Seriously…. Elton John…………no? Spread the love ← soccer mom in mourning Truth Be Told.. → 2 Replies to “Look-Alike” OMG!!!! This picture has made my morning, classic! He is so handsome So handsome. As we aren’t really related by blood. Would you mind teaching him many wonderful things and preparing him for marriage with Lola. Or perhaps Fifi? Does he like blonds? I promise that they will know how to cook stuffed cabbage. 😉 Leave a ReplyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
So handsome. As we aren’t really related by blood. Would you mind teaching him many wonderful things and preparing him for marriage with Lola. Or perhaps Fifi? Does he like blonds? I promise that they will know how to cook stuffed cabbage. 😉
OMG!!!! This picture has made my morning, classic! He is so handsome
So handsome.
As we aren’t really related by blood. Would you mind teaching him many wonderful things and preparing him for marriage with Lola. Or perhaps Fifi?
Does he like blonds? I promise that they will know how to cook stuffed cabbage. 😉