Long After

Long after he takes two timid steps up to his seat Long after he is buckled in next to his aide Long after I blow him one last kiss Long after the doors are closed and the driver pulls away from the house Long after the van rounds the corner and there is no one…

Why I FINALLY Joined the PTA

They’re tucked towards the back of the modest sized campus; four portable classrooms in the left corner, dedicated to the special education students that comprise a healthy chunk of the overall student population at the school. At any given time you can see these K-6th graders walking around campus, assisted by an aide or teacher,…

From One Special Needs Mom to Another

You don’t know me But I saw your son at school today. He was wearing a red shirt, and I waved as his sweet face gazed up at me from behind the fence. (I remember when my Andrew was that little.)   You must love him so much.   Anyway, I noticed he was alone…