreational drug and same-sex marriages are legal. So let me introduce to you Mr. and Mr. Washington or Mrs. and Mrs. Washington. It will be a great way to keep your relatives to a minimum and reduce the worlds population. It is among the same group (pro-gay) that don’t want government involved with religion that will benefit from the government as a result of the sacrament of marriage being.

  1123. Thank you for your thoughts, I couldn’t agree more! I thought I would share a post my father wrote the day after the election. It has a similar message:

    We have just emerged from one of the most fractious elections in my memory. Some of us consider ourselves losers and some winners. I am astounded by the amount of pure hatred that has emanated from both sides. The name calling, the denigration of character, the incredible amount of intolerance shown for the opposing side. And neither side can claim the high ground on this. Each is as guilty as
    the other.

    The sad thing to me is the number of intelligent people that I know who seem to actually believe that the president controls the destiny of our country and our lives. The country isn’t broken. We are not doomed. We will not fail because of one man. In four years somebody else will be at the helm and the country will go on as it has for two hundred thirty six years and forty four presidents.

    Yes, we had problems that started well before Mr. Obama took office. In that sense, we can say that he inherited the problems. However, President Bush did not cause these problems. Yes, some of his actions exacerbated them. In hind sight it’s easy to say we shouldn’t have returned to Iraq. We spent billions there that hurt our economy badly. 9-11 happened on his watch and we would have been furious at a lack of response. The resulting wars put a huge strain on our economy. Yes, Obama inherited that. But had Bush NOT done what he did, we would not have stood for it. (Remember all the uniting flag waving, patriotic rhetoric and even songs written about our revenge?) Yes, Mr. Obama has made mistakes in his presidency. So did President G.W. Bush, President Clinton, President H.W. Bush, President Reagan, Carter, Ford, ad-infinitum… Do we hold these men to a higher standard? Yes, as we should, but we often fail to remember that all are imperfect men. If we could elect Jesus of Nazareth we might overcome this, but he is on extended vacation and when he gets back, the presidency won’t matter to us.

    What we all fail to understand is that WE are the ones responsible for this nation. WE are responsible for its problems and WE are responsible for fixing it. American Industry is responsible for the economy. Not the President. Out businesses large and small make the decisions that affect the flow of money, domestically and foreign. The American people help decide how much goods and services cost by what we are willing to pay for and work for. When we expect to be entitled to better living, we must also understand the cost. If we demand high wages, we have to be prepared to pay high costs for the goods we produce. When foreign countries produce goods equal to or superior to American goods at lower prices, American companies must respond to reduce prices. To do this they need to reduce costs. To lower costs they need to buy cheaper raw materials (from those foreign countries perhaps?) or pay lower wages. Oh, guess what, those foreign countries also have a cheaper workforce. Hmmm… not a difficult decision if you own the company.

    Now we are exporting jobs, importing goods and materials, damaging our economy because we are demanding higher wages and we expect the government to take care of us (which is NOT free) when in point of fact, the constitution that we have all been screaming about for the past few years says ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about a free ride or our right to expect one. And that includes expecting the President, to bail us out of our problems.

    Our most cherished of documents says we have a “government of the people, by the people and for the people” but we have let it become a government of the government while we busy ourselves with name calling, doom saying, and finger pointing.

    So, how do we fix our problems? Remember that flag waving, patriotism and singing in 2001? We were Americans then, not republicans, democrats or tea drinkers. We need to become Americans once more and get over relying on the presidency, we need to get over our pettiness, we need to stop blaming the other guy (that means stop blaming the president, previous or current) and we need to get off our couches and GET TO WORK FIXING IT OURSELVES… TOGETHER.

    God Bless America
    -Michael Hager

  1124. Thank you so much for this post. I had difficulty making a decision between Obama and Romney. I do not approve of our governments massive spending issue, however I am disgusted by how far right the Republican party has become socially. I feel that there is no one that represent the middle majority in America. Still I wake up glad everyday with a optimistic hope for our nations future. I love this country and think we can do better for ourselves. “There is nothing wrong with America, that cannot be fixed with what is right in America.” – William Jefferson Clinton

  1125. Thank you for this. You put my own thoughts into words so beautifully. I was actually a little shocked at the anger some of my facebooks friends expressed on Wednesday. I was proud to share your words with them. I survived George Bush, they will survive four more years of Obama, and this great nation of ours will continue to roll along. All the best to you and yours.

