Advocacy and Asshats

Sometimes, I’m tired. Sometimes, there are days when I don’t want to put on my big girl panties and my Cloak of Advocacy (which, if you must know, is made of the softest velvet and the perfect shade of green to accentuate my eyes)  and go out into the real world and shake my fist…

Disneyland Guest Assistance Passes Not a “Perk”

Our special needs son Andrew loves Disneyland; but that’s not what makes him unique. After all, you’d be hard pressed to find a child that doesn’t dream of spending day in and day out at the world’s most famous amusement park. What does make Andrew unique, however, is that unlike many other children his age,…

Why My Best Friend’s Daughter Made Me Cry

It’s not a conversation you expect to have with a 2nd grader. I was in the car the other day with my son Andrew, and my best friend’s daughter, Berkeley (yeah, like the school). We were in the McDonald’s drive-thru (hey, I don’t just want my kids to be unhealthy) when Berkeley spoke up from…

I’m Aware.

I’m aware. I’m aware that the majority of society does not look too kindly on having to slow down and wait for someone slower and clumsier than they are. I’m aware of every sound way before you are, desperately trying to ascertain whether the next noise my son hears will be the undoing of him.…