My landscape
It used to be wide open
far reaching
not quite limitless
comparatively speaking,
pretty darn close
between Then and Now
It started to shrink
slow motion at first
I almost missed it
But things like these
have a tendency to feed
on people like me
(you know, the ones whose hearts and heads are dictated by fear)
and pretty soon
I had less room
and things started getting very crowded
here i sit
in a small local coffee shop
you would probably think it’s quaint
but I’m trying very hard not to
run away
catch myself holding my breath
Someone moved
someone coughed
something isn’t right
where’s the #%^#! exit
One hour
One hour I lasted today
in a coffee shop down the street
Have I told you that I’ve been to ROME?
Walked inside the Colosseum?
Marveled at the Sistine Chapel?
Ate the most perfect gelato from a hidden treasure left of the Trevi Fountain?
Have I told you I’ve hiked the Grand Canyon?
White water kayaked?
Canoed 25 miles down the Colorado River?
Have I told you that I rode
36 hours in a bus
from Poland
to England (ferry time not included)
with the flu
because I fell in love with LONDON
(Okay, fine. It was the Pimm’s and Lemonade)
((Okay, fine. It was mostly the Pimm’s and Lemonade but also the accent))
Have I told you I haven’t driven a freeway in nearly three years?
That I get dizzy in restaurants?
That I don’t remember what it’s like to feel safe anymore?
That sometimes, when we’re in the middle of a conversation
and your lips are moving
and you’re probably saying something very very important
my eyes get blurry
my palms get sweaty
my balance becomes unsteady
and instead of listening to whatever crap is coming out of your mouth i just want to
My landscape
it’s so small now
so pathetic
ROME seems
what I wouldn’t do
for some more
of that
This is so poetic Jo – Love it!
Someday soon…when you are driving freeways, climbing the Eiffel Tower, staring at the Sistine Chapel, walking the dog (in London)…you will STILL be my hero.