I Surrender

Something about this feels very familiar. The whole waking up with one kid totally congested and holy hell you didn’t know that a 50 pound human could produce so much snot and then the other child comes to you and curls up in your lap first thing in the morning (which he never does because…

The Evolution of an Apology

First it was THIS. Then it was THIS. Then THIS. Then THIS. Finally though, I think I get it. I think. Maybe it’s because I’m just a few short days away from my period….I don’t freaking know but in any case I’m over here bawling my eyes out because one  week later I think I…

Us vs Them

I have to admit. I was a little taken aback at the hoopla surrounding my Suck It Autism post and last week was a whirlwind of negativity and support as some readers picked apart my intentions with a fine toothed comb; those who know me best or can at least relate to my daily life…