Just Click the Link. Before I Change My Mind.

I always thougt I would do it here, on this blog.I pictured the words a thousand times, and imagined the deep exhale that would come with finally giving you all of me, creatively speaking. But for some reason, I chose this place.Because it felt safe.Because it felt right.Because at the end of the day, it doesn’t…

Enough Already

What rhymes with Cystic Fibrosis?* Who gives a flying @#%$. Our sweet boy Andrew, who proves to us time and time again that what matters in this LIFE is Love, Patience, Hope and Strength, has tested positive for this disease. God, grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot changeCourage to change the things we…

I Do Okay (For the Most Part)

I do okay (for the most part). I trust that the world will see us through though I know, from experience, that if we expect perfection we will be sorely disappointed, time and time again. I wake in the mornings mindful not to dread what’s ahead focusing instead (for the most part) on growing the…

Beauty Pageants and Barf

  I know what you’re thinking. “I wonder how Jo is doing with her vertigo?  Also, what’s the deal with beauty pageants for little girls? They’re just creepy.” The answer to your first question is that I’ve started physical therapy to try and help alleviate some of the more bothersome (read frickin annoying) symptoms.  Once…

Enlightening My Son, One Conversation at a Time.

“Mom?” “Yes honey?” “Do you think Andrew will ever talk?” “Well, babe, he already does, in his own little way.” “No.  I mean talk, like you and I.” “I don’t know baby.  We’re working really hard to help him with that, but it’s not as easy for him as it is for us.” “I know. …

As the World Turns

As many of you know, I suffer from a bunch of crap, but one of the crappiest things is my vertigo.  Lately I’ve had the opportunity to narrow down the triggers associated with these debilitating attacks.  Knowing what to avoid will surely help me in my struggle to overcome these dizzy spells and allow me to live…

This Commercial is Rated "Holy Crap!"

The husband and I have been sick the last few days, which means the kids have been fending for themselves. I hope they’re alright.  I keep hearing this noise that could almost be mistaken for someone wailing “Feed me, please!” but I can’t be sure because I’m deaf in one ear and the other ear could…