Why I FINALLY Joined the PTA

They’re tucked towards the back of the modest sized campus; four portable classrooms in the left corner, dedicated to the special education students that comprise a healthy chunk of the overall student population at the school. At any given time you can see these K-6th graders walking around campus, assisted by an aide or teacher,…

On Winging It

I swear, if he could he would make a valiant effort at climbing back inside the womb. (But since there’s not a chance in hell that’s ever going to happen, he has to make due with close-knit embraces instead)   He squirms and he rolls and he arches his way into my arms burrowing his…

Polish Sausage Sandwiches Deserve to be Passed Down

“Oh my God. What is that smell?” “Eww! Where is it coming from?” “I’m gonna barf!” “Um, yeah, um, gross………um, yuck…….that’s so, um….ewww.” I tried my best to join in on the running commentary regarding the foul smell filling up my 3rd grade classroom a. Because it really did smell. b. Because the smell was…

Isn’t it Ironic?

I spent the majority of my late teens desperately trying to escape the confines of my parents and their outdated and unfair rules. I smoked like a chimney, switching to Menthols when I had a cold or the flu, because they “felt” better and “soothed” my throat. I snuck booze out of my parents liquor…

A is for Apple and…Ace of Spades?

I love it when Mikey spends time with the boys. The sounds of laughter coming from the bedroom as the men in my life build new cities out of legos and create artwork that would rival Picasso make me all kinds of warm and fuzzy inside. They speak their own language when they are together,…