What do you do when your non-verbal special needs child uses his speech device (in Andrew’s case an iPad mini featuring Proloquo2Go) to make a very specific request first thing in the morning? Why, you change your plans, pack your crap, and reinforce the hell out of his amazing communication via miraculous technology! Yesterday morning…
Hold On Mama. Hope is Here. (A Post Dedicated to an Autism Mommy “Desperate” to Hear Her Son’s Voice)
As a blogger, I like checking to see how people end up on my site using various search terms on Google (though some have me questioning topics I’ve covered here) but there’s one from today that particularly stands out and breaks my heart: “autism mommy desperate to hear child speak.” So, autism mommy, this one’s…
Kid App Fail
Is it just me or should someone over at quality control have thought this particular sequence of sounds through a little bit better?
Autism Spectrum Radio: A Parent’s Perspective (Mine!)
So I was on a radio show yesterday (my very first one!) and though I don’t foresee a career in this medium (I hear you have to have a specific face for that and I’m pretty sure I don’t qualify) I really enjoyed myself and would definitely do it again. The show was featured on…
How an iPad can give a voice to special needs children
Andrew is kicking some serious communication ass thanks to his iPad (which, if you recall, he received from a guardian angel by the name of Gary James back in August of this year). I’ve written a pretty fantabulous article about the whole darn thing for my column with OC Moms for The Orange County Register…