Tiny Giant

“Daddy, could you get the elephant soap down for me please?” “Sure buddy, why?” “Cause I want to wash Monchichi so that you don’t have to do it tonight.” *sigh* Sometimes it feels like God is in the room with you. Like right now.

Urgent Memo

To: My Parents Subject: Why I’m Not You Just in case you didn’t already know it,few simple examples of why we are different. So, so very different. I serve my children hot dogs. Yes. Oscar Meyer. Stop hyperventilating Mama, the German Deli is not always open and the Polish Deli is overpriced. So yes, sometimes,…


Last nightfor the umpteenth time since we’ve been marriedmy husband left me. Usually it’s for another woman.Or he just gets bored.Or I’m too high maintenance for him This time he proclaimed “There’s just no chemistry.” I tried everything. I begged.I pleaded.I cried. I hiked up my skirt.Wore painful heels.Promised new moves in the bedroom. Nothing.…

The Snowman that Won’t Melt

Monchichi makes sure that we exercise our family motto of “just roll with it” on a daily basis. If it’s not the growing collection of mystery cans strewn about the house, it’s the pile of half-consumed water bottles he keeps adding to each day. It’s kind of sad really; like a little cemetery for plastic…

5 Going on 15

I am getting Superman dressed for Polish school. It is a rare rainy day in Orange County. After digging in the kids’ closet for something warm and rainproof, I emerge victorious, a blue and red jacket that has been hibernating in the very back for almost a year. “I am not wearing that to school…


This has been a four letter word in our house since Monchichi began to walk. When he first graduated from crawling, we had no idea what was in store. Even prior to his official autism diagnosis, we knew things weren’t going according to plan. He began to elope instantly; the more you wanted him to…

Recipe for the Perfect Family

One highlighted blonde, in a red, curve hugging sweater, drinking the evening away with her boss, who happens to be dating the owner of the sports bar they are in. One hot twenty-something guy, facial hair in all the right places, sitting two tables over with some rowdy friends. One jukebox, playing Prince, much to…