Andrew is kicking some serious communication ass thanks to his iPad (which, if you recall, he received from a guardian angel by the name of Gary James back in August of this year).
I’ve written a pretty fantabulous article about the whole darn thing for my column with OC Moms for The Orange County Register that I think you ought to check out. There’s a link to a slideshow to the right of the piece as well, showcasing Andrew, his iPad, his awesome therapist Kristen, and some apps that we are currently using.
I think you’ll agree that we need to help folks like Gary James get iPads into the hands of EVERY special needs child, teen and adult across the universe. Gary also just announced that his non-profit, Very Special People, will be live as of January 1st, 2012; stay tuned to see how you can help fund raising efforts in the next coming weeks and months!
In the meantime, check out the article, share it, love it and comment on it!
Can’t wait to hear what you think!
I think it’s fabulous!!
That is wonderful! I am so glad he is experiencing success with it. What kind of case is it in? I have a friend trying to find a good case that will really protect it for her son.
Hi Kimberly! Thanks for your comment. The case is called Big Grips. It was pretty affordable, under 40 bucks, excluding shipping costs.
I think it’s pretty darn fabulous too! =)