  1126. Thanks for such powerful words and real perspective. How right you are! Both my parents were depression children. They knew hardship. My mother in Sweden, my father here in the U.S.A. From what I know, we have it so easy and we certainly are spoiled brats! I feel so blessed to have what I have, and often I believe I haven’t enough. The fact that I have a roof over my head, and the ability to put food on the table…I have my health…I would suggest people travel to less fortunate countries and see what it’s like there and then come home and be thankful for what you have, and the freedoms you have. Other covet them. We’re blessed beyond our own imagination!

  1127. While I can see your perspective, you should see mine: I recognize we live in a great country and we have many opportunities that others do not, many if us do not accept or want to be mediocre we want to be great and to continue to have a great nation. The people who voted for Obama did this nation a disservice: they accepted mediocrity, they accepted a president who failed to pass a budget, they accepted a president who increased the deficit to over 17 trillion. My people came from Iceland, Germany, England, and many were American Indian – I am America, I am the melting pot and I want better. Who ever voted for mediocrity should feel ashamed for accepting less than what our forefathers wanted for us.
    Sincerely and with much respect to you for speaking your mind.
    Stephanie from

  1128. Thank you so much for such a well written bit of work. . .if only the people who went ape sh*t crazy, spouting doom and gloom, could be forced to read this. .we are Americans, we will survive, that is what makes us Americans and such a great country. .

  1129. There was no god until 1954. Written by a Baptist minister in 1892 it did not include god when written. The change was to save us from the godless red scare.

  1130. “Under God” was only added to the Pledge of Allegiance in the 1950’s during the Red scare in order to separate us from those “godless communists”. The founding fathers wouldn’t be so pleased to see it there, unlike the current mythology that tries to paint them all as being very religious.

    But why are we even talking about this on this column. It was a great piece. Just leave it at that.

  1131. A good scientist knows that you can’t “prove” anything. We call this theory. Therefore, evolution cannot be proven. It is theory.

  1132. THANK YOU- for putting this out there!!! I too was scared and worried…. but you are sooooooo right. God Bless you for saying (writing) it out loud.

  1133. An Obama voting friend of mine told me to read this cuz she knows how upset I was by the results of the election. I find solace in one thing you’ve said…..four years……and that’s only cuz I won’t have to look at bho anymore. And please, spare us the scolding just because you think you’ve earned it. We all have full plates and challenges. But if you think what we are experiencing now isn’t tragic, you are right…..give it time…..and I don’t mean much…….you won’t soon recognize this nation.

  1134. Jo, I’m assuming you aren’t reading comments anymore, but just in case, nicely put.

    I’m glad this comment section has been such a good outlet for a lot of really frustrated people who seem to it.

  1135. Your all the voice of moderation when your guy gets in. …I was just where u are fours years ago when I didn’t know better. Good luck.

  1136. Jo, there is a lot I agree with on your post, but I’d like to offer another opinion for your consideration.

    You are discounting another’s opinion and usage of the word ‘tragic’ when describing Obama’s reelection, seemingly based on 3 things; our nation’s resilience to recover in 4 more years, the greatness of our nation’s freedoms and liberties, and a comparison to your personal standard of a tragic event.

    For the last point, there is no specific measurement to tragedy. Your argument that the events of 9/11 provide a benchmark of tragedy is flawed. By your argument, someone else can discount YOUR example of tragedy by comparing it to the Holocaust in WW II where many, many more lives were lost. Tragedy, therefore, is a matter of perspective of varying degree.

    On our resilience and ability to change again in 4 more years, true statement for the most part, but we do have several aging Supreme Court Justices and a major concern is that with Obama being so far left, any replacement nominee would tilt our Supreme Court too far in that direction, alienating the other half of the nation for not just 4 more years, but decades to come. But that aside, the more (perceived) damage done during the next 4 years, the longer to recover and rebuild our nation it will take.

