Subject 2 quickly agrees and wipes drool from face.
Subject 1 and 2 enjoy Starbucks pit stop to fortify themselves prior to entering said Target.
Subject 1 attempts to hog radio station selection. Subject 2 quickly asserts herself and after brief scuffle during which Subject 1 almost runs into a pole, both subjects come to an agreement on Lady Gaga tune.
Subject 1 thinks she is Lady Gaga. Subject 2 is disgusted.
Subjects arrive at destination and enter through automatic doors. Large red cart is located and retreived.
Subject 1 begins to make her way towards lingerie section.
Subject 2 follows suit but makes detour to pick up some family necessities.
Subject 2 tries not to stare at Subject 1’s underwear choice, which is clearly slutty and inappropriate.
Subject 1 heads to makeup and self-care aisle.
Subject 2 heads to pullupswipescheeseitsyogurtfruitsnacktylenollunchablelaundrydetergent aisle.
Subjects reconvene at check-out.
Please refer to Exhibit A
is it about the panties, cause i havent worn them yet so if you play your cards right, they might end up in your stocking this year…I love you =) lets go to nordstrom next time and see what happens there.
so funny
Hysterical Jo! Needless to say, I can relate.
LMAO you two are hilarious! Love it!
You know you're a grown up when….
*Fun Halloween Dish towel purchase excites you more than a case of beer.
*A sale on detergent leaves you more satisfied than a Duke's breakfast burrito.
*Your G-String is replaced by a better "G" style. It's called Granny panties. HEY! They are comfortable!
*You ENJOY shopping….at Target.
I am not a mom yet but I feel ya Jo!
Hahaha!!!! Those undies are cute but they look uncomfortable. I think that probably makes me fall into the Subject 2 category, huh? 😉
Love the gacie!
My first visit to your blog, & what a hilarious entry!!!
OMG. This is EXACTLY what it is like when I go shopping with my sister who is 8 years younger than me! Hilarious!