Don’t get your panties in a bunch.

So, have you ever gone to a fancy event at a five-star resort dressed to the nines in a flattering dress only to realize you picked the wrong pair of underwear because the minute the valet opened your car door and you stepped onto the sidewalk you felt your panties begin to bunch up and…

Video: Autistic Man Abused by Caregivers

This is going to be hard to watch. But watch it anyway. Watch it because this 23 year-old young man matters. Watch it because it deserves to be seen. Watch it because it will make you uncomfortable. If you watch it, and it doesn’t make you uncomfortable, then we’ve got ourselves a real big problem…

Spoiled Rotten.

My father says I spoil him. He’s mostly joking (I think) and loves to give me a hard time about the way I dote on my youngest son. My youngest son. Who turned 9 years old today.   My baby (though I would never call him that in front of his fellow manly 9 year…

And a Little Child Shall Lead Them.

I’ve taken him every single day since the new school year began on August 23rd. It was a deal I made with him, to ease the transition from being at home for the summer to going back into the classroom for six hours each day. Between working on his IEP goals, attending speech, occupational, and…