    As far as the “buck up, we still have our liberties” argument, here’s the main fallacy I have with an otherwise thought provoking diatribe… your reference to someone’s opinion/usage of the word ‘tragedy’ in regards to Obama’s reelection as idiotic is overly critical. As you said, you are ‘scolding’ that person. Really? You are scolding someone for exercising their freedom of speech and their opinion to the degree of ‘tragedy’ they personally assess this situation to be? That, in itself, is a bit hypocritical and represents what I think is a much larger problem in our society. Bear with me one paragraph longer…

    In this nation, we have allowed our politicians to brainwash us to losing all civility in our debate with one another! Both parties have drawn a line in the sand and tell us it’s us versus them and that any compromise is abandoning our principles. Why? Because it is profitable for them to leverage this for campaign contributions and support. The reality that this election DOES prove, is that we are evenly divided as a nation, evidence from the narrow gap in the popular vote. With that being the case, neither the left nor the right can hope to win an ‘all or nothing’ war with the other. The logical conclusion should be a move towards the middle, but moderate candidates from either party never seem to gain much traction because it does not suit the needs of greedy politicians, so they convince us the moderate candidates are those that will not represent our principles. The end result is that reelecting a far left-wing president is viewed as a ‘tragedy’ to some, which in turn is viewed as ‘idiotic’ to others. Where is the civility to agree to disagree?

  1137. I honestly didn’t really want either of them – Obama or Romney. I knew if Romney was voted in, I would most probably lose the right to make decisions over my own body and many of my friends would not be allowed to marry simply based on the fact that they loved someone of the same sex. Obama, though attempting to look liberal on the outside, had disappointed me with the NDAA, continuance of the Patriot Act, and drones. I ended up purely making my election decision on what I thought this country was about – freedoms. I chose Obama because I wanted to live with my freedoms intact, and I wanted to be able to continue to make choices when it came to my own body. I can hear the rumble of the “pro-life” (I prefer to call them anti-choice) side as their blood boils in hatred over my comment, but I am not trying to argue life vs. death, moral vs. immoral. Instead, I am saying that when I was faced with this election, I tried my best to choose someone who was going to keep my freedoms, since freedom is apparently something that this country was based on.

    Really, I would like to thank Jo Ashline for saying what really needed to be said in the wake of this election. Yes, anyone who voted for Romney has the right to be upset. You did not get what you wanted and since you have the right to free speech, you are allowed to express that regret. What you must see is that, for better or for worse, we have a new president. He has four years to show us what he can do and then we’ll have a new one. That is the full extent of this problem.

    This is not the end of days (for who are you to speak for God, whether he does or does not exist), this is not the apocalypse (the theory of zombies does not seem scientifically sound), this is just life. And out of all the nations in the world you really have to count yourself lucky to have this life, for so many others around the world could never expect to have a presidential election let alone the right to complain about it.

  1138. Nice sentiment but what you don’t get is Rome is burning and from this election we may not be able to recover. Obama is shoving this country right off a cliff. Sorry but I can’t rally behind that, feel warm and fuzzy and sing Kumbyya with a bunch of celebrity influenced airheads.

  1139. Joel M- I’m a bigot? Look in the mirror.

    I will go back to my previous statement and you don’t have to answer. Do you listen to Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Fox channels? You have been “Brain-Washed”. Hitler did the same to his society before WWII. As an example watch the History Channel when Hitler’s youth were marching in the streets dressed in uniform. Hitler needed to have a cause so he picked on groups of people to blame his economy. He picked on the Jews, invalids, gay, etc. Very easy to convince his public. Likewise the Republicans (PAID and led by the 1%’s) have chosen to pick on Obama, Democrats, etc. I bet that you really believed that Obama was not born in the US. I bet you really demanded to see his birth certificate. I bet that when the statement of making Obama a “one term president” came out you really felt “your fury”. You are blind! Just like the German people were for a while. Its people like you that the Republicans are depending on to bring confusion a disarray to this economy.

  1140. Absurdity. Ignoring the years between 1980-1992, the again the years dating 2000-2008; all of the years and administrations and the parties the controlled the White House, House and Senate from 1980-2012, created this mess.

