Happy Birthday to My Kid and Some Other Stuff

I’ve spent the last several hours sitting on my living room couch, pouring over photos of my children, my husband, my family and friends. My youngest son, Ian, turns 10 today, and nostalgia has filled up my heart and mind, as I struggle to accept how quickly time has passed, knowing it will continue to…

Even if He Asks for the Moon….

What do you do when your non-verbal special needs child uses his speech device (in Andrew’s case an iPad mini featuring Proloquo2Go) to make a very specific request first thing in the morning? Why, you change your plans, pack your crap, and reinforce the hell out of his amazing communication via miraculous technology! Yesterday morning…

Attitude Adjustment on Aisle 17

Trust me when I tell you that what came out of my mouth wasn’t at all what I truly wanted to say to her.  But I was suspended in that fragile moment between trying to hold it together for the sake of my children and succumbing to the need to come apart at the seams,…

Thirty Seconds

The irony is not lost on me. Yesterday, while reading an AP article I was interviewed for about wandering and elopement among the autism community, I turned to my husband and asked that dreaded question: “Where’s Andrew?” We had been mere inches from him all morning, contained together in the close quarters of our living…

The Long Way is No Longer the Only Way

  Until last Sunday afternoon, I hadn’t driven on a freeway in six years. Now, if I lived in rural Iowa, this wouldn’t be a big deal, or very surprising. But I happen to be a Southern California resident and around these parts our freeways are not unlike the veins in our bodies; we rely…