You hear about it, over and over again, until it’s no longer shocking. Just incredibly sad. You imagine what you would do if it happened to your kid. But you never actually believe that it would, because, how could it? You’re vigilant, involved, dedicated, educated, aware. You volunteer, you show up to meetings with cookies…
Video: Autistic Man Abused by Caregivers
This is going to be hard to watch. But watch it anyway. Watch it because this 23 year-old young man matters. Watch it because it deserves to be seen. Watch it because it will make you uncomfortable. If you watch it, and it doesn’t make you uncomfortable, then we’ve got ourselves a real big problem…
When bubbles burst: Alleged abuse of special needs students hits way too close to home
I’m not saying that I’ve been living in a bubble. I mean, I don’t think you CAN live in a bubble when you parent a special needs child. You must remain vigilant at all times; whether for medical reasons, potential IEP shenanigans, or anything pertaining to the well-being and continued development of your child, you…