    The Republicans and Democrats spend like there is no tomorrow. Both side have done nothing to right this ship. The Republicns like to enrich companies and the wealthy with tax cuts they do not need, then spend both blood and treasure on wars that never needed fighting. The Democrats insist in th transfer of wealth while saving every citizen from their own mistakes without responsibility.

    Both parties sold us bad deals. Both parties lie. Both parties refuse to meet in the center. Both parties are bought and paid for by corporate and special interests.

    Money controls both major parties. Vote Independent next time. Shake the political system up. Stop living your lives with blinders on. You do not control your government anymore. Money does. No conspiracy theories, just simple money.

    Wake up and take back your government!

  1141. Lethia Williams, You are so right in your previous statement. The problem is that “money buys money = power” and those who have it don’t want to budge. They have been doing everything in their “power = $$$” to control the economy which brings us to ALL THE DISCUSSIONS that are taking place in this blog.

  1142. Thank you Jo, for a reasoned and reasonable post. What will surely rip this great Nation asunder is terminal partisanship! It’s time that all the kids go back to grade school and relearn sharing and getting along. No one is always right…No path is without potential peril…No opinion is without a counter…No society can survive without HUMANITY! This country managed to survive 8 years with Dick Cheney in charge, certainly 4 more years of President Obama can be no more damaging. And if you really believe that this is a sign of the Apocalypse, I challenge you to find a better place to live!!

  1143. Amen Mik! When people gleefully vote for their own enslavement, that is a tragic day. This blogger’s parents left Poland because of crappy health care and the side effects of communism…crappy health care for all is on the way. Wait, Obama will do socialism the “right” way…Yes we can!

  1144. I completely agree with you. It’s not sick. It is a principle called “Separation of Church and State”. However, if you want the two to go together, then move to a place like Iran where it is a theocracy! You can impose your religion on others and even hang them if they don’t agree! Oh wait…majority are Christian here. Then get rid of democracy and create that! Then you won’t have to worry about it because then everything will be according to faith driven laws…will that mean then that the Salem witch trials will come again? Just wondering…

  1145. . . . . And, if you don’t think like I do, you will also be deleted off my page. What’s fair is fair.

    I wonder what you would be saying today if Obama had not be re-elected? I don’t have to stand behind anything I do not believe in. I don’t have to agree with someone because of a political office they hold. By the way, how respectful were you of George Bush? Stand behind him because he was President, did you? I sure hope so. I feel sure you must have. I would hate to think I was talking to a hypocrite.

    It will be interesting to see your opinion four years from now, and to see just how “free” we all are then.

  1146. Actually, if you look at our history, “Under God” was put in the pledge during the cold war. It was in 1954, the Eisenhower years. Historically it read, “”I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” It was in the height of the McCarthy era that “Under God” was inserted. Previously our pledge had followed the lead of those who wrote the Constitution to allow each to his own religious counsel. That actually is one of the aspects of our nation that differentiated others at the time. Some of those that penned the Constitution were deeply religious while others were agnostic and they believed that this United States of America could make room for individual choice regarding our understanding of a god head. We forget to read our history.

  1147. For all you crackpots out there who believe in a creator god – Get a life will you? It goes to show how ignorant you are of our own universe. The only religion (or philosophy) that makes sense is Buddhism. Buddha said this long before Christ ” There is no creator. The universe that we know of is just one instance of a process that has happened billions of times and will happen billions of times in the future. Everything is a cycle. The measurement of time we know of has no essence. Its all in the mind”

    If all these religious fanatics (Christians, Muslims and Jews) understand this there will be peace on earth.

  1148. You are my new hero also
    Beautifully written and so graceful.
    I am going to share on my wall.

  1149. @ Fatsally, My father only voted for Presidet Obama 4 years ago. He did not vote for him this term, that is why I stand bhind his words even more so.

  1150. Is anybody concerned that half of this country thinks the other half are complete morons? there is nothing more devisive than politics, not even religion.

