Video: Autistic Man Abused by Caregivers

This is going to be hard to watch. But watch it anyway. Watch it because this 23 year-old young man matters. Watch it because it deserves to be seen. Watch it because it will make you uncomfortable. If you watch it, and it doesn’t make you uncomfortable, then we’ve got ourselves a real big problem…

And a Little Child Shall Lead Them.

I’ve taken him every single day since the new school year began on August 23rd. It was a deal I made with him, to ease the transition from being at home for the summer to going back into the classroom for six hours each day. Between working on his IEP goals, attending speech, occupational, and…

Why I FINALLY Joined the PTA

They’re tucked towards the back of the modest sized campus; four portable classrooms in the left corner, dedicated to the special education students that comprise a healthy chunk of the overall student population at the school. At any given time you can see these K-6th graders walking around campus, assisted by an aide or teacher,…

The Special Needs Child and the Working Mom

An article published the other day on revealed that moms who parent a child with autism are approximately 6% less likely to have a job, work an average of 7 hours less per week, and earn less than half of their counterparts: working moms without special needs children. It may be news to some,…