Babcia Wala’s Polish Bedtime Nursery Rhyme

My 85 year old Polish grandmother was sitting in my living room tonight, Monchichi tucked in next to her.  The sight of them cuddling together like that was so sweet.  I heard her reciting what sounded like a nursery rhyme, so, tilting my head back and ignoring my Scrabble Slam game for a moment, I began listening carefully from…

Facebook Envy

Recently my husband did something that is proving quite detrimental to his overall health and well being. He started a Facebook account.This has me slightly annoyed.  And by slightly annoyed I mean blindingly pissed.  But I’ve tried to downplay it by offering him technical support: “I’d love to help you cancel your account.” For some reason he hasn’t…

Everyone Loves a Pop Quiz

  Okay boys and girls.  Please take out your #2 pencil.  No peeking at your neighbor’s work and remember, if you get an answer wrong, you’re obviously stupid. In the last five days did Monchichi: a.  Open the car door and try to get out of the car while we were stopped at a red…

Monday’s Gonna Suck

She came into our lives three summers ago, a replacement for the therapist who got canned because he had fallen asleep while our four year old son played on the second floor balcony in our home. She didn’t have very big shoes to fill; our biggest requirement? Someone who would stay awake during the three…


Potty training our eight year old special needs son is, if nothing else, a testament to that age old saying “if it doesn’t kill you it only makes you want to kill yourself.” We try to keep our chins up and our hands covered in latex at all times.  Also, we try to ignore the…

We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Program…

  to bring you a giant dose of Adorable! I just found this photo yesterday, in a giant stack of forgotten pictures, and OMG! Warning:  Viewing the photo below may result in a warm and fuzzy feeling; also, you may experience a sudden flood of giddiness and joy.   It’s Monchichi, circa Fall of 2002.…

Tennis, Anyone?

I’ve never been one of those moms who pushes her kids into a hobby or sport and then expects them to master said activity for the sole purpose of competing at the highest level, eventually becoming filthy rich and/or famous.  Oh sure, the majority of us want our kids to be healthy, happy, and be…