  1151. Beautiful! I’m sharing on Facebook – the Link, so people have to come HERE to read it! 🙂

  1152. Jo, wow… Every single thing you stated was so very true and right on. We, as a nation, need to be together. Not torn apart on our differences. I will share this post with pride on my wall, and hopefully one day the older generation will wake up and help to bring us out of the battleground 18th century. We’re on our way as th younger generation with new, branching ideals takes over

  1153. god may have put you somewhere, but not i. nice to hear your polarizing nature has worked for you if no one else. thx for telling the rest of us what to think and what to believe, the U.S. is not gods country either, another accusation made by those who deem the rest of the world as irrelevant if it isn’t theirs. good job blinders !

  1154. My parents came here in the 50’s from Greece and Cuba.. My mom made it out before Castro took over. They became citizens. They voted. For what little they began with they were totally grateful. Look at how their countries are today. They are lucky to be Americans, for whatever reasons they be. I was born here, so I have no choice. But I have a voice, I have a prayer, I have slight optimism for things getting better. I hope those in other countries suffering through bombings and stuff can just mark days of peace coming soon on their calendars!

  1155. Dear Jo, I was truly touched by this blog! People do not know what true tragedy is. Your’s was a fine example. My mother’s family suffered terrible tragedies when the Soviet NKDV took over their homes in Lwow, Poland and sent them to the Siberia gulag, the infamous forced labor camp of Starobielsk during WWII. There are things more TRAGIC than having Democrat Obama as President! As you stated, they can vote again in 4 year! While people “forget just how amazing and resilient and FREE our nation truly is…. But you also woke up in the same country where you are Free to express your religious beliefs, Free to speak your mind, Free to choose where you want to live, and Free to think idiotic things.”
    I absolutely loved the way you concluded your blog, those words were extra special for me…”Do something kind for someone. Be someone’s hero. Spread kindness and tolerance. Teach your children that diversity is the cornerstone of this country and show them that NOT ONLY IS IT POSSIBLE TO LOSE WITH DIGNITY AND RESPECT, IT’S IMPERATIVE IF WE’RE TO MOVE FORWARD AS A NATION.”
    I was upset no one responded when I re-posted your blog! Thank you for your beautiful writing!

  1156. Spoken like a true democrat and that is why getting Obama back in office is indeed TRAGIC. We are being led by a man and party that don’t believe that God is real. I had to remind a democrat friend of mine that the DNC had to vote 3 times to put God into their platform. Why was God removed from the platform? The fact that God was removed from the DNC platform is TRAGIC. I assure you that according to the Bible, every knee will bow before God. It will either be here on this earth accepting the free gift of salvation or it will be in eternity on your way to hell. Having a leader that doesn’t fear God is truly TRAGIC, almost as bad as losing 3,000 Americans to a terrorist attack. BTW, if Obama doesn’t step up and retaliate for the Libya debacle, you can expect more domestic terrorism in the USA. Obama does not have the backbone that either of the President Bushes had and if he continues to be a wimp, the terrorists will be back and before Obama’s next 4 years are up, we will be learning Arabic. THAT IS TRAGIC. I am happy to live in a country that allows us to speak our mind, but this country is headed for hard times if we do not see that we are nothing without God.

  1157. Thank you for this post – it is my hope that our country can all pull together for the good of all rather than continue to shout at each other and call each other names on Facebook. Of course the same thing needs to happen in Washington ! Lol. Thank you for saying what we all need to hear. My husband has been going to Honduras for years to do mission work there. We are SO fortunate to live in this country – we take so much for granted it isn’t funny.

  1158. Oh, how sad to hear you say “there is no god”. God gives you the very breath you breathe. God gives you the ability to see, speak, hear, feel, move. He enables you to write what you have written. He enables you to do everything, to function as a human being. He can stamp you out in a blink of your eye. He is almighty, magestic, ever knowing, ever seeing, everywhere. You are such a sad spectacle of a human being to denounce our God and Savior. There was a man in the Bible who did not recognize God as His creator, Provider and he said, “I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones”, because they weren’t big enough to hold all his wealth. God said , “You fool! Tonight your very soul will be required of thee.” He was eaten by worms. There was another man who said, there is no God. God said, “A fool says in his heart, ‘there is no God.’ ” So, choose your own poison.

