And Then You Came and Made Us Whole

Your father he loves to tell the story of how the nurses had to part your hair with a comb after you were born   I love the part when my water broke at midnight and your dad fast asleep on the hospital cot next to me nearly broke his neck jumping out of bed…

Home Run

He started the day with his fingers crossed that the baseball fields would be dry. It hailed here yesterday and we Southern Californians are, well, a bit wimpy when it comes to weather. Our  Parks and Recreation officials tend to take rain very seriously and baseball fields are often closed after a downpour. Even if…


  If you’ve been a reader of my blog for a while, you should already know my opinion on the use of the r-word. If you’re new here, let me sum it up for you: Don’t. Don’t use it. Don’t ignore it when someone else uses it. Don’t be afraid to speak up and make…