  1159. You are so wrong! Have you ever read in the “old History” books the ones written before the change artists got hold of them, about the Pilgrims who came to this country to get away from religious persecution? The first thing they did when they got off the ship was to kneel down and thank “GOD” for a safe journey and for the possibility of spreading the Gospel in this brave new world they had just come to. What God do you think they were praying to? ALLAH? Buddha? Ninja? or who? They were praying to God the Creator of Heaven and earth.

  1160. This is incredible!!! THANKS for writing this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE and people to to listen and take heart!

  1161. Boom…it has only been “one nation under God” since about 1957 when that addition to the pledge as added against our will if you do not recall…many of us still do not recite that added bit as it is not how we learned the pledge of allegiance when we were children…also on our money it used to be E Pluribus unum was enough (translated to our of many, one) without any BS about God anywhere but same era the whole In God We Trust bit was also added o our paper money…it was only since then & it would have made the founders roll in their graves Boom as they wanted a strict separation of Church & State….please learn your facts before making such statements in future, eh?

  1162. Except we are NOT “one nation under God” despite the wishes of the Christian theocrats who hijacked our pledge, our motto and our money in the 1950’s.

    We are in fact a nation that ACCEPTS that there are many gods (and goddesess) people believe in but we are under NONE of them. To say we are one nation UNDER a particular God violates the very principles that this SECULAR nation was founded upon. A nation founded by people FLEEING FROM countries that were “under God” and founded on Christianity and The Bible I might add.

  1163. Nell, you mean the Pilgrims who fled persecution only to become the most vile and ardent persecutors themselves? Sure we know all about them We know the Pilgrims wanted to spread the so called “good news” of your Gospel (basically propaganda) – it’s what you Christians are programmed to do. Nothing special there. It’s basically subjugate and destroy all those who don’t believe as you do. Millions of murdered Native Americans can testify to that. And you ask what god the Pilgrims were praying to? Well, anyone who’s seriously studied the subject knows that the imaginary man-made god they prayed to was an obscure middle eastern desert tribal totem deity cobbled together by some goat herders from a dozen or so earlier gods of the region.

    So your point is?

  1164. JJPMD, we don’t need your “god” as our standard for what is just. We do much better in that regard without him. None of our laws are based on him or his book. And for good measure – WE don’t drown millions of people on a whim, commit mass genocide or have women and children stoned to death for frivolous reasons. Your god is hardly an “absolute moral standard” when he is the biggest hypocrite and murderer in history.

  1165. B. Sullivan – NONE of this country’s ideals are validated by, based upon or find their roots in any way in the Bible or its god. In fact quite the opposite is the case; Biblical and Christian principles are the ANTITHESIS of democracy, equality and freedom. The ten commandments directly violate our Constitution as do just about every other “moral” or law in The Bible except perhaps those against murder and theft which predate the Bible and its god anyway. I challenge you to find a SINGLE nation in the past 4000 years the Bible has been around or the 2000 years that Christianity has been, that values anything remotely like religious freedom, equality, or any of the other principles this country was founded upon. You won’t because those values are SECULAR values. The bottom line is that people came to this country FLEEING FROM countries based on Christian and Biblical principles because those principles are only good for oppressive monarchies and theocracies just like those of the Koran and Islam.

  1166. While you all contemplate when “under God” went into the pledge of allegiance or if there is a God which there is because you atheists have NO PROOF THERE ISN’T Obama is sinking this country financially from the inside.So why don’t you take all your PASSION for the subject to WASHINGTON AND PUT IT TO GOOD USE AND GET HIM OUT OF OFFICE BEFORE THIS COUNTRY IS BROKE AND WE ARE THE UNITED STATES OF CHINA!!!!!

  1167. I was wondering if you ever considered changing the layout of your blog?

    Its very well written; I love what youve got to say.
    But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better.
    Youve got an awful lot of text for only having one or 2
    pictures. Maybe you could space it out better?

  1168. I want to to thank you for this excellent read!! I absolutely
    loved every bit of it. I’ve got you book-marked to look
    at new things you post…

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